tackle the incentives to free-ride which usually undermine the possibility of cooperation on emission control. Barrett (2001, 2002) argues that the Kyoto Protocol ...
A Technology Based Climate Regime Carlo Carraro∗ & Barbara Buchner♣ Abstract The importance of technical change to reduce GHG emissions leads to explore the environmental and economic effectiveness of a new climate regime, where the goal is not to achieve some given emission reduction targets, but rather to cooperate for the development and diffusion of energy saving technologies. We propose to explore the economic and environmental benefits of this climate regime, which aims at achieving GHG emission control by enhancing cooperation on technological innovation and diffusion.
1. Introduction The previous chapters have already stressed the basic dilemma of climate policy. On the one hand, given the global dimension of the climate change problem, an effective strategy to control climate change has to be adopted by as many countries as possible, or at least by a number of countries which account for a large share of total emissions. On the other hand, due to the absence of a supra-national authority capable of enforcing environmental policies and regulations on a global scale, climate change control can only be achieved via voluntary initiatives and international agreements among sovereign countries. International diplomacy is far from having solved this dilemma. The Kyoto Protocol was certainly welcomed as an important success of international diplomacy, because it succeeded in setting for the first time binding emissions reduction targets for industrialised countries. However, the recent US decision not to ratify the Protocol has largely reduced its environmental effectiveness, thus inducing all countries to adapt their climate strategy to this new scenario in international politics. The negative implications of the US decisions not to ratify the Kyoto protocol (see Chapter I.1) led several analysts to explore the possible emergence of other climate regimes. A first possibility has been explored in the previous chapter, where the Kyoto Protocol was integrated by measures and policies which could induce the US to modify their present decision and to ratify the modified Protocol. In particular, the effectiveness of a regime where climate and technological cooperation are linked was explored (see Chapter I.4) Other possible regimes could be based on completely different approaches, in which all countries could be proposed to agree on a climate strategy which is no longer based on the cap and trade of emissions. One of these new climate regimes could be based, for example, on an international carbon tax (Cf. Nordhaus, 2001). Less radical proposals try to enhance the incentives for participation and compliance by focussing on some weaknesses of the Kyoto architecture. For example, some of these proposals 1 ∗
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei and University of Venice.
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. 1 For an overview of the alternatives, see Barrett, 2002 and Barrett and Stavins, 2002.
CARRARO & BUCHNER suggest a combination of relatively modest short-term goals with more stringent long-term targets, in order to lower the initial burden to commit to the climate agreement. These proposals often include near-term commitments for developing countries 2 . Other proposals aim at reducing the expected costs of the Kyoto Protocol by introducing hybrid policy instruments, e.g. the combination of a quantity instrument (as emissions trading) with a price instrument (as a tax or safety valve)3. More radical proposals are based on the observation, largely shared by climate scientists, that without a real technological breakthrough it becomes very difficult to achieve the stabilisation of GHG concentrations. Therefore, an effective climate regime should be based on measures that enhance climate friendly technological innovation and diffusion. This approach seems to be shared also by the US administration and lies behind the plan -- announced in February 2002 -to lower the nation’s greenhouse gas intensity by 18% over the next 10 years in order to slow the growth of GHG emissions per unit of economic activity. Although President Bush’s Climate Change Initiative implies a very modest US emissions target, it represents at the same time an acknowledgement of the long-term character of the climate change problem and thus improves the prospects for a US participation in international efforts to combat climate change (White House, 2002). In particular, as previously said, the proposal focuses on technological innovation and diffusion in order to enhance the development of technologies which reduce the costs of greenhouse gas abatement in the future. Incentives for investments in innovative technologies and efficiency are set, emphasising that sustained economic growth is the solution to the longterm challenge of climate change.4 The idea that technological cooperation can be the appropriate tool to deal with the global warming problem can also be shifted into the international arena. An international agreement for the development ad diffusion of technologies designed to reduce GHG emissions can be a possible approach – either complement or substitute of the present climate regime – that countries may decide to adopt to combat climate change 5. This idea has been developed in particular by Barrett (2001, 2002) who proposes a technology-based international strategy to tackle the incentives to free-ride which usually undermine the possibility of cooperation on emission control. Barrett (2001, 2002) argues that the Kyoto Protocol provides poor incentives for participation and compliance and tries to solve this problem by suggesting an alternative climate regime which is based on common incentives for climate-friendly technology research and development. In particular, the main elements of this proposal comprise a cooperative funding of basic R&D with respect to energy-saving, environment-friendly technologies on the one hand, and the implementation of various standards directed towards the world-wide adoption and diffusion of new technologies on the other. The common standards for technologies are identified through the collaborative research efforts6, which are financed through the global R&D fund. Both the standards protocols and the cooperative R&D protocol are intended to be open to every country to sign. Since standards are a public good, no country can be excluded 2 See for example, Barrett, 2001 and 2002; McKibbin and Wilcoxen, 1997 and 2000; Schmalensee 1998; and Stewart and Wiener, 2001. 