epidermal cultures may harbour other epidermal cell types, e.g. melanocytes, is often .... Supplement stock solutions are prepared as follows either under sterile ...
Chapter 5 Establishment of Spontaneously Immortalized Keratinocyte Lines from Wild-Type and Mutant Mice Julia Reichelt and Ingo Haase Abstract A considerable number of transgenic or knockout mice in which epidermal keratinocytes have been targeted die shortly after birth due to barrier defects. In this case, recovery and cultivation of keratinocytes from these animals provide an opportunity for in vitro studies. Working with isolated keratinocytes is also interesting for certain experiments which cannot be performed in live animals. Primary human keratinocytes can be kept in culture for a variable number of passages and then senesce. Immortalization can be achieved by transduction with constructs encoding viral genes. Murine keratinocytes can be kept in culture as primary cells. Naturally the numbers of cells obtained by direct isolation from mouse epidermis is restricted and sometimes not sufficient for certain biochemical analyses. To overcome this restriction some permanent murine keratinocyte lines have been generated by transfection with SV40T or HPV E6E7 genes. This is, however, not suitable if established or hypothetical biochemical links exist between these genes and the pathways or processes to be analysed in the respective experiment. We describe an easy and reproducible method of establishing permanent keratinocyte lines from spontaneously immortalized primary murine keratinocytes. This method employs co-cultivation of keratinocytes with 3T3-J2 fibroblast feeder cells for several passages during which immortalization occurs. The resulting keratinocyte lines do not only grow infinitely but, in many cases, individual lines from the same genetic background also exhibit similar growth characteristics, hence they are especially valuable for comparative studies. Key words: Mouse keratinocytes, Immortalization, 3T3-J2, Fibroblast feeder cells.
1. Introduction The methods currently used to isolate and cultivate murine keratinocytes for experimental purposes can have major disadvantages. Although primary keratinocytes are probably closest to the in vivo situation, their isolation and cultivation in sufficient numbers requires large amounts of neonatal mice bred just for this purpose. K. Turksen (ed.), Epidermal Cells, Methods in Molecular Biology 585, DOI 10.1007/978-1-60761-380-0_5, ª Humana Press, a part of Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2005, 2010
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Furthermore, these cultures are not sustainable. Primary keratinocytes tend to differentiate rapidly in culture and cannot be propagated for long in order to yield a sufficient pool of comparable cells for large-scale experiments. Furthermore, the fact that primary epidermal cultures may harbour other epidermal cell types, e.g. melanocytes, is often disregarded. Mouse keratinocytes have been immortalized in the past by using transfection with recombinant retroviruses encoding HPV16 E6 and E7 genes (1) or by isolating cells from transgenic mice carrying an inducible SV40 T antigen gene (2) (ImmortoMouse, Charles River Laboratories). However, these immortalized keratinocytes harbour the risk of displaying unexpected or unwanted modifying effects caused by the transforming gene or the viral vector (3, 4). Here, we describe a simple method to establish spontaneously immortalized keratinocyte lines from wild-type or from genetically modified mice. Several of the keratinocyte lines generated in this way have by now been serially cultivated for more than 250 passages with no obvious changes in morphological or growth characteristics. The protocol starts with the isolation of keratinocytes from neonatal mouse skin and their co-cultivation with 3T3 fibroblast feeder cells for four to eight passages (1–3 months). From these isolated cells multiple keratinocyte clones emerge which proliferate and continue growing as immortalized keratinocyte lines without feeder cells after the initial four to eight passages. We compared several wild-type keratinocyte lines obtained from BABL/c mice with each other and with keratin 10 (K10)-deficient keratinocyte lines isolated from K10 knockout mice (5–8). K10 expression is restricted to differentiated keratinocytes present in the suprabasal epidermis or in differentiating keratinocytes grown in high-calcium medium. In low-calcium medium K10 is not expressed and therefore K10-deficient keratinocytes should behave like wild-type cells. We analysed several lines of wild-type and K10–/– keratinocytes and found that all tested lines showed the same growth and migration characteristics (see Fig. 5.1). Importantly, the spontaneous immortalization did not impair the intrinsic differentiation potential of the keratinocytes. Switching confluent cultures of spontaneously immortalized keratinocytes from low- to high-calcium medium induces differentiation and stratification. The presented method has been used to establish epidermal as well as oesophageal keratinocyte lines from distinct wild-type mouse strains (e.g. BALB/c and C57Bl/6) as well as from genetically altered mouse strains (e.g. K10–/–, K10T, K14-Cre/Ikk2fl/fl (9) and N17Rac1 transgenic mice (10)).
