Blue Book, Lochmoor. Chrsyler-Plymouth. Jeep Inc ..... POP TART SWIRLS.
Chardonnay, Mer10t and ... APRICOl APPLE, CHERRY, PACKACE OF 4...........
Two Names You Can Trust~
.GMAC I I .Real
Blood supply dangerously low; Red Cross appeals The Amencan Red Cross, Southeastern Michigan Blood Scr~l!'.tc" R ....e.'1vn, hJ.., ,';3~cd ~n emergency blood appeal, cltmg dangerously low supphes of blood m the Detroit area and across the country The quantities of certain blood products WIll be depleted In less than one day ~Our reglOn's blood Inventones are rapidly approachmg
zero level: said Greg Vasse, Amencan Red Cross CEO for Sv ...U'."a ..t..••4 :.r•..1I1'"'' Dl""J ServIces RegIon ~We have more demand than blood on the shelf With no Sign of rehef Without a community-wide response to Increase our local blood supply, somE' hospItals may have to cancel elective surgenes The need for 0 type and B type in particular is
urgent" In southeastern
rely on regIOns tl.., ReJ C~""" J."tllLut.." ..n .uuuuu thO' wumy LV htllp meet average 136 umts of B type the demands here In southblood, and 400 units of 0 type eastern Michigan, but at thIS blood a day. As of this writmg, time there are seven other Red the Red Cross had 50 umts ofB Cross regIons 10 Similar situatype and just 31 umts of 0 tions Shipments of 0 and B type type blood has been cut back," "As qUickly as we collect, we Vasse said "These Imports are are shippmg the umts to area cntlcal In meeting the needs of hospitals Under nonnal dr- patients In our area hospitals" Michigan,
cumstances we can other Red Cross
The Red Cross IS asking people m the commumty to call \tlVU) Lrl\tELiFE to l"j'
i> I ~
("... .... p~
'ay that I(togcl .,hauld chase them away because she had read the statistics, and the statistics show the majority of homeless in Amenca choose to be homeless. "You've got to be kIddmg me'" } saId. I couldn't believe that anyone could be so callous, and I was especially perturbed because this IS a woman I really like and admlJ'e. Then I realized that she grew up in this area and has never been exposed to homeless people on a daily basis. I grew up in Washington,
D.C., where
world are actually admittmg that if Woods IS playing well, it's just a battle for second. "He's certainly out there in a league of his own In pretty much every aspect of the game now," said John Huston, who finished a distant fourth Sunday. "1iger Woods is the man, plain and slUlple," saId Rocco Mediate. Erme Els, who has won majors and is con. sldered one of the best golfers In the world, saId, "You want those four Grand Slam titles and that's my goal in life. But with Tiger Woods to contend with, I've got a pretty tough job ahead of me for the next 10 years" Huston, Mediate and Els have figured out that trying to catch a TIger by the tail is no easy taslt. That may not make the other golfers happy but it does please NBC executives. Sunday's 8 8 big market overnight ratmg was the hIghest for the U.S. Open smce Nielsen started recordmg ratings tn 1975 When Woods won the 1997 Masters, he had the highest overnight ratmg ever for that event Wlth a 15.8 What IS perhaps the most fnghterung thmg for those hopIng to beat Woods at what is right now, his game, is the fact that Woods thInks he can unprove "I am gomg to try and get better," said Woods "You're always tryIng to work on tlungs in this game trymg to get a httle better equipment, new techniques, some. thing I know there are a few tIungs I'll continue to work on."
Footnotes on Mariners' Church
Qfferjng from the lQfi
Pros and cons of camp here are no cons. Well, that may sound a bit extreme, but in my humble opinion there are very few circumstances where a child would NOT benefit from some sort of camp expenence. The most important reason not to send a chdd oiTto camp ISthe age factor. If a chIld IS sent away at a very young age, he wIll not be able to adjust and wlll never want to try camp again Around age ten lS a good tIme to start, but day camps are a great way to interest youngsters 10 camping and overmghts are an optIOn My husband IS stIll devoted to hIS boyhood camp after 50 years We VISIted thIS hallowed ground in Mame a few years ago and he walked slowly through hIS old haunts, runnmg hlS fingers across the 10ltlals he had carved on the wall of the dmmg cabm He found hIS sIgnaturf' In the award book and found tlred pIctures of hlS fellow campers on the walls We walked the shorehne where he learned to saIl and sWIm and save hves and for a few hours tIme stood still It was a tIme of reflectIOn and reverence The years he spent In Mame and the bonds shared there were clearly happy ones My brother still speaks of the summers he spent on a ranch 10 Colorado and of the fnendshlps cemented there for a lifetIme I remember laughmg at my mother as she sang her old camp songs well mto her 80's The youth of today are fortunate to have many dlfTenng camp opportuni-
you could never walk more than a block WIthout seeing a homeless person There were homeless people who were no more than children, homeless people so old you couldn't make out their eyes through their wrinkles, bands of homeless who lived under the bridges There was a homeless man who called himself "Sky Kmg" and walked the streets of Geore:etown smg'1O~ show tunes One time f even saw a woman SIttmg on a street corner who bore an uncanny resemblance to my mother, and who had penned a sign whIch read, "My husband beat me, and then he threw me out." Who knows whether that was true. The point is that whether a person accepts or rejects shelter, whether they accept or reject medication, whether they are on the street because they are frightened of the shelters or simply their own abusive parents, they are often st111 hungry
enough to search the garbage for food. In my opimon, we ought to feel bad about that, not disgusted. We're lucky to live in such a nice neighborhood Our children are safe, we are all blessed with decent housing; for the most part, people are extremely caring and fnendly. But I think I've If;larned a lesson from thIS woman's comment and I'm glad she made it. I'm not gomg to forget the less fortunate Just because I'm not confronted with them every day When I look back on It, I thmk we probably should have discussed how to make samtary food donations, rather than reproach hungry people for garbage plckmg That day that I talhed all my potential earmngs, I was just as self-centered as the woman who raded on the hungry people aL K.Ivgcr. I ...... asn't thmking about anyone but myself and whether I could earn enough for a new couch. N ow I try to remind myself that I have a couch! I have food, clothing and a mce, warm house. It's about time I gave something back. Kelly Fordon lwes on Mount Vernon m Grosse Pomte Farms If you have a guest OplnlOn, submlt it to John Mlnnls, Edttor, 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Farms, MI 48236, {ax, (313) 882-1585; or e.mall,
[email protected]
ties. There are countless specialty camps where certain skills are taught and honed to near perfection. One can attend a riding camp, a survival skills camps, a sports camp and camps for sick children. There are professionals to guide parents and campers in their choices. These people can be extremely beneficial 10 helpmg us to lead our children down mtelhgent paths. Not all children are meant for an Outward Bound expenence, even though it might please a parent. Perhaps a child would be happier at a mUSICcamp. These days individual needs can be met The reasons for a chIld to attend a camp should be fully explored by both the parents and the children before reach10g a final deciSIOn. It 1S lmperatlve that a chIld not feel he IS bemg sent to camp as a convemence for his parents Certamly there have been cases where a chlld has been removed from an unhealthy home enVlronment, but thiS IS more often the exceptlOn Many mnercIty children who have had no exposure to rural settmgs, nature walks and the camaraderIe expeTlenced in mutual group partICIpatIOn will certamly profit from the camp expenence It 18 that tIme of year when we WIll be asked to do our part to help those chl1dren less fortunate than most m our commumty There are many opportumties for us to offer a hand In making a child's dream a reahty A good camp expenence can be a gift to last a lifebme.
