Compiler Stages. January, 2010. Chapter 1: Introduction. 3. Scanner. Parser.
Semantic. Analyzer. Source Code. Optimizer. Code. Generator. Target Code.
Compiler Construction Chapter 1: Introduction Slides modified from Louden Book and Dr. Scherger
Compiler Interpreter Translator Assembler Linker Loader Preprocessor Editor Debugger Profiler 2
Source Language Target Language Target Platform Relocatable Macro substitution IDE Cross Compiler Dissambler Front End Back End
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Source Code
Compiler Stages
Scanner Tokens Parser Syntax Tree Semantic Analyzer Annotated Tree Source Code Optimizer
Literal Table Symbol Table Error Handler
Intermediate Code Code Generator Target Code Target Code Optimizer
Target Code
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Files Used by Compilers
A source code text file (.c, .cpp, .java, etc. file extensions).
Intermediate code files: transformations of source code during compilation, usually kept in temporary files rarely seen by the user.
An assembly code text file containing symbolic machine code, often produced as the output of a compiler (.asm, .s file extensions).
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Files Used by Compilers (cont.)
One or more binary object code files: machine instructions, not yet linked or executable (.obj, .o file extensions)
A binary executable file: linked, independently executable (well, not always…) code (.exe, .out extensions, or no extension).
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Compiler Execution
What is O() of a compiler?
Extended Example
Source code: a[index] = 4 + 2
Tokens: ID Lbracket ID Rbracket AssignOp Num AddOp Num
Parse tree (syntax tree with all steps of the parser in gory detail):
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Parse Tree expression assign-expression expression
subscript-expression expression identifier a
expression identifier index
expression additive-expression
number 4
Chapter 1: Introduction
expression number 2
January, 2010
Syntax Tree
a "trimmed" version of the parse tree with only essential information: assign-expression
identifier a
identifier index
number 4
Chapter 1: Introduction
number 2
January, 2010
Annotated Syntax Tree (with attributes)
assign-expression integer subscript-expression integer
identifier a array of integer
identifier index integer
additive-expression integer
number 4 integer
Chapter 1: Introduction
number 2 integer
January, 2010
Intermediate Code
Syntax tree very abstract Machine code too specific Something in between may make optimization much easier One such representation is three-address code
Has only up to three different variables (addresses)
t=4+2 a[index] = t
Target Code Source code: a[index] = 4 + 2 Tokens: ID Lbracket ID Rbracket AssignOp Num AddOp Num
(edited & modified for this presentation): mov eax, 6 mov ecx, DWORD PTR _index$[ebp] mov DWORD PTR _a$[ebp+ecx*4], eax
(Note source level constant folding optimization.) 12
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Source Code
Scanner Tokens
a[index] = 4 + 2
The Big Picture
ID Lbracket ID Rbracket AssignOp Num AddOp N
Syntax Tree Semantic Analyzer Annotated Tree Source Code Optimizer
Literal Table Symbol
identifier a
identifier index
number 2
Table Error
number 4
integer additive-expression integer
subscript-expression integer
Handler Intermediate Code Code Generator Target Code Target Code Optimizer
Target Code
t=4+2 a[index] = t
identifier a array of integer
identifier index integer
number 4 integer
number 2 integer
mov eax, 6 mov ecx, DWORD PTR _index$[ebp] mov DWORD PTR _a$[ebp+ecx*4], eax
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Algorithmic Tools
Tokens: defined using regular expressions. (Chapter 2)
an implementation of a finite state machine (deterministic automaton) that recognizes the token regular expressions (Chapter 2).
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Algorithmic Tools (cont.)
A push-down automaton (i.e. uses a stack), based on grammar rules in a standard format (BNF – Backus-Naur Form). (Chapters 3, 4, 5)
Semantic Analyzer and Code Generator:
Recursive evaluators based on semantic rules for attributes (properties of language constructs). (Chapters 6, 7, 8)
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Other Phase Features
Parser and scanner together typically operate as a unit (parser calls scanner repeatedly to generate tokens).
Front end:
Parser, scanner, semantic analyzer and source code optimizer depend primarily on source language.
Back end:
code generator and target code optimizer depend primarily on target language (machine architecture).
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Other Classifications
Logical unit: phase
Physical unit: separately compiled code file (see later)
Temporal unit: pass
Passes: trips through the source code (or intermediate code). These are not phases (but they could be).
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Data Structure Tools
Syntax tree:
Literal table:
see previous pictures.
"Hello, world!", 3.141592653589793, etc. If a literal is used more than once (as they often are in a program), we still want to store it only once. So we use a table (almost always a hash table or table of hash tables).
Symbol table:
all names (variables, functions, classes, typedefs, constants, namespaces). Again, a hash table or set of hash tables is the most likely data structure.
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Error Handler
One of the more difficult parts of a compiler to design. Must handle a wide range of errors Must handle multiple errors. Must not get stuck. Must not get into an infinite loop (typical simple-minded strategy:count errors, stop if count gets too high).
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Kinds of Errors
iff (x == 0) y + = z + r; }
int x = "Hello, world!";
int x = 2; ... double y = 3.14159 / (x - 2);
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Errors (cont.)
A compiler must handle syntax and semantic errors, but not runtime errors (whether a runtime error will occur is an undecidable question).
Sometimes a compiler is required to generate code to catch runtime errors and handle them in some graceful way (either with or without exception handling).
This, too, is often difficult.
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Sample Compilers in This Class ("Toys")
TINY: a 4-pass compiler for the TINY language, based on Pascal (see text, pages 22-26)
C-Minus: A project language given in the text(see text, pages 26-27 and Appendix A). Based on C.
SIL: Simple Island Language:
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
TINY Example read x; if x > 0 then fact := 1; repeat fact := fact * x; x := x - 1 until x = 0; write fact end
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
C-Minus Example int fact( int x ) { if (x > 1) return x * fact(x-1); else return 1; } void main( void ) { int x; x = read(); if (x > 0) write( fact(x) ); } 24
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Structure of the TINY Compiler globals.h util.h scan.h parse.h symtab.h analyze.h code.h cgen.h
main.c util.c scan.c parse.c symtab.c analyze.c code.c cgen.c
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Conditional Compilation Options
Builds a scanner-only compiler.
Builds a compiler that parses and scans only.
Builds a compiler that performs semantic analysis, but generates no code.
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Listing Options (built in - not flags)
Displays the syntax tree in a linearlized format.
Displays information on each token as the scanner recognizes it.
Echoes the TINY source program to the listing, together with line numbers.
Displays summary information on the symbol table and type checking.
Prints code generation-tracing comments to the code file. 27
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010
Terminology Review
Compiler Interpreter Translator Assembler Linker Loader Preprocessor Editor Debugger Profiler 28
Source Language Target Language Target Platform Relocatable Macro substitution IDE Cross Compiler Dissambler Front End Back End
Chapter 1: Introduction
January, 2010