3 See for example, Kopp, Morgenstern, Pizer and Toman, 1999; McKibbin and Wilcoxen, 1997 and 2000; and Victor, 2001. 4 For a detailed discussion of the US proposal see for example De Moor et al. (2002), Goulder (2002), Viguier (2002). 5 See for example Barrett (2001 and 2002), Benedick (2001), Edmonds, Roop and Scott (2000), Edmonds (2001), Flannery (2001), Jacoby (1998). 6 Barrett (2001) brings the example of energy efficiency standards for cars, which could be established requiring e.g. the use of new hybrid engines or fuel cells.
A TECHNOLOGY BASED CLIMATE REGIME from using them. By imposing an open standards protocol, Barrett accounts for competition which induces pull incentives. In addition, the standards protocol is intended to be nonexclusionary in order to enable an ample adoption and diffusion of new technologies. However, to construct a global climate regime which is accepted by all countries, it needs to incorporate an element of fairness, taking into account that the current accumulation of GHG emissions in the atmosphere is basically caused by the industrialised countries. In order to compensate the developing countries to adopt the new standards which will require costly technologies, Barrett makes the share of each country’s contribution to the collaborative funding dependent on its circumstances 7. In this way, the need for the developing countries to grow is satisfied but – acknowledging that they will probably be the biggest future emitters – they nevertheless take part in a climate regime. In addition, taking the Montreal Protocol as an example, the industrialised countries are made responsible for the financing of technological transitions. Thus, a multilateral fund would ensure that technologies can spread to developing countries. In this way, this approach sets incentives for their participation because – although being bound by the technology standards – they can gain through the diffusion of technologies in their countries which is basically financed by industrialised countries.8 Barrett emphasises that this approach – based on a R&D Protocol with complementary standards protocols – derives its attractiveness from the inclusion of both “push” incentives affecting the supply of R&D, and “pull” incentives aimed at the demand for the fruits of R&D. In contrast, the Kyoto Protocol does not consider the necessity to push R&D, but only the pull incentives which can only be supported by strong enforcement. By also focusing on incentives related to the funding of R&D, preconditions for long-term technical innovation and diffusion are created. Moreover, by renouncing to emission targets and time tables, this technology based climate regime does not require the enforcement of compliance, while providing incentives for participation. Indeed, this approach represents one of the few alternative proposals which explicitly tackles the issue of providing incentives for participation and compliance. Note that, the more countries adopt a standard, the more attractive it becomes for other countries to adopt the same standard. Hence, the more countries combat climate change, the greater are the incentives for the other countries to follow them. This highlights the strategic advantage of Barrett’s idea. In addition, there is no need for strong enforcement and monitoring: once enough countries adopt the standards, none of them will face an incentive to defect from it. A further advantage consists in the avoidance of leakage and free-riding: non-participants cannot use the products of collective R&D in order to reduce their emissions more cheaply. Although there is no doubt that the technology-based approach also has a number of weaknesses 9, it accounts for some of the crucial requirements needed to make an international climate regime successful: a global scale, strong elements for self-enforcement and a high degree of probability that the international system supports the approach. 7 In addition, the country’s contribution should be contingent on an agreed total expenditure level and the contribution of the other countries (Barrett, 2002). The latter element ensures that the fund becomes larger when countries join the cooperation and smaller when countries withdraw. In this way, an explicit incentive for participation is created and – very important – countries know their commitment costs before signing the agreement. 8 An additional innovative component of this proposal is an adaptation protocol which explicitly accepts the responsibility of industrialised countries for the current situation with respect to accumulated GHG emissions. Therefore, industrialised countries need to assist developing countries in adapting to the consequences of climate change, which very likely are strongest in these countries. 9 For example, there are problems to ensure that the “right/best” standards are chosen and that the adoption of these standards indeed offers every participating country a benefit in excess of the cost. In addition, a question is who is going to chose the standards. A further concern is that the system gets locked in to a particular standard which would remove the incentives for further innovation.