To the Editor: The Pomter of Interest article (June 1) on the executive chrector of Manners Inn states that It "opened 158 years ago to provide services for working seamen temporanly docked in the port of DetrOIt." That statement IS mcorrect The organization known as Mariners Inn was founded In 1925 by the EpIscopal Diocese of MIchigan and called the DetrOIt Protestant Episcopal City MISSIon SocIety The Diocese rented space In a bUIldmg on Gnswold at Woodbndge, streets owned by the board of trustees of Manners' Church of DetrOIt, and for several decades the rector of Manners' Church also served as supermtendent of the socIety's work - the provldmg of food and shelter to the city's unfortunate and homeless It IS Manners' Church of DetroIt whlch was founded 10 1842 by the wlll of Juha Anderson, and the beautiful GothiC stone church, whIch now stands at the edge of Detrolt's CIVICcenter, was built In 1849 Even before the EpIscopal BIshop sued the Trustees of Manners' Church In 1990 10 hiS unsuccessful effort to take over the Church, the MlsslOn SOCIety now called Manners Inn was trymg to take the hIStory of Manners' Church as Its own and also sow confuslOn In the general pubhc by usmg "Manners" In ItS name CopIes of legal documents
stating the facts of the found. mg of Mariners' Church of Detroit (1842), its incorporation by the State of Michigan (1848), and judgments entered in Bishop Wood vs Trustees of Mariners'ln the Wayne County Circwt Court (1991) and MIchigan Court of Appeals (1994) are available to anyone on request. Adele L. Huebner Grosse Pointe Farms Trustee, Mariners' Chureh of Detroit
commumty fnends have hel ped to make that true for thIs class Thank you for helpmg to send these students oft'in their vanous dIrections in a safe, fun.filled way It was a marvelous ending to theIr high school years. Barb Cline, Erica Lindow and Melinda McLellan All NiJht Party Chairmen
All Night Party another success
To the editor: I've read about the sex scandal and hazmg of mIddle schoolers along Wlth the weekly cnme columns of unsuperVised, unruly teens Let's give a htUe newspnnt to the 95 percent of teenagers we don't read about weekly I'm one of 14 clas~ sponsors for Grosse POInte South's Class of 2000 and I have worked Wlth these fine students for a full year I have seen first hand all the hard work and dedIcatIOn these kIds put mto all the semor actlvltles I was there when they made the decISIonto donate half of theIr Jingle Bell Fun Run money to Mr Moebus' son who was In need of a transplant I was at the Chnstmas party that was given for the Tutonng Tree whIch touched many chIldren's hearts These students were always pohte, canng and enthUSiastiC I am so proud of these wonderful young men and women Thank you for lettmg me work alongSIde of you, Grosse Pomte South Class of 2000 It's been a real pleasure Sandra Magreta City of Grolle Pointe
To the Editor: Last Thursday, June 15, on a perfect summer evenmg, we witnessed the passage of 371 young men and women as the Class of 2000 graduated from Grosse Pomte South Hlgh School These extraordmary students have been a credlt to themselves and theIr commumty The celebratIOn contmued Wlth the All NIght GraduatIOn Party held at the Grosse Pomte War Memonal On behalf of the Grosse Pomte South Class of 2000, we Sincerely thank the parents, teachers and commumty bUSinesses who so generously contnbuted to make the evenIng a mght to remember The party was a huge success because of all of your efforts, and we could not have done It Wlthout you I A speCIal thank you lS extended to the staff of the Grosse Pomte War Memonal The theme of thIS year's Sunnse Servlce was, "The sun shlOes not on us, but In us " All of the parents, teachers, and
Good grads
.I.II punch you later'
• We would learn to dial telephones WIth our thumb~ Thl~ week I finally heard about a use for that emgmatlc fluff cycle - a mystel y that ha~ barned me for more than 30 years ContratulatlOn.." graduates I learned that If I am one When I graduated from hIgh school - 42 years ago - we who fret~ about .,ervlng wet lettuce (1 do), and If I don't thought we knew It all have a salad "pmnel (I don't), We dIdn't know dlddley I'm ~uppo~ed to put my fre..,hly How could we - the June washed ...alad gl ('en, Into a class of 1958 at GI os~e Pomte clean pIllowca~e and throw HIgh School - evel lInagme them m the dl yel for d "plll that the followmg changes around the fluff cycle would occur durmg our lifeWhen I wa ...Jll high .,chool tImes? whew I completed the major • The Leaning Tower of Plsa portIOn of my hfetlme dlalmg wouldn't lean anymore ration the procedure • AutomatIc clothe~ dryers Involved a forefinger and a would h::l\'c :l "fluff' ~}de h~ art' ...eekmg reconClltatlOn _
It I~ the MosaIC Law--- an pye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth The Old Te"tampnt D,. Bloom I~ ClIlllcal lt~elf ...eem ... to encourage It As~oclate Profe~~o,. of The Idea "eems to be that If I Wayne State don t pum"h my neIghbor for P~ychlat,.y Villi enlty School of MedICIIH' hi" tre.,pa""e ....he>WIll contmue He I~ a membl'l of the American to tre"pa., ..., and 1 wJ11 lo"e Arodemv of P~}choonalY~I' ground To malntam my ground, my and on the edltonal boa,.d of the Wayne County Medical hvehhood, my Ilfe, I mmt Soell'ty HI' welcome~ com If the I~raeh" ever gave up retaltate 0 "trongly. that my .,uffenng Will pre- melll~ at hl~ emoll add"e~~ the pnnclple of ZlOm"m l'irael nClghhor vnt hIm from trying to takl' I'bloom@compll~erl e com and would become Just another www far agam, and hiS m~lt~ 10 h I~ weh~lle multIcultural democracy, WIth advantage lotem com / vh/nom Its CItIzens havmg vaned eth- weaknes~ WIll prevent further \
By Lawrence W. Reed To hear the talk from Washmgton, the country faces a "cnsls" of some kmd about once a month and the "answer" is almost always more government, even when government IS the source of the problem The latest concerns the cost of prescnptlon drugs for sernor CitIzens, an Issue that shows every SIgn of becommg a major election-year battle, But If proposals to impose pnce controls prevatI, this "cnSIS"WIll surely become a dIsaster There's one propOSItIOn With whIch nearly everyone can agree the elderly need coverage for prescnptlOn drugs Dr John Goodman of the Dallasbased NatIOnal Center for PolIcy AnalYSIS reveals that "Medicare VIOlates almost all prmclple~ of sound Insurance It pays too many small bIlls the elderly could easily afford on theIr own, whIle leavmg them exposed to thousands of dollal s of potentIal out-of-pocket expcn";e", \ncludlng the cost of thell drugs" Goodman and many other health polIcy analysts recommend that we solve thiS problem by dramatically expandmg "MedIcal SaVIngs Accounts," or MSAs Those accounts, now severely hmited by law, would allow all CitIzens to set aSIde saVIngs tax-free for the purpose of paymg theIr smaller medical bIlls As those saVIngs grow, mdlVIduals could purchase health Insurance with ever higher deductlbles (whIch makes those pohcles ever less expensIve) Semor cItIzens could also be permItted to tap Jntd"'""theIr IndiVIdual ---- - RetIrement Accounts (lRAsl to help cover memcal expenses that are not now paId for by eIther Medicare or the "Medlgap" polICIes many semors buy to supplement Medicare In addItion to MSAs, It'S likely that other refonns, mcludmg changes m Medicare, would be reqUIred to give the elderly the peace of mmd they need, but under no CIrcumstances are pnce controls a solution PI Ice control:, would me" It ably stifle mnovatlOn In the pharmaceutical mdustry, Ju~t a~ they have done ever) tIme they have benapplled to am bu .... me ...., Whn brmgmg a Ill'II ell ug to market, manufactlll ('f-. C'ncountr countls'i failUI e-. an c".,entl al part of the pl0('e"5 that en~ures the quailtv of the final product F, equntly, the profit gamed on a partIcular drug IS used to finance the> re ...carch and developm('nt of another One promment bill III COllgre ...~ (HB 6641, Introduced hv Tom Allen of Mame and supportd by many members of MIchIgan',; congre"slOnal dele-
mto a declme gatlOn, would effectIvely fix drugs translates prescnptlOn drug pnces by fed- of four dollars 10 spendIng on care m hospitals eral decree It would cnpple Pnce control advocates pomt the Industry's abilIty to attract capItal and cover the costs of out that people can buy certam for less m Canada, InnovatIOn and meetmg the drugs fixes government's new drug where the government pnces, than they can get the approval reqUIrements, Anyone Interested In access same drugs for 10 Amenca They fail to notice that to lIfe-saVIng medICInes should are routinely also understand that pnce con- CanadIans trols boost demand and stifle demed access to newer and betsupply, which always lead to ter medicmes, and often travel to America to purchase them ratlOnmg CanadIans are often forced to Do we really want bureaucrats decldmg who gets what wait up to a year longer than Amencans for more advanced drug? medlcmes, as these drugs move through the price-conti oiled The push for pI Ice controls comes from a misreadIng of the system of Canadian bureaucramalketplace Cntlcs I arely CIte cy the fact that more than 70 perThe fact IS that Canada PIOcent of MedIcare beneficlanes spent Ic.,~ than $500 fl om thell duces far fewel new dnlgs than own potkets fOI pI e"cn ptlOns does the UnIted States - 111 large part because Canada has last year and Amenca Instead, those ClltlC' pomt to pnce controls the fact that the total of money does not Whether we have a cnSlS or spent on dlugs last \eal lose by roughly 18 pel cent But not, semor CItIzens won't get more or hetter or cheaper prethat's not the same a., ,aymg the eo~t of anyone
o;,e by
