A. aff. hracteolatus Nutt. In = 16. U.S.A. Idaho. Boise Co.: W of Lowman, S & Bt. 7063. A. chilensis .... U.S.A. Iowa. Keokuk Co. ... NE of Clinton, 5" & Ch 6029.
ABSTRACT The chromosome numbers of 245 individuals representing 145 taxa as well as hybrids from 21 genera are reported. The sample includes taxa with chromosomal base numbers of .v = 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9. The following numbers are first reports for the taxa: Aster chilensis Nées, 2n = ca. 96; A. gormanii Piper, In — 9U\ A. ledophyilus var. covillei (Greene) Cronq., In = 9n; A. perelegans Neis. & Macbr., 2n = 9n; A. radulinus Gray, 2n = 18. Supernumerary chromosomes were found in Aster prenanthoides T. & G., Erigeron inornatus Gray var. inornatus, Gulierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britt. & Rusby, Haplopappus venetus (H.B.K.) Blake, Lessmgia nemaclada Greene, and Macheranthera commixta Greene. Key Words: Compositae, Astereae, chromosome numbers
General cytological trends in the Tribe Astereae of the Fam. Compositae have been discussed by Raven et al. ( 1959), Turner et al. (1961), Solbriget al. (1964), Anderson et al. (1974), Grau (1977) and Semple ( 1981 ). The tribe is recognized to consist of one large group of genera with an ancestral base number of x — 9 and a second group of taxa with x — 6, 5, 4 or 3. The origins of the latter taxa are viewed as polyphyletic and derived by some workers, while they are viewed as primitive and potentially ancestral to the former group by others. The data needed to clarify the cytological history of the tribe is not yet available. The counts listed below do not support or refute any of the theories that have been put forward during the past 25 years. Names used reflect my views on tribal history which have been outlined previously (Semple, 1981). The chromosome number determinations listed below are being reported for the first time. Most are confirmations of previously published reports. The counts are being reported so that the information will be available to those doing biosystematic research on specific taxa. Strother (1972) has noted the need for large numbers of reports of chromosome numbers in biosystematic studies.
Meiotic counts were made from pollen parent cells (PPC's) fixed in the field in Carnoy's Fixative 3:1 (absolute EtOH: glacial acetic acid) and then stored in 70% EtOH under refrigeration until examined. Anthers containing PPC's were dissected out of florets and squashed in 1% acetic orcein stain. Counts were made from freshly prepared slides using a Zeiss RA Standard Microscope with phase contrast optics. Mitotic counts were made from root tip cells obtained from either seedlings or transplanted rootstocks following Semple (1978). Counts were made from freshly prepared slides as above. Vouchers for all counts are deposited in WAT. Loran C. Anderson and Lowell Urbatch assisted in identifying collections of Chrysothamnus, Ericameria, and Macronema; Guy Nesom confirmed identifications of collections of Erigeron; Géraldine Allen assisted in identifying collections of some western x — 8 species of Aster. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Chromosome number determinations from 245 collections representing 145 taxa as well as hybrids from 21 genera of the Tribe Astereae (Fam. Compositae) are listed in Table 1 below alphabetically by genus and species. About half the counts are from individuals of the genus Aster. The following are first reports for the taxa listed: Aster chilensis, 2n = ca. 96; A. gormanii, 2n = 9\\\ A. ledophyllus var. covillei, In = 9\\\ A. perelegans, 2n = 9n; A. radulinus, 2n= 18. Supernumerary chromosomes were found in the following taxa: Aster prenanthoides (x = 8), Erigeron inornatus var. inornatus (x — 9), Gutierrezia sarothrae (x — 4), Haplopappus venetus {x — 6), Lessingia nemaclada (x = 5), and Macheranthera commixta (x — 4). Supernumerary chromosomes varied in size from small 0.5 ^m dots to larger chromosomes 1-2 jum long. They were present in taxa in both the large x — 9 group and the lower base number group(s) in the tribe. Collections not otherwise indicated are those of J. and B. Semple (S & S). Key to other collectors: Br = Brammall; Bt = L. Brouillet; Ch = J. Chmielewski; K — R. Keir; R = G. Ringius; S — J. Semple.