CARRARO & BUCHNER As a consequence, a possible future scenario of climate change control could consist of an international climate regime based on technological cooperation among countries, without any binding abatement commitment. This possibility, focused on R&D and on long-term incentives – i.e. on technology transitions intended to reduce the GHG concentrations – could even be incorporated under the UNFCCC. In addition, taking into account the preferences of the US administration, as presented e.g. in the Climate Change Initiative, this strategy could induce the US to move back to international cooperative efforts for climate change control. A further factor which could be crucial in order to re-involve the US again is also captured by Barrett’s idea: developing countries are supposed to participate in the climate regime. From a theoretical viewpoint, this scenario is likely to yield a self-enforcing cooperative agreement, because an agreement on a “club good” like technological diffusion and innovation can be shown not to be affected by free-riding incentives (Yi, 1997). However, albeit selfenforcing – a property which is unlikely to be shared by climate regimes where cooperation concerns emission abatement – a technology based climate regime may not be environmentally effective. The reason is as follows. On the one hand, cooperation on climate-related technological innovation and diffusion reduces emissions per unit of output and therefore global GHG emissions. On the other hand, investments in R&D, the adoption of new technologies and new standards stimulate economic growth both in developed and developing countries, thus increasing global emissions. The sum of these two effects cannot be easily assessed using only a theoretical framework. A quantitative analysis becomes necessary to verify whether the adoption of a technology based climate regime actually reduces GHG emissions. This is the goal of this chapter. Therefore, in this chapter, by using again the FEEM-RICE model, a modified version of Nordhaus and Young’s (1996) RICE model, we will assess the environmental and economic benefits of Barrettt’s proposal, and in particular whether the total amount of global emissions is actually reduced by the adoption of an international agreement in which all countries find it profitable to cooperate on technological innovation and diffusion. We will proceed as follows. In section 2, we present the theoretical background to analyse a country’s decision to join an agreement based entirely on a (quasi) club good like technological innovation and diffusion, without any binding emission reduction commitments. The modelling framework on which our quantitative analysis will be based is then explained in section 3. In section 4, by using the FEEM-RICE model we verify whether a technology-based regime would actually yield economic benefits and increase environmental effectiveness. The final section draws some policy conclusions and identifies future research directions.
