Combination Base64 and Hashing Variable Length

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communication, the data itself has many forms such as text data, audio data, image data and for secure every form data an algorithm Base64 are needed, ...
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Combination Base64 and Hashing Variable Length for Securing Data To cite this article: M Mesran et al 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1028 012056

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2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

Combination Base64 and Hashing Variable Length for Securing Data M Mesran1, Dahlan Abdullah2, Dedy Hartama3, R Roslina4, A Asri5, Robbi Rahim6* and Ansari Saleh Ahmar7 1

Department of Informatics Engineering, STMIK Budi Darma, Medan, Indonesia Department of Informatics, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia 3 Department of Information System, STIKOM Tunas Bangsa, Pematang Siantar, Indonesia 4 Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia 5 Department of Electrical, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia 6 School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Kubang Gajah, Malaysia 7 Department of Statistics, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia 2

*[email protected] Abstract. Keeping the data intact without changing becomes an important factor in a

communication, the data itself has many forms such as text data, audio data, image data and for secure every form data an algorithm Base64 are needed, Base64 algorithm is used as data format to transmit data due to the result of base64 itself, but Base64 algorithm is not safe enough because it is easy to decoding and get the original form data, therefore need additional security and in this research combined with Hashing Variable Length (HAVAL) algorithm, HAVAL algorithm has a way work secures and compresses plaintext, so the encoding result from Base64 is re-secured and compressed using HAVAL algorithm with length of hashing 32 bit or 4 bytes so when data transmission process will not take many bytes of data compared with Base64 algorithm

1. Introduction Data is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality of information, especially containing information that is vital and can only be known by certain parties only[1]–[5], especially if the delivery is arranged through the public network, and if the data is not secured first, it will be very easily tapped by others and easily known contents by parties who do not have the authority[6]–[9]. One way that is used to secure data security is to use a cryptographic system that is by providing the contents of the information (plaintext) into content that is not recognized through the process of encryption and to recover the original information are using decryption process[3]. Encryption is produced at the time of delivery by converting the original data into secret data, while decryption is executed on acceptance by converting the confidential data into the original data[1], [4], [6], [10], so the original data cannot be known by unauthorized parties[2]. Securing data in this research using base64 algorithm and hashing variable length (HAVAL)[4]. Base64 is a generic term for many similar coding schemes that encode binary data and translate into a Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1

2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

base64 representation[8]. The base64 term comes from certain MIME encoding content, and the Base64 algorithm uses one of the modern block encryption algorithms in the form of bit operation and also Base64 algorithm is easier to implement other than algorithms[11] and it also compatible to combine with HAVAL Algorithm. Combination Base64 and HAVAL algorithm is to proposed a new objective of security with a less error detection[12] and also the result will produce a new encoding text which is not easy read by others, the result also can compare[13] before combine and after combine. 2. Methodology Base64 algorithm is one of the algorithms for Encoding and Decoding an object into ASCII format, which is meant for the base number 64 or one of the methods used to encode the binary data[8], [11], [14]. Base64 Commonly used in various applications such as e-mail via MME, XML data, or for URL encoding purposes, for the index value of the base64 algorithm can be seen in the table below

Index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Table 1. Base64 Index Value Value Index Value Index A 28 c 56 B 29 d 57 C 30 e 58 D 31 f 59 E 31 g 60 F 33 h 61 G 34 i 62 H 35 j 63 I 36 k J 37 l K 38 m L 39 n M 40 o N 41 p O 42 q P 43 r Q 44 s R 45 t S 46 u T 47 v U 48 w V 49 x W 50 y X 51 z Y 52 0 Z 53 1 a 54 2 b 55 3

value 4 5 6 7 8 9 + -

Hashing Variable Length HAVAL is one of the one-way hash functions created by Yuliang Zheng, Josef Pieprzky and Jennifer Seberry[15]. The main purpose of this algorithm is to produce output values with a length of digest that can vary. The output of HAVAL algorithm length can be 128, 160, 192, 224 and 256 bit. In this HAVAL algorithm, a message can be processed as much as 3, 4 or 5 times[4], [15]. This process adds


