Charge ordering and optical transitions of LiV2O5 and NaV2O5

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in the periodic table, such as A = Li, Na, each valence electron is shared between two vanadium atoms. ... were tested by comparison with optical conductivity data [14–16] with some success, but no consistent .... b/U J ~ 560K), [5], but rather just factor of two or three smaller, txy ... [10] H. Seo and H. Fukujama, J. Phys. Soc.
Charge ordering and optical transitions of LiV2 O5 and NaV2 O5

arXiv:cond-mat/0010327v2 [cond-mat.str-el] 31 Jan 2001

M. J. Konstantinovi´c∗ , J. Dong, M. E. Ziaei, B. P. Clayman, J. C. Irwin Simon Fraser University, Physics Department, 8888 University drive, Burnaby, B.C. V5A1S6 Canada

K.Yakushi Institute for Molecular Science, Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan

M. Isobe and Y. Ueda Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokio, 7-22-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokio 106, Japan

Abstract We present measurements of the polarized optical spectra of NaV2 O5 and LiV2 O5 . In an energy range from 0.5 to 5.5 eV, we observe similar peaks in the E k a spectra of NaV2 O5 and LiV2 O5 , which suggests similar electronic structures along the a axis in both materials. On the other hand, we find an almost complete suppression of the peaks in σb of LiV2 O5 around 1 and 5 eV. We attribute this suppression to the charge localization effect originating from the existence of a double-chain charge-ordering pattern in LiV2 O5 .

PACS: 78.40.-q, 71.35.-y, 75.50.-y In the past several years, quantum phenomena resulting from the low dimensionality of effective electron interactions in solids have been investigated with increasing intensity from both experimental and theoretical points of view. The increase in interest was partially motivated by the discovery of inorganic materials which exhibit quantum effects, such as the Sr − Cu − O system [1] or CuGeO3 [2], and by a common belief that these studies would give us a better understanding of electron correlations in general. The vanadate family of AV2 O5 oxides have demonstrated a variety of the low-dimensional phenomena which originate from their peculiar crystal structures [3]. These oxides are quasi two-dimensional (2D) materials with layers formed by V O5 square pyramids. The A atoms are situated between layers as intercalants, but in fact they determine the valence state of vanadium atoms (acting as charge reservoirs). If the A atoms belong to the first column in the periodic table, such as A = Li, Na, each valence electron is shared between two vanadium atoms. As a result the V ions are in a mixed valence-state with an average valence of +4.5. The common consequence of mixed valence in these structures is the appearance of a quasi-1D magnetic interaction, since chains carrying the spin (made of V4+ , S=1/2) are separated from each other by nonmagnetic chains (V5+ ). In both LiV2 O5 and NaV2 O5 the 1D character of the magnetic ordering was confirmed [4,5]. In addition, there is a possibility of the existence of strong valence fluctuations, and eventually charge ordering (CO) effects. 1

