The context of civic Education to Enhance Empowerment. The context ... To day
how ever civic and ethical education is being to citizen at all levels of education.
Admas University College HMC Civic Education Chapter One The context of civic Education to Enhance Empowerment Definition:The concept of civic education has been defined by many authorities and intellectuals in many ways. *It is defined as a branch of social science which studies the right and duties of citizens. *It is also defined as a science which studies the theory and practice of free and open democratic society. *Others defines it is a science that studies international scio- economic and political conditions *Still others define it is science that studies the purpose of government, the nature of the law, and the way private behavior affect the public order. From the above view points we can pinpoint the following facts about civic education: Civic education means the study self- government. Self government implies the active participation and involvement in self governance. N.B: self governance:- actively participating in social, Economical and political activities of the country as is expected from citizens and also obeying the rules, regulations and norms of given society. civic education develops participations in citizens and this is possible when student know and learn about and appreciate their own right, duties, obligations and responsibility as citizen and obey the immediate rules ,law and government structures within which one exercise citizenship. *civic education provides student with core and essential knowledge about social issues and institutions from the view points of their understanding. *participation in citizenship is the basis of all other forms of participation in development of social, economical and political activities. From broad to specific *civic education stars from family or a class room and participation grows to society and then it is effects goes up on politics and also economic processors ideas. Origin and development of civic education Civic is word derived from Latin word civi-tates- it means citizen or of citizen. *civic education started in Athens, Greece. Democracy, and civic education had the same root and beginning time
*civic education in this old times helped create competent and responsible citizen through time this enabled to develop modern civic education.
civic education history
Medieval period before 14th century Rennaissance period between 14th -16thcentury Modern era after16-century To day how ever civic and ethical education is being to citizen at all levels of education. civic education is based on the principle of democracy but it should be noted that the prevalence of democracy is not a prerequisite for the teaching of civic education.i.e. any government can teach civic education to its citizens.
The relationship of civics with other fields Civic education by its nature is related with other fields of study. With philosophy Because civics studies the right or wrong, the bad or good, justice or fairness. Philosophy studies the accepted values and morality of people at different periods and different places. *with sociology *civic studies the cultures, values and norms of people in given society thus it is related with sociology. With law *civic also studies constitutions, the right and duties of citizen thus it is related with law. With political science *As civic studies state structures, nature and purpose of government, we say it is related with political science.
Purpose and objective Purpose Some of the purposes of giving civic education to citizens are :-To teach the values and principles of civic education this would help create competent, active and responsible citizens -Enable citizens develop participatory skills this includes citizens ability in controlling public policy. -To make citizens aware about the fundamental rights and freedom -Enable citizens participate in voluntary organizations like workers union, women associations, labor union .etc -To make citizens think rationally and critically. -Develop the knowledge and intellectual skills that could help them monitor and correct the policies and rules of a given society and/ or country. In general terms civic education can help students to connect what they learn with how they live.
When theory is devoid of practice there will be serious gap between old and new values and creates an inter-generational gap. In which elders and youths are not engaged in common discourse this further result in the young section of the society the feeling of unwantedness and un connectedness with the large world.
If theory is related with practice, students will be engaged to transform their learning to their actual life i.e. they will be active members of their environment. There also another essential part of civic education i.e. students need to understand that learning is for living. Education aims at developing the capacity to make judgments from convictions and to act boldly on issues and values held. Civic education helps to develop responsible ways of thinking, believing and acting. Civic education is based on thinking, choosing and making decisions to act.
Goals and objectives of civic knowledge The goal of civic education is attributed to the philosophy of the subject matter i.e. the theories and practice of the subject is realized by active participation of citizens in society. The ultimate goals of civic education are as follows:I. building civic competence of citizens -civic competence is the capacity or ability to participate effectively in the political as well as social systems. Common forms of participation -To follow information through mass media -To discuss public issues -voting -To take part in a civic and political organization -To participate in different assemblies -To encourage and support journalists, human rights activists and organizations. 2. Promoting the culture of civic responsibility -civic responsibility is the commitment to fulfilling the obligation of citizenship .Citizenship of an individual reflects his /her right and responsibility of participation in different sectors. Obligations (Responsibility) * To vote * To study issues * To help ones family, neighbour through voluntary service
* To respect others right * To pay taxes * To influence government policy *To improve quality of government functioning …etc. *To limit government to its constitutional limit
Sources of civic knowledge Peoples knowledge about their rights and duties is decisive in promoting civic participations. Their knowledge about their duties and rights could be improved through deferent opportunities:Family In a family, citizens could get what the right and duties of citizen are. Schools Schools are also good ways of enhancing knowledge of citizens about their rights and duties. The inclusion of civic education in curriculum would help promote the knowledge of citizens. Religious Institutions In all religions the right and duties of citizens could be preached besides the spiritual knowledge. Mass Media Media could play a significant role in teaching people about their rights and responsibility.
The components of civic education There are three components of civic education. These are:A. Civic knowledge and thinking skills. Refers to knowledge of the fundamental concepts, history, contemporary events and facts B. Civic Dispositions It is an act done to accord with traits of civic character E.g.: Civility in speech Open mindedness Compromising To be compassionate E T C C. Committeemen’s This value emerges out of realizing the fundamental values and principles E.g. : committed to the realization of Justice : Advance the common good : Advance the rights of the individual
What is responsible Citizenship? 1. Responsible citizenship means that all individuals must be aware of the importance of their membership in a large community Just as you is a member of small group such as. Family, Schools you are also a member of society i.e. you have some obligations. 2. Responsible citizens create means looking after on self in espouses Responsible way citizens creates strong society by using their own skills and abilities in productivities ways 3. Individuals should be obedient to those who have authority in society • individuals should follow rules an regulations 4. Citizens should participate activity in society’s decisions –making The interrelationship an /or deferent conception about citizenship is depicted diagrammatically.
Diagram. Membership In Society
Respect For Authority
Participate In decision Making
Looking after Themselves