chatlog001_greece in japan - Weblogs

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Anime, hentai intstead of video. [Roman] the hentai thing.. what about it. [ Daikenyama] hentai means pervert, its animated porn. whether on mags or movies. its.
chatlog\\ Leben in Japan / Sex in Japan. [Daikenyama] I am from greece but i have been there for 3 years now [Roman] so. maybe you can tell me something? [Daikenyama] of course ask me [Roman] so.. it's about sex in japan.. i found out that japan is one of the most sexual liberated countries in the world, that prostitution is not bad because japanese devide love from sex. i found out about love hotels and about traditional japanese bondage [Daikenyama] yes is true what you say [Roman] and that things we in the west would declare as pornographic is everyday entertainment in japan [Daikenyama] yes thats true. but still poronogaphy is banned in japan, its ilegal [Roman] i thought there is no censorship?! [Daikenyama] there is, they put pixels and stuff and everything is monitored. love hotels is where you go with your boyfriend for weird kind of sex, like try new things. and yes, prostituion is bad, but many girls do it, because its good money and some think is ok [Roman] is bad? i heared that a prostitute is not "bad", because japanese divide sex and love. i heared that many girls are prostitutes because of money and because of the schoolgirlfetish lolitacomplex japanese man have [Daikenyama] hmmm,yes, thats partly true, let me explain. it realy depends on the person. is not as if they go and tell their friends they do it. but many do. many go in pornography film, for money for uni and expensive clothes they have fetishes for sure i had many jap gals and they are very weird and have crazy fantasies that has to do a lot with the culture we are talking about girls jerking off with porn comics instead of playboy mags [Roman] crazy fantasies? [Daikenyama] yes like i rememember 2 of my gfs wanted to try bondage. i found it very weird. they like to be treated like the guy is the master [Roman] i heared that to. japanese woman wants to be dominated in some ways [Daikenyama] is true. I have had the weirdest experience in Japan. but nontheless by far the most interesting [Roman] what else could be topics about sexuality in japan [Daikenyama] hmm. Scholgirls - the uniform - is a must! Anime, hentai intstead of video [Roman] the hentai thing.. what about it [Daikenyama] hentai means pervert, its animated porn. whether on mags or movies. its the first contact of Japanese schoolkids with sex [Roman] in what age

[Daikenyama] 14 and above i would say. 16 is the legal age for sex here [Roman] you were 3 years in japan.. were are you now? [Daikenyama] I am in Tokyo. i have been everywher in japan though [Roman] you stay there now? [Daikenyama] I play american Football for university team so, yes [Roman] were are you originally from? [Daikenyama] Athens Greece [Roman] ah.. and you want to stay in japan ? like it? [Daikenyama] yes, is very nice, i love greece, its paradise on earth [Roman] that's interesting since you are from greece. [Daikenyama] but i find japan more interesting. i learn something new every day - crazy evolving culture [Roman] can you tell me what were the most cultural difficulties for you to participate? [Daikenyama] clubbing is one of them. they are very quite, they can have fun without dancing and drinking in a club. plus if you are good looking and white then you are fucked because all the jap boys are jealous of you and they do not hang out with you also because i treat women with repsepct. some of my japanese girls did not like that, they like men to be higher than them, not wash dishes and stuff like that [Roman] that's the dominating part again.. [Daikenyama] yes. Also japanese people are very minimal. they never ever say what they really thing. western people are more straight. japanese people are never like that [Roman] very introvert? [Daikenyama] yes, also. many of them are racists, they call us Gaijin, especially guys. it means foreigner but like bad. „Ghost“ [Roman] but only out of jealousy? [Daikenyama] we are white, yes [Roman] what were your experiences when you meet and got together with your first japanese girlfriend [Daikenyama] hmm, very weird i must say. they do not talk much, they just smile. they enever look in the eyes, plus going going out with white is like a status. they prove something and becaus ethey try something new. they will have no character, they say yes to whatever you say or want to do, even if they hate it. and mediteraneans are very popular in japan [Daikenyama] where you from, i am from Athens [Roman] düsseldorf, germany

[Daikenyama] cool, i love germany man. is very cool place, ive been many times [Roman] well.. depends.. i like berlin :) [Daikenyama] yes, berlin is awesome [Roman] what is the meaning of Daikenyama? [Daikenyama] hm is a shopping mall, very huge [Roman] can you tell me one more thing that'll be interesting [Daikenyama] like what, it has to be public baths. the girls have their craziest fantasy there. hot springs they call them [Roman] when you were together with your japanese girlfriends. who's intention was the first sex? The girls or yours? if the girls, how does she did that, if she's so quiet [Daikenyama] hmm. girls i would say. she just make tiny steps until they cannot control anymore and then they release, like, you know they go mad, they are very passionate. [Roman] what about prevention? how clarified are japanese in prevention? [Daikenyama] hmm they prefer not [Roman] really... is there no fear from aids? Or fear of too early pregnancy? [Daikenyama] well they prefer pill, at least the ones i was going out with. but they are very informed about contraception [Roman] Thanks a lot fort his „interview“ ;) [Daikenyama] no man, my pleasure. anything you need