2. A game-theoretic analysis of climate-related technological cooperation As previously stated, the reason why technological cooperation has been proposed as a strategy in favour of environmental protection lies in the difficulty to achieve broad participation in agreements in which countries cooperate on emission control. This insight has not only been confirmed by recent events, as most prominently the US withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol, but it is also supported by recent theoretical results (see Carraro and Galeotti, 2002 for a survey). Three main reasons explain why environmental agreements fail to be signed by a large number of countries: (i) large economic and environmental asymmetries among world regions complicate the negotiations to achieve an equitable share of the burden of emission reductions; (ii) due to the public good nature of climate change control, which implies non-excludable 4
A TECHNOLOGY BASED CLIMATE REGIME environmental benefits for all countries, environmental negotiations are characterised by an intrinsic instability: countries may prefer to free-ride, i.e. to profit from the cleaner environment provided by signatory countries, without paying the costs; (iii) finally, the lack of a supranational authority capable of enforcing international environmental policies. However, in the case of agreements on other economic issues, the incentives to free ride may be limited. Typically, cooperations are proposed on the provision of private club goods, like R&D and innovation or free trade, where benefits are excludable or partly excludable, i.e. they cannot be reaped by free-riders (or free-riders get only small benefits. Cf. Yi, 1997) In the case of club goods, the equilibrium outcome of the game in which countries decide whether or not to cooperate is quite different from the one which emerges in the case of public goods. As outlined in Chapter I.3, in the case of public goods the equilibrium of the game is characterised -- in the most favourable cases -- by a constellation of small groups of cooperating countries (climate blocs). In the case of club goods, if benefits from cooperation are sufficiently excludable, the equilibrium coalition structure often coincides with the grand coalition (we are assuming here that asymmetries are negligible and that the agreement is profitable, thus focusing only on free-riding incentives). As a consequence of these theoretical results, the aim of this chapter is not to analyse whether Barrett’s (2001) proposal leads to a stable coalition structure (a self-enforcing agreement). It is clear that if the benefits of technological cooperation can be reaped mostly by cooperating countries, then incentives to free-ride are small and a coalition – possibly the grand coalition – forms at the equilibrium. However, this conclusion depends upon two important features of the model: (i) the absence of important asymmetries among countries, and (ii) the presence of technological spillovers that cannot be reaped by free-riders. Therefore, the goal of this chapters is to analyse which countries cooperate in a technology-based climate regime and for which level of the differential technological spillovers (a defined in Chapter I.4) this cooperation can take place. This chapter addresses the following questions: (i)
Are there actually the incentives for R&D cooperation to be implemented by Annex B countries, namely do spillovers exist to induce Annex B countries to cooperate on technological innovation and diffusion?
Is cooperation on technological innovation and diffusion, without cooperation on GHG emission abatement, environmental effective, i.e. does it reduce global emissions?
Does this latter conclusion hold, if not when Annex B countries cooperate on R&D, at least when all world countries cooperate on technological innovation and diffusion, i.e. when a global coalition forms?
In order to answer these three questions, we will present an empirical assessment of two possible scenarios: the first one is characterised by technological cooperation among the four “traditional” Kyoto countries/regions (USA, Europe, Japan, Former Soviet Union), while the second one features the grand coalition where all world countries cooperate on technological
CARRARO & BUCHNER innovation and diffusion 10 . For each scenario, we assess the profitability, stability and environmental effectiveness of technological cooperation. The aim of our analysis is to verify whether cooperation on technological innovation and diffusion, without any emission reduction commitments, could really lead to an improvement of the environmental effectiveness of the climate regime, as claimed by Barrett (2001, 2002). Were this conjecture true, we could conclude that a technology-based agreement is more efficient than a climate agreement because it provides excludable benefits -- and thus adequate incentives for participation -- while reducing the amount of GHG emissions.
3. The modelling framework In the policy-setting that we are going to analyse empirically, we compare the climate regime which has emerged after the Marrakech negotiations with two scenarios based on technological cooperation. In these scenarios, the group of cooperating countries is set exogenously. In particular, in the first scenario we assume that all Annex B countries – EU, Japan, US, FSU – cooperates on technological innovation and diffusion, without being restricted by emission targets. In the second scenario, we assume global technological cooperation without any binding environmental restrictions. The main objective of this paper is to verify whether the strategy to cooperate on technological innovation and diffusion is economically and environmentally effective compared to the case of an agreement on climate change control11. An intermediate goal of our analysis is to verify whether the two aforementioned technological coalitions are self-enforcing (Barrett, 1994), namely profitable and stable. The definitions of profitability and stability have been derived directly from Carraro and Siniscalco (1993) (see also Eyckmans (2001) and Weyant and Olavson (1999) for recent applications to climate policy). We say that an agreement is weakly profitable if the sum of the individual payoffs of the signatories is larger than the sum of their payoffs when no agreement is signed. In this case, the agreement produces a surplus (overall benefits are larger than costs), but this surplus may not be profitable for all signatories, i.e. some countries may gain, others may lose. By contrast, an agreement is strongly profitable if the payoff of all signatories is larger when the agreement is signed and implemented than when no agreement is signed. Hence, each single participant obtains a net benefit from the agreement. An agreement is said to be internally stable if there is no incentive to free-ride, i.e. the payoff of each signatory is larger than the payoff he/she would obtain by defecting from the group of signatories. Finally, an agreement is self-enforcing or stable if there is no incentive to free ride and no incentive to join the group of signatories, i.e. the payoff to those countries that are not signatories is larger than the one they would achieve by signing the agreement12. This chapter will first assess the profitability and stability of the two proposed R&D coalitions, and then evaluate their environmental effectiveness.