2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

flexibility to the HAVAL algorithm, Tthe combination of output length (digest) and some processes provides 15 versions of HAVAL. According to the experiments of the creator, the HAVAL is 60% faster than MD5 if through 3 times the process, 15% faster if it passes through 4 processes and is as fast as MD5 if through 5 processes[15]. HAVAL algorithm may work as follows[4]: a. Input in the form of a message (message) with a length of 128 characters = 1024 bits = 256 hexadecimal digits. b. Value constants used to be set as the initial value of each variable x (the value of this constant is fixed and in accordance with the method HAVAL 128) 1) K0 = 243F6A88 2) K1 = 85A308D3 3) K2 = 13198A2E 4) K3 = 03707344 5) K4 = A4093822 6) K5 = 299F31D0 7) K6 = 082EFA98 8) K7 = EC4E6C89 Function used: a. F(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) = ((A1  A4)  (A2  A5)  (A3  A6)  (A0  A1)  A0) b. G(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) = ((A1  A2  A3)  (A2  A4  A5)  (A1  A2)  (A1  A4)  (A2  A6)  (A3  A5)  (A4  A5)  (A0  A2)  A0) c. H(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) = ((A1  A2  A3)  (A1  A4)  (A2  A5)  (A3  A6)  (A0  A3)  A0) d. F_phi(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) = F(A1, A0, A3, A5, A6, A2, A4) e. G_phi(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) = G(A4, A2, A1, A0, A5, A3, A6) f. H_phi(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) = H(A6, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A0) g. FF(A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, w) temp = F_phi(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) A7 = (temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w h. GG(A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, w, c) temp = G_phi(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) A7 = (temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w + c i. HH(A7, A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0, w, c) temp = H_phi(A6, A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) A7 = (temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w + c The next is the process of permutations for every function that exist, for FF, GG and HH as below: a. Round 1 FF(x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, w0) FF(x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, w1) FF(x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, x6, w2) FF(x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, x6, x5, w3) The permutation 1, each loop + 1 then the value x = x-1 and w = w + 1, the process is conducted up to w = w31, the results are as follows: FF(x0, x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, w31) b. Round 2 By function G and G_phi already described above, then the second round for the G-value GG(x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, w5, 452821E6) GG(x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, w14, 38D01377) GG(x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, x6, w26, BE5466CF) GG(x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, x6, x5, w18, 34E90C6C) This process will do until end of looping and the last result will be


2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

GG(x0, x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, w27, C25A59B5) c. Round 3 By function H and H_phi already described above, then the second round for the H-value HH(x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, w19, 9C30D539) HH(x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, w9, 2AF26013) HH(x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, x6, w4, C5D1B023) HH(x4, x3, x2, x1, x0, x7, x6, x5, w20, 286085F0) This process will do until end of looping and the last result will be HH(x0, x7, x6, x5, x4, x3, x2, x1, w2, 6C24CF5C) 3. Result and Discussion Combination algorithm Base64 and HAVAL done gradually, the first step is to test the encoding process using the Base64 algorithm, assume a message "RobbiRahim" with length ten characters, illustration as in Table 2 below: Table 2. Base64 Example Process Index 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Char R o b b i R a h i m Dec 81 111 98 98 105 81 97 104 105 109 The conversion from message can be seen in table 3.

Index 1 ASCII Binary Index 2 ASCII Binary Index 3 ASCII Binary Index 4 ASCII Binary Index 5 ASCII Binary

Table 3. Conversion Message R Index 6


81 01010010

ASCII Binary

81 01010010


Index 7


111 01101111

ASCII Binary

97 01100001


Index 8


98 01100010

ASCII Binary

104 01101000


Index 9


98 01100010

ASCII Binary

105 01101001

i 105 01101001

Index 10 ASCII Binary

m 109 01101101

Binaries acquired after being combined: 01010010011011110110001001100010011010010101001001100001011010000110100101101101


2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

Binary result then divided into a sequence of 6 bits as shown in the table below:

Table 4. 6 Bit Binary Index Binary 6 Bit Decimal 1 010100 20 2 100110 38 3 111101 61 4 100010 34 5 011000 24 6 100110 38 7 100101 37 8 010010 18 9 011000 24 10 010110 22 11 100001 33 12 101001 41 13 011011 27 14 000001 1 The ciphertext of the “RobbiRahim” message based on table 1 base64 above is Um9iYmlSYWhpbB with length 14 character; Base64 algorithm process can be perform to all types of data, for example testing Base64 algorithm with HAVAL algorithm using the following message: Message= Kriptografi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari bagaimana mengamankan pesan atau dokumen lebih baik The length of the original message is 92 characters, and then this message is secured with Base64 algorithm with results are obtained with the length of 124 characters Base64 Encoding Message = S3JpcHRvZ3JhZmkgYWRhbGFoIGlsbXUgeWFuZyBtZW1wZWxhamFyaSBiYWdhaW1hbmEgbW VuZ2FtYW5rYW4gcGVzYW4gYXRhdSBkb2t1bWVuIGxlYmloIGJhaWs= The result message BASE64 encoding is then secured with the HAVAL algorithm to get the hashing of the Base64 encoding message, here is the process based on the previously described HAVAL function INPUT MESSAGE = 'S3JpcHRvZ3JhZmkgYWRhbGFoIGlsbXUgeWFuZyBtZW1wZWxhamFyaSBiYWdhaW1hbmEgbW VuZ2FtYW5rYW4gcGVzYW4gYXRhdSBkb2t1bWVuIGxlYmloIGJhaWs=' Split Message into w: 'S3Jp' -> w (0) 'cHRv' -> w (1) 'Z3Jh' -> w (2) 'Zmkg' -> w (3) 'YWRh' -> w (4) 'bGFo' -> w (5) 'IGls' -> w (6)

= = = = = = =

53334A70 63485276 5A334A68 5A6D6B67 59575268 6247466F 49476C73


2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

'bXUg' 'eWFu' 'ZyBt' 'ZW1w' 'ZWxh' 'amFy' 'aSBi' 'YWdh' 'aW1h' 'bmEg' 'bWVu' 'Z2Ft' 'YW5r' 'YW4g' 'cGVz' 'YW4g' 'YXRh' 'dSBk' 'b2t1' 'bWVu' 'IGxl' 'Ymlo' 'IGJh' 'aWs=' ' '

-> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> ->

Initial Value: K0 = X0 = K1 = X1 = K2 = X2 = K3 = X3 = K4 = X4 = K5 = X5 = K6 = X6 = K7 = X7 =

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

(7) = 62585567 (8) = 65574675 (9) = 5A794274 (10) = 5A573177 (11) = 5A577868 (12) = 616D4679 (13) = 61534269 (14) = 59576468 (15) = 61573168 (16) = 626D4567 (17) = 62575675 (18) = 5A324674 (19) = 59573572 (20) = 59573467 (21) = 6347567A (22) = 59573467 (23) = 59585268 (24) = 6453426B (25) = 62327431 (26) = 62575675 (27) = 4947786C (28) = 596D6C6F (29) = 49474A68 (30) = 6157733D (31) = 20202020

243F6A88 85A308D3 13198A2E 03707344 A4093822 299F31D0 082EFA98 EC4E6C89

For the first round is done with the following functions: FF(X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0, W0) FF(EC4E6C89,082EFA98,299F31D0,A4093822,03707344,13198A2E,85A308D3,243F6A88,53334A 70) 1) Temp = F_Phi(082EFA98,299F31D0,A4093822,03707344,13198A2E,85A308D3,243F6A88) Temp = F(85A308D3,243F6A88,03707344,299F31D0,082EFA9,13198A2E,A4093822) Temp = (13198A2E AND 03707344) XOR (082EFA98 AND 243F6A88) XOR (299F31D0 AND 85A308D3) XOR (A4093822 AND 13198A2E) XOR A4093822 Temp = A6BD585C 2) A7 = (Temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w A7 = (A6BD585C >>> 7) + (EC4E6C89 >>> 11) + 53334A70 A7 = 9DBE4EED This process is perform until all messages w calculated, the last function for w (31) is as follows: FF(X0, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, W31)