18 pClcent In fact, most of the mcrease In money spent on dl ugs came from a big Increase III demand as people utIlIzed new drugs In place of more expensive and tradItIonal medIcal procedures For example, surgery for ulcers was once commonplace but now because of new and better drugs It has almost dISappeared A recent study found that every dollar spent on medIcal
drug ....If WashmgtGn
waves It., wand and fixe., pnces Members of CongJ ess who say otherWIse are eIther IgnOrant of hIstOry and economICS, or Simply makmg foolIsh promIses to score polItIcal pomts
Lawrence W Reed tS prest dent of the Mackmac Cmter fo/' Publtc POlley, a research and educatIOnal mstltute headquartered In Mldland
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June 22, 2000
Grosse Pointe News
THE ULS CLASS OF 2000. Best wishes as you face new challenges and endeavors! BISI
Shaka Bahadu Eli Bmns-Cooley Beth Bogusz Emily Bond Jacob Bondy Mark Bortlshko Alexandra Brown PatricIa Casabar Beth Cipriano Mary Corona Allison Cory Katie Cntchell Katie Danaher Todd DavIs Michael Deron Erin Ealba MIchael Elanges Jack Elsey Damel Fernn Blair Foust ChIp Fowler Adnenne Fragatos Allsha Fraser Enn Galvm
Dustin Gebhard Mark Gotfredson Lesley Greene Sean Grlffm Stacie Hadglkostl
Shyla Klnhal Heather Knox Enc Krauss Anthony Legree Matthew Lewandowski
Waref Hawasl1 Celeste Hubbard Salah HusselOi Soudy Kazzi Charl1e Keersmaekers
Knstm Lmgemann Lhontu Lockndge Matt Lombardo Nicholas MaItland Jordan Materna
Jim McBnde Sean Metry Jay Minger Joses Navarro Vmay Pallegar Paul Rossen Ryan Schafer Michelle Schwark Aaron Shumaker Amy Stlverston Chnstlanne SIms Paula Sneed J D Spma Erica Stock Jonathan Stone C T Thurber Katie Toelle Amelia TompkinS Damn Tracy Dorinda Varley Jake Wardwell Andrew Watkms Brad Wisk Katherine Wngley
Bisi Ant
Emily Bond Jacob Bpndy
Alexandra Brown Beth Cipriano
Mary Corona Katie Cntchell Todd DavIs Chip Fowler Adrienne Fragatos Enn GalVin
Salah Hussemi Soudy Kazzi
Lhontu Lockridge Nicholas Maitland Jordan Matema Jay Minger
Aaron Shumaker Amy Sllverston Chnstlanne Sims J.D. Spma Jonathan Stone
Amelia Tompkins
Donnda Varley Andrew Watkins Katherine Wrigley
C T. Thurber
The 69-member Unrversity Liggett School Class of 2000 received acceptances to the follOWing colleges and unrversitles. CongratulatIons on your outstanding academic record! Adnan College Albion College Amencan Umverslty Anzona State Umverslty Babson College Bentley College 80s ton College Boston University Bowlmg Green State University Butler UnlveT'ilty Calvm College Ca~ Western Reserve Un1verslty Central Michigan Umverslty Colgate University Columbia Unrverslly Denison Un1verslty DePaul Unrvers1ty DePauw University Drew University Duke University Eastern MIChigan Unlverslly Eckerd College Emory Unrverslty Farrfleld University FJonda State University Fronda Institute of Technology Fordham University George Washington Unlver~lty
Georgetown University Hartwlc.k College Harvard University HIII~dale College Hobart oS< William Smith Colleges Howard University Indiana University lona ( allege Ithac.a ( allege lame\ Madl~on University lohn ( arrall University Tl1( lohn He was one of only two to get the aIVard III world studies Ai> deputy edItor at oplllJOn for the Tower, Lloyd won fir"t place III the MIchigan lnter;cholastlc Press As»oclatJOn competitIon m the opinIOn page tategory He was recently named Outstandlllg Semor Enghsh student by the South EnglIsh department
hIgher Kristen Adams, L\luren Bramos, Daniel Burlingame, Richard DeNard is, Erin DiMaggio, Katherine Hyduk, Emily Kingsley, Kristen Klanow, Azhar Majeed, LlDdsey Morgan, Danid Oska, Jennifer Reck, Nicole Seleno, Christina Sweeney and Stephen Thill
And r e w Watkills wa~ named valedlctorlan of the Andrew Andrew Un I v e r Sit Y DeWitt Watkins Prescott D L I g get t Murphy wa; Graduates from South who S{'hool (,111~~ FellowshIp named valE'earned a l>PA ot 4 V UI hIgher Athlete» Pre8cott D. dlctorlan of of 2000 In addition to hIS NatIOnal Illclude Murphy the 2000 A class officer m hIS four Matthew Bernbeck, graduating years of the upper school at Honor SOCiety and PhI Beta Kappa honors, DeWItt received David Clark, Noel Engatios, class of Grosse Pomte South ULS, Watkms has dlstlllGayatri Gunda, Margaret Book HIgh School gul»hed himself as a NatIOnal the Brown UniversIty Hayes, Amanda Lindow, Award, the Scholar Athlete and Murphy, the son of Mr and Ment Scholar, an Advanced Elizabeth Meza, Angelica Mrs Peter Murphy of the City Placement scholar and a mem- VarsIty AthletIc Awards, and Moustardos, Ann Mumaw, the Earth/PhYSical SCIence of Grosse Pomte, graduated ber of the Cum Laude SocIety Daniel Olson, Joshua Olson, Award WIth a GPA of 4331 The Latm Club and Students Ellen Padilla, Suzanne DeWitt IS headed to the The wmner of many presti- Agamst Drunk Dnv10g have Piech, Erin Roberts, University of MIchIgan thiS gIOus awards, Murphy Will receIVed hiS tIme and talents Meghan Robson, Marianne fall attend Yale UniversIty III New He has also proVIded leaderThe followmg graduates of Smith, Kelly Tibbert and Haven, Conn, where he plans ship to the Casa Mana sefYlce North earned a GPA of 4 0 or Jennifer David H. Zerwek to major 10 mathematICs He orgamzatlon AdditIOnally. thIS Lloyd, plans to teach mathematiCs at fall, he was a contnbutor to the the hIgh school or college level state champlOnslup ULS soccer Grosse Murphy placed No 1 III the team Pointe state and the nation III the Watkms' scholarshIp has (The Sluff Between The Tiles) South High Spamsh level 5 competItion been further recogruzed by the {;AI.I. '''OI)A\, FOil FRf.f. f.S'I'nIJ\'I'11 School sponsored by the American Rensselaer Math and SCIence • Clean' Seal' Repair' Regrout DaVId H ASSOCIatIOn of Teachers of Award and memberslup 10 the • Staml Change Color' Renew MeXican Tile Lloyd, the Spamsh He also placed m the NatIOnal Spamsh Honor Th. Grout Doctor 248-358-7383 son of Mr top 100 out of 14,000 competiSocIety and the Harvard Book David H. and Mrs. tors III the MIchigan Award Lloyd Seth Lloyd of Mathematics PrIze Watkins, the son of Warren Grosse Pomte CompetitIOn While takmg H and Ann Watkms of Grosse Park, was named salutatonan eight Advanced Placement Pomte Farms, WIll attend of South's High School Class of courses at South, Murphy was Pnnceton Umverslty 10 the 2000 He compiled a 4259 a NatIOnal Ment Scholarship fall GPA over hIS four-year high finahst, receIved Phi Beta She I. one ~ school career Kappa recogmtlon, was grantLloyd Will attend Cornell ed the Cornell Alumm Book of twenty.five teens UnIversIty In Ithaca, N.Y next Award and was nom mated as a Andrew DeWitt, Grosse coming to Metro Detroit fall where he WIll pursue a hbMIchigan High School AthletiC from France and Spain. Pointe North High School eral arts degree With an AsSOCIatIOnScholar-Athlete Andrew DeWitt, North's emphaSIS on polJtlcal sCIence Murphy Will represent South With a 4.229 He IS planmng a career 10 on the WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 salutatonan GPA, IS the son of DaVId and mplomatlc sefYlce "Best and Bnghtest" campaIgn Susan DeWitt Whl1e excelhng III journaldunng the summer months Ism and the SOCIal SCIences, Lloyd completed five Advanced Placement courses He was
Other top grads
Desperately Seeking
Host [0;I!!:~e:
Big, but little fluctuations in 2000-01 public school budget By Bonnie Caprara Staff Wnter DespIte prOjected enrollment figures bemg flatlIned for the 2000-01 school year, the budget for the Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System has Increased by 2 4 percent, or $1 9 mdhon, for the new fiscal year begmmng July 1 A projected Increase of $170 per pupIl m state aId should offset a 1 percent net salary mcrease for teachers and other staff. a 12 percent mcrease III health care costs and a 3 per-
cent mcrease m retirement costs 10 the mstnct's $88 mllhon 2000-01 budget While assIstant supenntendent for curnculum and IllstructlOn Susan Allan said, "We're not expenenclng cuts In eXlstmg programs," the new budget reflects the layoff of 10 probationary classroom asslstants and a $412,171 or 26 7 percent decrease III supply expenditures Board preSIdent Steve Matthews saId the layoff declswn was denved from the site
budgeting process Director of personnel and labor relations Eugene Washchuk said that two new teachmg posItions were added In the new budget Board member Joe Brennan raised concerns about the supply cut, noting that it was one of the bIggest complaints from buddmg budget commIttees and adrnmlstrators AsSIstant supenntendent for busmess affaIrs and support services Chns Fenton said that supply expenchtures were down See BUDGET, page 15A
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L" Rldg\~d\
If nl'lfpr Cormav
Tim Houston
l\n1l Co~tello
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Mrgan Solt' rN h
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Du~tln ~tdnl( v
Jdmes ~nvdE'r
Bradll'\ Df'lwilrr
Marqarrt Leah)
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Imo Udo Iny,HHI
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N If hola~ Lponard
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Ie f mv Gilyard
