Comparison of safety and immunogenicity of purified chick embryo cell
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Objective: This is a prospective, randomized open- labeled clinical study to demonstrate the safety and immunogenicity of Purified Vero Cell Rabies Vaccine.
*Department ofMedical Biochemistry, University ofOulu, Oulu, Finland, and tDepartment of Virology, .... and galactosylhydroxylysyl glucosyltransferase ac-.
synaptic interactions between motoneurons and their targets, these data do not support the contention that function is .... by removing the dorsal vertebra to allow for better pen- .... recovery of motility, by day 14, cell number was reduced ......
Jan 20, 2010 - Visinin, Xap-1, Lim1+2, Pkca, NeuN, Pax6, Brn3a, Vimentin, etc.) allowed ... Similar to .... marker Visinin, a retinal photoreceptor protein which is.
i.e., recording of systemic and local adverse events (AEs) and vital signs, were made for a 5-day observation ... No obvious relationship was found between AE reporting rate and vaccine ... Inffuenza disrupts the normal defense system of the.
Skeletal Muscles in Chick Embryo. (cholinergic receptor/choline acetyltransferase/acetylcholinesterase/ embryonic development of neuromuscular junction).
Jun 21, 2005 - for assistance in developing the ELISAs; Mark Smith and Suzanne .... Lehmann, D., K. J. Coakley, C. A. Coakley, V. Spooner, J. M. Montgomery,.
Stephan Barta, Kevin Cannonb, Darrell Herringtonc, Richard Millsd, Eduardo Forleo-Netoe, ...... [18] Reed C, Meltzer MI, Finelli L, Fiore A. Public health impact of.
embryo. Results from a 2 hour pulse of BrdU indicated that although cells at caudal levels of the ... Key words: chick embryo, gastrulation, mesoderm, cell.
Comparison of safety and immunogenicity of purified chick embryo cell
21 Nov 2013 - with recombinant rabies virus vaccines and post-exposure treatment using rabies vaccine have proved to be the most important methods to prevent ..... purified Vero cell rabies vaccine (PVRV) in China under a 2-1-1 regimen.
Comparison of safety and immunogenicity of purified chick embryo cell vaccine using Zagreb and Essen regimens in patients with category II exposure in China Wuhan Centers for Disease Prevention and Control; Wuhan, PR China These authors contributed equally to this work.
Keywords: rabies, vaccine, PCECV, post-exposure prophylaxis, Zagreb regimen, Essen regimen, safety, immunogenicity Abbreviations: PCECV, purified chick embryo cell vaccine; RFFIT, rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test; WHO, World Health Organization
The aim was to compare the safety and immunogenicity of purified chick embryo cell vaccine (PCECV) with Zagreb 2-1-1 and Essen 1-1-1-1-1 regimens in patients with WHO category II exposure in China. Side effects including systemic and local symptoms were recorded for all patients during vaccination with purified chick embryo cell vaccine (PCECV) under Zagreb 2-1-1 or Essen 1-1-1-1-1 regimens, and the rabies neutralization antibody titers in patients’ serum at days 0, 7, 14, 45, 365 post-immunization were measured to determine the immunogenicity. Fever and pain were the most common events for systemic and local symptoms respectively, and most side effects (86.78%, 105/121) occurred after the first dose of vaccination. Safety analysis showed differences in side effects in