10 Our starting point is the original Annex B in order to find out whether a different climate strategy could have lead to a more promising situation as we are facing now with the actual constellation of Kyoto countries as emerged after the last climate negotiations in Marrakech, COP 7. 11 Note that the incentives to free-ride on the climate agreement come from the public good nature of climate change control, whereas the incentives to free-ride on the R&D agreement arise from the presence of technological spillovers. 12 For a survey of the theory of coalition stability, see Carraro and Marchiori, 2002.
A TECHNOLOGY BASED CLIMATE REGIME ♦ The empirical model As in previous chapters, the empirical part of this study is based on optimisation runs obtained using the FEEM-RICE model. This version of Nordhaus and Yang’s (1996) RICE model takes explicitly into account endogenous and induced technical change. In particular, as previously indicated, technical change performs a twofold role: on the one hand, via increasing returns to scale, it yields endogenous growth; on the other hand, by affecting the emission/output ratio, it accounts for the adoption of cleaner and energy-saving technologies. A brief description is contained in the Appendix of Chapter I.1. In the model, six countries/regions (United States (US), Europe (EU), Japan (JPN), Former Soviet Union (FSU), China (CHN) and Rest of the World (ROW)) optimally set the intertemporal values of three strategic variables: investments, R&D expenditure and abatement rate. Given the interdependency of countries’ decisions, the equilibrium value of these variables is the solution of a dynamic open-loop Nash game between the six players. In our policy setting, countries are supposed to cooperate on technological innovation and diffusion and thus chose their R&D expenditure in order to maximise the coalition joint welfare function. In addition, the optimal value of R&D expenditure depends, among other things, upon the international technological spillovers and the coalition (internal) technological spillovers. In contrast, the countries are not committed to reduce their own GHG emissions. Therefore, they implement the welfare maximising abatement rate13. This behaviour is also true for the third strategic variable, investment, which is again optimally set by all countries. Those which belong to a coalition maximise the coalition joint welfare, while those outside the coalition maximise their own individual welfare. In contrast, in our comparative policy setting in which the actual Kyoto countries are supposed to comply with the Kyoto Protocol, their abatement rates are such to achieve the Kyoto target, whereas the US, CHN and ROW implement their welfare maximising abatement rate14. The other two strategic variables are again optimally chosen by all countries. The Kyoto coalition maximises a joint welfare, while the remaining three non-signatories maximise their own individual welfare. As in the previous chapter, in order to give technological cooperation the highest probability to be successful, we assume that climate policy must be undertaken through domestic policy and measures. Indeed, recent studies have shown that R&D and emission trading are strategic substitutes 15 . As a consequence, countries have the largest incentive to attain the benefits yielded by R&D cooperation when international emission trading is not allowed for, and 13 In contrast, in our comparative policy setting in which the actual Kyoto countries are supposed to comply with the Kyoto Protocol, their abatement rates are such to achieve the Kyoto target. 14 When deriving the results for the actual Kyoto coalition consisting of EU, JPN and FSU, we adopt the so-called “Kyoto forever” scenario which is used in most of the literature on the economic costs of climate policy. See e.g., Buonanno, Carraro and Galeotti, 2001; Manne and Richels, 1999; and Chapter 8 of IPCC, 2001. In particular, we assume that countries which have agreed with the Marrakech negotiations commit themselves to meet the existing Kyoto constraints also from 2012 onward, given that no emission targets beyond 2012 are yet defined. 15 It is well known that an international trading scheme is a cost-effective way to reduce GHG emissions, i.e. the cost of reducing emissions is lowest, if an international and competitive trading market is at work. At the same time, recent studies have highlighted the strong impact of an international emission trading market on R&D and technological innovation. In particular, Buonanno, Carraro and Galeotti (2001) show that an international trading system, by lowering the cost of complying with the Kyoto targets, also lowers the incentives to undertake environment-friendly R&D. Therefore, at the equilibrium, R&D expenditure is lower in all countries that benefit from emission trading. R&D and emission trading are thus strategic substitutes.