Mallhpw Loui94 Mrs Vander Vourt was born In Ann Arbor She was a memAlA, m 1951 The finn receIved From page 12A ber of the Bon Secours numerous awards through the ROwe Burt AsSistance League and enjoyed years, IncludlOg a natIOnal pamtmg and gardenmg A memonal semce will take award from the American place Saturday, June 24 at Institute Mrs Vander Voort IS burof ArchItects He William Harold vlved by a .,on, Stephen H 10 30 a m at the United mentored, taught and encourChurch of Marco Ibland (Nicole), and two granddaughaged many young architects Schimmel Marilyn E. Certo Memonal contnbutlOns may ters, Nma and LIsa She was Mr Kushner was a member Former Grosse POInte Woods be made to the United Church predeceabed by her hUbband, of many profeSSIOnal orgamzaSimpson resident William Harold "Hal" of Marco Island, 320 Barfield Henry tlOns and was an ementus Schimmel, of Charlotte, died of Former Grosse Pomte Woods Marco Island, FL 34145 ' member of the AlA A memonal !>ervlce Will be myocardial mfarctlOn on resIdent Manlyn E Certo held Fnday, June 30, at 2 pm SUrvlvors mclude hlb Wife of Monday, June 12,2000 He was SImpson, of Chnton TownshIp, at the Grosbe Pomte Memonal 49 years, Margaret, two daugh. Church John M. Kushner Jr. ters, Margaret of New Canaan, 81Mr Schimmel wab born In died 'fuesday, June 13, 2000, m Sterhng Heights She was 50 Memonal gtfts may be sent and Carolyn of John M Kushner died on Conn, PIttsburgh and was an accounMrs SImpson was born m to the Bon Secours FoundatIOn, Edna Vander Voort Monday, June 12, 2000, In Bloomfield Hills, a son, John tant and owner of Schimmel DetrOIt and was a homemaker Grosb£> Pomte, NaplpQ Fla HI of Wf\'lhIT1gton, n (' and FormE'r ('lly ofGr" ...." Pomtp 468 Cadieux and Hamery Video and aUdIO tape, Textbookb older than three year" old, Reader';, nJO'P~t ('ondpn"pc! hook" magd7meb and books In bad lOndltlOn Will not be accepted Bookb may be deposited m the bm mSlde the WhittIer front entrance of St Clare of Montefalco Catholic Church any day before 2 p m DonatIOn plck.up can be arranged by calhng (313) 885-2084
Summer School 2000 Summer School 2000 apphcatlons are now bemg accepted at Gro~se POInte North
High School Classe" are bemg offered dt the elementdry levLl III leadmg, math, bClenle, tel.hnolugy, art, IDstrumental mU,Il, mU"lc productIOn, leunhl stock IS dtpft1td take" r tI the JWesl plK''' Ql1erect10 1 he P lbllt by J C Penne'j
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June 22,2000 Grosse Pointe News
Brooklyn, NY, and Art Gleason of Miami The mother of the bnde wore a floor-length blue skirt and top With a Jacket The groom's mother wore a floor-length green dres!> NY The bnde earned a bachlor of Attendants wore cornflower degree from Yale blue satm A-hne dresses With arts Umverslty She IS an associate chiffon overlays They carned for National bouquets of whIte roses blue producer GeographIC com hydrangeas and hS18nthus The groom earned a bachelor The best man was the degree from Yal(' groom's brother, Bruce of arts Umverslty He IS a consultant Carscaddon of Chattanooga With Renaissance Strategy Groomsmen were the bnde's The couple traveled to brother, Truman B Bradley of Portugal They left the wedBoston; the groom's brother, Wesley Carscaddon of ding receptIOn In the antique yellow Rolls Royce used m the Chattanooga; Harry Mattison Gatsby ~ of Boston, Chns SlOWIk of New movie "The Great York City; Jason Fry of They hve 10 Washmgton, D C groom's sister. Laura Carscaddon of Atlanta, Katy Fischer of New Haven, Conn, Claire Homan of New York City, Ilona Pauhn of Cleveland, and Lauren Starr of Riverdale,
RichardsNearhood Mr and Mrs Claude A Richards of Grosse Pomte Woods have announced the engagement of their daughter, Anne L RIchards, to Nicholas J Nearhood, son of Mr and Mrs Dan Allen Nearhood of Grosse Pomte Woods A September wedding IS planned Richards earned a bachelor of arts degree in health pohcy studies from the Umversity of M1ch1gan. She IS a benefit communication speClahst with NGS Amenean Ine Nearhood is the bar manager with the Country Club of Detroit
KudziaSerilla Ray and SylVIa Kudzla of Grosse Pomte Woods have announced the engagement of their daughter, Juhe Kudzla, to Paul Serilla, son of MIke and Karen Senlla of Grosse Pomte Woods A September weddmg 18 planned
Dolly Chol and Thomas E.
Eleanor HopkinS Bradley, daughter of Bruce E. and Young and Sang ChOl of Shirley G Bradley of Grosse Chicago have announced the POinte Park, mamed Harold engagement of their daughter, Allan Carscaddon, son of Dolly ChOl, to Thomas E. Harold L and Judy Senlla earned a bachelor of Moellenng, son of Richard and Carscaddon of Chattanooga, arts degree in political SCIence EmIly Moellering of Grosse Tenn., on Aug. 28, 1999, at from the UIUverslty of Pointe Park A November wedBarnngton CongregatIOnal M1clugan and a master of arts ding is planned. Church m Barnngton, R I. degree from Michigan State The Rev Terry Fitzgerald ChOl earned a bachelor of SCiUmverslty. He works at officiated at the 4'30 p m cereMcCann Enckson in Troy. ence degree m psychology and mony, which was followed by a cheffilstrY from the Umverslty receptIOn at the Blithewold ofWisconsm She IS working on ManSIOn and Arboretum 10 a master's degree in infonnaBnslol, R.I. tion systems from DePaul The bride wore a white tury WindmIll Po1Ote rodlUniversity. She is a sales conItalian sUk gown that featured stonp s11ltant With Oracle Corp a fitted bodice decorated With Individual plots that fonn beads, and sculpted straps. She Moellenng earned a bachethe wheel design around the carried a bouquet of IVOry lor's degree 10 busmess adminmillstone are planted and roses, white hydrangeas and Istration/finance from Western mamtained by local garden hSlanthus. Michigan Umversity and a clubs according to a theme The moods of honor were the master of busmess adnlln1strabnde's SIster, Laura G. Bradley ThIs year's theme IS New bon degree 10 finance and marCentury An award is presentof Grosse Pointe Park and ketmg from Roosevelt Meghan Hardiman of ed at the end of the season to UniversIty He IS product manthe garden club that has best Bamngton, RI ager for SPSS Inc Bndesmalds were the 10terpreted the theme The winner chooses the next season's theme Kudzla earned a bachelor of fine arts degree In mtenor deSign from Wayne State Urnverslty
Andrews 50th
Paul and ShIrley Andrews of Grosse POinte Woods Will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on June 24 They were marned on June 24, 1950, at ResurrectIOn Lutheran Church in DetrOit. They have two children Krystyne SchWIkert (Paul) of Grosse Pomte Park and Mark Andrews (Amy) of Grosse Pomte Fanns, along With SIX grandchIldren. Paul Andrews is retired from Wayne State Umverslty, where he was vice preSident for alumm relahons. They WIll celebrate their 50th on a cruIse With their children
From page IB Scholar Tree IS from one of the oldest trees In Philadelphia The Original tree was ahve In the year the Declaration of Independence was SIgned. The Flynn garden also mcorporates art objects in the deSign Adormng the landscape are Jason the Argonaut, vanOUi gargoyles, angels, a Siamese cat from Thailand sunmng Itself on top of pmk grarnte from DetrOit'S M1ctugan Central Depots outdoor wall A bathtub from the 1920s IS an antIque saved from the owner's chIldhood home It's filled With Ivy Intersperced throughout the garden are rocks collected on famlly tnps and bncks collected from razed DetrOit landmarks such as Hudson's, Stroh's brewery and the Parke-DaVIS bwldlng • The MotI Garden In Grosse Pointe Fanns features rhododendrons, flowenng crab apple trees, clematiS and hyaemth bean VInes m Its front yard landscape The flagstone walkway to the back yare IS bordered by blooming perenrnals and flowenng shrubs such as bee balm, cranesblll, spiderwort, RUSSian sage, yarrow and several ornamental grasses A brookscape IS the focal pomt of the back yard, framed by arbomtae, hemlocks, azaleas, redbuds and hIghhghted by astllbe, crocosmla, VIolets and gaura The garden also mcludes a bnck terrace, a hosta garden and a flagstone patio • The McKean Garden In Grosse POinte Shores features a SWimming pool, bathhouse and two greenhouses One of the greenhouses IS devoted exclUSIVely to orchids The hand-painted tiles that decorate the front edges of the greenhouse tables were created by Grosse POinter Kathy Kaess Each tile IS a different vanety of orchid, pamted on a black background "I have about 40 blooming orchids mSlde the house nght now," Joan McKean said She hkes the 19th century stone urn" that were part of Grosse Pomte's Dodge Estate, now planted With cascades of colorful bloommg flowers "I like Window boxes, too,~ she said, pomtlng to the second-story boxes that are filled With colorful annuals McKean said she malntams the garden With the help of one person who works about one day a week ThE' three publIc and semipublic gardens on the tour are • The Gros"e POinte Garden Center'" Tnal Gardens, located at the Gros are Ralphe Armstrong and the for thiS very speCIal MUSICon free and presented, III part, by Plaza performance InternatIOnal Detrolters wIll The perform at the Bon Secours HaVIng toured the world WIth Bon Secour'! Cottage Health Cottage Health SerYIces MUSIC the hkes of John McLaughhn System, the City of Grosse nn Thp Ph?" ('np('prt OPf1PO nn 'mo hl Ipgpndary fAther hltlP« Pomt!' And thp Gw'!lu,.1."t
Before long It IS apparent that in SPite of the 17th century French costumes and props, there ISa dlstmct suggestIOn of a comic book hero-Vlllain pair hke Batman and Catwoman and the ImpressIOn IS even more fun since thiS Superman IS a hvmg, breathmg, handsome hero 10 actIOn only a few arms lengths away on the Festival arena stage The pace of the show IS dIzzymg Scenes change so fast that subbtles (as at the opera) are projected above the sets to help the audience keep up on locatIOns. They move from Pans to Calms to London and back or between the Gilded 1l1y and Black LIOn mns and the Duke of Buckmgham's and Cardinal Rlcheheu's palaces m seamless successIOn In SPite of the condensatIOn, the baSIC story IS remarkably true to the onglnal The young D'Artagnan IS sent from ms home m proud Gasconv to 10m the Kmgs Musketeers m Pans There he falls m With the tno of Porthos, Aramls and Athos With whom he adopts their famous motto, All for One and One for All As Kingc; men they are In regular confrontatIOn, both fnendly and deadly, With the men of Cardinal Rlchelieu, the kmg's chief minister, a Slmster and mampulatlve figure D'Artagnan's leadership is qwckly apparent as he gets embrOiled m mternatlOnal lOtngue between France's CardInal and Queen, and England's Duke of Buckingham DlstmgulshlOg hImself m sword play, the young Musketeer cadet Wins
