Jan 31, 2014 ... Selected Solutions Manual for the above text [optional]. ... General Chemistry
Principles and Modern Applications by Petrucci, Harwood & ...
Chemistry 102 Spring 2014 Fundamentals of Chemistry: II http://web.uvic.ca/~chem102/ 1. Lecture sections: CRN Time Section A01 A02
20394 20395
8:30-9:50 AM MR 9:30AM-10:20PM TWF
Senior Laboratory Instructor:
Lecture Room SCI B150
Dr. R. Lipson
ELL 166 ELW ELL 313
ELL 228
rlipson@uvic.ca MAC A144
Dr. S. Briggs briggsag@uvic.ca Course Coordinator Monica Reimer dragon@uvic.ca
2. Prerequisites: You must have completed B.C. Chemistry 12 (or Chem 091 or equivalent) and Chem 101 (or Chem 150) with a passing grade. If you are uncertain as to whether you have the correct prerequisites please contact the Course Coordinator. Specific information regarding the required background is available on the course website. 3. Confirmation of registration in Chemistry 102: Every student wishing to earn credit for Chem 102 must be registered in a lecture section and a laboratory section. See section 7(d). 4. Textbook and resource materials a. The course textbook is our own UVic custom edition of : Brown, LeMay, and Bursten, Murphy & Woodward “Chemistry: The Central Science”, 12th edition, 2012, which is sold in the Bookstore and is also available as an e-text. See the textbook page of the course website for a fuller explanation. b. Chem 102 Lecture Notebook c. Selected Solutions Manual for the above text [optional]. Note that the exercises in the text are colored-coded red and black. This manual contains worked-out solutions for the black-colored exercises. Short answers to the red-colored ones are available at the end of the text. May be available as a used book on-line. d. Laboratory Manual 102, Spring 2014, published by the Department of Chemistry and sold in the Bookstore. e. A Hayden McNeil student lab notebook containing carbonless duplicate sets available in the University Bookstore. (You may use the same notebook used in Chemistry 101.) f. An iClicker personal response device for use in lectures. See Section 10 below. g. Course web site: http://web.uvic.ca/~chem102/ Course schedules, important links, examination results and answers, and other resources will be posted on the web site. h. Drop-in Centre: See Section 11 below. i. Web site for narrated animated Flash presentations that demonstrate a structure approach for solving a wide variety of problems typical of Chem 102 examinations. See http://web.uvic.ca/~chem102/probs.html j. McPherson Library Reserve Reading Room: General Chemistry Principles and Modern Applications by Petrucci, Harwood & Herring Chemistry, The Molecular Science by Moore, Stanitski & Jurs Chemistry, McMurry & Fay
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5. Course components: The course includes the scheduled lectures and clicker participation, the scheduled laboratory work, out of class work including problem sets and on-line problem solving animations, eight on-line quizzes, two mid- term tests and a three hour final examination. Syllabus (course content) [approximate number of lecture hours (based on the 50 minute lecture model) in square brackets] The following refers to the Chemistry 101/102/150 UVic Custom Text. A. Gases. Chapter 8 (omit 8.8): [approx. 4 hours] gas pressure, gas laws, ideal gas law, stoichiometry and gases, partial pressure and Dalton’s law, kinetic-molecular theory of gases, real gases B. Chemistry of the atmosphere. Chapter 9.1-9.2 [approx. 5 hours] the atmosphere - outer regions and ozone chemistry; chemistry in the troposphere, acid rain, photochemical smog, global warming C. Thermochemistry. Chapter 10 [approx. 6 hours] energy and energy changes, internal energy and state functions, expansion work, energy and enthalpy, standard state, enthalpies of physical and chemical changes, calorimetry and heat capacity, Hess’s law, heats of formation, food & fuels D. Liquids. Chapter 11 [approx. 3 hours] properties of liquids, phase changes, evaporation, vapor pressure and boiling point, simple phase diagrams E. Chemical equilibrium. Chapter 12, [approx. 3 hours] concept of equilibrium, equilibrium constant, direction of chemical reaction, applications of equilibrium constants, Le Chatelier’s Principle F. Entropy and free energy. Chapter 13: [approx. 5 hours] spontaneous processes, entropy & probability, entropy & temperature, entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, free energy changes for reactions, free energies of formation, free energy and chemical equilibrium, free energy and reaction composition (Keq). G. Chemical kinetics. Chapter 14 [approx. 4 hours,] reaction rates, concentration and temperature and rate, activation energy, reaction mechanisms with a slow and with a fast initial step, catalysis H. Chemistry of water in the environment. Chapter 9.3 & 9.4 [approx. 5 hours]; water - properties as solvent and implications in biological systems, oceans and sea water, freshwater, and water purity, municipal water treatment, 6. Grading The marked components will be weighted as follows: 2 Midterm tests 8 On-line quizzes iClicker participation Laboratory Final exam
20% 7% 3% 33% 37%
a. A passing mark for the laboratory (with completion of 70% of the laboratory work) is required to pass the course. b. A passing mark (approximately 50%) for the total of final examination, midterm tests, quiz and clicker components is also required to pass the course. c. All midterm and quiz marks count towards the final grade with NO EXCEPTIONS. Therefore, students must work throughout the course and be rewarded for these. The best strategy for success in this course is to keep up with the material and to do lots of problems. d. You should not leave things until the end of the course with the notion that you can depend on the final examination as a means of measuring your performance. The final examination should be considered as a partmeasure of your achievement in this course.