CARRARO & BUCHNER consequently, in such a situation, countries would also be mostly attracted by a technologybased regime. In the same way as in Chapter I.4, we use for the present analysis the version of the FEEMRICE model where countries which do not belong to the R&D coalition can be partly excluded from the benefits yielded by R&D cooperation. The role of spillovers is thus crucial. In the FEEM-RICE model, the parameter β quantifies the increased share of world knowledge that can be appropriated by countries belonging to the R&D coalition. This parameter is equivalent to the “differential technological spillover” or “coalition information exchange coefficient” in the theoretical model by Carraro and Siniscalco (1995, 1997). The FEEM-RICE model is thus characterised by the inclusion of two types of spillovers and related parameterisation: spillovers, parameterised by ε, which are appropriated by all countries; and spillovers, parameterised by β, which are beneficial only to coalition members. In the FEEM-RICE model, technical change is induced by knowledge accumulation, which is the sum of past R&D expenditures. We assume that part of the technological benefits yielded by this knowledge accumulation are a global public good, whereas part of them are a club good that can be appropriated only by the R&D coalition members. Therefore, R&D cooperation is assumed to be an imperfect club good. The main characteristics of the FEEM-RICE version used in this chapter can be summarised as follows: (i) R&D expenditure becomes one of the countries’ strategic variables; (ii) accumulated knowledge (the sum of past R&D expenditures) affects both economic growth and the emission/output ratio; and (iii) the higher the coalition-internal spillovers and the more countries sign the treaty, the more profitable becomes technological cooperation. These features of the FEEM-RICE model highlight that this model is very adequate to address the questions identified above. In particular, the coalition-internal spillovers β play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of technological cooperation for the single countries. Therefore, in the next section our analysis will assess empirically the interdependence between the value of β and the environmental effectiveness of the R&D coalitions.
4. Some empirical evidence on a technology-based climate regime In this section, we provide an empirical answer to the three basic questions presented in the introduction to this chapter. We proceed in a counterfactual manner. First, we assume that the four “traditional” Kyoto regions (USA, Europe, Japan, Former Soviet Union) are committed to replace environmental cooperation by technological cooperation. The other two regions – China and Rest of the World – are excluded from technological coooperation. Second, we evaluate a scenario in which the grand R&D coalition forms, namely all world countries cooperate on technological innovation and diffusion. Hence, the six regions of the FEEM-RICE model chose their R&D expenditure in order to maximise an aggregate welfare function. Finally, we compare the empirical results obtained for these two scenarios with those in the case of a coalition in which environmental cooperation takes place among EU, JPN and FSU (the Kyoto/Marrakech coalition). For each scenario, we assess the profitability, stability and environmental effectiveness of technological cooperation. Our results can be summarised as follows. As expected, and as suggested by economic theory (Yi, 1997), the coalition in which either Annex B countries or all countries cooperate only on R&D is profitable and stable for values of β ≥ 0.2. Therefore, as soon as the excludable benefits arising from technological cooperation become relevant (β ≥
A TECHNOLOGY BASED CLIMATE REGIME 0.2), all countries find it profitable to cooperate. In addition, there is no incentive to free-ride on technological cooperation. The reason lies in the presence of economic benefits (parameterised by β) that can be appropriated only by coalition members (this also captures Barrett’ s argument about technological standards). The crucial issue is therefore the environmental effectiveness of a coalition in which member countries cooperate on R&D only. Our results are summarised in Tables 1 and 2. The first column shows different values of the parameter β, which parameterises technological spillovers internal to the coalition. The second column contains the change of global emissions when R&D cooperation is implemented with respect to global emissions in the current situation in which EU, JPN and FSU fulfil the Kyoto target, the other countries free-ride on climate cooperation and no technological cooperation is implemented. The third column contains the change of the emission/output ratio induced by R&D cooperation (again with respect to the current situation). While the second and the third columns show the results in the first commitment period (19902010), the fourth and the fifth columns show what could happen in the medium term (19902050). Table 1 illustrates that both global emissions and the emission/output ratio increase when Annex B countries cooperate only on R&D. Note that there are no cases in which technological cooperation can induce a reduction of global emissions and/or of the emission/output ratio (at least as far as the FEEM-RICE model can adequately capture the dynamics of induced technical change) .
