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CV Lars-Olof Nilsson Adress: Laboratory of Building Materials, Lund University, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden E-mail:
[email protected],
Education/appointments 1972 Graduate Engineer ("Civil Engineer", MSc) in Civil Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology 1981 Doctor of Technology (PhD) in building materials at Lund Institute of Technology 1982 "Docent" in building physics at Lund Institute of Technology 1990-1998 Vice dean of the School of Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology 2002- Member of IVA, the Royal Engineering Science Academy, Sweden Employments 1972-1985 Research assistant/project manager at the div. of building materials at Lund Institute of Technology 1981- Consultant and manager, part-time to half-time in the Moisture Engineering Institute 1985-2003 Professor and head of the department of building materials at Chalmers University of Technology 2003- Professor and head (-2010) of the division of building materials at Lund University Supervisor/examiner of Doctors of Technology: 13 (PhD) thesis. 1. Tomas Kutti. 1990 (final year only) 8. Olivier Truc. 2000 (joint supervision with J-P 2. Xu Aimin. 1992 Ollivier, INSA, Toulouse) 3. Adrian Radocea. 1993 9. Anders Sjöberg. 2001 4. Elisabeth Helsing Atlassi. 1993 10. Anders Lindvall. 2003 5. Tang Luping. 1996 11. Åse Togerö. 2004 6. Stefan Hjort. 1997 12. Peter Johansson. 2005 7. Kristina Norling Mjörnell. 1997 13. Magnus Åhs. 2011 Commissions, committees • RILEM TC 35-PMB 'Methods of Predicting Moisture conditions in building materials and components'. Secretary 1983-85. Chairman 1985-1988. • RILEM TC 116-PCD 'Permeability of Concrete as a criterion of its Durability'. 1990-1998 • RILEM TC-163 TPZ 'Interfacial Transition Zone and Properties of Transfer'. 1995-1998 • RILEM TC-178 TMC ’Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress in Concrete’, 1998-2004 • RILEM TC-230 PSC ’Performance-based Specification and Control of Concrete Durability’, 2009• RILEM TC-235 CTC ’Corrosion initiating Chloride Threshold Concentrations in Concrete, 2009• RILEM TC-248 MMB ’Methods of Measuring Moisture in Building Materials and Structures. Chairman 2012• RILEM TAC Technical Activities Committee, member 2009-; convenor cluster C 2010-2013 • CEB, Comite Euro International du Beton, National Delegate for Sweden 1992-1997 • CEB Commission V 'Operation and use'. Member of TG V/1. Chairman of TG V/2 1992-1997. • Nordic Concrete Federation Research Committee. Member 1988-91, chairman 1991-93. • Euroc's (Scancem’s) Scientific Board. Member 1991-1997. • DuraNet: The European concrete durability network. Member 1998-2001. • ACI committee 365 on Service Life Prediction, member 1999• NCC’s Environmental Scientific Board. Member 1998-. • CIB W40 ’Heat and moisture transfer in buildings’, 2003• Formas Evaluation Group 10 Materials & Structures. Chairman 2001-2004 • Cement and Concrete Research, Member of the Board of Editors 2000-. • fib (Federation International du Beton), Member Comm 5, chairman TG 5.5 2001-2005 • Université La Rochelle. Jury, Habilitation a Diriges les Recherches, K. Ait-Mokhtar 2000 • Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse. Jury, Habilitation a Diriges les Recherches, S. Lorente 2005
Sabbatical terms 1992 February-June: Researcher at Laboratoire Matériaux et Durabilité des Constructions, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées-Université Paul Sabatier-Génie Civil, Toulouse, France 1999 August-December: Visiting Professor at Dept of Civil Engineering, Univ. of California at Berkeley, USA Pedagogical distinctions:
Top Ten Teacher of the Year 1988, Students, School of Civil Engineering, CTH Pedagogical scholarship 1989, Chalmers University of Technology (CTH) Top Five Teacher of the Year 1991, Students, School of Civil Engineering, CTH Top Five Teacher of the Year 1992, Students, School of Civil Engineering, CTH Pedagogical prize 1994, Students, School of Civil Engineering, CTH Appointments as opponent/rapporteur for PhD-thesis 1991 L-E Harderup. Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 1992 O Lindgren. Wood Technology, Skellefteå, Luleå Institute of Technology, Sweden 1993 G Hedenblad. Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 1993 C Hauck. Concrete Structures, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway 1994 A Dalsgaard Holland. Aalborg University Center, Aalborg, Denmark 1994 J-P Bigas. Institut National des Sciences Appliquees, Toulouse, France 1996 H E Sörensen. Denmark’s University of Technology, Lyngby, Denmark 1997 S Engelund. Aalborg University Center, Aalborg, Denmark 1998 Zhang T. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 1998 H Håkansson. Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 1998 Jesper Arfvidsson. Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 1998 M Störe Valen. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 1998 C K Larsen. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway 1998 Olivier Francy. L’Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France 1999 Julie Arsenault. Université Laval, Quebec, Canada 2000 Mårten Janz. Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden 2001 Pär Wiberg. Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå Campus, Sweden 2005 Anwar Khitab. LMDC, INSA, Toulouse, France 2006 Ane Mette Kjeldsen, Denmark’s University of Technology, Lyngby, Denmark 2007 Menghao Qin, Université La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France 2008 Margot Sehlstedt-Persson, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå Campus, Sweden 2009 Karin Sandberg, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå Campus, Sweden 2010 Anders Selander, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2010 Carsten Vogt, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 2010 Brad Justin Pease, Denmark’s University of Technology, Lyngby, Denmark 2011 Mojgnan Vaziri, Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå Campus, Sweden 2011 Mojgnan Vaziri, Université Nancy, Epinal, France 2013 Jan Lindgård, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway International invitations/lectures - Gordon Research Conference, Barga, Italy, May 9-14 1999 United Engineering Foundation Conference, Aug 20-25, 2000, Mont Tremblant, Canada - Réseau Doctoral Génie Civil. Projet d’atelier. Aussois Jan 30-Feb 2, 2000 - Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Boston, Nov 27 - Dec 1, 2000. - Gordon Research Conference, Ventura, California, March 3-8 2002 - 3rd Int. RILEM workshop on Testing And Modelling Chloride Ingress Into Concrete, Madrid, 9-10 Sept. 2002. - Icelandic Concrete Day, Reykjavik March 2003. - Danish Bridge Day, Odense, April 1, 2003 - Nordic Concrete Day, Copenhagen, September 26, 2003 - Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities, July 5-7, 2005, Dundee, Scotland
RILEM conf. Advances in Research on Cementitious Materials, Quebec 11-13 Sept. 2006 Concrete Platform, April 19-20 2007, Belfast, Northern Ireland ICDCS2008, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China, 26-27 November, 2008 2nd Int. Conf. Medachs’10, La Rochelle, April 28-30, 2010 Microdurability, Amsterdam, April 11-13, 2012
Publications Some 110 reviewed journal and conference papers, some 95 other papers, 15 book chapters/books, some 70 reports; some of them may be downloaded at
PUBLICATIONS, L.-O. NILSSON (L-O Nilsson is the sole author if the author is not mentioned)
Refereed journal papers
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Uttorkning av betong. Inverkan av sammansättningen. (Drying of concrete. Effect of the composition) Nordisk Betong 1/1976. Percolation effects in the electrical conductivity of porous cement mortar. (K. Brantervik, A. Berg, G.A. Niklasson, L.-O. Nilsson, B. Hedberg) Europhysics letters - Association européenne de physique, 1990, 13, 6, pp.549-554 Dielectric properties of porous cement mortar: fractal surface effects. (G.A. Niklasson, A. Berg, K. Brantervik, B. Hedberg, L.-O. Nilsson) Solid State Communications, 1991, 79, 1, pp.9396 Chloride diffusivity in high strength concrete at different ages (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) Nordic Concrete Research 1/92. A study of the quantitative relationships between permeability and pore size distribution of hardened cement pastes (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) Cement and Concrete Research, Vol 22, No. 4, 1992. Dielectric properties of cement mortar as a function of water content. (A. Berg, G.A. Niklasson, K. Brantervik, B. Hedberg, L.-O. Nilsson) Journal of applied physics, 1992, 71, 12, pp.93-96 Chloride binding capacity and binding isotherms of OPC pastes and mortars (Tang L., L.-O. Nilsson) Cement & Concrete Research, Vol 23, pp 247-253 1993. Effect of drying at an early age on the moisture distributions in concrete specimens used for air permeability test (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) Nordic Concrete Research, Publ No 13, 2/1993, pp 88-97. Effect of fly ash on the microstructure of cement mortar (Xu Aimin, S.L. Sarkar & L-O Nilsson) Materials and Structures, Vol. 26, Nr. 161, Sept. 1993. Calculation of chloride diffusivity in concrete from migration experiments, in non-steadystate conditions. (Tang L., L.-O. Nilsson) Cement & Concrete Research, Vol 25, pp 1133-1137, 1995 A new approach to the determination of pore distribution by penetrating chlorides into concrete. (Tang L., L.