More macaroni and four cheese, please
Tms week's feature offers my best guideline for a temflC tasting macarom and cheese Fat and calone counters Willwave a shameful finger at the mgredlent hst However, I've expenmented WIth the mac and cheese recrpes that are lower m fat and found they are not worth the effort
Macaroni and Four Cheese 1/4 cup water 1 lb. elbow macaroni, shells or your favorite bite-sized pasta 1 1 lb. block Velveeta cheese, cut into quarters 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese 1/2 cup grated Parmesan or Romano cheese 1 112-2 cups heavy cream
f/'iorn alwa'{Js told us,
''\Vhcn the time comes to oum "{fourown restaurant, land it has! as
treat eveRY uisttor thct{ were guests in our home." we
Dine at Jtmmy's today
are followlng her advICe to the letter
prormse an excellent expenence, one that W1l1lm-
prove WIth eacI1 VISit 'Mth the support of key local Investors, we are Significantly raISing the standards of Jimmy's even before we mange the name (Our Moms W111 be proud) \M1at does local ownership
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Personally escorted by Mireille de Bary Wilkinson Our awn prwate de Iu~e bus Lodging In a romantlc hotel nght In town center Excellent seatlng for thiS event being held only fNerY 10 years Two nights In MUnich one night lodging on the Rhine Rrver and scenic dnve Via the Romantlk Strasse One night In the Allgau Mountain area 8ll meals Included All admiSSions to castles and churches LAND ARRANGEMENTS '950.00 Air fare NOT Included
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Our restaurant & lounge are open Monday - Friday from 11AM Saturdays we open at 5 PM
om had It correct
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In a medIUm saucepan over low heat, melt the Velveeta cheese With the water, stlrnng often (the water W1ll help keep the
By Annie Rouleau-SCheriff
we II welcome
oven to 350
Cook pa'lta according to package dIrectIOns Rmse, dram and Jim and hiS Wife Kim additIOnal 20 mmutes When you uncover the both enjoyed thiS home-baked casserole halfway through verSIOn of an Amencan clasbakmg, check the pasta and If SIC A far cry from the powIt appears to be dry, pour derefl stuff that comes m a some more heavY cream on box
The modern day converuence of boxed macarom and cheese leaves httle reason to thmk about taking thIS household staple to another level. I recently ventured into the world of scratch macaroru and cheese for a graduation party, W1th much success Whl1e I've prepared such cheesy casseroles In my own kitchen several bmes, I rarely measure the amount of the cheeses or cream
Prehpat degrees
the admlratlOn of King LoUIS XlII, a funny, fuddy-duddy car. Icature of a kmg, entertammgly performed by Ian Deakm D'Artagnan almost meets hiS downfall With Milady DeWmter who serves as spy, agent, seductress and hitwoman for the Cardmal But With the help of his fellow Musketeers nls nghteousness tnumphs over DeWmter's eV11 Her true character IS gradually revealed, culmmatmg m the fmal exposure as she casts off her cloak of dIsguise to appear m tlght-fittmg black leather With a bullwhip III each hand. It IS her last ditch stand The restrained burlesque of both the clasSICand the comic book adventure styles IS clear and managed with good taste and humor If there IS one overwhelming ImpreSSIOn of tlus show It IS the excitement of flashing sword play, boundless bragadocClo and mcredlblv hvely action l'he sword play IS sWlft, sure and ImpreSSive and the overall spmt IS of limItless adventure In an opemng pantomime, a boy comes out to Sit on stage where he opens and begins to read the book The suggestion IS obV1ousand vahd This is an expenence for adventurers of all ages and If they haven't read the book before they come to expenence It on stage, they w1l1want to afterwards "The Three Musketeers" plays m repertory at the Festival Theater through November 4 For reservatIOns, a ViSitors Gwde and a schedule, call (800) 567-1600
Council Corner
mVltes everyone to VISlt ItS new dlstmgulshed site PreSident, Grosse Pomte Arts browse, absorb, enJoy - and Council Jun', nUl>,.th" gala grand oparth If It (an't pro\ Idc a clvlh7Cd Tldc to thc corncr market7
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It ...
Panthers I, Bulls 1 (;" ,,_ John Lac,ura (Bulls I, Drew BI.\rk 1[' mlher,) .Joshua
\",.,I ...t
( omnll nts The Bulls' Connor \l.ultnuZ7I block..d several shols on ",0," md ChriS SchevII played well d,.fen-I\, II KIrk Detloff made good m",,' on off..nse and defense for the I' mtht r~ .Ind teammate Anna \1,1 tnl ,n had .1 good overall game
Pantbers 4, Tigers 0 (;" Ii_ Drew Black, Joshua (,odo,h,.,n Nick ScaptOl, Alia K, dnll ,kl IPanthers) ( onllnLnts Kirk Detloff played a tm, d, f, game for the Panthers Thl l,g", r('tIC Help Wonted Logol Help Wonted Po" Time Help Wonted Sole, Help Wonted Nur .. , Ade'
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Your Time. Tw'O! Ever think that If there were Justtwo 01 you maybe you could gel everything done? It S possIble I From planning a birthday party 10 weeding the garden from errands 10 organIZIng that storeroom trl the basement I can glvP you I,me I can double vour eHorts and dlmlsh your stress Call and we II set a time for planning how I can most eHellvely help you EnjOy your summer days more knOWingthtrlgs are getting donel After all
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Monday 12 noon, July 3, 2000
. -
Original art, BUS dnver. part hme MASSAGE Extraordmalre- MURALS(Commumty Coonector! commerclal/ resKlentlal In your home Educated Patts) The City of Harp. k References Ledbetter With references t1.QQmQ: ~ to.: ~""'::-::.::t..- ~ er Woods an EOE DeSign, (313)417.0354 Iynn@aol com (313}881"Must have high school 5050 SPA EFFECTS WHOLISTIC DAY SPA, diploma or G ED," is pleased to announce our education program for 11 ~ MUSIC EDUCATION Good driVing record Spa and Salon Professionals who hold licenses and "Must have or obtain a _,,-,).certifications in the Spa Industry. Our first class will "~:' PIANO Learning Center CDL CP No nights or be held for people interested in pursuing a career in ..., lessons for teachers, weekends Testing adults & children Begin' . the Spa Industry. If you are interested in attending Must pass oral, phYSICal 200 HELP WANHO GEN~RAl ners thru advanced "Careers in the Spa Industry"; and dlug screemng Sign up early it will be held twice. Wage range $8 75 to (810)774-9966 Monday, August 14, 9am-2pm $11 00 Apply m person A NANNY NETWORK I at Crty of Harper Woods Tuesday, August 29, 2-7pm _J "..lo Looking for quality 19617 Harper Avenue - Ml 48H6; "'Il>n. Newo or fax to 313-882-158> 0.- Il>n. Newo lJI!IaIIIli
GRAPHIC ARTIST Full Or Part TIme Knowledge Of Quarkxpress & Photoshop Software ReqUired
Send Resume To: John Mmms, 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Farms, MI 48236
Thursday, June 22,2000 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection 7vG H!lP \'IANIW
Looking for a new career? Call and see If you qualify to eam $50,000 We have the systems and the schooling to make your dreams come true Call RIChard LancJuytat 313-885.2000 Coldwell Blinker SChweitzer Grosse Pointe Farms
SMALL Grosse PainIe PART time Nanny for 2 Company needs admln. small children 20- 25 Istrator to assist the hours Tuesday Wedpresident Must be skll nesday and Thursday led In PC, data bases Grosse POinte Park EKcel QUlckbooks Musl Must have excellent refbe prOject onented Salerences and recent ex ary commensurate With perlence With toddlers experience Send reo and Infants Excellent sume te Box 01037, clo salary Leave detailed Grosse POinte News & message descnblng Connection 96 Keryour experience 313cheval, Grosse Pomte 822-71 tl MAMA Rosa's Pizzeria Farms, MI 48236 needs phone help, SEEKING dependable cooks, waltstaff, pizza VETERINARY hospital careqlver for two young maKers &. delivery pea. seeks full time technichildren Full time In pie Apply after 4p m cian Experience preferhome Leave message 15134 Mack red but enthUSiasm at 313-438-4278 more Important Harvey MR. C'S DELI 202 HHP WANTED ~nH"lIJ h~, barrister bookcase and profeSSionally Iralned much morel and Uniformed personnel Locally owned and Come In and see why we operaled Fully Insured are Grosse POinte's oldest and tmest antique Shopl and bonded For a customized cleaning pro- And don't forget our 50Cll off bargafn basementl gram for your home please call 313-884 Hours Mon. 5170 Wed thru Sat, 11- 6 Closed Tues &: Sun I do houses & offices Ref 313-822-3452 erences rehable reasonable Linda 810779-3454
I \
Long- Term Care msurance Our agency IS looking for rcccnt .ollcgc graduatcs In BUSlncss,Markctlng, Finance and Lommu",callons who arc wlllmg to work hard to bUild a "nanClally rewarding carccr
We offer an C1Cten~lVe, proven training program, compet mvc salaC),fringe benefits and the affillallon with a well known, highly res?CctedfinanCial serVICescompany If you arc an ethical. aggressive.servICeonentcd indiVIdual With management potenllal, wc would like to talk to you
pICk your location Irom 1li_ll'lIHl.m!1llUUl..2!f,",
Brighton, Clarltston, Clinton Town-"Ip, Frasar. Gros.. Pointe Woods, Lexington. New Baltimore, Novo, Port Huron, Rochester Hills, RoyelOak, St Clair Shores. SI8fhng Heights. Troy, We.t Bloomfield
Motor City Donadio 22500 Metropolitan Parkway Suite 200 Clinton Township. MJ 48035 810-792-~939, ext. 258 Fax: 810-792-3911
EXPERIENCEDAGENTS LookIng lor a change? Wa offer multiple pay programs to meet all of your needs NEWAGENTS Takeadvantage of our exclUSivemenlor and tree training program.
