Competence for Rotating Equipment - Sulzer

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and processing of oil and gas. Besides this, there are a number of other important market areas. Sulzer Pumps supplies installa- tions for the exploitation and.
Competence for Rotating Equipment The product divisions Sulzer Pumps, Sulzer Turbo and Sulzer Burckhardt were unified under the name Sulzer Roteq in 1995. The new Group developed well under its president, Richard Burger. Eduard Rikli, previously Chief Technology and Planning Officer of Corporate Development, became the new head on 1st August 1998. On the occasion of his appointment, the Sulzer Technical Review has taken the opportunity to ask him a number of questions. ■ Which markets does Sulzer Roteq work? Eduard Rikli: As our name implies, we offer rotating equipment or rotating machines, i.e. pumps and compressors. About 50% of our annual net sales are realized from the Roteq activities associated with the exploitation, transport and processing of oil and gas. Besides this, there are a number of other important market areas. Sulzer Pumps supplies installations for the exploitation and “For us, the word service means far more than just regular maintenance.”

transport of crude oil (see p. 8, 12 and 14) and is also active, primarily with boiler feed pumps for combined plants, in the energy sector. In addition, pumps are required for numerous other industrial applications and water supply systems. Sulzer Turbo produces turbocompressors for the exploitation of oil and gas (see p. 22), which also includes the transport of gas with the Mopico (see p. 18). This division is also represented extremely well in the air separation field. With its piston compressors, Sulzer Burckhardt holds strong positions in the chemical, petrochemical and refining industries. Special



markets are worked in these cases, e.g. natural gas refuelling stations (see p. 26), which are becoming increasingly important, the reliquefaction of boil-off gas and the generation of hyperpressures for the production of low-density polyethylene. In addition, air separation and industrial gases are also an important field of activity in this sector. ■ What added value can Sulzer Roteq offer its customers? We are the only company that can develop and produce the rotating equipment on such a scale under one roof. This means that we can offer our customers a great wealth of know-how and individually adapted solutions. Sulzer Roteq wants to place pumps, turboand piston compressors as well as their associated services at the dis-

posal of its customers at an ever faster pace, more cost-effective and goal-oriented. The focal point thereby is that the overall costs for the customer (total cost of ownership) can be kept as low as possible; apart from the initial investment, this means the operating costs and, from case to case, also the expenditure for subsequent process adjustments. ■ Which synergies of Sulzer Pumps, Sulzer Turbo and Sulzer Burckhardt does Sulzer Roteq utilize for this? A really important factor is the service – we call it the Customer Support Service (see p. 32) – by which thanks to the geographical density we are frequently near to our customers. In our case, the word service means much more than just regular maintenance work. For example, the spectrum of services


Eduard Rikli, the new head of Sulzer Roteq.

offered by Sulzer Roteq is so extensive that it even includes, and also independent of the suppliers, the bearing of responsibility for complete installations in which pumps and turbocompressors are operating. We are constantly faced with the challenge of renewing existing plants; and since the framework conditions are usually very stringent, these modernizations can be technically more demanding than new installations. Also worthy of note is the extension of our offer through the mutual use of coating technology, with which Sulzer Metco makes an important contribution to the competence in service. We share relevant customer information within Roteq. And what is more, we have mutual customers, e.g. with Sulzer Chemtech. In the long term, we therefore achieve a

better understanding with regard to both the individual subsystems and also the complete plant, and can thus meet the customer’s requirements in a better manner. Despite this common basis, it is obvious, however, that a typical pump project is processed quite differently to a compressor project. ■ What is the situation in the case of production and research? In the production, we exploit common abilities, e.g. the packaging of pumps and turbocompressors of Sulzer Roteq in Leeds (GB) – see box, p. 25 – or the production in Schio (I). The ever-closer co-operation with the suppliers, with which we endeavour to conclude joint contracts for all Roteq areas, offers advantages for both sides. Research is one synergy that exists throughout the Corporation. Sulzer Innotec and Sulzer Electronics are playing an important role in research projects that involve, for example, remote monitoring and predictive maintenance (condition-focused maintenance); these questions are obviously of interest as well for other Corporate companies, e.g. for Sulzer Hydro. At the same time, the Roteq divisions conduct their own projects, which all serve Roteq internally, for example in the field of fluid dynamics. To conclude, another important synergy which is not so conspicuous: human resources development. We offer a unique spectrum

of markets, locations, functional and specialization possibilities which can be utilized by our coworkers. Those who make use of them can think for themselves on a large scale which, in turn, benefits the customers, too. ■ In which direction is Sulzer Roteq developing? Generally speaking, our industry is still in a consolidation phase. In comparison with the competition, we have set ourselves the goal to grow further. This is to be accom“Thanks to the pooled competence, we can respond better to our customers.”

plished by means of our own development and possibly also through external strengthening measures. The starting point for internal improvements is the quality of the process in every area. We want to develop the synergy potential further and ensure a good level of profitability. Many thanks for the meeting. The interview was conducted by Daniel Wirz and Alexander Jacobi.

FOR MORE DETAILS Sulzer Roteq Eduard Rikli, 0025 Postfach CH-8023 Zürich Switzerland Telephone +41 (0)1-278 20 07 Telefax +41 (0)1-278 20 06 E-mail [email protected]