2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

FF(A4C36872,3CB3396A,2478BA6F,AF1511A4,9BF810A9,AE026B5B,E3E30550,B3FC2B77,202 02020) 1) Temp = F_Phi(3CB3396A,2478BA6F,AF1511A4,9BF810A9,AE026B5B,E3E30550,B3FC2B77) Temp = F(E3E30550,B3FC2B77,9BF810A9,2478BA6F,3CB3396A, AE026B5B,AF1511A4) Temp = (AE026B5B AND 9BF810A9) XOR (3CB3396A AND B3FC2B77) XOR (2478BA6F AND E3E30550) XOR (AF1511A4 AND AE026B5B) XOR AF1511A4 Temp = 9BC5398F 2) A7 = (Temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w A7 = (9BC5398F >>> 7) + (A4C36872 >>> 11) + 20202020 A7 = 4DAC4300 Next is the function for the second round, here is the process: GG(X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0, W5, 452821E6) GG(3CB3396A,2478BA6F,AF1511A4,9BF810A9,AE026B5B,E3E30550,B3FC2B77,4DAC4300,62 47466F,452821E6) 1) Temp = G_Phi(2478BA6F,AF1511A4,9BF810A9,AE026B5B,E3E30550,B3FC2B77,4DAC4300) Temp = G(9BF810A9,E3E30550,B3FC2B77,4DAC4300,AF1511A4,AE026B5B,2478BA6F) Temp = (AE026B5B AND AF1511A4 AND 4DAC4300) XOR (AF1511A4 AND B3FC2B77 AND E3E30550) XOR (AE026B5B AND AF1511A4) XOR (AE026B5B AND B3FC2B77) XOR (AF1511A4 AND 9BF810A9) XOR (4DAC4300 AND E3E30550) XOR (B3FC2B77 AND E3E30550) XOR (2478BA6F AND AF1511A4) XOR 2478BA6F Temp = CA3890E8 2) A7 = (Temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w + c A7 = (CA3890E8 >>> 7) + (3CB3396A >>> 11) + 6247466F + 452821E6 A7 = A64B6FDD As in the first round, the process also performed so that all messages w is processing entirely GG(X1, X0, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, W31, 7B54A41D) GG(B4564557,A6A6A673,4A0949BE,CE449DC7,D75325C9,2486CB4C,50013104,91209D99,2020 2020,7B54A41D) 1) Temp = G_Phi(A6A6A673,4A0949BE,CE449DC7,D75325C9,2486CB4C,50013104,91209D99) Temp = G(CE449DC7,2486CB4C,50013104,91209D99,4A0949BE,D75325C9,A6A6A673) Temp = (D75325C9 AND 4A0949BE AND 91209D99) XOR (4A0949BE AND 50013104 AND 2486CB4C) XOR (D75325C9 AND 4A0949BE) XOR (D75325C9 AND 50013104) XOR (4A0949BE AND CE449DC7) XOR (91209D99 AND 2486CB4C) XOR (50013104 AND 2486CB4C) XOR (A6A6A673 AND 4A0949BE) XOR A6A6A673 Temp = FCA607CF 2) A7 = (Temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w + c A7 = (FCA607CF >>> 7) + (B4564557 >>> 11) + 20202020 + 7B54A41D A7 = E6649B14 The third round function can be seen as follows: HH(X2, X1, X0, X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, W0, 1141D8CE) HH(B47F4436,1A86C3C1,B2A8FCA1,AAB76ED7,64BCDE9C,024A08D2,B8C7EB6A,1C75CD81, 53334A70,1141D8CE) 1) Temp = H_Phi(1A86C3C1,B2A8FCA1,AAB76ED7,64BCDE9C,024A08D2,B8C7EB6A,1C75CD81) Temp = H(1A86C3C1,B8C7EB6A,024A08D2,64BCDE9C,AAB76ED7,B2A8FCA1,1C75CD81)


2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

Temp = (B2A8FCA1 AND AAB76ED7 AND 64BCDE9C) XOR (B2A8FCA1 AND 024A08D2) XOR (AAB76ED7 AND B8C7EB6A) XOR (64BCDE9C AND 1A86C3C1) XOR (1C75CD81 AND 64BCDE9C) XOR 1C75CD81 Temp = 92EAEDC3 2) A7 = (Temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w + c A7 = (92EAEDC3 >>> 7) + (B47F4436 >>> 11) + 53334A70 + 1141D8CE A7 = 72718901 Same as the functions of round 1 and round 2, this function is performed for all messages w, the final result w (31) for the third round is as follows: HH(X7, X6, X5, X4, X3, X2, X1, X0, W31, 57489862) HH(B7E6B4C1,C178CCA8,7AF61BA4,6C6A4352,0141C428,B47F4436,1A86C3C1,B2A8FCA1,20 202020,57489862) 1) Temp = H_Phi(C178CCA8,7AF61BA4,6C6A4352,0141C428,B47F4436,1A86C3C1,B2A8FCA1) Temp = H(C178CCA8,1A86C3C1,B47F4436,0141C428,6C6A4352,7AF61BA4,B2A8FCA1) Temp = (7AF61BA4 AND 6C6A4352 AND 0141C428) XOR (7AF61BA4 AND B47F4436) XOR (6C6A4352 AND 1A86C3C1) XOR (0141C428 AND C178CCA8) XOR (B2A8FCA1 AND 0141C428) XOR B2A8FCA1 Temp = 8BDCBFCD 2) A7 = (Temp >>> 7) + (A7 >>> 11) + w + c A7 = (8BDCBFCD >>> 7) + (B7E6B4C1 >>> 11) + 20202020 + 57489862 A7 = AAB76ED7 Next is to calculate the output generated and the results as: 1) X0 = X0 + K0 = 59D9A916 + 243F6A88 = 7E19139E 2) X1 = X1 + K1 = 805B62A6 + 85A308D3 = 05FE6B79 3) X2 = X2 + K2 = 7A49475F + 13198A2E = 8D62D18D 4) X3 = X3 + K3 = 5B565A39 + 03707344 = 5EC6CD7D