Establishment of Spontaneously Immortalized Keratinocyte Lines
cell number
1 000 000
100 000
wt, 27 wt, 30 -/-
K10 , 4
10 000
K10 , 6
1000 5
days after seeding
wt, 27
wt, 30
0.8 0.4
wound size in mm
wound size in mm
b -/-
K10 , 6
K10 , 8
0.8 0.4
time after wounding in hrs
time after wounding in hrs
12 h
12 h
Fig. 5.1. Characterization of wild-type and keratin 10-deficient murine keratinocyte lines. Characterization was initiated at passage 20. (a) For the generation of a growth curve 2 103 keratinocytes/cm2 were seeded onto collagen I-coated 35 mm dishes. Cell numbers of duplicates were determined at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 16 and 21 days after seeding by counting trypsinized cells in a counting chamber. Plating efficiency was low due to sparse seeding but comparable in the tested keratinocyte lines (28%). Growth rates were determined in the exponential growth phase and saturation density was given by the maximum cell number obtained at the end of the growth curve (2.2 105 keratinocytes/cm2). The growth curves of distinct wild-type (wt) and K10–/– keratinocyte lines showed no differences. The keratinocyte clones were numbered consecutively when established and these numbers are given in the legend. (b) Scratch assays were used in order to determine the migration potential of keratinocytes from different lines. Keratinocytes were seeded onto collagen I-coated 35 mm dishes and grown to confluency. Prior to the analysis of migration, cells were treated with mitomycin C (see Section 3.1.2) to inhibit cell proliferation. The monolayers were scratched in the middle of the dish with a yellow micropipette tip to yield a gap of about 1.2 mm width. The closure of the gap was followed by measuring the distance of the wound edges every hour over a period of 15 hours, during which the cells were kept at 32C and 5% CO2 in an incubation chamber on the microscope. Migration rate was about 0.1 mm/hour in wt and keratin 10–/– keratinocyte lines (two lines per genotype were tested). Figure (a) by Monika Loeher and (b) by Heike Stachelscheid.
The major advantages of this method for producing spontaneously immortalized mouse keratinocyte lines over primary keratinocytes are absence of other contaminating epidermal cells (e.g. melanocytes, dendritic T lymphocytes), the indefinite proliferation capacity and reproducibility of experiments due to stability of the keratinocyte characteristics. In contrast to keratinocytes
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immortalized through transduction with viral genes the spontaneously immortalized keratinocyte lines presented here show no unwanted effects due to the presence of foreign protein or DNA.
2. Materials 2.1. Feeder Cell Cultivation
1. 3T3-J2 fibroblasts feeder cells were a generous gift of Fiona Watt, Cambridge, UK (11). 2. Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM, Gibco/ BRL) supplemented with 10% foetal calf serum (FCS) and 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin (supplied as 100 stock solution, Invitrogen). 3. Mitomycin C (Applichem, Germany). Prepare 100 stock solution (0.4 mg/ml) in PBS and store aliquots at –20C. Add 10 ml/ml DMEM + 10% FCS. 4. 0.05% Trypsin and 0.02% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA, Gibco/BRL).
2.2. Recovery of Neonatal Mouse Skin
1. Betaisodona, 10% iodine (Mundipharma), which is equivalent to povidone-iodine, PVP-I. 2. Dispase (Gibco/BRL), prepare 5 U/ml or 10 mg/ml solution in PBS and sterile filter. 3. 35 mm plastic dishes or six-well plates (Nunc/Nunclon, Falcon or TPP). 4. Sterile instruments (forceps, scissors), PBS (phosphate buffered saline) and 70% ethanol.