FREECAREERSESSIONSEVERYWEDNESDAY Caliloday for your private and conlldantl.llntel'Vlew Ask lor Mrs Nelson 313-386-5040 MORETl1ANA JOB IT S A CAREER!
Inc 'vlrmb« '1A~n ~IPC ~lgn'lor Inc an .milal< of Joh n H.ncock 11ft lIo>lon MA
"15nafOr I~stronfilz cnmmltro to dIVCN' I and Jual 0, [ nunl?
• Call ""'d see It 700 • • quail'" to oarn $110,000 ."
We have tbe systems
""'d the ..,boo lIDr &0 make your dr..... eome tra e
'" "
~Ign.tor Inv" ~\ I !
'I' '\..
\.1E\.18ER OF [SA
READY Maid Cleaning Service We're ready Willing & able to clean your entire home Insured & bonded "Now offering laundry service' (313)833-8918
malo.e hou!loe"
'''-, \11, \ ...."
POLISH woman Will clean your house Experienced, excellent references 313-303-8218, 313-874-5391 (message)
248-399.2608 THOROUGH, honest, reliable woman Will clean the best for you Free 40 I APPUAN(ES estimates Please call ELECTRIC stove, $40 Cheryl 810-776-5643 Gas stove $95 Refng. WOULD you like your erator, $120 Washer, home cleaned? Starting, $110 Dryer, $100 De$50 Good references livery 810-293.2749 Marie (810)725-0178 FREEZER. 150 cubiC 306 SITUATIONS WANTED feet Whirlpool upnght HOUSE SITTING freezer $125 LOUie, RELIABLE, honest teach(313)8859900 er for pet housel plant silting References Call REFRIGERATOR GE Side by Side, almond, Ice and Ann 313-823.5757 water on door $400 RETIRED FlOrida couple 313-881-2977 seeks to renU house Sit WINDOW Air conditioners Julyl August (810)468 (3) 120001 5,000/3500 7844 Btus 1999 and olde~ 30] SITUATIONS WANTED models 313-640-8991 NURSES AIDES 402 ARTS l (RAFTS COMPETENT certified Inhome caregiver Grosse "STICK By Us"- beautiful Pomte references FleXIhand made decorative ble Aftemoons or garden twig lurnlture nights 313-822-2510 Reasonably pnced WILL assist With bath 109, medlcaltons, light housekeeping, cooking and laundry Please call ~ NEW Huffy 26" 10 speed 313-884-0187 after 6 girls bike, $55/ best pm (313)885.6874 308 SITUATIONS WANTED SCHWINN Joy Rider, used OHIPM 247S IROQUOIS
Whole house movIng s.le oa~ TranSlloOn SideboardcheSI Hepplewh all 0\.lT~i.. n hOlltlqll{, In lh{' oa\(Orne,.,t Will bt ftlled with hrand new ("'\("ryday nE'f'(h mcludlO~ cJe-.an1nF,: ~upph{'s h~ht hulo50 new vldro r.a~ notlon\ and IOlltttle"\ 'I~ ;t\.;tilahll .\ a 1964 Plymouth fkoolvedNf.> 2 door k.a 19K4 Ponilic 60nO 2 door rooth r(,.ild) 10 rro;.tort' I>.. rnct"d re-nonahly) )01 I'" I \\1\-" I 10 \11\\ lfll\ MO\T WO,",IlFRFUI \AI F tOR fHRY lA\Tt ,IND KtTR(X)k ,Ill} IRf I\Ot)'D TO 11"JJ)\OW 1It1'1C.I ....I1RF\TIN(. ANI> tlNIQUt AT HtI\ MO\T UNUSUAl 5'1 f
.a hfoauufu1 natural w()()(1work rewa"lc tile I~.tded and h~hl f".tUT£'1, S OO() Call rat RouTtleau .al \ Ii M4 6200 or h\. P.aKN at 11 4 201 12h"
iiil~" uSt"OLO s,.~\.\ \ 1
mar r me only
( .1\11 lHf HOI1I"~ U l AA\ 10410 f-OR "AI f m IMI(, '\1 \-1~IR' IfO'\ORlll \I qA M fRIDAY O'\IV OuR 'Il'''RIR\ AVAII.ARII 9 lOA"
:Ha AA""j(j04
FRIIlAY 0'1"
.... . .. .... . :A
< D ' M ."",. on t iss Out
---, ) ,
Knowledge Nook Sidewalk Sale June 22- 24, 10Am- 4 Pm
r umb&rs honor@(j
YAkD ~Alf
YARli ~All
462 Moran, Fnday, sat. eqUIpment, mICrowave, cellaneous . urday, Sunday, 9ammuch more 3pm Movmg Lots more -H-A-R-P-E-R-W-oods--,-19-33-1 ST. Clair Shores, RayItems, many new Dept Elkhart. Saturday, June mond Court- Raymond block sale (between 1256, Snow Village, San24th 9- 3 Older gas 13 Jefferson and Great •• tas, McDonald toys, acslove, kid's clothes, er Mack). Saturday and tlon figures. Barbles, GI _m_ISC________ Sunday. 9am- Spm Joes, Power Rangers, HARPER Woods. 20205 books boys bikes fuml THIRD annual benefit for , ,Washtenaw at Peertess NCCMH June 23- 24 ture, Imens, bakeware, Thursday, Fnday, Saturns d~he~l p~t~ , day, Bam- 4pm. Tools, ~~~;e P~782 ~~~ c an ter; 0 s 0 new toys, mISCellaneous sex off Essex and Wmch _I_oy_s -H-A-A-P-E-R-W-oods---2-06-6-7mill POinte Dnve GROSSE POlOte Farms, ' 96 H II PI S t da Van Antwerp, huge ga- TREASURE Sale799 a ace a ur y, rage salel Hockey 8 June 24, 1 30- 3 Gtga~eqUipment, boyS! Qlrts FU~= f he 4 ami y garage sale bikes, boys clothes (size antiques, teacher's anlIoI.lI'tAI~ NY 11919 1 BOO f,61 8383
.$71lS .l71lS .$121lS .$31lS
1J~(I5OO2) IJ Dlach WIndmlN (tS03S1 IJ BolIl Plftema IJ e:.taIog
1999 Toyota Camrey LE. auto, SIr, power Win. dows & locks Balance of factory warranty, Alloy wheels c1ean' Only $15950 Rinke Toyota 810.7582000 1992 Toyota Camry LE81,000 pampered miles 4 cylinder economy Onglnal owner, very well maintained $8.000 (313)886-0740 1991 Toyota Tercel auto. I matlc air c ean, no rust $3 soc ale 3230389
1987 Chevy Beauvlile 1976 Encson 25 keel 2' Van- V8. seats 8, trans. centerboard Sailboat miSSion leaks new tires Custom Interlorl cabin $600 (313)3430239 heater new Yanmar 10 diesel self lowering 1996 Dodge Grand CaramasV ngged for Single van SE Blue, 47000 handed and family miles clean $10400 Safety crUiSing CJ 810.759.5777 (313)882'0677 1995 Dodge conver~lon van, V6 short wheel. 19' Chns Crall Lancer. base Very clean' 200 horse power sWim $4,2501 best 313-527plat10rm ship to shore 6646 or 313-527-4040 radiO depth gage and ftshflnder, tandem axle 1992 0 C odge aravan no trailer 313-884-4426, rust 80 000 miles 81093:3 44CG $3,bOO (810)/51-9889
1985 Toyota Corolla- auto- 1994 Mercury Villager GS- 19 foot fiberglass lighting matlc air, runs great full power, rear air 1 sailboat Good condl' some rust $1 200 owner, loaded. 94K tlon, newer salls. trailer (313)886.5328 $5,500 (313)882.6745 $2,400 (313)886.2324 1997 Volkswagen Jella 1992 PI th V GLS Black, CD, casymou oyager 1990 Four Wlnns Sun92,000 miles very dancer excellent condlsette, air crUise. alarm clean, $52501 best 01warranty 53000 Miles fer 313.526.7303, tlon 260 HP. tandem Best offer 313.706pager 810-970-5654 trailer trim tabs, full can. 7707 vas, $9,5001 best 1996 Town & Country, ex (313)884-5309 1995 Volvo 960 Sedancellent condition, 36L loaded, $14,5001 best engine, 4 captains 22' Outrage, Boston 313-882-7760 chairs, loaded, 73,000 Whaler. 225 Johnson 1988 Volvo 240 DL. clean highway miles $9500 Completely refurbished car, runs good, 5 speed 313.884.8404 exceptional condition $1995 (810)523-3356 9 5 V SE h $18,500313.885.5652 1 9 oyager - w Ite 1999 VW Jetta GLS. new 59,000 miles, power (2) Sea 000 waverunners Silver loaded. auto steenng! breaks, AMI With trailer, 1992 GTX, black leather power FM, cassette. air, 2 bUilt 60 H P 1994 GTX 70 sunroof, 6 cd, 25K. In child seats $7500 H P $4,000 Leave $17,900 (313)640.9648 313.343-6627 message for Dave 313.