A very interesting interplay between spin and charge dynamics results in the phase transition discovered in NaV2 O5 [4]. Up to now, accumulated experimental data [4,6–9] suggested that NaV2 O5 exhibits the CO phase transition at T=34 K into a gapped spin-liquid ground state. The arguments are mostly based on the insensitivity of the phase-transition effects associated with magnetic fields. Subsequently, several theoretical analyses of the role of the electron correlations (intersite Coulomb interaction) in charge dynamics and/or charge ordering of NaV2 O5 were presented [10–13]. In these studies, the various charge-ordering ground states were proposed for the low-temperature phase of NaV2 O5 . These concepts were tested by comparison with optical conductivity data [14–16] with some success, but no consistent picture has yet emerged. These concepts were tested by comparison with optical conductivity data [14–17] with some success but no consistent picture has emerged yet. None of the models proposed to date have reproduced optical transitions in the 0.8-5.5 eV range and provided an explanation for the origin of the low-frequency excitations (observed in both IR and Raman spectra) [14,9]. In fact, the central issue refers to the energy scale at which the CO in NaV2 O5 should manifest itself, and what should be a fingerprint of it in the optical spectra. In LiV2 O5 the effects caused by the uniform vanadium valence are not observed [18], and the structure is assumed to be in a charge-ordered phase (without a spin gap) even at room temperature [19]. We have measured and compared the optical spectra of LiV2 O5 and NaV2 O5 . On the basis of these results, we discuss the origin of optical excitations and CO ground states in both compounds, and the nature of the CO phase transition in NaV2 O5 . Single crystals, with dimensions typically 1x3x0.2 mm (Nax V2 O5 ) and 2x3x1 (LiV2 O5 ) along a, b, and c axes respectively, prepared as described in Ref. [20] were studied. The measurements were performed on (001) surfaces. Measurements of the polarized infrared reflectivity spectra were performed on Fourier transform spectrometer Bruker IFS 113V, in an energy range from 40 to 11000 cm−1 . An in situ overcoating technique was used in reflectivity measurement [21]. The reflectivity in the range from 1100 to 3300 cm−1 was measured on an Atago Multiviewer spectrometer with multichanel detection system combiend with a SPECTRA TECH IR-Plan microscope. A rotating-analyzer ellipsometer was used to measure the pseudodielectric function in 1.2-5.5 eV energy range. At room temperatures the α′ −NaV2 O5 and γ−LiV2 O5 have orthorhombic unit cells [6,22] (described with space groups P mmn, and P nma, respectively), and crystal structures consisting of layers of VO5 square pyramids which are mutually connected via common edges and corners making the characteristic V ”zigzag” chains along the b axis. Parameters a and b, are similar in both compounds [6,22]. The c axis of LiV2 O5 is approximately twice as large, since the LiV2 O5 unit cell comprises four formula units (two in NaV2 O5 ). In NaV2 O5 all vanadium atoms are in uniform valence state at room temperatures (an average valence of +4.5), and thus indistinguishable in the unit cell (i.e. they occupy sites with same symmetry). Conversely, the structure of LiV2 O5 is characterized by two kinds of vanadium chains along the b axis. One is magnetic, V4+ (S=1/2) and the other nonmagnetic V5+ (S=0), see Fig.1. Another important difference in crystal structures comes from the different sizes of Li and Na ions. Li atoms are smaller, and consequently the VO layers in LiV2 O5 are more corrugated, see Fig.1. An alternative description of the V O5 layer is that it consists of V-O-V rungs coupled together in a ladder fashion through the oxygen bonds along the b 2