Semple — Astereae
Table 1. Alphabetical list of chromosome number determinations Aster ascendens Lindl. In = 52. U.S.A. Colorado. Teller Co.: Florissant, S & Bt 7247. Montana. Wheatland Co.: W of Shawmut, .V & Bl 6996. A. acuminatus Ait. 2n = 18. CANADA. Nova Scotia. Halifax Co.: Sheet Harbour, 5 & K4803. U.S.A. Maine. Franklin Co.: ME-16, rest area by Carrabassett River. S. & K 4626. Vermont. Addison Co.: W of Hancock, S. 6893. A. anomalus Engelm. 2n = 16. U.S.A. Missouri. Callaway Co.: W of New Bloomfield, S & Ch5302. A. Xblakei (Porter) House. In = 18. CANADA. Nova Scotia. Digby Co.: Digby Neck, Midway Lake, S. & K 4869. A. azureus Lindl. In = 32. U.S.A. Nebraska. Nemaha Co.: W of Auburn, S & Bt 7357. A. hracteolatus Nutt. 2n = 16. U.S.A. Washington. Klickitat Co.: Klickitat, S & Bt 7086; Skamania Co.: along Cook-Underwood Rd, 5 & Bt 7103; Yakima Co.: US-12 2.4 mi E of Clear Creek Rd, S & Bt 7077. A. aff. hracteolatus Nutt. In = 16. U.S.A. Idaho. Boise Co.: W of Lowman, S & Bt 7063. A. chilensis Nees. 2n = 48. U.S.A. Oregon. Coos Co.: N of Coaledo, S & Bt 7128; Lincoln Co.: N of Newport, S & Bt 7121. 2n = ca. 96. U.S.A. Washington. Pacific Co.: Raymond. S & Bl 7110. A. conspicuus Lindl. 2n = ca. 108. U.S.A. Idaho. Boundary Co.: N of Naples, S & Bl 4379. 2n ^ ca. 122. CANADA. British Columbia. S of Moyie, S & Bl 4375. U.S.A. Montana. Broadwater Co.: E of Townsend, near Carl Creek Trail, S & Bt 7010. A. cordifolius !.. 2n — 16. U.S.A. Maine. Franklin Co.: ME-16 rest area by Carrabasett River, S & K 4627. 2n = 32. New York. Dutchess Co.: Taconic Parkway at Putnam County line, S 6830. A. ciliolatus Lindl. 2n — 48. U.S.A. Michigan. Delta Co.: Garden Corners, S & Ch 5020. A. divaricatus L. 2n = 18. U.S.A. Massachusetts. Worcester Co.: Harvard, S 6868. New York. Broome Co.: E of Binghamton, S6802. Pennsylvania. Fulton Co.: E of Amaranth, S & Ch 5865. Vermont. Addison Co.: W of Hancock, S 6895; Windham Co.: W side of Hogback Mtn. S & K 4953. A. drummondii Torr. & Gray var. drummondii. 2n — 16. U.S.A. Kansas. Miami Co.: NE of Beagle, 5 & Ch5255. 2n = 32. U.S.A. Illinois. Adams Co.: Bluff Hall, 5 & Bt 7371 & 7372; Cook Co.: Northbrook, S & Bl 6930. A. dumosus L. 2n = 16. U.S.A. Florida. Lake Co.: FL-46 at Wekiwa River, 5342; Pasco Co.: US-301 N of county line, 5414. A. dumosus L. var. strictiorTorr. & Gray. 2n — 32. U.S.A. New York. Suffolk Co.: E of Centre Moriches, S 6855. A. engelmannii A. Gray. 2n = 9M. U.S.A. Washington. Yakima Co.: Clear Lake Rd. near US-12, S & Bt 7074. A. exilis Ell. 2AZ = 10. U.S.A. Alabama. Marengo Co.: Demopolis, „S' & Ch 6362.
