Characterization of Experimental Ischemic Brain Edema Utilizing

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ation times was also observed. Key Words: Brain edema. Cerebral ischemia-Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging -Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Journal a/ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 6:212-221 © 1986 Raven Press, New York

Characterization of Experimental Ischemic Brain Edema Utilizing Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Hiroyuki Kato, Kyuya Kogure, Hitoshi Ohtomo, Masahiro Izumiyama, Muneshige Tobita, tShigeru Matsui, tEtsuji Yamamoto, tHideki Kohno, :j:Yoshinori Ikebe, and *Takao Watanabe Department of Neurology, Institute of Brain Diseases, and *Department of Environmental Health, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, tCentral Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, and tHitachi Naka Works, Katsuta, Japan

Summary: Correlations between Tl and T2 relaxation times and water and electrolyte content in the normal and ischemic rat and gerbil brains were studied by means of both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopic and imaging methods. In the spectroscopic experiment on excised rat brains, Tl was linearly dependent on tissue water content and T2 was prolonged in edematous tissue to a greater extent than expected by an increase in water content, showing that T2 possesses a greater sensi­ tivity for edema identification and localization. Changes in Na+ and K+ content of the tissue mattered little in the prolongation of relaxation times. Serial NMR imaging of gerbil brains insulted with permanent hemispheric isch-

emia offered early lesion detection in TJ- and especially T2-weighted images (detection as soon as 30 min after insult). The progressive nature of lesions was also imaged. Calculated TJ and T2 relaxation times in regions of interest correlated excellently with tissue water con­ tent (r = 0.892 and 0.744 for T 1 and T2, respectively). As a result, detection of cerebral ischemia utilizing NMR imaging was strongly dependent on a change in tissue water content. The different nature of Tl and T2 relax­ ation times was also observed. Key Words: Brain edema­ Cerebral ischemia-Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy­ Relaxation times.

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)

selection of appropriate pulse sequences is neces­

imaging enables sensitive detection of cerebral

sary to highlight pathology (Crooks et aI. , 1982;

ischemia within several hours after the onset of dis­

Wehrli et aI. , 1984). Therefore, intrinsic NMR pa­

ease (Buonanno et aI. , 1983; Mano et aI. , 1983;

rameters such as Tl and T2 relaxation times and

Spetzler et aI. , 1983). T1 (spin-lattice) and T2

proton density (PD) are calculated from acquired

(spin-spin) relaxation times are prolonged in isch­

images to obtain indexes that can express an abso­

emic tissue, and the degree of damage and extent of

lute degree of tissue damage (Mano et aI. , 1983;

injury can be pictorialized by NMR imaging. Pro­

Wehrli et aI. , 1984).

longation of relaxation times is considered to be a

In a previous communication, we reported that

result of the development of brain edema (Go and

proton NMR images of experimental cerebral in­

Edzes, 1975; Naruse et aI. , 1982). However, the

farction consistently correspond with retrospective

contrast of the NMR image is arbitrarily controlled

histochemical observations in regard to the degree

by the pulse sequence used. As a consequence, the

and extent of brain edema (Kato et aI. , 1985). To further clarify the mechanisms that cause abnor­

Received July 3, 1985; accepted November I, 1985.

mality in the NMR phenomenon pertaining to cere­

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. H. Kato

bral ischemia, we performed the following experi­

at Department of Neurology, Institute of Brain Diseases, T o­

ments in which, using rat and gerbil brains in exper­

hoku University School of Medicine, I- I Seiryo-machi Sendai

imental cerebral ischemia, we compared Tl and T2

980, Japan. Abbreviations used: IR, inversion recovery; NMR, nuclear

relaxation times with tissue water and electrolyte

magnetic resonance; PO, proton density; SE, spin echo; SR, sat­

content by means of both in vitro spectroscopic and

uration recovery; T E, time to echo; n, time of inversion; T R,

in vivo imaging methods.

time of repetition.