"--!I!I!II!!I!I!II--. spl8xyaTS Swan ImIJO!1; Auto 16100 East Warren
(Comer of DevonshIre)
Sales lilt Service Monday- Friday 8:30:- 5:30
313882 7760 -
CRAFTSMAN 10" table. 417.4039 saw, $250 Oak ol1lce --------desk modern, $125 28' Silverton. twin engine (810)751-9889 flying bridge, excellent condition First $10,000 takes It 313-881-4657 ALL. Junk cars, mo'orcy- 1986 WelicraN Nova XL. cles wanted Serving 23 It Inboard! outboard Grosse Pomte, Harper Low hours, excellent shape Original owner Woods SI Clair Shores $8,900 (313)882-9668 & DetrOIt's eastSide 810-779-8797
GROSSE POinte Park well partnershlpl boat sale 1995 Chevy Tahoe' full ATTENTION: Buymg Newport 27-S sailboat power. CD, alarm, leath. cars, trucks, vans 1980 excellent condition fully er Blue book, $19,000 and newer Best pnce eqUipped 313-824-4040 Sacnlice, $15000 Must paid (810)212-0860 sell I Pager (313)32561 S AUTOMOTIVE BOSTON WHALER 22' 8155 Outrage, Boston AUTO SERVICES 1994 Chevy Blazer- 4 Whaler. 225 Johnson LUCKY Car Expert Detail. door, 4 X 4, newer tires, Completely refurbished, 109 Complete detail. Inneeds nothing $4.300/ exceplional condition tenorl exterior, rulr outs best (810)776.3955, $18,500 313-885.5652 & wax, $79 99 Hand (313)886-9860 wash, $1699 Weekly _ 1996 GMC Jimmy. 4 X 4. appointments available DONATE your cars, boats 4 door, loaded, excellent We Will pick up & deliver R V ,trucks property to condition $13,500 your car 313-882-7098 Mlssmg Children ProJ(313)647-9927 ect- for a tax donation (313)884-9324 1995 Jeep Wrangler. 25L, , towing package 34,000 DONATE your boaV clean miles, red With black top Lake St Clalrl We are 5 speed, CD, new here foundation speakers, excellent con(810)778.2143 100% dition, $10250 313tax deductlblel non-profit 343.0394 bSl BOATS AND MOTORS
1990 Jeep Wrangler1965 24' ChriS Craft Skiff. 653 SOATS PARTS AND 59.700 miles, very V8 engine, great condiSERVI{( clean, $9,595 Call Herb tion $4,900 810-748. 810-783-2400 MARINE WOODWORK 3695 Custom deSigned & bUilt 1990 Jeep C"erokee 13' Boston Whaler, (the Cabinetry Repairs, dry. rot Sport- 2 door. 4 X 4, 5 onglnal) 35HP Force 23 Years Expenence speed. low miles engine (50 hours) Com. Have PortfoliO $4,400 (810)776-3955. plete With Cox tralier & References (313)886-9860 With split bar for easy (248)435-6048 1998 Suzuki X90, 4x4 au. launch and new buddy to, air, T-tops leather. beanngs Full trailer light 6S8 MOTOR HOMES 16,000 miles I Balance of package Whaler has full factory warranty, navigation lights, bilge MOTOR home 1999$8,875 Rmke Toyota, pump, fire extingUisher Coachman Mirada 30 810-758-2000 $3.0001 or best ol1er feet 3322 miles 313(313)881-7433 881.1598 evemngs 1997 Toyota 4 Runner 4x4 limitedleather, CD, moonroof, warranty Includedl Only $22 750 Rinke Toyota, 810.7582000
tan leather power lop power Windows 6\ 0 AUTOMOTIVE C 1991 adillac Allante. $18,000 313.886-8476 SPORTS CARS white diamond, bot" tops FantastIC candl' 1992 Honda Prelude. red 1994 BMW, 3251S Fully 601 AUTOMOTIVE tlonl Hurry' $16,950 auto. air, 65,000 miles, loaded, excellent condifORD Rinke Cadillac, $6,1001 best 313-882tion. 55K. new IIres, (810}757-3700 7760 $18,0001 best 313-4171980- 1990 Cars from 9069 $5001 PolICe Impoundsl 1998 Camaro whrte, T- 1998 Honda, CIVIC LX 4 For listings 1-800-319. tops, clean, loaded door 29,000 miles. AG, --------Sharpl 26,000 miles CD changer, automatic 1989 Camero RS, V6 new 3323 ext 3750 $145001 best (810)771$13,750 248-546-1109 lIres, tilt. crUise air, sun 1997 Ford Taurus GL- 4 8861 roof, 95,000 miles, door, 65K, well maIO' 1991 Mazda Mlata Con. $2,850 Dave 313.884tamed Wit1'1 se rvIce reo 1985, Chevrolet, Monte vertlble. red, 5 speed 0839 Cartot 55 Immaculate, $5,500 (313)886.4931 cords excellent condiburgundy onglnal, loadal1er 7pm 1982 Porche 928. red 5 tion Weekends, (313)823-8090 ed, stored winters Must 1991 Mazda Protege 5 speed $9,5001 best seel Must selll 63,000 d II t d 313-884-8733 1994 Ford Probe GT. exmiles $7,3001 810-779. spee we main alne , cellent condition, 1 own0808 new brakes! tlmmg belV -1-GGG--P-o-rsc-h-e--Bo-x-s-te-r tires $2,000 313-220. er loaded alarm 99K 1995 Chevrolet Tahoe LT 5937 convertible Red With $5,500 313-822-9366 Loaded, like new, low black top 4 500 miles 1993 Ford Taurus. Power miles musl see' 1994 Mercedes 5500, Absolutely beaullful Windows. power locks $200001 best 810-77473500 miles $31 500 $47000 810.350-8382 air AMI FM Excellent 5761 1-519-796.2302 _________ RECAPTURE your youth I COndition $4,1001 best 810-321-2628 1991 Chevy Cavalier. AMi 1987 Mercedes Benz 190. 1976 red Tnumph SPit. FM CD. air, sunroof. while 72K good condl' fire convertible Runs 1993 Ford Taurus SHO$4,2001 best 810-778. lIOn $60001 best good looks good fun Every option InCluding 9559 (313)886-2888 runabout $12001 best leather moon roof air (313)886- 7459 bags CD Excellent 1988 Chevy Suburban SIIverado. 31 4 ton, 350 3 1992 Mercedes 500 SL condition Original own. b 11 AUTOMOTIVE speed auto, power black peart excellent er 92 000 miles TRUCKS 28000 miles on englnel condition, two tops $7500 313-885.8009 transmiSSion $12,000 58000 miles 1 owner, 1991 Chevy S.10 pickup, 1993 Ford Tempo clean 313.521.7181 al1er 3pm garage kept 011changed extended cab, 167,000 car $1 995 (810)523' every 3500 miles All miles 5 speed, $1 8001 3356 1992 DeVille Tounng Se. records $36 750 You or best (810)294-6091 dan clean runs good, Will love ItI 313886 1992 Ford Taurus GL loaded excellent condl. new trans radiator air, 2277 1993 Ford F.150 XLT. tlon (313)8853984 starter engine mount 4X4 58 ilter arr all --------1986 Porshe 944 Turbo battery high ",ghway 1991 Ford Probe SliCk, power $7500 810415 black tan lealher IOterrmiles $4750 313.881. good condition $2 8501 7513 or all power everything 7386 alter 5pm best (810)772.6906 CD player moon roof 1990 Ford 1 aurus Station 1989 Fleetwood. like new, HKS turbo timer 80 000 1993 Ranger 4x4 exlend" 65K while blue mtenor, ed cab STX, auto 60K miles, excellenl condl. Wagon GL Good condl' excellent second car Extra OIce' $9350 tIOn $31001 besl 313 lion $10,900 313-822$5,500 810-778.2654 (810)296-3863 886-9572 8016
1996 Sebnng LX,- loaded Low miles, good condl' tlon, aslIUIlll.i
While Cedar Specialists Serving the Grosse Pomtes since 1955 "Automatic Gate Openers. 29180 Gratiot, RoseVille 810-776-5456 WOOD" CHAIN LINK FENCING Expenenced, reliable and prompt Free estimates Call now