Table 1. Environmental effectiveness of technological cooperation between Annex B countries
Technological cooperation between Annex B countries vs. environmental cooperation between EU, JPN, FSU 2010 β 0.10
Percentage change Percentage change of Percentage change Percentage change of aggregate of aggregate of global emissions emission/output ratio global emissions emission/output ratio + 12.96% + 13.09% + 49.18% + 48.98%
+ 12.97%
+ 12.99%
+ 48.28%
+ 47.99%
+ 12.97%
+ 12.88%
+ 48.87%
+ 48.42%
+ 13.01%
+ 12.68%
+ 48.60%
+ 47.83%
+ 13.07%
+ 12.53%
+ 48.46%
+ 47.40%
+ 13.13%
+ 12.35%
+ 48.18%
+ 46.88%
β: differential technological spillover or coalition information exchange coefficient
The intuition behind this result is as follows. As a consequence of the intensified R&D efforts, production increases. This raises the emissions of the Annex B countries that cooperate on R&D. Emissions per unit of output also increase, because the overall impact of accumulated R&D expenditure on economic growth (the endogenous growth effect) is larger than the impact of accumulated R&D on emission abatement (the induced technical change effect).
CARRARO & BUCHNER These negative conclusions on the environmental effectiveness of an international regime based only on technological cooperation are even stronger when looking at the situation in 2050. Both absolute emissions and the aggregate emissions/output ratio increase by almost 50% with respect to the current post Bonn situation in which only EU, Japan and FSU are committed to comply with the Kyoto target16. The reason is that the effects of the increased investments in R&D can be seen more clearly in 2050 than in 2010. An important additional reason is that in the medium term technological spillovers have a strong effect on the growth rate of China and ROW (which do not participate in the technological agreement and therefore get part of the technological benefits – through the global spillovers ε -- at no cost ). Can more satisfactory conclusions be achieved if a global technological cooperation, which involves all world countries, is established? Again, even though global cooperation increases the economic benefits and the environmental effectiveness of the agreement, total emissions in the new regime – in which countries cooperate only on technological innovation and diffusion – increase with respect to total emissions in the Kyoto/Marrakech regime (see Table 2). The increase of emissions is smaller when all world regions cooperate to develop and diffuse climate-friendly technologies with respect to the case in which developing countries free ride. However, the hypothesis that a policy which fosters technological cooperation can also induce less GHG emissions is not supported by our results.
Table 2. Environmental effectiveness of global technological cooperation
Global technological cooperation vs. environmental cooperation among EU, JPN, FSU 2010 β 0.10
Percentage change Percentage change of Percentage change Percentage change of aggregate of aggregate of global emissions emission/output ratio global emissions emission/output ratio + 2.15% + 1.70% + 9.65% + 8.79%
+ 2.19%
+ 1.67%
+ 9.73%
+ 8.85%
+ 2.24%
+ 1.64%
+ 10.14%
+ 9.23%
+ 2.30%
+ 1.54%
+ 9.48%
+ 8.55%
+ 2.35%
+ 1.44%
+ 10.06%
+ 8.95%
+ 2.40%
+ 1.36%
+ 9.78%
+ 8.57%
β: differential technological spillover or coalition information exchange coefficient
Also note that, at least in the short run (Table 1), higher internal R&D spillovers lead to higher overall emissions and higher emissions per unit of output. Again, the reason is that an enhanced 16 The reason for this drastic increase is that we compare a situation in which the European Union, Japan and Russia are committed to strict, binding emission reduction targets (due to our use of the “Kyoto forever” assumption) with a situation which is characterised by no mandatory emission reduction targets.