2.3. Culture of Keratinocytes
1. Sterile instruments (forceps, scalpels), PBS and 70% ethanol. 2. 35 mm plastic dishes or six-well plates (Nunc/Nunclon, Falcon or TPP). 3. Collagen I from rat tail (Becton Dickinson), 50 mg/ml 0.02 M acetic acid. The diluted solution is stored at 4C and can be used several times for coating. 4. FCS Gold (PAA), chelex treated to remove Ca2+: 20 g chelex 100 (Bio-Rad)/500 ml FCS Gold is left to rotate O/N at 4C, then pre-cleared by paper filtration, sterile filtered and stored in 50 ml aliquots at –20C. 5. FAD medium: DMEM/HAM’s F12 3.5:1.1, low-calcium (0.05 mM Ca2+) (custom made by Biochrom, Berlin, Germany).
Establishment of Spontaneously Immortalized Keratinocyte Lines
6. FAD medium is supplemented to yield ‘‘complete FAD medium’’ before use with 10% chelex-treated FCS gold, 0.18 mM adenine, 0.5 mg/ml hydrocortisone, 5 mg/ml insulin, 10–10 M cholera toxin (all from Sigma), 10 ng/ml EGF (Invitrogen), 2 mM glutamine, 1 mM pyruvate, 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 mg/ml streptomycin (all supplied as 100 stock solutions, Invitrogen). Supplement stock solutions are prepared as follows either under sterile conditions or sterile filtered and stored in aliquots at –20C unless otherwise indicated: a) Adenine (250 ): 45 mM in 50 mM HCl. Add 2 ml stock solution/460 ml medium. b) Hydrocortisone (2000 ): 1 mg/ml in ethanol. Dilute 1:4 with FAD medium. Add 1 ml stock solution/460 ml FAD medium. c) Insulin (1000 ): 5 mg/ml in 5 mM HCl. Add 0.5 ml stock solution/460 ml FAD medium. d) EGF (1000 ): 10 mg/ml in FAD medium. Add 0.5 ml stock solution/460 ml FAD medium. e) Cholera toxin (10–5 M): 1 mg/1.18 ml in sterile water, stored at 4C. Add 5 ml stock solution/460 ml FAD medium. 7. 0.05% Trypsin and 0.02% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA, Gibco/BRL). 8. 0.02% EDTA in PBS. 9. Keratinocyte freezing solution: 90% chelex-treated FCS Gold, 10% dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO, cell culture grade, Applichem, Germany); aliquots are stored at –20C. 10. CO2 incubator at 32C.
3. Methods 3.1. Feeder Cell Cultivation
Feeder cell expansion must be well timed with mouse breeding to make sure enough feeder cells are available on the day after birth of pups and thereafter. For a litter of six pups, one just confluent 10 cm Petri dish should be available on the day after mouse skin recovery to be plated at a density of 1.5–3 104 cells/cm2 (see Note 1). The 3T3-J2 subclone of Swiss mouse 3T3 fibroblasts has been widely used to support human keratinocyte cultivation (12, 13) as well as other epithelial cells (14–16) and has also proven useful in our hands for the establishment of permanent murine keratinocyte lines.
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1. 3T3-J2 fibroblasts are routinely grown in DMEM + 10% FCS. They are split twice weekly when just confluent at no more than 1:3 (see Fig. 5.2b and Note 2). 2. In order to use 3T3-J2 feeder cells in co-culture with keratinocytes, culture a confluent Petri dish for 2–3 hours with DMEM + 10% FCS containing mitomycin C at 37C (see Note 3).
Fig. 5.2. Morphology of murine keratinocytes and 3T3-J2 fibroblast feeder cells. (a) Confluent keratinocyte monolayers show the typical cobblestone-like pattern in low-calcium FAD medium. (b) The photo shows confluent 3T3-J2 fibroblast. At this cell density, feeder cells should be routinely split or used for mitomycin C treatment and co-culture with keratinocytes. (c) A colony of keratinocytes (encircled) emerging 12 days after co-cultivation of primary keratinocytes with feeder cells. (d) 3T3 feeder cells 3 days after mitomycin C treatment. (e) Typical morphology of spontaneously immortalized murine keratinocytes about 12 hours after splitting. A group of cells in the centre show the typical cobblestone morphology of keratinocytes growing at higher density. (f) Splitting at too high dilutions often causes differentiation of keratinocytes. Differentiated keratinocytes may appear enlarged (arrowheads) or appear spindle shaped (arrows) causing an irregular pattern at confluency. Bars, 100 mm. Images were taken by Dr. Anne Vollmers.
