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. 978-206-1535. Ashland Community. Education. is proud to sponsor: Get
Ashland Community Education
[email protected] 978-206-1535
is proud to sponsor:
Getting into college is stressful...
...and it’s not just about grades and test scores.
Colleges and employers expect applicants to articulate the knowledge and skills they have acquired inside and outside the classroom. Without the ability to clearly and powerfully convey what sets them apart, a student’s personal story and unique qualities become less impactful and marketable. Our training methods help participants to feel empowered with both a growth mindset and the newfound skills to confidently engage face-to-face. Through four interactive and fun programs, kids discover and successfully communicate their most persuasive selling points.
One-to-one coaching
Interview training
Programs include: How to Differentiate Yourself: Identify and utilize your strengths, skills and accomplishments to stand out from your peers
How to Nail your First Impression: Exude confidence and establish credibility with your personal elevator pitch
How to Send Compelling Emails: Grab the attention of college admission reps and employers with engaging virtual communication skills
How to Crush the Interview: Impress the interviewer from the college of your dreams, land a great internship, or score your perfect job
12 student limit. To register visit: Program Location: Ashland High School Library 65 E. Union St., Ashland, MA 01721
This program meets twice: Saturday, January 21st and January 28th 3:00 - 7:00 pm