â¢Explain the preoperative and postoperative nursing management of child with. hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (1+2+7=10)
Reg. No:.............
Q.P.Code: 001711
First Post Basic B.Sc Nursing Supplementary Examinations-June 2012 CHILD HEALTH NURSING Max marks :75
Time: 3 hrs •
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Essays (2x10=20) 1. Master Suresh, one year old got admitted to the surgical ward with the diagnosis of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. •Define hypertrophic pyloric stenosis •List the clinical manifestations of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis •Explain the preoperative and postoperative nursing management of child with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (1+2+7=10) 2. Baby Sangeetha, three years old admitted with diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome •Define nephrotic syndrome •Explain the pathophysiology of nephrotic syndrome •List down the clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome •Explain the medical and nursing management of child with nephrotic syndrome (1+2+2+5=10) Short notes 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Principles of growth and development Neonatal reflexes Under-five clinic Patent ductus arteriosus Sickle cell anaemia
Give Reason 12. Vitamin. K should be administered to the new born shortly after birth 13. Hep titis B vaccine is given in vastus lateralis muscles 14.Alkaline based soap should not be used on premature babies skin 15.Child's apical pulse is always checked before administering digoxin