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e. Missed midterm tests or final examination will count as zero in the grade calculation unless a medical or other satisfactory reason is provided in writing.
Missed midterm test: There will be no make-up midterm tests. If a student is ill and misses a test, an excuse in writing is required. The excuse must be dated within the week of the test and must be handed in within two weeks of the test date. The medical excuse must provide sufficient information to establish that the student was not able to write the test due to his/her medical condition on the date of the test in question. The student is also required to give written consent for information about her/his medical condition to be disclosed to the instructor. Any such information obtained is treated as confidential. Certain other types of personal or family circumstances may be considered as equivalent to a medical excuse if accompanied by appropriate documentation. If your absence is approved, the weight of the final examination will be increased to account for the midterm test value.
Missed final examination: The appropriate documentation should be submitted with a “Request for Academic Concession” (from Records) to the Undergraduate Records Office as described in the University Calendar: http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2013/FACS/UnIn/UARe/DeSt.html
Missed on-line quizzes will count as zero. No exceptions.
g. Clicker points will be based on participation in CHEM 102 classes on specified dates, depending on your section. (see section 10 below) If you participate in clicker questions in 80% or more of the specified 18 classes (i.e. in 14 or more classes), you will receive the maximum of 3% toward your final grade. You have to answer AT LEAST ONE of the questions on a given day to get credit for participation that day. If you participate in fewer than 14 classes, you will receive a pro-rated percentage (see Section 10). There is no opportunity to “make up” or prorate clicker points if you do not participate in class. The level of participation required to receive maximum points is set at 80% of all classes. This is to allow you to not respond for up to four classes (due to illness, sports competitions, low batteries or missing clickers, technical malfunction, etc.) and still receive your maximum clicker points. It is an academic infraction to use or bring another student’s clicker to class, or to lend your clicker to another student. This will be treated as similar to other academic infractions (such as cheating on an exam) and will be subject to university disciplinary procedures. Please remember that the clickers provide you with an opportunity to enhance your in-class learning, and it is expected you will cooperate in making the system work to help you and your colleagues learn. h.
Letter grades will be derived from the final composite score. Conversion of numerical scores to letter grades will be based approximately on a new conversion scale introduced by the University in 2012. This new scale is described here: http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2012/FACS/UnIn/UARe/Grad.html
7. Laboratory a. Laboratories start the week of January 13th. b. All students must be registered in a laboratory section to obtain credit for Chemistry 102. Students are responsible for assuring that they have completed this registration requirement prior to the start of labs on January 13th. Any students who have failed to register for the laboratory by Monday January 13th may be deregistered from the course. c. The laboratory mark will be based on pre-lab assignments, quizzes, quality of technical performance and laboratory reports. Further details are available in the Laboratory Manual and on the Chem 102 lab website, http://web.uvic.ca/~dragon/102lab.html . In order to pass the course you must obtain a passing grade in the laboratory component and completion and grading of 70% of the laboratory work. d. Laboratory credit may be allowed for students who have completed the laboratory at this university within the past three years. Credit is provided for only one subsequent attempt at the course. Students applying for laboratory credit from previous years must email the First Year Senior Lab Instructor, Monica Reimer and request laboratory credit from a previous year. If past lab credit is denied, the student must immediately register in a lab section. If past credit is denied, the student must register in a regular laboratory section prior to January 13th. Direct any questions about labs to Ms. Reimer (dragon@uvic.ca), First Year Senior Lab Instructor in Elliott 228.