axis. These ladders are mutually connected to each other via a direct overlap of vanadium d orbitals along the VR1 − VL2 − VR1 ”zigzag” chain, see Fig.1. The optical conductivity of NaV2 O5 and LiV2 O5 is presented in Fig.2. The optical conductivity is calculated from the reflectivity data using Kramer-Kronig relations. The pseudodieletric functions of NaV2 O5 and LiV2 O5 are shown in Fig.3 The 1.5-5.5 eV energy range is computed using the ellipsometric equations for the isotropic case. Consequently, ǫ (σ) represents a complicated average of the projections of the dielectric tensor on the sample surface. We present the spectra of the (001) surface taken with the a axis (thin line) and the b axis (thick line) in the plane of incidence. Following Aspnes.s prescription, [23] we attribute these components to the dielectric tensor components ǫ2aa (σa ) and ǫ2bb (σb ), respectively. Bands with energies at 0.9, 1.2, 3.22, 4.23, and 5 eV for σa and 1.1, 1.58, 3.73, and 5 eV for σb are found in NaV2 O5 ; see Fig. 2a. The same structures were observed in previous studies [14–17] as well. In LiV2 O5 we find bands with energies centered at 0.85, 3.03, 4.20, and 4.95 eV for σa and at 3.42 eV for σb . It is important to note that while σa in LiV2 O5 closely resembles σa in NaV2 O5 , σb in LiV2 O5 is almost completely suppressed except 3.42 eV mode. We first focus on excitations around 1 eV in the NaV2 O5 spectra, and discuss the results in light of the electronic band structure of NaV2 O5 obtained from density-functional calculations, (DFC’s) [25] and t-j-V model [10–13]. According to DFC’s, the vanadium d-level degeneracy is removed due to anisotropy of the crystal field [25] and the lowest occupied 3dxy states are separated by 1-5 eV from remaining 3d states. This energy scale provoked the assignment of 0.9 eV peak in the optical spectra, Fig.2, as a transition between d-d crystal-field levels of vanadium ions [15]. However, recent work on Ca-doped NaV2 O5 showed that 0.9 eV peak decreases in intensity with increasing Ca, [26] This result seams to be inconsistent with the d-d transition picture (the d-d transition intensity should be proportional to the number of V 4+ ions). On the other hand, in the t-J-V model, the combined effects of the short-range Coulomb interaction and valence fluctuations of V ions determine the peak energies in the optical conductivity spectra, e.g. the anisotropy of the interband transitions in the a and b directions. In order to reproduce experimental observations, basically all t-J-V calculations rely on (or predict) the existence of strong charge discomensuration, which is not in accordance with effects related to the uniform valence in NaV2 O5 . In fact, the quarter-filled nature of the V-O-V rung [25](0.5 electrons per vanadium site) suggests that the band states are superposition of the dxy molecular orbitals of bonding and antibonding types. Then it can argued that 0.9 eV structure corresponds to the bondingantibonding transition within the V-O-V rung [14]. The energy separation of the bondingantibonding dxy orbitals, according to the Hubbard model of the isolated rung, is ∆EBA ∼ 2ta . A reasonable value of ta = 0.45 eV reproduces the energy band at 0.9 eV in E k a spectra. Such an analysis predicts the existence of a similar structure along the b-direction as indeed observed in the 1.2 eV peak in σb . The temperature dependence of the optical conductivity raises even more questions. All the features in σa spectra increase in intensity, but without a change of energy at CO phase transition temperature, Tc = 34K, [16,27]. According to the t-j-V model, strong energy dependence of 0.9 eV structure is expected across the phase-transition temperature, since the driving mechanism for the CO is short-range Coulomb interaction (which induces a non 3

zero in-rung charge disproportion potential [11,14]). Switched on at Tc , this interaction naturally produces ”zigzag” charge order. Thus one may either conclude that change of charge disproportion below phase transition is very small [27] [this contrasts with the strong splitting of V NMR lines observed below Tc (Ref.7)] or that CO does not manifests itself through the change of energy of 0.9 eV peak. With this in mind, let us now discuss the optical conductivity of LiV2 O5 . If we assume the bonding-antibonding transition (with and/or without the charge disproportion potential ∆) to be responsible for the 0.9 eV optical excitation in σa spectra of NaV2 O5 , the existence of a similar structure (0.85 eV) in LiV2 O5 at first seems to be completely unexpected. The reason for this is the existence of plane corrugation and strong double chain charge ordering in LiV2 O5 . However, despite corrugation, the 3dxy −2p−3dxy bonds of the rungs in these two compounds are similar. According to the crystal structures, the V-O-V bond angles differ in these two structures by 10o − 20o (120o in LiV2 O5 and 140o in NaV2 O5 ); see Fig.1. Such a structural difference would eventually cause a somewhat smaller ta hopping in LiV2 O5 . If we discard ∆, we find ta ∼ 0.42eV in LiV2 O5 . On the other hand, the double-chain charge order in LiV2 O5 should give completely different ∆ then in NaV2 O5 , which should cause large difference in the optical conductivity, which is not observed. So, whether or not the difference in charge disproportion between these compounds manifests itself in E k a peak energies is still an open question. Intensity estimates are much more difficult to perform. In the simplest approach, the changes in intensity are produced by different hoppings. In NaV2 O5 the E k a peak is around three times more intense than the E k b peak. Thus, according to the t-J-V model [13], the hopping energy tb is expected to be at least two times smaller, tb ∼ 0.2 eV. From LiV2 O5 optical spectra we learned that major effect of charge localization involves peak intensities. As we already discussed, LiV2 O5 is at room temperature in a charge-ordered state, i.e. a double-chain charge ordering of electrons along the b axis, see Fig.1. In this case the electronic transitions along b axis to a states with double-site occupancies should be almost completely suppressed. This is evident by vanishing of the structures around 1 eV in E k b spectra of LiV2 O5 . This effect is caused by a reduced probability for the electrons to hope along the b axis or in the xy direction that are already occupied. This is consistent with the vanishing of the structures around 1 eV in the σb spectra of LiV2 O5 . The E k a bonding-antibonding transition is not influenced by the double-chain charge ordering pattern in LiV2 O5 as much as processes described above, and we still find the peak at 0.85 eV. Its intensity is approximately two times smaller than the 0.9 eV peak in NaV2 O5 , indicating that charge-localization also affect (in some way) this process. If so, suppression of the 0.9 eV peak in NaV2 O5 is expected below the phase transition and indeed observed in Ref. 27. Therefore, the intensities of the peaks along the b axis in the optical conductivity of NaV2 O5 should be strongly temperature dependent if the CO below Tc is of ”in-line” type. This is not observed in the experiment, firmly establishing the ”zigzag” CO scenario in NaV2 O5 , [10]. Keeping in mind the complete disappearance of the 1.1 and 1.6 eV peaks in the σb spectra of LiV2 O5 , we propose that these two structures in NaV2 O5 originate from electronic transitions which involve double-electron occupation of the rungs created in neighboring ladders or the same ladder, respectively; see Fig.1. That is, the E k b experimental configuration 4

