characterization of periwinkle -a review

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Aug 8, 2015 - Catharanthus roseus L. belongs to Apocynaceae family is “an anticancerous” drug yielding plant. It is a popular ornamental plant found in ...

International Journal for Agriculture and Research

CHARACTERIZATION OF PERIWINKLE -A REVIEW *S.Rout1, N.Khare1, S.Beura2, S.Nayak3 and S.S. Patra1 1

School of Forestry & Environment, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture Technology and Sciences, Allahabad-211007 (Uttar Pradesh), INDIA. 2

Biotechnology-cum-Tissue Culture Centre, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003 (Odisha), INDIA.


Department of Forest Products and Utilization, College of Forestry, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751003 (Odisha), INDIA. *Corresponding Author email:[email protected]

ABSTRACT Catharanthus roseus L. belongs to Apocynaceae family is “an anticancerous” drug yielding plant. It is a popular ornamental plant found in gardens and homes across . In the present study Catharanthus roseus was studied for its the marvelous ethnomedicinal properties of this plant and other information. Overall, this paper gives an overview on covering the biology, and various uses.

INTRODUCTION Plants role is considered very promising for the human development out of which Catharanthus roseus has been recognized as a viable source of anticancerous drug yielding plant. Keeping in view the importance of the species the purpose of this review is to provide information about the species. DESCRIPTION Range: C. roseus which is named on the basis of their flower colour that is the pink flowered “Rosea” and the white flowers “Alba”. Catharanthus roseus which is pridely known as the Madagascar periwinkle is found to be a species of Catharanthus native and also endemic to Madagascar. It is native to the Indian Ocean Island of Madagascar. In the wild, it is found to be an endangered plant. It prefers well drained sandy loams soil and moisture. Excellent soil

VOL 1 ISSUE 8 August 2015 Paper 1



International Journal for Agriculture and Research

drainage was important for the growing1. It can be propagated by Cuttings, and seeds and it has tolerance of cooler growing condition in temperate regions. Common Name of Catharanthus roseus: In some part of the world is referred Catharanthus roseus to as periwinkle, in English, where as in others it is known as the old maid, rose periwinkle2. It has the capabilities to tolerate extreme climatic condition like temperature and rain fall. Classification of Catharanthus roseus: Kingdom:


Botanical Name:

Catharanthus roseus

Common Name:




History: Catharanthus roseus were historically, been used in India and neighbouring regions as a source of traditional medicines, antioxidant, anti helminthic. The plant is known for its multipurpose benefits3. Morphological Character: Catharanthus roseus is a evergreen herbaceous plant grow to 1m high, leaves are oval to oblong, arranged in the opposite pairs. The flowers are white to dark pink with red centre. With a basal tube of 2.5-3 cm long and a corolla about 2-5 cm diameter with five petal like lobes. It grows well in well drained sandy loam soil in sunny or partly shade. It needs regular irrigation but the over head watering to be avoided. It can be propagated by cuttings and by seeds also. Uses of Catharanthus roseus : C. roseus posses carbohydrate, flavinoid, saponin, and 400 alkaloids are present in the plant, in C. roseus the alkaloids like actineo plastidemeric, Vinblastin, Vincrestine, Vindesine, Vindeline Tabersonine etc.are mainly present in aerial parts whereas ajmalicine, vinceine, vineamine, raubasin, reserpine, catharanthine etc are present in roots and basal stem. Rosindin is an anthocyanin pigment found in the flower. Due to its rich properties, especially

VOL 1 ISSUE 8 August 2015 Paper 1



International Journal for Agriculture and Research

alkaloids, Catharanthus roseus has been widely exploited for high blood pressure 4 and other. Besides its use for therapeutic uses it was also used for the ornamental purpose.

CONCLUSION Catharanthus roseus is one among many whose product used for the cancer treatment. The markets of different products from this species have not been properly explored or quantified. It is considered as one of the most useful plant as ethnomedicinal and industrial purpose and also creating avenues for greater employment. REFERENCES 1. Alba, B.M.A., Bhise, S.B.2011. Comparative study on antioxidant properties of Catharanthus roseus and Catharanthus alba. Int. J. Pharmaceutical Tech.. 3(3): 1551-1556. 2. Kyakulaga, A., Hassan, A. T.2011. In vivo antidirraheal activity of the ethanolic leaf extract of Catharanthus roseus L.(Apocynaceae) in wistar rats, African J. Pharmacy and Pharmacology,15:1797-1800 . 3. Mohamed E.H. Osman, Soad S. Elfeky, Kamelia Abo El-Soud and Amira M. Hasan. 2007. Response of Catharanthus roseus Shoots to Salinity and Drought in Relation to Vincristine Alkaloid Content. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 6: 1223-1228. 4. USDA.2011.Natural Resources Conservation Services, Plants Database.

VOL 1 ISSUE 8 August 2015 Paper 1