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8. Midterm Tests and the Final Examination Students will be responsible for material covered in the lectures in addition to the relevant chapters of the course textbook. You are responsible for adhering to the academic regulations of the University of Victoria, particularly with regard to scholarly integrity. Please review the Academic Regulations section of the University Calendar with particular attention to the section of Plagiarism and Cheating: http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2012/FACS/UnIn/UARe/PoAcI.html Calculator restriction: The only calculator you will be permitted to use in Chemistry 101 Mid-Term Tests and in the Final Exam is the Sharp EL-510R or the Sharp EL-510 RNB, also permitted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.You will not be allowed to bring any other calculator into the test or examination. Midterm tests will take place outside of regular class time. Since Chemistry 102 labs run Monday to Thursday evenings, midterms will be on Fridays after regular classes. We have chosen the 5-6 PM slot so as to avoid as many potential conflicts as possible. A few students will have an academic class that runs until 5:30 PM. These students should identify themselves to their instructors before the midterm test. They will be given permission to start the exam up till 5:30 PM. a) Midterm Test Schedule and Locations: Midterm tests will take place outside of regular class time. Midterm Test 1: Friday, January 31, 2014, 5-6 PM The test will be written in these locations. A01, CRN 20394 (Dr. R. Lipson): Science (Bob Wright Centre) B150 (regular lecture room for A01) A02, CRN 20395 (Dr. S. Briggs): Engineering/Computer Sci 123 (ECS 123) (NOT regular room for A02) Midterm Test 2: Friday, March 14, 2014, 5-6 PM The test will be written in these locations. A01, CRN 20394 (Dr. R. Lipson): Science (Bob Wright Centre) B150 (regular lecture room for A01) A02, CRN 20395 (Dr. S. Briggs): Engineering/Computer Sci 123 (ECS 123) (NOT regular room for A02) You must bring your student ID for both midterm tests. Place it on a top corner of the desk such that it will be readily visible to the invigilator for the entire duration of the test. b) Final exam: The final examination will be scheduled by the Office of the Administrative Registrar sometime between April 7th and April 25th. End of term travel plans should not be made prior to the publication of the final examination schedule, usually in early February. Requests for early exams will not be granted. Deferred exams are normally written in late July at a time scheduled by Records Services. Rules concerning Deferred exams are here: http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2012/FACS/UnIn/UARe/DeSt.html 9. On-line quizzes Quizzes will be done on-line using the Mastering Chemistry tutorial and homework program from the publisher of our text. Details are on the course web site. Although you may complete suggested homework assignments with your study group, you are expected to work the on-line quizzes individually. There will be an ungraded practice quiz available early in the term so that you can try out the system and check your computer’s compatibility. The quizzes can also be done in a University computer lab.
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There are 8 on-line quizzes. You must complete the quizzes according to the schedule published on the course web site on the Quizzes page http://web.uvic.ca/~chem102/quizzes.html It is to your advantage to do the quizzes on a weekly basis rather than attempt them near the deadline. It may be necessary to adjust these deadlines. Watch the Quiz page of the course web site and the Mastering Chemistry web site for Chem 102. 10. iClicker participation To receive clicker participation points, students must bring their own clickers to class. Go to this website at UVic Learning Systems for information on iClickers, including how to register your clicker: http://elearning.uvic.ca/iclicker/students#registering_clicker or find the registering link from their index page here: http://www.uvic.ca/systems/services/learningteaching/iclicker/index.php Clicker points will be based on participation in CHEM 102 classes on the following dates, depending on your section: A01: Jan. 16, 20, 23, 27, 30; Feb.3, 6, 17, 20, 24, 27; Mar. 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24 (or later if we miss a day) A02: Jan. 17, 21, 22, 28, 29; Feb. 4, 5, 18, 19, 25, 26; Mar. 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25 (or later if we miss a day) If you participate in clicker questions in 80% or more of the above 18 classes (i.e. in 14 or more classes), you will receive the maximum of 3% of your final grade. If you participate in fewer than 14 classes, you will receive the following approximate percentages: 13 classes: 2.8%, 12 classes: 2.6% 11 classes: 2.4% 10 classes: 2.1% 9 classes: 1.9 %
8 classes: 1.7% 7 classes: 1.5% 6 classes: 1.3% 5 classes: 1.1% 4 classes: 0.9%
3 classes: 0.6% 2 classes: 0.4% 1 classes: 0.2% 0 classes: 0%
Drop-in Centre A Drop-in Centre will operate in the second floor landing area of the Elliott laboratory wing each week starting January 15th. The schedules for this help centre will also be linked on the Chem 102 website and posted prominently on the second floor landing of the Elliott laboratory wing. Chemistry teaching assistants (TA’s) will be available to answer questions regarding homework problems, lecture material and laboratory work. Consult the link on the Chem 102 web site for details.