A TECHNOLOGY BASED CLIMATE REGIME technological cooperation pushes economic growth and increases welfare, but also increases emissions. This latter increase is only partly mitigated by the participation of CHN and ROW, which help reducing the emission-output ratio, thus lowering the global increase of emissions (see Table 2). Even though the rate of growth of emissions per unit of output becomes smaller as a consequence of increased R&D efforts – which demonstrates that technological cooperation actually induces an environmental improvement of production technologies – our analysis does not seem to support the idea that a coalition devoted only to technological cooperation can also have a positive impact on climate change control. Therefore, the tentative conclusion is that technological cooperation cannot replace environmental cooperation. Within the limits of the FEEM-RICE, our optimisation experiments suggest that technological cooperation increases R&D, growth and welfare, but also emissions. As a consequence, some environmental policy measures, to be coupled with technological cooperation, may be necessary to achieve an environmentally satisfactory regime. If appropriately designed, these measures could also provide additional incentives to invest in climate friendly technological change17.
5. Conclusions The analysis of this chapter has been motivated by the US defection from the Kyoto Protocol which has lead to a serious deterioration of this agreement’s environmental effectiveness. Therefore, a number of proposals have been made in order to identify other strategies aimed at enhancing international cooperation to control GHG emissions. From the variety of proposals, this chapter paper has chosen to explore a climate strategy focused on technological cooperation. Two reasons explain the choice of this strategy: (i) on one hand, theoretic findings and recent studies suggest that such a policy, i.e. cooperation on a club or quasi-club good, can be the appropriate tool to deal with the global warming problem, because it minimises free-riding incentives; (ii) on the other hand, the US alternative to the Kyoto Protocol, Bush’s Global Climate Change Initiative, is mainly based on stimulating R&D and enhancing technological innovation. As a consequence, the main objective of this chapter was to verify empirically whether a climate regime based on cooperation on technological innovation and diffusion, without any binding abatement commitments, could yield lower total GHG emissions than other regimes. Were this conjecture were true, a technology-based agreement could replace agreements focused on emission abatement targets, because it would provide both stronger incentives to participate and a better performance in terms of environmental effectiveness. In addition, this approach would find the consensus an the participation of most world countries, the US above all. Unfortunately, none of the scenarios that have been analysed seems to provide empirical support to the above conjecture. Although technological cooperation without environmental 17 Some results obtained by the previous chapter provide support to this statement. Indeed, we found that total emissions when all or part of the Annex B countries adopt technological cooperation and environmental policy measures to achieve the Kyoto targets, are smaller than total emissions when international cooperation concerns only technological innovation and diffusion. Moreover, with both technological and climate cooperation, global emissions are smaller than the global Kyoto target itself.
CARRARO & BUCHNER commitments induces an increase in growth and welfare, this strategy does not seem to lower global GHG emissions. Therefore, notwithstanding the positive theoretic foundations, the substitution of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce GHG emissions by an incentive strategy based on R&D cooperation does not seem to be environmentally effective. Some emission reduction policy seems to be necessary -- in addition to technological cooperation -- in order to provide a satisfactory degree of environmental effectiveness. As already said at the end of the previous chapter, the conclusions of our study need to be tested using other models and other definitions of technical change. Nonetheless, the indications provided by this and other recent studies -- in combination with the solid theoretical findings and the positive signs expressed by the industry towards a technology based regime – raise expectations that technological cooperation will constitute a successful strategy for international climate policy.
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