Establishment of Spontaneously Immortalized Keratinocyte Lines
3. Before adding trypsin solution, wash cells thoroughly twice with PBS to remove mitomycin C. 4. Wash the fibroblasts once with trypsin/EDTA solution, add fresh trypsin/EDTA and incubate the cells for about 2 min at 37C. Resuspend the detached cells subsequently in keratinocyte medium (complete FAD medium) and centrifuge for 5 min at 220g. Suspend the cell pellet in fresh complete FAD medium by pipetting three to four times and seed the fibroblasts then directly onto collagen I-coated dishes at a density of 1.5–3 104/cm2. When first seeding primary keratinocytes and for the first passage using the higher density of feeder cells (approximately 3 104 cells/cm2) is recommended. 5. The feeder cells may be seeded either prior to or together with the keratinocytes. 3.2. Recovery of Neonatal Mouse Skin
1. Decapitate neonatal mice and place them on ice for 1 hour (see Note 4). 2. From this point, a sterile laminar flow cabinet as well as sterile solutions and instruments are required. 3. Use one mouse after the other and keep the remaining corpses on ice. 4. Disinfect mouse corpses with Betaisodona (1:1 diluted with PBS) for 1 min (e.g. in a Petri dish), rinse two times briefly in PBS, place for 1 min in 70% ethanol and finally rinse briefly in PBS. 5. Remove extremities and cut the skin dorsally from head to tail. Peel the skin off in one piece using forceps and the dull parts of scissors. 6. Spread the skin on a 35 mm plastic dish with the epidermis side facing upwards. 7. Add 2 ml of dispase solution carefully from the side so that the skin floats. 8. Seal the dish with parafilm and incubate O/N (or at least for 7 hours) at 4C (see Note 5).
3.3. Culture of Keratinocytes
If keratinocytes from transgenic mice and wild-type control mice or keratinocytes from distinct wild-type mouse strains are to be grown at the same time, cross-contaminations must be carefully avoided at any stage. Established keratinocyte lines should be regularly checked, e.g. by PCR genotyping, to ensure their purity. 1. Before starting, treat feeder cells with mitomycin C for 2–3 hours (see Section 3.1).
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2. Cell culture dishes (35 mm) have to be coated with collagen I solution for 1 hour at room temperature and then washed carefully two times with PBS before cells are plated (see Note 6). 3. After incubation with dispase (see Section 3.2.7), remove the epidermis from the dermis with forceps (see Note 7). 4. Mince the epidermis in a Petri dish by moving two scalpels against each other in opposite directions for 1–3 min to yield a mush. The cells and tissue pieces must not dry out. 5. Suspend the minced epidermis of each mouse in 1.5 ml complete FAD medium and agitate for 30 min at 1000 rpm in a microcentrifuge tube. 6. Seed keratinocytes and epidermal fragments from each individual mouse separately on collagen I-coated dishes together with 3T3-J2 feeder cells. A subconfluent 10 cm dish of mitomycin C-treated feeder cells is sufficient for six to twelve 35 mm dishes of keratinocytes. 7. Grow the keratinocytes at 32C and 5% CO2. 8. Primary keratinocytes can be seen on the following day, but many of them will differentiate and die. 9. Change medium twice or three times weekly and add feeder cells at least at every medium change and if required also inbetween medium changes. In low-calcium medium, the mitomycin C-treated feeder cells usually die after 3-4 days (see Fig. 5.2d) and therefore care must be taken to ensure the presence of sufficient feeder cells. 10. Usually, after about 1–3 weeks keratinocyte clones with the typical cobblestone-like appearance will be observed (see Fig. 5.2c and Note 8). Epidermal cell cultures of dark coated mouse strains may appear increasingly black during the first passages due to melanocyte growth (see Note 9). 11. At the beginning, split keratinocytes at 1:1. At later passages (4–5), splitting at 1:2 or 1:3 is possible. The day after splitting, the sparsely seeded keratinocytes do not show the typical cobblestone pattern (see Fig. 5.2e) which only develops when the cultures grow and become more confluent. 12. For splitting, wash keratinocytes with PBS, incubate with EDTA solution for 5 min at RT and finally incubate for 8–12 min with trypsin/EDTA solution at 37C until they come off easily with or often without gently knocking on the side of the flask. 13. Add complete FAD medium and resuspend the cells by pipetting up and down three to five times. After centrifugation for 5 min at 220g resuspend the pellet in complete FAD medium and seed the cells onto collagen I-coated dishes.
