Closed Loop Systems to Facilitate Homestasis

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closed-loop control (feedback). ◇. PLANT (effector) system to be controlled. ◇. SET POINT desired value of the OUTPUT. ◇. SENSOR measures the output. ◇.
Closed Loop Systems to Facilitate Homestasis Robert F. Kirsch, Ph.D.

Homeostasis Maintenance of a balanced internal environment in the body and the tendency to automatically maintain this equilibrium when faced with external changes

Case Western Reserve University Cleveland FES Center (VA RR&D Service Center of Excellence)

Homeostasis is a state of equilibrium

Homeostasis involves almost every body system ‹

Blood O2 and CO2 concentrations


Body temperature


Blood volume and blood pressure


Removal of waste products and toxins


Balance between cell proliferation and cell death


Nutrient balance (ions, glucose, …)


Posture and balance

Homeostasis is also an active process that maintains equilibrium


Mechanism of homeostasis: closed-loop control (feedback) ‹


Disturbance disrupts equilibrium (1) Sensor measures variables of interest (2-3)


Controller notes deviation from equilibrium and computes response (3-4)


Effector acts to restore equilibrium (5)


Process is automatic, reacts to ERROR, and is compensatory

Engineering terminology for closed-loop control (feedback) ‹

PLANT (effector) system to be controlled


SET POINT desired value of the OUTPUT


SENSOR measures the output


CONTROLLER: computes a compensatory command to the plant based on the ERROR between set point and output

Prostheses Prosthesis: a device, either external or implanted, that substitutes for or supplements a missing or defective part of the body

Controller Set point

+ -



Control law





Homeostasis and prostheses ‹

Some prostheses restore internal, life-essential homeostasis mechanisms

Purpose of tutorial ‹

(e.g., artificial kidney, artificial pancreas, artificial heart)


Some prostheses restore ability to interact with external world (e.g., joint replacements, artificial legs and arms, neuroprostheses, etc.)

Overview basic control concepts that might be utilized by “smart prostheses” Î







Existing prostheses are fairly crude approximations to natural systems


Provide numerous examples from both natural and artificial systems


Could benefit from both existing control systems knowledge and from mimicking natural systems


Explore lessons from natural systems about control




Feedback 101: home temperature regulation


Error-driven (difference between desired and actual outputs)

Essential elements: ‹

SENSOR (thermometer)


Automatically compensates for external disturbances


SET POINT (usercontrolled dial referenced to thermometer)


Automatically follows changes in desired state




Can improve undesirable properties of system being controlled



Can be very simple


Does have several limitations

Feedback: resists disturbances that cause errors

(temperature error turns gas valve ON or OFF)

PLANT (furnace and radiator)

Temperature maintained by automatic reaction to ERROR


Body temperature control ‹

Bone remodeling

Glucose control (artificial pancreas)

SENSOR (specialized neurons in the hypothalamus)


SET POINT (normally 37° C)


CONTROLLER (hypothalamic “thermostat”)


Joanna Gilbert at [email protected]

PLANT (blood vessel dilation or constriction; shivering via muscles; sweat glands)

Roche Diagnostics


Osteocytes are strain sensors that trigger osteoclast and osteoclast activity ÎOsteoclasts ÎOsteoblasts


resorb old bone lay down new bone

Result is bone with appropriate mechanical properties


Artificial system to substitute for pancreatic beta cells ÎBlood

glucose measured with artificial sensor released at appropriate time and with appropriate levels



Specific features of feedback F(s)

+ -



Feedback can improve dynamics


H (s)

Y (s) G(s) = F ( s) 1 + G ( s) H ( s)

(System transfer function)

Y (s) 1 For G(s)H(S) >> 1, ≈ F ( s) H ( s) Î For sufficiently large “loop gain”, overall

With feedback

No feedback

Feedback can improve stability


Sluggish 1st order plant


Oscillatory 2nd order plant


Constant-gain feedback greatly increases speed of response


Derivative feedback eliminates damped oscillation

system properties become INDEPENDENT of the plant!


Limitations of feedback ‹

Effects of delay in feedback path ‹

Relies on an error between desired and actual state to work: disturbances will always cause an error and the response to the error will always be delayed


Tradeoff between performance and stability: higher loop gain gives improved performance but at the cost of stability (oscillatory behavior) …

No delay Delay= 0.050 s Delay=0.200 s


Delays negatively impact stability Delays are a very common problem, especially in biological systems

Examples of poor stability ‹


Artificial systems: Î

“feedback” when using a microphone near a speaker


Heat capacitance of radiators causing overshoot in home heating

Natural systems: Î

Nystagmus (involuntary oscillatory eyes movements)


Central sleep apnea


Visual control of standing balance


Summary: closed-loop feedback control ‹

Reactive controller based on error between desired and actual states


Automatically compensates for external disturbances and follows changes in command


Significant impact on overall system response


Used extensively in both natural and artificial systems


Limitations: Î

Error must be present before actions taken


Tradeoff between performance and stability

Feedforward definition:


Control element that responds to a change in command or to a measured disturbance in a pre-defined way (not error driven) ‹

Based on PREDICTION of the response that will be needed to cancel a disturbance or follow an input command change


Can react BEFORE an error actually occurs to overcome sluggish dynamics and delays in the system without jeopardizing stability


Requires some model of the system in order to produce appropriate predictive responses


Pre-requisites for feedforward: ‹

Effects of disturbance or command input change must be predictable


Effects of feedforward controller must be faster than response of plant (otherwise feedback would be fine)


Feedforward I: model-based prediction of input needed to achieve desired output desired output


Disturbances must be measurable

Inverse model of system

Input needed for desired output


Feedforward II: model-based prediction of response needed to compensate for disturbances Inverse model of system