MATERIALS AND METHODS NMR spectroscopic experiment on excised rat brains Adult male Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g were in­ sulted with forebrain ischemia by the four-vessel occlu­ sion method (Pulsinelli and Brierley, 1979). The vertebral arteries were electrocauterized at the first vertebral level while the animal was under pentobarbital anesthesia. On the following day, the animal was paralyzed and mechan­ ically ventilated under 70% nitrous oxide. 30% oxygen, and 1 % halothane anesthesia. The right femoral artery was cannulated with PE-50 polyethylene tubing to obtain arterial blood samples and to record blood pressure. Body temperature was maintained at 37 ± 0.5°C by using a heat pad. The common carotid arteries were then oc­ cluded for 60 min, followed by 60 min of blood flow res­ toration. Those animals whose electroencephalograms became isoelectric within 30 s after occlusion were se­ lected for continued use in the experiment. At the end of the experiment, decapitation was performed and each brain was quickly removed; the cortical gray matter, sub­ cortical white matter. hippocampus, and thalamus were dissected out in a humid glove box. Animals treated as above except for the receiving of an ischemic insult served as controls. Three groups (n = 4-6) were used for the measure­ ment of water, Na + and K + content, and T1 and T2 re­ laxation times. For water and electrolyte content mea­ surement, brain tissue was frozen in liquid nitrogen im­ mediately after dissection, weighed at - 2SOC, and dried at 100°C, thus calculating water content by the wet-dry method. The sample size was 25-75 mg wet weight. The dried samples were resolved in HN03 and HCl04 and the supernatant was used to determine Na + and K + content by the atomic absorption method (Hitachi Atomic Ab­ sorption Spectrophotometer 208). For relaxation time measurement, samples were transferred to a sealed glass tube. A T1 or T2 value was determined by the inversion recovery and the modified Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequences, respectively. The NMR spectrometer (Hitachi R-90H) was operated at 2.1 tesla (proton reso­ nant frequency of 90 MHz). Samples were kept at O°C until measurement, and were then measured at 35°C. All procedures were completed within at most 2 h after death. Intergroup difference was statistically measured by means of the Student t test for unpaired samples.

tify the area of ischemia. The rest of each block was di­ vided into cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus (� 1 O mg wet weight) to determine water content by the wet-dry method and the electrolyte content by the atomic absorp­ tion method, as described in the preceding section. The NMR miniimager (Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) consisted of a supercon­ ducting magnet operating at 0.5 tesla (proton resonant frequency of 2 1 .3 MHz). Coronal scans 5 mm thick at the thalamus level were performed. The following three modes of pulse sequences were employed: (a) PD­ weighted saturation recovery (SR) images (TR = 1 .6 s, TE' = 14 ms); (b) T1-weighted inversion recovery (IR) images (TR = 1 .6 s, TI = 300 ms, TE' = 14 ms); and (c) T2-weighted spin echo (SE) images (TR = 1 .6 s, TE = 1 06 ms). The definitions of abbreviations are as follow (as defined by the American College of Radiology): TR, time of repetition; TI, Tl-weighting time or the time of inver­ sion; TE, T2-weighting time or the time to echo. In modes (a) and (b), signals were collected as SEs (TE' = 14 ms). Each scanning was completed in 1 5 min. In actu­ ality, in the first set of imagings, SE, IR, and SR pictures were scanned, for example, from between 25-40, 40 - 55, and 55 - 70 min after ischemia, respectively. Increased signal intensity of the image (brightness) corresponded to increased PD and prolonged Tl and/or T2 relaxation times. T1 and T2 values in regions of interest were calcu­ lated by the pixel-to-pixel computation applying the fol­ lowing equations: I(IR)






I(SR) 1 - 2 exp



( �� )] I

(TE - TEl) T2


in which I(SR), I(IR), and leSE) denote signal intensity in SR, IR, and SE images, respectively. Mean values of 25 pixels with a standard deviation were obtained.

RESULTS NMR spectroscopic experiment on excised rat brains The physiological parameters prior to and at the end of ischemia and at the end of reperfusion were as shown in Table I. The ischemic insult (60 min

NMR imaging experiment on ischemic gerbil brains

ischemia plus 60 min reperfusion) to produce max­

Adult mongolian gerbils of both sexes weighing 60-80 g were anesthetized by ether and the right common carotid artery was occluded. Experimental protocol was applied only to those animals that exhibited definite hemiparesis such as abnormal limb posture, loss of righting reflex,

imal edema was so severe that some of the animals

circling behavior, etc., within a 5-min observation period (n = 4). Serial NMR scanning was performed under pen­ tobarbital anesthesia at three points during the ischemic period, i.e., at from 30 to 60 min after occlusion of the carotid artery, at �2 h, and again after �4 h. Two normal gerbils were imaged as controls. After completion of the imaging, brains were frozen in situ with liquid nitrogen by the transcalvarial freezing technique (Ponten et aI., 1 973). From the coronal plane corresponding to the imaged

miyama et aI., 1983; M. Izumiyama et aI., in prepa­

level, sections 16 J-Lm thick were cut using a cryostat. These were for use in histochemical studies, i.e., ATP bioluminescence (Kogure et aI., 1980) and potassium staining (Mies et aI., 1 984) so as to histochemically iden-

could not maintain normal blood pressure. The pathophysiology of the Pulsinelli model revealed in our laboratory will be discussed elsewhere (Izu­ ration). In intact rat brains, TI and T2 relaxation times of gray matter and the hippocampus were longer than those of white matter and the thalamus (Table 2). The difference between them was greater for TI (15.5-24.5%) than for T2 (3.5-7.1%) (Table 3). The difference in water content was 4.7-7.0%. In the ischemia-loaded rat brain, T1 and T2 values of all parts of the brain were significantly prolonged, coinciding with the increase in water content (Table


Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol.






had no consistent relation with tissue water con­

TABLE 1. Physiological variables

MABP (mm Hg)

Pa02 (mm Hg) PaC02 (mm Hg) pH

Before ischemia



129± 3 140± 12 37± I 7.41±0.03

101± 22 115± 9 37± 2 7.36±0.02

110± 16 112± 5 39± 2 7.35±0.01

Values are means± SE for six experimental animals.

tent: K + content was decreased by ischemia in ac­ cordance with the initial K + content in each region. This resulted in poor correlations on the whole be­ tween Tl or T2 and K + content (Fig. 2).

NMR imaging of the ischemic gerbil brains Typical NMR images of a normal gerbil brain are iIIustrated in Fig. 3. In the SR image, the brain was homogeneously imaged. Intracerebral structures, i.e., the cortex, white matter, hippocampus, and

2). The difference of Tl, T2, or water content be­

thalamus, were clearly delineated in the T 1-

tween gray matter or the hippocampus and white

weighted IR image and less clearly in the T2-

matter or the thalamus of ischemic brains was al­

weighted SE image.

most noted. However, differences between normal

A typical sequential change in NMR pictures ob­

and i s c h e m i c t i s s u e w e r e 7.1 -9.2% for Tl,

tained from a gerbil brain that had undergone per­

8.8-13.0% for T2, and 2.4-3.4% for water content

manent hemispheric ischemia is shown in Fig. 4. IR

(Table 3). When T1 and T2 values were plotted

and especially SE images clearly depict the growing

against water content as illustrated in Fig. 1, T1

abnormality in the affected hemisphere, the first

was linearly dependent on it. In contrast, T2 values

abnormality having been observed in a T2-weighted

of each brain part independently exhibited prolon­

image 30 min after ischemia. The right-to-left ratios of signal intensities in the

gation. Sodium and potassium content in normal rat

regions of interest (the cortex and thalamus) in SR,

brains showed differences between structures (gray

IR, and SE images are tabulated in Table 4. A sig­

hippocampus> thalamus"" white matter)

nificant increase in signal intensity was recognized

as well as in water content (Table 2). In ischemic

in the thalamus in SE images 30 min after ischemia.

tissue, Na + content was increased and, coinciding

Calculated Tl and T2 values in regions of interest

with this, the K + content was decreased (Table 2).

as well as water and electrolyte content are tabu­

Correlation between Na + and water content was

lated in Table

recognized but not linear (Fig. 2): Na + accumula­

were progressively prolonged. A significant differ­

tion compared with an increase in water content

ence was observed at 2 and 4 h after occlusion of



5. Tl and T2 values in each region

was different between gray matter or the hippo­

the carotid. Prolongation of T1 after 4 h of isch­

campus and white matter or the thalamus. As a

emia, as compared with the normal value, was

consequence, Tl or T2 was correlated with tissue

and 12.2% for the cortex and thalamus, respec­

Na + content, but the slope of change was different

tively. The values for T2 were 13.3 and 13.0%, re­

between gray matter or the hippocampus and white


matter or the thalamus (Fig. 2). Tissue K + content


The area of ischemia and brain edema was con-

TABLE 2. TJ and T2 relaxation times and water, Na + , and K+ content of gray matter, white matter, hippocampus, and thalamus of normal and ischemia-injured (60 min of forebrain ischemia followed by 60 min of reperfusion) rat brain

T2 (ms) (n = 5)


1.19± 0.01 0.98 ± 0.02 1.22± 0.02 1.03± 0.03

77.5±1.6 74.9± 3.4 78.4± 1.9 73.2± 2.3

79.9±0.2 74.4± 0.6 79.8± 0.3 75.9±1.0

225±12 165± 7 212±16 184± 12

485± 7 345 ± 20 465± 24 409± 33

1.30± 0.02a 1.05± O.03b 1.31± 0.02a 1.11± 0.05b

86.0± 3.1a 81.5± 4.4b 88.6± 2.0" 82.6± 4.1"

81.5± 0.4" 76.2± 0.8" 81.6±0.4" 78.4±1.2"

295± 6" 183±12" 274± 23a 218± 20"

431± 13a 308±11a 434 ± lOb 373 ± 16b

TI (s) = 4)





Na � (mEq/kg) (n



K - (mEq/kg) (n



Normal Gray matter White matter Hippocampus T halamus Ischemia Gray matter White matter Hippocampus T halamus

Values are means ± SD. T I and T2 relaxation times were prolonged, water and Na+ contents were increased, and K + content was decreased by the ischemic insult, all with significance by Student's t test.

a p < 0.01 versus control values. b p < 0.05 versus control values.