(313)640-4164 936 FLOOR SANDING' REFINISHING .'Innovatlve Hardwood'. Hardwood Floors. 19851 Sanding, Refinishing. Repairs - New installation Licensed & Insured Tim Tarpey 810-n2-6489
Call Dominic 810-445-0225
DERK Brown lawn spnnklers. lawn spnnklers installed & serviced Af. fordable, expenenced (810)774.1777 Five Seasons Landscape Specializing In tree & shrub removal, trimming sculpting, planting Landscape design, renovation, sod, top SOil, mulch & stone Free Estimates Licensed. Insured Owner Operated
201h year. George Sperry (810)n84331
FRANK'S Lawn Service Spnng clean. ups Lawn A-1 Hardwood Floors cutting, fertiliZing, garKINLEY & CO dening, tree & bush tnm. Grosse POinte's finest mlng & removal Ask for Quality and low prICes Frank, 810-775.3078, Free estimates paqer 810-345-3178 313-640-9349 JASON Pallas LandscapIng Serving the POlntes FLOOR sanding and fm. for over 20 years Weekly lawn service, aeration, Ishlng Free estimates rototilling 313-885.0715 Terry Yerke, (810)7723118 K&K LAWN & SHRUB SERVICES, INC. G 81G FLOOR CO Landscape Design " Placement. Wood floors only Sod Installation, Brictl;
20 ~
'All Types Of FenCing 'Sales 'Installatlon. Repairs 'Sentor Discount
Floors of diStinctiOn since 1964 Bob Grabowski Founder / President Licensed, Insured,
member of The Better Busmess Bureau Free estimates We supply, Install, sand, stain and finish wood floors, new & old Speclaltzlnglln Ghtsa finish
Pavltrs. Shrub & Tree Trimming! Removal. Clean-ups, Fertilization Gutter Cleaning, Garden" Pond Maintenance Top Soli, Mulch" Stone Inst8l1ec1/ Delivered FREE ESTIMATES Licensed' Insured (313)417-0797
LANDSCAPE Doctor's of (810)795-1711 Grosse POinte DeSign AFFORDABLE plastenng installation. Quality 810.778.2050 25 years expenence, 929 DRYWAll work Low pnces 313guaranteed work, free 885-4817 Visa, Discover & estimates, Lou Black. B.K'S Drywall- 15 years Mastercard accepted well 810'776-8687, LAWN cutting, clean Up, expenence Malor! minor Pager 313-796-9845 top dreSSing, seeding, repairs, drywall hanging HARDWOOD floor refinIshing and repairs Jeff, shrub tnmmlng Reason. !flnlshlng and painting PLASTER & drywall repair {810l573.4Sn able prices Quality specialist Reasonable and painting Grosse work (313)884.7027 POinte references Call THE ORIGINAL! MAC'S TREE AND Charles "Chip. Gibson KELM FLOOR SANDING 930 ll!'OUIOJiI:drain nit" and ",piKe' With nrw drain lilt ''Scra(W'.and WIre' hn..\h wall ~movlnR all dirt In\urinA; a good bond 'Rtp.alr.llll maim crack" wllh hydraulic (tmf'nt 'Trowtl JiCradC'faT and 6 mlll visqurne apphC'd to wall 'Run ho\(' In hlrrdt'r(,,) to m\urc \UfflCltnt dralOilKt eh:r
... \\l at Don 'rUhom. nUlldr~ are l.OJllnllttld In quaILh ,. ROot I"', 1\ III \H DO ~ Our lll\talllr'\ an l"(pt..rllilud !(llIrlH\l1lln mnfl'r\ who provide ...... t.nt (,ollrh,uu\ I'wh.'"'lo\lOrl1l\t,r\lCl from (\I\tOIl1 fatmlalcd ,.. llu ..t..ll 10 l '\uptlH1nl th..l!l up~ t\ lrv llUlll .. '1ll1ph put \llU \\11111(11 )..ll 01tJttllr llu,j."IIl).: rtJOf Ilf better un
, ~
t1Jt -""""
313-882.6900 ext 3 ~
MADAR Maintenance Hand wash Windows and walls Free esllmates & references 313-821-2984
ads in EarlY!"" AdvertiSing
Don't Forget-
L.S. WALKER CO. Plumbing Drain Cleaning AU Repairs Free Estimates' Reasonablel Insured 810-786-3900 313-705-7568 pager
981 WINDOW WASHING FAMOUS matntenance seIVlng Grosse POinte since 1943 Licensed, bonded, IIlsured Wall washing! carpet cleanInq 313-884-4300
rllghest Speclahzmg In InlefioflEXlerior Palntlng We offer the best in preparation before painting and use only the
977 WAll WASHING MADAR Mamtenance Hand wall washing and Windows Free esh. mates & references 313-8212984
RESIDENTIAL, commerCial, all types Jacks, extra lines, compufers, networks, etc Appomtments, (313)882-2079
ROOFING repairs, reshlngllng, Ice shields, chimney screens, basement leaks, plaster repairs Insured Seaver s, (313}882-0000
MICHAEL HAGGERTY Lie. Master Plumber
313 824-HOME
SAN Manno Tile & Marble Trained In Italy 35 years exoenence (810)725-
JAMES Smelser Roof Repair! Maintenance Flat roof specialist 313-3727784 Pager 8104660285 Free estimates
Expe POinter
MIKE S Tile and Marble Installation licensed Complete bathrooms, kitchens Tile removal 810498.9868
crllCkI, peeling pllnl,
Intenor/(nenor IIICludes ~ ~ repelling damaged plaster, ~
& Granite
ALL PRO ROOfiNG ProfeSSional roofs gul1ers Siding new repaired Reasonable Reliable 25 years expenence LICENSED/INSURED John Williams 810-776-5167
& reSidential
Sewers & Drains Cleaned Hot Water Healers Dip Tubes Faucets TOilets Replpes Violations Licensed ••• Insured
~ ~
........ liaI/I:_.ciaI
.... hiDtll •• ,..., .. ff .ftat 11IOl ....
....... ~~~-
~ MlmlG ~ & ULlNPEIIIG
Sewer Cleaning
ill .... slaCI
PROFESSIONAL wallpa. per hanging by Denlelle, 18 years expenence Free estimates References available 313882-7816
.. -
seal or slain 27 expenence Free
Plumbing Repair
tit IH C~~ q\Jalily p~ndablf.' lowe~ I lJIICL'
BY TIM ~'.Uf~ dl
washl years
£xc ••
Water heaters Installed Sewers & Drains Licensed and Insured 810-772-2614
WALLPAPERING by Joan 15 years experience dependable, competlltve prICe (313)331-3512
Plumbinll: Needs WHY PAYMORE" Sewers & Drams Reasonable Rates 7 DAYS 24 HOU~
DIBeDUn $ • For all Your
DAN ROEMER remodeling,
960 ROOfiNG S£IlVI(E
MARTIN VERTREGT Licensed Master Plumber Grosse POinte Woods
MARSH Home ImprovementInterior/ exterior painting Drywall repair FinIsh carpentry licensed, Insured Tom Marsh, (810)465-1495
STEVE'S Pamllng Interior! Exterior SpecialiZing In 313.886.2521 plastering and drywall New work repairs, repairs cracks, peeling renovations, waler paint Window glaZing heaters, sewer cleantng caulking Also paint old code Violations aluminum Siding All work guaranteed (810)469-4565, (313)874-1613 _________
Mike 810-268-0727 J.L. PAINTING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PI aster rep81 r Drywall cracks! peeling paint Window putty/caulkmg Power washing! repainting Aluminum $Idlng Grosse POinte References Fully Insured Free Estimates
.... ,. ....
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rl~k \J;1I'l ••IlIlOll ~u
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'1'1 ( I 11111'(, I' I h\R 011' • R~ ROlli "(, • H \1 RIlOF~' 'F\\ ROOFS RHl1>1 '\'11 \I • (O\1'-1~ R( IAI ( all !