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A. foliaceus Lindl. In — 16. U.S.A. Montana. Broadwater Co.: F. of Townsend near Carl Creek Trail, S & Bt 7009. Wyoming. Carbon Co.: W of Ryan Park R. S., S & Bt 7236. Johnson Co.: Powder River Pass, S & Bt 4454. In = 32. U.S.A. Washington. Lewis Co.: White Pass, S & Br 7073. In = 48. U.S.A. Oregon. Clackamas Co.: US-24, 2.1 mi S of OR-35, S & Bi 7098. 2n = (A, U.S.A. Idaho. Boise Co.: W of Lawman, S & Bt 7062; Lehmi Co.: NW of Carmen, Stormy Peak Rd, S & Bt 7037. Montana. Beaverhead Co.: Chief Joseph Pass, S & Bt 7025; 2.6 mi F of Wise River, S & Bt 7015; 5.8 mi F of Wise River, 5 & Bt 7020. Oregon. Deschutes Co.: W of Bend, .V & Bt 7192; Hood River Co.: Bennett Pass, S ^ Bt 7092. Wyoming. Carbon Co.: SE of Saratoga, S & Bt 7230. In = 80. U.S.A. Colorado. Routt Co.: SF of Steamboat Springs, 5774; Summit Co.: Arapahoe Basin Ski Area, 6565. 2n — ca. 96. U.S.A. Wyoming. Teton Co.: Teton Pass. 5 * Bl 7212. A. glaucodes Torr. & Gray In = 9M U.S.A. Colorado. Montezuma Co.: SF. of Corte/. 5523. Wyoming. Teton Co.: W of Teton Pass, S & Bt 7211. A. gormanii(Piper) Blake. In = 9,( U.S. A. Oregon. Marion Co.: Sardine Mtn. W of Detroit, S & Bt 7176. A. hesperias Cray. In = 64. U.S.A. Colorado. El Paso Co.: NW of Manitou Springs, 5 à Bt 7270. Oregon. Sherman Co.: The Dalles, W of the dam, S & Bt 7084. A. integrifolius Nutt. In = 18. U.S.A. Wyoming. Teton Co.: WY-22 at Trail Creek Campground. S & Bt 7202. A. jessicae Piper. 2n — 40M U.S.A. Washington. Whitman Co.: Pullman, S & Bt 7070. A. laevis L. var. laevis. 2n = 48. U.S.A. Colorado. El Paso Co.: Manitou Springs, S 6 Bl 7273, 7276. New York. Broome Co.: W of Windsor, 6811. Suffolk Co.: Mattituck, S 6860. North Dakota. Barnes Co.: Valley City, 5 & Bt 6957; Stark Co.: F of Gladstone, S & Bt 6969. Wisconsin. Jackson Co.: SE of Milton, S & Bt 6940. A. lanceolatus Willd. 2n = 64. CANADA. Ontario. Cochrane Dist.: Timmins, Porcupine Fake. Brunton 4712. U.S.A. New York. Dutchess Co.: Taconic State Parkway by Miller Hill Rd, S6836. A. lateriflorus(L.) Britt. 2n= 16. U.S.A. Michigan. Delta Co.: F of Bark River, S & Ch 5029. 2/1 = 32. U.S.A. Wisconsin. Crawford Co.: S of Prairie du Chien, S & CH5184. A. ledophyllus A. (iray var. covillei (Greene) Cronq. 2n — 9(| U.S.A. Oregon. Fane Co.: 3.2 mi W of McKenzie Pass. S & Bt 7172. A. ledophyllus A. Gray var. ledophyllus. 2n = 9M U.S.A. Oregon. Hood River Co.: Bennett Pass, S & Bt 7093; Mt. Hood Meadows Ski Area, S & Bt 7101; Marion Co.: Sardine Mtn. near Detroit, S & Bt 7/74. A. linariifolius 1. 2n = 9M U.S.A. South Carolina. Berkeley Co.: SE of Alvin, S & Ch 6129. A. aff. longifolius Fam. 2n — 64. CANADA. Ontario. Cochrane Dist.: Kesagami Prov. Park, mouth of Kesagami River, Brunton 4677. A. macrophyllus F. 2n = 72. CANADA. Ontario. Kenora Dist.: E of Kenora, 6727; Thunder Bay Dist.: W of Shebandowan, S & Bt 4119. A. meritus A. Neis. 2n = 36. U.S.A. Montana. Carbon Co.: S of Red Lodge, S & Bl 4430. Wyoming. Johnson Co.: Powder River Pass, S & Bt 4453; Rock Co.: N of BeartOOth Pass, S & Bl 4438.
