I am sorry to inform that the case presented in this paper as âReport of the case 1â, has been published by two of the co-authors for the second time-without ...
Pol J Pathol 2007, 58, 2, 105
PL ISSN 1233-9687
Extrapulmonary Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Presented as the Asymptomatic Retroperitoneal Tumours - Two Cases Report
J. S³odkowska, J. Patera , J. Brêborowicz, A. Jarzemska, M. Korzeniewska-Kosela, K. Siemi¹tkowska, E. Radzikowska, G. Przybylski, W. Koz³owski:
COMMENT: I am sorry to inform that the case presented in this paper as “Report of the case 1”, has been published by two of the co-authors for the second time-without knowledge and contribution of the above co-authors as:
“Limphangioleiomiomatosis LAM: diagnostic problem” – A. Jarzemska, W. Lasek, M. Nawrot, G. Przybylski, A. Purzycka-Jazdon, M. Kobierski Pol J Radiol 2006, 71 (4), 74–76 Prof. dr hab. Janina S³odkowska