5) X4 = X4 + K4 = 9A9ECA43 + A4093822 = 3EA80265 6) X5 = X5 + K5 = 46716B6C + 299F31D0 = 70109D3C 7) X6 = X6 + K6 = D672C5CF + 082EFA98 = DEA1C067 8) X7 = X7 + K7 = 71F1A560 + EC4E6C89 = 5E4011E9

The last process is to calculate Tailor Output hashing value of the message, and the calculation is as follows: X0 = X0 + (temp >>> 8) = 7E19139E + (DE1002E9 >>> 8) = 67F723A0 X1 = X1 + (temp >>> 16) = 05FE6B79 + (70A81167 >>> 16) = 1765DC21

X2 = X2 + (temp >>> 24) = 8D62D18D + (3E40C03C >>> 24) = CE230DCB X3 = X3 + temp = 5EC6CD7D + 5EA19D65 = BD686AE2


2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

The results X0, X1, X2, and X3 are combined to get hash value: 67F723A01765DC21CE230DCBBD686AE2, Hashes generated with the HAVAL algorithm has a length of 32 characters (256 bits) shorter than the message of the Base64 algorithm results, based on the test carried out the message delivery of hashing on the network faster than the message with Base64 algorithm, And also that the results of the ciphertext of the HAVAL algorithm have more complicated results than the Base64 algorithm that can be deciphered manually, table IV are the results of successful experiment with various Message and image


Table 5. Result Hashing Different Object Base64


Length 2600 bit

HAVAL 5A85B47F73483A13 BA0A195CEE6978F 3 Length 256 bit 6640C1D7A537D90 8C018E5B396EF1A 67 Length 256 bit A5423CED1203CD3 3378B17DD8A07D A2A Length 256 bit

Length 4880 Bit

07F5644357021F9A 42429E3260FE5374 Length 256 bit



2ICSMTR Mantap


2ICSMTR Merupakan international conference kedua oleh UNM

Length 112 Bit MklDU01UUiBNZXJ1cGFrYW4ga W50ZW5hdGlvbmFsIGNvbmZlcmV uY2Uga2VkdWEgb2xlaCBVTk0= Length 456 Bit



The above experiment results table show that the Base64 encoding text from plaintext or image has different length, different from HAVAL algorithm has a static length of 32 characters or 256 bits long, from the experiment in image or plaintext that has more length than over 256 bits it will be better secured with HAVAL algorithm because the result will always 32 characters or 256 bits, Figure 1 show different result from each length/

Length Comparison in Algorithm Process 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 1





Figure 1. Chart Length Comparison



2nd International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics, Teaching, and Research IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1028 (2018) 1234567890 ‘’“” 012056 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1028/1/012056

The graph above shows that the message length of the Base64 algorithm is dynamically different from HAVAL algorithm; and from the above chart, it can be concluded that HAVAL algorithm is better than the Base64 algorithm for information storage because it has been compressed and had a static value. Conclusion The result of testing that BASE64 algorithm can be used for encoding for text data type and image, in terms of security of base64 algorithm message is not appropriate but for image storage Base64 algorithm is done because of the smaller capacity of text than image, combined with HAVAL algorithm the results obtained from both security and size will be even smaller and if transmitted over the network or stored in the form of text into the record will not take up large space. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]


[7] [8]


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