Cereb Blood Flow Metab. Vol. 6, No.2, 1986



TABLE 3. Ratio (%) of re/axation times or water

immediately after the onset of ischemia in the pres­

content between regions

ence of residual tissue perfusion, which supplies






Normal G/W

1974, 1981; Fujimoto et 1976; Mrsulja et aI., 1983). Proton NMR is re­

edema fluid (Kogure et aI.,



markably sensitive and able to detect cerebral





edema associated with ischemia, as well as to sepa­









rat e normal structures based on their different water contents. Therefore, proton NMR imaging is


able to pictorialize the early changes of cerebral





























ischemia. The mechanisms of this early detection





are discussed later in this section.

ischemia in vivo. Lesions were detected as early as

90 min (Spetzler et aI., 1983), 2 h (Buonanno et aI., 1983), and 3 h (Mano et aI., 1983) after ischemia. In the present study, we detected, with excellent spa­


tial resolution, abnormality as early as 30 min after

Although most of the proton NMR signals re­

Values of relaxation times and water content are tabulated in

flect water in t he tissue, a considerable amount of

Table 2. G, W, H, and T denote gray matter. white matter. hip­ pocampus, and thalamus. respectively. and combined abbrevia­ tions denote ratios, e.g .. G/W

them from lipids may contribute. Recent studies on

means gray matter- to- white

proton chemical shift imaging revealed that signals

matter ratio.

from tissue s u c h as subcutaneous fat, bone marrow, and muscle are contaminated with a con­ siderable amount of signals from lipids (Pykett and Rosen,

firmed in every case by ATP and K + pictures, re­ spectively; an example is shown in Fig.

5. Water

water; those from lipids are negligible (Pykett and

contents of the cortex, hippocampus, and thalamus


are plotted against calculated T 1 and T2 values im­ mediately before death (Fig. tween them was excellent (r =

1983) because of a short T2 of membrane

lipids in the brain.

6). Correlation be­ 0.892 and 0.744 for

In the present NMR spect roscopic experiment on excised rat brains, in which only signals from water

Tl and T2, respectively). Correlations between TI

are concerned, TI and T2 relaxation times were

and T2 relaxation times and water and electrolyte

strongly correlated wit h tissue water content (Fig.

content were similar to those of the spectroscopic study (Fig.

1983; Sepponen et aI., 1984). However, in

the case of the brain, signals are entirely from

I), as has been previously reported (Go and Edzes, 1975; Naruse et aI., 1982). In a normal rat brain, the


difference of Tl between gray matter or the hippo­


campus and white matter or the thalamus (15.524.5%) was three to four times greater than that of water content (4.7-7.0%). In the case of T2, this

E nergy failure of the brain caused by cerebral ischemia facilitates the development of brain edema

T? (ms)

" (5)

y = 0.456)( r = 0.987

P < 0.001


l"' :t

FIG. 1. Spectroscopic T1 and T2 relaxation times were plotted against water content of t�e tissue. T1 was linearly dependent on water con­ tent. However, T2 values of each region were prolonged independently with each other, showing the mechanism of T2 prolongation to be not due solely to the increase in water content. G, W, H, and T denote gray matter, white matter, hippocampus, and thalamus, respectively. Primes denote ischemia.

y c 1.45x p < 0.05


Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol. 6. No.2, 1986








W: y



T: y "lOa

= �

= _






( P


10.9:.: -





\\ •







o o


00 o

• •








FIG. 2. Correlations between spectroscopic T1 and T2 relaxation times and water, Na , and K+ con­ tent of normal and ischemic (60 min ischemia plus 60 min reperfu­ sion) rat brain. (Open circles), gray matter; (filled squares), white matter; (filled c ircles), hippo­ campus; (open squares), thalamus. Primes denote ischemia. Na con­ tent was nonlinearly correlated with water content of the tissue, which resulted in a similar correla­ tion between Na' content and the T1 or T2 relaxation time. K' con­ tent showed poor correlation with water content as well as with T1 and T2 relaxation times.









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