Semple — Astereae
A. modestus Lindl. 2n= 18. CANADA. Alberta. W of Entwistle, S & Bt 4294. U.S.A. Idaho. Lemhi Co.: N of Gibbonsville, Twin Creek Campground, .V & Bt 7026. Montana. Broadwater Co.: E of Townsend near Carl Creek Trail. S & Bt 7008. Oregon. Clackamas Co.: US-24 2.1 mi S of OR-35, S & Bt 7097; Douglas Co.: Diamond Lake, S & Bt 7157; N of Union Creek, S & Bt 7154; Linn Co.: OR-22 just E of Twin Meadows Rd. W of Marion Lake, S & Bt 7173. Washington. Lewis Co.: White Pass, S & Bt 7071. A. nemoralis Ait. In = 18. CANADA. Nova Scotia. Queens Co.: W of Summerville, 5 & K 4839. A. novi-helgii L. 2n = 48. CANADA. New Brunswick. Northumberland Co.: E of Loggieville. S & K 4695. A. occidentals (Nun.) Torr. & Gray In = 16. U.S.A. Oregon. Douglas Co.: OR-230 9.7 mi N of OR-62, S & Bt 7153. Washington. Yakima Co.: Clear Lake Rd., S of US-12, S & Bt 7076. In = 32. U.S.A. Oregon. Douglas Co.: Diamond Lake, S 6 Bt 7158A; Jackson Co.: W of Butte Falls, S & Bt 7140; Linn Co.: Santiam Pass, S & Bt 7190. In = 64. U.S.A. Idaho. Blaine Co.; US-20 3.6 mi W of ID-75, 5 & Bt 7199. Oregon. Lane Co.: Blue River, S & Bt 7165. A. ontarionis Wieg. 2n — 32. U.S.A. Minnesota. Washington Co.: Pt. Douglas, S & Ch 5084. A. oregonensis (Nutt.) Cronq. 2/7 = 9n U.S.A. California. Shasta Co.; E of Buckhorn Summit, 5699. 2/7=18. U.S.A. Oregon. Lane Co.: Nemrod, S & Bt 7/64. A. paternus Cronq. 2/7 = 18. U.S.A. North Carolina. Harnett Co.: at Moore Co. line, SE of Cameron, ,S' & Ch 6071. A. perelegans Neis. & Macbr. 2/7 = 9M U.S.A. Idaho. Blaine Co.: Galena Summit, S 6 Bt 7056. A. praealtus Poir. var. angustiar Wieg. In — 64. U.S.A. New York. Nassau Co.: East Norwich, 6843. A. praealtus Poir. var. praealtus. 2/7 = 32. U.S.A. Iowa. Keokuk Co.: E of Richland, S. & Ch 5216. Kansas. Anderson Co.: S of Greeley, S. & Ch 5261. Missouri. Callaway Co.: N of Auxvasse, 5 & Ch 5309. Nebraska. Holt Co.: Willow Swamp Creek, S & Bt 4495. A. prenanthoides Torr. & Gray. 2/7 = 32 + 2 supernumeraries. U.S.A. New York. Steuben Co.: N of Lindley. Ch & Hart 261. A. puniceus L. 2/7 = 16. CANADA. Nova Scotia. Digby Co.: Digby Neck, E of Tiddville, S & K 4874. Ontario. Cochrane Dist.: Kesagami Prov. Park, E shore Newnham Bay. Brunton 4622. U.S.A. Maine. Washington Co.: SW of Calais, S & K 4903. A. radulmus A. Gray. In = 18. U.S.A. Oregon. Douglas Co.: NW of Drew, S & Bt 7146; Klamath Co.: W of Summit, NE of Fish Lake,, S & Bt 7134. Washington. Yakima Co.: Clear Lake Rd near US-12, S& Bi 7075; US-12, 2.4 mi E of Clear Lake Rd, S & Bt 7079. A. scopulorum A. Gray. 2/7 = 18. U.S.A. Oregon. Marion Co.: Sardine Mt., W of Detroit, S & Bt 7177. A. simmondsii Small. In — 32M. U.S.A. Florida. Broward Co.: W of Deerfield Beach, 5 of Loxahatchee Reserve, 5360. In = 64. U.S.A. Florida. Collier Co.: S of Immokalee, 5398. A. sihiruus L. 2/7=18. CANADA. Alberta. W of Hinton, E of Jasper Nat'l Park, S 6 Bt 4320.
