Page 2 of 55. OK Go Video. Shhhhh! OK very quietly. Very very quietly. I want. everyone to stand. shhhh!! And now in com
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OK Go Video
Shhhhh! OK very quietly. Very very quietly. I want everyone to stand. shhhh!! And now in complete silence. Your challenge is to make a Great Line Shhhhh! from the oldest to the youngest! shhh And you must do it complete silence. Shhh! Ready Go! [When they get into line, teachers select 15 Interview them Whats your name? What do you think community is? Do you belong to a group / club / youth group? Which one? Whats the best thing about your group? [Ask 2 students, As 1 teacher]
Is it just about a small group of people?
Or is it about a large group of people?
Is there community in nature?
Can there be community Online?
Is it about striving for the same goal?
Oops wrong slide
Is it about having a common interest
Is it about standing side by side with one another?
Does it mean supporting one another?
Does it mean being the same? Or can you be unique?
Can we be in community with ourselves?
Is our family community?
What about our friends?
Insert picture of a Christian Community - North Harbour What about you church or place of worship? Is that Community? Why?
Insert picture of school community here Can your school be a community? Look at the guys around you. Does that make up community?