allows both intraladder and interladder transitions, while the E k a configuration allows only interladder transitions. Thus the interladder transitions could correspond to 1.1 eV peak (Fig. 2), which has a similar intensity in both σa and σb spectra. Different energies of intraladder and interladder transitions could be related to the Coulomb potential difference in the following way: Let us assume that double-electron occupancy costs an effective energy V for the √ isolated rung. Then the total potential difference between these two cases is (taking Vxy ∼ 2V ) ∆E = (2V + 2Vxy ) − (3V + Vxy ) =∼ 0.4V . Taking V=1 eV, we obtain ∆E ∼ 0.4eV. Since experiment gives an energy difference of about 0.5 eV, the additional energy difference between of about 0.1 eV could be due to the difference in hopping. If so, the first consequence is that interladder hopping txy is not an order of magnitude smaller than tb = 0.23 eV (Jb = 4t2b /U J ∼ 560K), [5], but rather just factor of two or three smaller, txy ∼ 0.1eV . Such a conclusion is consistent with previous estimates [28] and with arguments involving magnetic dimer formation along the xy direction, which follows from the ”zigzag” charge-ordered ground state [10]. The structures around 3-4 eV do not show much difference in these two compounds. According to the angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy results [24], we assign 3.22 and 3.73 eV peaks to O2p − V3d transitions within the same V-O-V rungs. In conclusion, we studied the electronic properties of NaV2 O5 and LiV2 O5 by measuring the optical reflectivity and dielectric functions of these two compounds in the 0.5 - 5.5 eV energy range. While σa is similar in both compounds the σb is strongly suppressed around 1 and 5 eV in LiV2 O5 . We atribute this effect to charge-localization originating from the double in-line charge-ordering pattern in LiV2 O5 . Our results, thus, support the zigzag charge-ordering ground state in NaV2 O5 below the phase-transition temperature. Acknowledgement: This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and Simon Fraser University. ∗ [email protected]


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FIGURES FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the (a) LiV2 O5 and (b) NaV2 O5 crystal structures.

FIG. 2. Room temperature optical conductivity of NaV2 O5 and LiV2 O5 .

FIG. 3. Imaginary part of the pseudodielectric function of NaV2 O5 and LiV2 O5 .


Konstantinovic et al. Fig. 1

O V Li, Na V3d electron



V4.5+ Na

V4+ Li V5+

V Vxy

VL2 b


LiV2O5 a




Konstantinovic et al. Fig. 2 2000




σ(Ω cm )

σa σb


LiV2O5 2000





NaV2O5 500





Energy (eV)



Konstantinovic et al. Fig.3 5


LiV2O 5 4






3 NaV2O 5







Energy (eV)