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A. salidagineus Michx. 2n — 18. U.S.A. New York. Suffolk Co.: E of Center Moriches, 6856. North Carolina. Sampson Co.: NE of Clinton, 5" & Ch 6029. A. suhspicatus Nees. In = 48. U.S.A. Oregon. Tillamook Co.: Cape Lookout Park, S & Bt 7/16 & 7117. A. subulatus Michx. 2n = 5U. U.S.A. Maryland. Queens Anne Co.: N of Grasonville, S & R 7630. In = I0M U.S.A. Florida. Collier Co.: Immokalee, 5401. A. tenuifolius I.. 2n = 10. U.S.A. Florida. Lee Co.: Sanibel Island, behind Bowman Beach, 7504. A. tortifolius Michx. In = 18. U.S.A. North Carolina. Wayne Co.: E of Grantham, S & CH6022. A. tradescanii L. In — 16. CANADA. New Brunswick. Charlotte Co.: Lake Utopia, S & A 4900. A. turbinellus Lindl. 2n — 96. U.S.A. Missouri. Callaway Co.: W of New Bloomfield, S & Ch 5301. A. umbellatus Mill. 2n = 18. CANADA. Quebec. Fountainbleau, S & K4601. A um/ulatus L. 2/1 = 32. U.S.A. Massachusetts. Franklin Co.: W of Riverside, S 6876. Beniloa occidentals (Hall) Keck. 2n = 5¡|. U.S.A. California. Fresno Co.: W of Coalinga, 5651. Boltonia asteroides (L.) L'Her. 2« = ca. 36. U.S.A. Nebraska. Jefferson Co.: US-136, 3 mi W of county line, S & Bt 7348. Chrysopsis gossypina (Michx.) Ell. subsp. gossypina. 2n — 18. U.S.A. Georgia. Wayne Co.: N of Jessup, 7558. C. ¡inearifolia Semple subsp. dressii Semple. 2n — 10. U.S.A. Florida. Brevard Co.: Allenhurst, 7531. C. scabrella Torr. & Gray. 2n = 10. U.S.A. Florida. Brevard Co.: S of Titusville, 7529; Osceola Co.: S of Narcoossee, 7476. Chrysothamnus greenei (Gray) Greene susbp. ftlifalius (Rydb.) Hall. & Clem. 2n = 9||. U.S.A. Colorado. Chaffee Co.: S of Poncho Springs, 5463. C. parryi (Gray) Greene subsp. parryi. 2n = 9,,. U.S.A. Colorado. Saquache Co.: Pancho Pass, 5473. Carethragyne filaginifolia (Hook. & Arn) Nutt. var. virgata (Benth.) A. Gray. 2n = 5||. U.S.A. California. Los Angeles Co.: N of La Canada, 5496; San Pedro, Pt. Fermin, 5619; Riverside Co.: W of Lake Elsinore, 5586; San Diego Co.: E of Live Oak, 5571. 5577. C. leucophylla (Lindl.) Jeps. 2n = 5U. U.S.A. California. Monterey Co.: S of Carmel Highlands, 5659. C. linifolia (Hall) Ferris. 2n - 5M. U.S.A. California. San Diego Co.: Del Mar, near Torrey Pines Park, 5582. Ericameria arbarescens (Gray) Greene. 2n = 9|(. U.S.A. California. San Diego Co.: 1-8 and Pine Valley Rd, 5578. E. panshii (Greene) Blake. 2n = 9n. U.S.A. California. Los Angeles Co.: N of La Canada, 5593.
