CLASS: HLTH 2040 Human Physiology (4.0 cr; Prereq-Minimum 30 credits, BIOL
... Fundamentals of Human Physiology, 4th Edition, Lauralee Sherwood - West ...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA DULUTH COURSE SYLLABUS ‐ SPRING SEMESTER 2014 CLASS: HLTH 2040 Human Physiology (4.0 cr; Prereq-Minimum 30 credits, BIOL 1001 or 1011; one semester college chemistry or instructor consent; A-F or Aud, fall, spring, summer, every year) Physiological mechanisms of cells, organs, and organ systems; function, control, and coordination of body systems.
CLASS NUMBER: 47627 ‐ 11:00 AM‐11:50 !M MTWF Montague Hall 80 INSTRUCTOR: John R. Keener, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Execise Science
CLASS WEBPAGE:‐1‐s2014/ Lecture slides are posted at this site under the CLASS MATERIALS link. COURSE OBJECTIVES: study of the physiological mechanisms of cells, organs, and organ systems; function, control, and coordination of body systems in preparation for careers in health related professions. For successful completion of this course students will have to answer questions that demonstrate ability to: a. Detail the operation of cells, tissues, organs, and specific human physiological systems. b. Explain how specific cells, tissues, organs, and specific physiological systems perform individual tasks that contribute to maintenance of resting homeostasis. c. Explain how specific physiological systems are regulated and interact when maintaining overall resting homeostasis. d. Explain how deviations in normal function are related to disease e. Quantify processes involved as cells, tissues, organs, and specific human physiological systems maintain and regulate homeostasis TEXT (REQUIRED): Fundamentals of Human Physiology, 4th Edition, Lauralee Sherwood ‐ West Virginia University ISBN‐ 10: 0840062257 ISBN‐13: 9780840062253 Visit: for options other than traditional purchase. TEACHING METHODOLOGY: Class sessions will include lecture and questioning students over course content. GRADING: Grade for the class is determined by CLASS SCORE. CLASS SCORE is the sum of TEST SCORES and FINAL EXAM SCORE. TEST SCORE = 83% of CLASS SCORE. There are 5 tests are on CLASS SCHEDULE. EACH CONTRIBUTES EQUALLY TO TEST SCORE. Points on a test taken are normalized to 100%. Average % on 5 TESTS contributes 83% to CLASS SCORE FINAL EXAM 17% of CLASS SCORE – GIVEN AS SCHEDULED BY THE REGISTRAR on THURSDAY MAY 15 in regular classroom from 10:00‐11:55am. Content for the final exam comes from all previous class materials and focuses on calculations, problems, and major principles in regulation of each organ system studied. Please see university policy regarding this exam. Test score is normalized to 100% and then contributes 17% to CLASS SCORE
An example of grade calculations is given below:
GRADING SCALE FOR CLASS: the following conversions are use to arrive at assigned letter grade from CLASS TEST SCORE and FINAL EXAM SCORE A > 92%
A‐ 90%‐91%
B+ 88%‐89%
B 82%‐87%
B‐ 80%‐81%
C+ 78%‐79%
C 72%‐77%
C‐ 70%‐71%
D+ 68%‐69%
D 60%‐67%