Establishment of Spontaneously Immortalized Keratinocyte Lines
14. The keratinocytes have to be grown with feeder cells for at least 4–8 passages before trying to omit the feeder cells (see Note 10). 15. Keratinocytes may be frozen at a density of 1–1.5 106 cells/ml in keratinocyte freezing solution. 16. After thawing, keratinocytes should be seeded densely (about 105 cells/cm2) (see Note 11). 17. The spontaneously immortalized mouse keratinocytes may be differentiated by addition of calcium to the complete FAD medium at a final concentration of 1.2 mM (high-calcium medium). Confluent cultures stratify when grown in highcalcium medium.
4. Notes 1. 3T3-J2 fibroblasts should be split routinely or used for coculture with keratinocytes as soon as they get confluent (see Fig. 5.2b). 2. 3T3-J2 fibroblasts are subject to normal ageing. Make sure to note passage numbers and to freeze enough aliquots at low passage. Cultures of 3T3-J2 fibroblasts should not be used any longer if the typical phenotype changes and cells acquire a spindle cell phenotype as this can be a sign of transformation. 3. About 5 ml of mitomycin C-containing medium is sufficient for a 10 cm Petri dish. 4. Neonates on days 0 or 1 postpartum yield the highest number of isolated keratinocytes. According to our experience, efficiency of isolation worsens dramatically when mice after day 3 postpartum are used. Keratinocytes from unborn mice at E18 or E19 can be isolated using the same protocol. 5. It is best to use the litter immediately after birth which is often in the morning. Then incubate with dispase for 7 hours during the day and go on with the protocol on the same day. If you start the recovery of neonatal mouse skin in the afternoon, terminate the digestion with dispase early the next morning. 6. The washed dishes can be left with traces of PBS at room temperature for a few hours until the keratinocytes are ready to be seeded. Alternatively, pre-coated dishes (e.g. Biocoat six-well plates, Beckton Dickinson) may be used. 7. The epidermis comes off in one piece as a thin white layer, whereas the residual tissue appears pink, shiny and slimy.
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8. Depending on the mouse strain used as well as the nature of the mutation and age variations it might take up to 2 months before keratinocyte colonies become visible. 9. During the first eight or more passages, the cultures still contain melanocytes and possibly other resident epidermal cell types. These cells cannot always be easily distinguished without specific staining in cultures of white mouse strains, e.g. BALB/c, but melanocytes are clearly recognizable as black cells in cultures from coloured mouse strains, e.g. C57Bl/6 mice. The melanocytes are gradually depleted with increased passaging. 10. If high amounts of large, differentiated or irregularly shaped keratinocytes become a problem in an established mouse keratinocyte line (compare Fig. 5.2f and a), the addition of feeder cells for 1–2 passages and/or seeding at a higher density (less that 1:1) may be helpful. 11. In order to enhance plating efficiency after thawing, keratinocytes may optionally be seeded together with feeder cells irrespective of their passage number. One subconfluent to confluent 10 cm dish of 3T3-J2 feeder cells (0.8–1.6 106) is sufficient for twelve 35 mm dishes. The feeder cells are lost at the first passage after thawing and may subsequently be omitted.
Acknowledgements We thank Semra Frimpong for excellent technical assistance and Dr. Penny Lovat and Dr. Anne Vollmers for critically reading the manuscript. This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). References 1. Woodworth, C.D., Gaiotti, D., Michael, E., Hansen, L., and Nees, M. (2000) Targeted disruption of the epidermal growth factor receptor inhibits development of papillomas and carcinomas from human papillomavirus-immortalized keratinocytes. Cancer Res 60, 4397–402. 2. Jat, P.S., Noble, M.D., Ataliotis, P., Tanaka, Y., Yannoutsos, N., Larsen, L., and Kioussis, D. (1991) Direct derivation of conditionally immortal cell lines from an H-2 Kb-tsA58 transgenic mouse. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88, 5096–100.
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Establishment of Spontaneously Immortalized Keratinocyte Lines
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