Semple — Astereae
Erigeron aequifolius Hall. 2n = 18. U.S.A. California. Tulare Co.: N of Stoncy Creek, 5644. E. coulteri Porter. 2n — 18. U.S.A. Colorado. Summit Co.: S of Loveland Pass, 6573. E. divergent Torr. & Gray. 2/7 = I8U. U.S.A. Oregon. Deschutes Co.: E of Bend, W of Horse Ridge Summit, 5 & Bl 7193. E. divergens Torr. & Gray var. cinereus A. Gray. 2n = 18n. U.S.A. Colorado. La Plata Co.: W of Durango, 5514. E. foliosus Nutt. In — 9U. U.S.A. California. Los Angeles Co.: NE of La Canada, 5605. E. inornatus (Gray) Gray var. inornatus. 2n~ 18. U.S.A. California. Siskiyou Co.: Mt. Shasta, 5711. In = 18 + 0 5 supernumeraries. U.S.A. California. Tahema Co.: E of Morgan Summitt, 5705. E. ochroleucus Nutt. 2n = 54. U.S.A. Wyoming. Niobrara Co.: N of Lusk, 6628. E. pumilus Nutt. subsp. intermedius Cronquist. 2n = 9M. U.S.A. Idaho. Custer Co.: N of Challis, 5 & Bl 7040. S of Clayton, S & Bl 7048. E. quereifolius Lam. 2n = 9M. U.S.A. Florida. Lee Co.: Sanibel Is., W of Sanibel, 7498. E. simplex Greene. 2n = 18. U.S.A. Colorado. Summit Co.: Loveland Pass. 6579. E. speciosus (Lindl.) DC. 2« = 18. U.S.A. Idaho. Blaine Co.: Galena summit, S & Bl 7054; Lemhi Co.: N of Gibbonsville, S & Bl 7030. Wyoming. Teton Co.: Teton Pass, .V & Bt 7214; WY-22 near Coal Creek near state line, S & Bl 7208. E. strigosus Muhl. 2n = 36. U.S.A. Idaho. Nez Perce Co.: near Arrow, S & Bt 4397. Euthamia graminifolia (L.) Nutt. 2n — 18. U.S.A. Maine. Waldo Co.: E of Belmont, S & K 4920. E. occidenialis Nutt. 2n = 18. U.S.A. Oregon. Deschutes Co.: W of Redmond, .S & Bl 7191. Utah. Juab Co.: W of Nephi, 5756. Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal (variety undetermined). 2n = 6M. U.S.A. Nevada. Eureka Co.: US-50 at Hwy-20, 5735. G. squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal var. nuda (Wood) A. Gray. 2n = 6U. U.S.A. Colorado. El Paso Co.: S of Colorado Springs, 5458. G. squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal var. squarrosa. 2n = 12. U.S.A. Idaho. Idaho Co.: E of Kooskia, 5 & Bl 4401. Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britt. & Rusby 2/; - 4M. U.S.A. Colorado. El Paso Co.: Colorado Springs, 5444. 2n = 8n + 3, supernumerary. California. San Diego Co.: E of Live Oak, 5572. Haplopappus (¡socorría) annuus (Rydb.) Cory. 2n = 12. U.S.A. Colorado. Pueblo Co.: F of Avondalc, S & Bl 7285. H. (Prionopsis) ciliatus (Nutt.) DC. In = 12. U.S.A. Oklahoma. Cotton Co.: W of Randlett, S & Ch 6465. Texas. Potter Co.: SE of Ady. S & Ch 6475. H. (Pvrrocoma) carthamoides (Hook.) A. Gray. 2n = 12 4- supernumeraries. Washington. Yakima Co.: S of Tieton River, near Lost Lake S of US-12, S & Bt 7080. H. (Hazardia) squarrosus Hook. & Am. subsp. squarrosus. 2n — ca. 5M. U.S.A. California. Monterey Co.: S of Carmel Highlands, 5660.
H. {Isocoma) vénetas (H.B.K.) Blake. In — 6M. U.S.A. California. Orange Co.: CA-74 W of county line, 5589. 2n — bu. + I, supernumerary. U.S.A. California. San Diego Co.: near Lakeside, 5584. 2n = I2M. U.S.A. California. Los Angeles Co.: San Pedro, W of Point Fermin, 5620: San Diego Co.: W of Ramona, 5583. Heteroiheca camporum (Greene) Shinncrs var. glandulissimum Semple. In = 36. U.S.A. Tennessee. Bradley Co.: Cleveland, 5331. H canescens (DC.) Shinners. In — 9(|. U.S.A. Kansas. Barber Co.: US-160, 5 mi E of county line, S & Br 2728. H. echioides (Benth.) Shinners. In ~ 91(. U.S.A. California. Fresno Co.: N of Priest Valley, 5653. H.fastigiata (Greene) Harms. 2n = 9M. U.S.A. California. Los Angeles Co.: N of La Canada, 5598. H. grandiflora Nutt. 2n = 9M. U.S.A. California. Santa Cruz Co.: W of Scotts Valley, 5669. H. hórrida (Rydb.) Harms. 2n = 9n. U.S.A. Colorado. Chaffee Co.: S of Poncha Springs. 5465. H ¡atifolia Buckley. 2n - 9M. U.S.A. Oklahoma. Pittsburg Co.: W of Dow, S & Br 2745. H. oregona (Nutt.) Shinners. 2n — 9|,. U.S.A. California. lehama Co.: 23 mi E of Red Bluff, 5701. H. stenophylla (Gray) Shinners. 2n = I8|(. U.S.A. Kansas, (¡ray Co.: W of Dodge City, .V