Feb 2, 2014 ... February 2, 2014—The Presentation of the Lord. Rev. Frank Grieco, Pastor ...
Parish Web Page: www.holyspiritchurch.com. LITURGICAL ...
Cover September 28th, 2014
Pastor’s Page
Dear Sisters and Brothers, Religious Education has kept me pretty busy these past few weeks and, as promised, I will keep you posted. From reading our bulletin, you are aware that attending Mass is now required for all religious education students. Although, many do not realize it, it has always been required, just never enforced. Most of the parishioners I speak with support me and agree with me, some do not. The education of our children is a principle responsibility of the pastor. The day our children are Confirmed, I must tell the Bishop, publicly, that our children are well educated in our faith and prepared to receive the sacrament. For me to do this in good faith, I need to be more involved in the program. This is not an easy task, and I do ask for your continued prayers and support. On Saturday, October 11th at 12:00 noon, our parish will be taking part in a national rosary to pray for our country. We will meet in the Church at 11:30 a.m. and begin the rosary outside near Jericho turnpike at 12:00 noon. Everyone is welcome, and many parishes from all across the country will be participating. I will have copies of “how to pray the rosary”, so please do not feel intimidated or nervous. There will be nothing expected of you, just be present. Our family Mass will unofficially begin this Sunday, September 28th @ 9:30 A.M. However, the official “kick off” is scheduled for Sunday, October 19th. We will have something special planned. Again, we are encouraging our young people to read/lector at this Mass. At this writing we have 10 registered. We are confident that number will continue to grow. Our first 50/50 winner is Anthony Matero. He won $984.00. Congratulations Anthony! This past Tuesday we celebrated the memorial of St. Padre Pio (Saint Pius of Pietrelcina). Born of poor parents in Pietrelcina, Italy, Francesco entered the Capuchins at the age of 16, taking the name Pio. In 1918 he received the visible stigmata, the wounds of Christ. For the next 50 years, pilgrims flocked to the convent of San Giovanni Rotondo, where Padre Pio reconciled many to Christ in the confessional. He bore physical sufferings and continual scrutiny, entrusting himself to Our Lady of Grace – “my little Blessed Mother” he called her. “Pray, hope, and don’t worry,” he counseled. “Worry is useless. God is merciful and he will hear your prayer.” He died in 1968 and was canonized in 2002.
Holy Spirit Parish Family
On a dark and stormy night........Saturday, September 13th, we traveled from 5:00 mass and gathered under the tent. It was a great night despite the weather. The tent kept us sheltered from the rain as we enjoyed the company of our parish family. God bless Holy Spirit
Thank you for you contued generosity and support of our parish September 21st, 2014 $10,445.00
The Celebration of the Sacraments Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the Second Sunday of every month at 2:00p.m. and the Fourth Saturday of every month at 12:00 noon. Please call the rectory office to make arrangements for your child’s baptism. Marriage MONDAY
Couples should make an appointment with a Priest at least six months prior to the wedding and before arranging the reception. A Marriage Preparation Program is required. Reconciliation (Confession) Every Saturday and Eve of Holy Days 3:45p.m. to 4:45 p.m. in the Church. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are brought into the Catholic Church If you have never been baptised, confirmed or received first Holy Communion or if you are a member of another Christian Church and wish to become a member of the Catholic Church, please call the rectory office. Holy Orders
September 29th-Saint Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael
8:00AM 7:30PM
Purgatorial Society Margaret Solazzo
September 30th -St. Jerome Joseph Newsome
October 1st-St. Theresa
October 2nd- Holy Guardian Angels
Pasquale Graziano
October 3rd-Weekday Eileen E. Grady
Mass of Thanksgiving
SATURDAY October 4th-St. Francis of Assisi 8:00AM Mass of Mulitiple Intentions: Eileen E. Grady, Olga Caruso George Kenney, Stephen Smith Linda Strahm, Nicholas Kirkis 5:00PM Dominick DeMauro
Those young men interested in preparing or learning more about the Priesthood, please contact one of the Priests. Anointing of the Sick Anyone seriously ill, elderly, or prior to an operation should be anointed with the Sacramant of the Anointing of the Sick Please speak with one of the Priests to make the arrangements. Communion for the Homebound Anyone who cannot attend Mass due to illness or age may receive Communion at home. Please call the Rectory office to make arrangements. -4-
Ocotber 5th-Twenty Seventh Sunday
8:00AM 9:30AM 11:00AM 12:30PM
Members of Holy Spirit Parish Patricia E. Downing Quirino Rodondo-39th Anniv. Catherine DiMaio
Respect Life
Once again the Pro-Life Committee is happy to announce the Spiritual Adopt-a-Baby Prayer Program which will begin on the weekend of October 4 and 5. The purpose of this program is to have the parish community praying for unborn babies in danger of abortion and to educate parishioners about the development of the unborn child over the nine-month period before birth. You may "adopt" a baby individually or as a family by signing up. If you wish, you may name the child for whom you will be praying, thereby giving the baby the humanity he or she deserves. You are asked to pray for your unborn child and for all unborn children. Monthly reports describing your baby's development will be placed in the bulletin. We have heard from several individuals who have thanked us for this program over the past years. They have indicated that they probably chose life for their baby due to the prayers received. Your prayers do make a difference! Please take time to fill out your prayer cards and place them in the baskets at the exits of the church.