Ideally consists of an exact inverse model of the real system Î Inverse model is backwards from real system: determines inputs needed to achieve a desired output


Can compensate for known plant dynamics and delays BEFORE ERRORS ACTUALLY DEVELOP


No sensors needed


System response must be predictable

external disturbance sensor

input needed to cancel disturbance

desired output







Same model used to predict change in the input needed to cancel an external DISTURBANCE


Disturbances must be measurable, sensor needed


Feedforward: compensate for expected

Anticipatory control of posture

errors through measurement and prediction

Vestibulo-ocular reflex: stabilizing gaze based on head acceleration


Model ‹

Radiator capacitance and carryover


Neural controller anticipates disturbance to posture produced by arm actions Leg muscle EMG signals (muscle activations) precede arm muscle activations Compensation is based on planned movement rather than sensory inputs

Eyes ‹

Semicircular canals in inner ear sense head acceleration


Neural controller predicts eye movements needed to compensate and stabilize gaze

Extraocular muscles Neural controller Vestibular apparatus (semicircular canals)


Other feedforward examples: ‹

Circadian rhythms: periodic, light-triggered changes in temperature, increase in growth hormone levels, digestion, overall activity level – prediction of what processes should be emphasized during sleep vs. awake states



Implementing feedforward: ‹

Computed torque robotic control: actuator commands pre-computed to take robot mass dynamics into account


The model must be accurate and include measurements of ALL important inputs and disturbances


The model must be invertible

Machine learning approaches: (black box


May not generalize to conditions outside of training experience

identification) Î Artificial neural networks Î Reinforcement learning


Will not be accurate if system changes: growth, fatigue, use of a tool, etc.

Mechanistic model of system (based on first principles of physics, chemistry, etc. and explicit knowledge of the system)

Autonomic “flight or fight” response to a threat: prepares body for a POTENTIAL threat ‹


Limitations of feedforward :

Statistical models


Combining feedback and feedforward:

Control of standing posture: combining feedback and feedforward elements ‹


Feedforward and feedback often used together Î Î


Feedforward provides rapid response Feedback fills in rest of response accurately

Very typical in natural systems


Standing is inherently unstable Disturbances are common: nudges, arm movements, dropping held items



Proprioceptive feedback:

Feedback of body posture; rapid response ‹ Visual feedback: position relative to world; slow response ‹

Vestibular feedforward:


prediction of future postural errors caused by disturbances Note fusion of information from multiple sensors – very common in natural systems


Adaptation: ‹


Appropriate modifications to the controller in response to changes in the system being controlled


Can be done in a pre-defined way or result from continuously learning the properties of the controlled system


Can be used with both feedback control and feedforward control


Typically works on a much longer time scale than feedback or feedforward

Adapting feedback control: ‹

Gain scheduling feedback properties modified in a fixed, predetermined manner based on conditions ÎKnown

disturbances (e.g., mass held by robot arm) or changes in plant properties

‹ ‹ ‹

Adaptation learns plant properties using measures of its inputs and outputs Feedback or feedforward properties are modified to optimize performance as the plant changes

Continuous tuning of feedback properties based on continuously updated plant model ÎOptimize

feedback control of slowly changing system


Adapting feedforward control:

Feedforward adaptation examples: ‹

Learning to control external devices: Î Î

‹ ‹

Feedforward block continuously changes to optimize performance (e.g. minimize error)


Engineering implementations: Î

Online training of neural network from measured input-output data


Optimization of a mechanistic model


Reinforcement learning

Using tools, play video games, drive a car Using a new artificial arm or leg

Learning to control a growing or damaged system: Î Î Î Î Î

Controlling a larger body during development Adjusting to new eyeglasses, regaining equilibrium after inner ear infection Physical therapy (e.g., constraint-induced therapy after stroke) Controlling surgical transferred muscles acting in new ways Controlling a paralyzed arm through coordinated stimulation

Adaptation summary: ‹

Adaptation: changes in controller properties to optimize performance


Adaptation is useful for both feedback and feedforward approaches


Adaptation is widespread in natural systems (“learning”)


Mechanisms of adaptation in physiological systems Î

Nudo tutorial on brain plasticity


Byl tutorial on sensoriomotor training


Hierarchical control ‹

Control at multiple levels: Î

Lessons from natural systems for smart prosthetics


Multivariable control ‹

More than one variable important for some systems and need to be regulated simultaneously


Variables often interact (e.g., temperature and pressure; force and distance)


Engineering techniques exist for optimizing artificial systems


Multivariable control is very common in natural systems

Task level: global goals Coordination level: multiple mechanisms


Local level: individual mechanisms


Different time scales: Î

Rapid: local, maybe feedforward, approximate


Slow: global, more accurate

Examples: ‹ Movement

control buffering ‹ Blood pressure control ‹ Acid


Interactions of natural and artificial control systems:


Summary ‹

Homestasis: life-sustaining equilibria and the active processes that sustain them


Prosthetics inherently involve interaction of an artificial system with natural systems


Prostheses: replace natural body components and should play appropriate homeostatic roles


Artificial control systems must take into account natural control systems for optimal performance


Feedback (closed-loop) control: reactive (error-


Both artificial and natural control systems can be adaptive – this adaptation should be cooperative rather than competitive Î

Bennett tutorial on smart orthotics

driven), automatic, determines system dynamics; performancestability tradeoff


Feedforward control: predictive, no threat to stability; need accurate model of inverse system


Adaptive mechanisms: adjusts feedforward and


Lessons from natural systems: hierarchical,

feedback controllers as plant changes to optimize performance

multivariable control; complementary artificial & natural control