Religious Education
Let us Pray
Ninabeth Palces
Helen Lopez
Robert Christy Larry Centola
Cathy Hedman
Emily Reis
Mary O’Donald
Henry Hess
Eileen Hammond
Frances Protasiewicz
Jack Dacosta
Mary Ann Ammerman
For Those Who Died in the Lord Jean Spina Dominic Chimienti Vincent J. Newton Dominick J. Armellino
Bereavement Ministry
Everyone at some point in their lifetime will experience the death of a loved one. How one chooses to grieve and for how long is an individual choice. Some people move through their grief at a quicker, steadier pace and others take longer. You cannot rush the grieving process, because you cannot rush your emotions, your feelings and the life you had
Scripture Readings September 14 - September 21
with your loved one. SUNDAY: Ez.18-25, Mt 21:28-32 MONDAY: Dn 7:9-10, Jn 1:47-51
If you are experiencing grief in the loss of a loved one, there are people and resources available to assist you in your healing process You may wish to speak with a Priest, Deacon, Social Worker, Bereavement Counselor, someone on the Holy Spirit Bereavement Team, or attend a bereavement group.
TUESDAY: Jb 3:1-3, Lk 9:51-56 WEDNESDAY: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16 Lk 9:57-62 THURSDAY: Jb 19:21-27 , Mt 18:1-5 FRIDAY:
Jb 38:1, 12-21, Lk 10:13-16
If there’s anything, we at Holy Spirit Parish can do to be of assistance to you, please telephone the Rectory at 516-354-0359.
SATURDAY: Jb 42: 1-3, Lk 10: 17-24 NEXT SUNDAY: Is 55:6-9/Phil 1:20c-24, 27a/ Mt 20:1-16a
Upcoming Events Monday, September 29th
AA Meeting
Tuesday, September 30th 7:00pm Girl Scout Leader Meeting 7:00pm Wizard of Oz Rehearsal Wednesday, October 1st 7:30pm Praying of the Rosary Thursday, October 2nd 3:30pm Religious Ed. Grades 1,2 & 3 6:30pm Our Lady of Guadalupe Prayer Group 7:00pm Wizard of Oz Rehearsal 7:15pm AA Meeting Friday, October 3rd 9:30am Mommy & Me 12:15pm TOP’S Meeting 7:30pm Holy Hour & Benediction Saturday, October 4th RESPECT LIFE- ADOPT A BABY PROGRAM 7:00am AA Meeting 8:00am Men’s Ministry 2:00pm AA Meeting 3:45pm Confessions Sunday, October 5th 10:30am 10:30am
Hospitality Religious Education grades 4,5,6
Rosary Crusade
Please join us in praying the rosary for our nation on Saturday, October 11, 2014 @ 12:00 noon, here at Holy Spirit Church. We will meet in the Church at 11:30 A.M. The rosary will be recited outside near Jericho turnpike. Anyone is welcome! “The power of the Rosary is beyond description” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen. (more information to come…)
Rosary Altar Society The Rosary Altar Society will hold its meeting on Monday, October 6th at 7:00pm. We will meet in the Church for Rosary and Mass followed by our meeting in Martin Hall. At the meeting there will be five of our young parishioners: Fred Grimshaw, Larissa Scandura, Michelle Wisnewski, Ciara Lennon and Matthew Buone, speaking on “how the Blessed Mother has influenced their lives so far.” All are invited to join us
[email protected]
Holy Spirit Girl Scout Troop 1402 Great Job Holy Spirit Troop 1402 Our Girl Scout Troop 1402 raised over $450.00 while participating in St. Vincent de Paul 5k walk on September 20th, at Bethpage State Park. Isabella Rasch, Alexa Rago, Gabrielle Petriello, Grace Tumulty, Amanda Joa, Allison Corcoran and Sophia Wang
Social Ministry
The Food Pantry is featuring items that are most needed in the pantry each week.
VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote "rightdoing" within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.
Of course you are most welcome to donate any food product of your choice. Small denomination supermarket gift cards are always welcome, if you prefer not to shop. We thank you in advance for your ongoing generosity to the pantry.
The items that we need this week are: Pasta Sauce, Rice, Peanut Butter, Jelly
St. Vincent de Paul Please remember the Poor Boxes as you leave church.
What is VIRTUS?
The word virtus derives from Latin, and means valor, moral strength, excellence, and worth. In ancient times, virtus denoted a way of life and manner of behavior that always aspired to the highest, most positive attributes of people and aspects of human interaction. How Does It Work? Maximizing a church's role as a child-safe environment begins with making adults more aware of the ways children and adults interact with each other. The Protecting God's Children program educates and trains adults (clergy, religious, teachers, staff, volunteers, and parents) about the dangers of abuse, the warning signs of abuse, the ways to prevent abuse, the methods of properly reporting suspicions of abuse, and responding to allegations of abuse. All VIRTUS training programs, including the PROTECTING GOD'S CHILDREN programs, are comprehensive and multi-dimensional— incorporating proven best practice standards for the prevention of child sexual abuse by clergy, staff, volunteers, and others who interact with children within the church environment. Our training programs incorporate instructorled training, train-the-facilitator education, awareness videos, and ongoing web-based training through online training bulletins and training modules via our VIRTUS Online system.
Holy Spirit Church Auditorium, 13 South 6th Street, New Hyde Park, NY Saturday, November 8, 2014, 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Sunday, November 9th, 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Vendor’s fee for two days $75.00. Only new merchandise wanted. For details call Theresa – 516 294-9837
FAMILY, MARRIAGE AND INDIVIDUAL THERAPY Family, marriage and individual therapies, provided by New York State licensed therapists, are available to our parishioners at 148 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has ben conducted in the diocese for the past 40 years for the convenience of parishioners. It is provded by the Catholoic Counseling Center, a proprietary professional corporation, which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish or diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored. For confidential information and appointments, please call Dr. Giuliani at the Catholic Counseling Center at (631) 243-2503 or go to our website at: http://www.thecatholiccounselingcenter.com
[email protected] Deacon Lachlan -
[email protected] Deacon Doug -
[email protected] Deacon Darrell-
[email protected] Marion Moricca -
[email protected] Religious Edcation -
[email protected] [email protected]
NEW HYDE PARK KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS On Saturday, October 11th and Sunday, October 12th members of the Knights of Columbus will be at the doors of the church selling C&B chances.
$50,000.00 in Prizes $25,000.00 1st Prize Charities supported by N.Y. State and Local Charitable & Benevolent program include: Catholic Education, Catholic High School Scholarships and Grants Children with Special Needs, St. Mary’s Hospital, Special Olympics and more Chances are $1.00 each or $10.00 for a book of twelve Drawing will be on December 6th, 2014 Donor need not be present Become a member of the Knights contact Dan Garcia, 358-1817 for more information
In honor of the
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Saturday, October 4th at 12:00 Deacon Doug will be blessing animals in the North Parking Lot (closest to Jericho Tpke) Deacon Doug is looking forward to meeting all your family pets and is hoping to have the opportunity to see all those that have been included on our page!