-O. Nilsson) Cement & Concrete Research, Vol 25, pp 695-701, 1995 Interaction between microclimate and concrete - a prerequisite for deterioration. Construction and Building Materials, 1996, 10, 5, pp.301-308 Numerical simulation of multi-species transport through saturated concrete during a migration test – MsDiff code. Cement and Concrete Research Vol. 30, No. 10, October 2000, pp.1581-1592. (O Truc, J-P Ollivier and L-O Nilsson) Numerical simulation of multi-species diffusion. Materials and Structures, Vol.33, November 2000, pp.566-573. (O Truc, J-P Ollivier, L-O Nilsson) LMDC Diffusion Test. (O Truc, J-P Ollivier, L-O Nilsson) Nordic Concrete Research 23, 337-339, 2000 Modeling of chloride penetration into concrete - tracing five years field exposure. Concrete Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 8, December 2000 (Tang L & Nilsson, L-O) Discussion of the paper ‘AFREM test procedures concerning chlorides in concrete: Extraction and titration methods’, by T. Chaussadent and G. Arliguie. Materials and Structures, Vol. 34, March 2001, p. 128 Long-term moisture transport in high performance concrete. Matériaux et Constructions, Vol.35 - N° 254, December 2002 The moisture conditions of nuclear reactor concrete containment walls – an example for a BWR reactor. J. Phys. IV France 136 (2006) 141-150 (L-O Nilsson &P Johansson) Present limitations of models for predicting chloride ingress into reinforced concrete structures, J. Phys. IV France 136 (2006) 123-130, DOI: 10.1051/jp4:2006136013 Multi-species ionic diffusion in concrete with account to interaction between ions in the pore solution and the cement hydrates. (B. Johannesson, K. Yamada, L.-O. Nilsson, Y. Hosokawa) Materials and Structures, 2007, 40, 7, pp.651-665. DOI: 10.1617/s11527-006-9176-y. A study on sampling methods for chloride profiles – simulations using data from EPMA. Materials & Structures DOI 10.1617/s11527-007-9325-y , 2008 (H Wall & L-O Nilsson)
23. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Non-isothermal Transfer in Hygroscopic Building 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
Materials, Building and Environment, Vol. 43, 2154–2162, 2008. (R. Belarbi, M. Qin, A. Aït-Mokhtar, and L-O. Nilsson) Nonisothermal moisture transport in hygroscopic building materials: modeling for the determination of moisture transport coefficients, Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 72, 255-271, 2008. (M. Qin, R. Belarbi, A. Aït-Mokhtar, and L-O. Nilsson) Simultaneous Heat and Moisture Transport in Porous Building Materials: Evaluation of Nonisothermal Moisture Transport Properties, Journal of Materials Science & Technology (DOI 10.1007/s10853-008-2585-3), 2008 (M. Qin, R. Belarbi, A. Aït-Mokhtar and L-O. Nilsson) Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer in Multi-layer Building Materials, Construction and Building Materials, (DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat. 2008.05.015) 2008 (M. Qin, R. Belarbi, A. Aït-Mokhtar and L-O. Nilsson) Vol 23, No 2, February, 2009, pp. 967-975 Models for chloride ingress into concrete – from Collepardi to today, International Journal on Modelling, Identification and Control, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2009, pp. 129-134. Laboratory Parametric Study of Moisture Condition in Covered Underfloor heated concrete slabs. (A. Sjöberg & L-O. Nilsson) Nordic Concrete Research 42, 2010, pp. 173-189 Evaluation of prestress losses in nuclear reactor containments. Peter Lundqvist & L.-O. Nilsson. Nuclear Engineering and Design. Volume 241, Issue 1, January 2011, pp. 168-176 Development of a multi-species mass transport model for concrete with account to thermodynamic phase equilibriums. (Y. Hosokawa , K. Yamada, B. Johannesson, L.-O. Nilsson) Materials and Structures, 2011, Online 2011-03-18, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-011-9720-2 On uncertainties and inaccuracies in empirical chloride ingress modelling. L.-O. Nilsson & Jens M. Frederiksen. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, pp. 981-990, Vol. 15, No. 7/2011, DOI:10.3166/EJECE.15.981-990 Non-Saturated Ion Diffusion In Concrete–A New Approach To Evaluate Conductivity Measurements. (Nilla Olsson, Véronique Baroghel-Bouny, Lars-Olof Nilsson, Mickaël Thiery) Cement and Concrete Composites, June 2013. A method to determine the critical moisture level for unsaturated transport of ions. Magnus Åhs, LarsOlof Nilsson, Mohsen Ben Haha. Materials & Structures September 2013
Refereed conference papers
34. Pop-outs due to alkali-silica reactions - a moisture problem? Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete. Cape Town March-April 1981.
35. Moisture effects on the alkali-silica reaction. 6th International Conference on Alkalis in Concrete. Copenhagen 1983. 36. Chloride binding capacity, penetration and pore structures of blended cement pastes with slag and fly ash (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) International Conference on Blended Cements in Constructions, University of Sheffield, UK, September 9-12 1991. 37. The effect of curing conditions on chloride diffusivity in silica fume high strength concrete (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) 9th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, New Delhi, India, November 1992. 38. A clarification of the fundamental relationships concerning ion diffusion in porous materials. (M Massat, L-O Nilsson & J-P Ollivier) 3rd Int Coll on Material Science and Restoration. Technische Akademie Esslingen December 1992. 39. A study of the relationship between air permeability and chloride diffusivity in concrete (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) 6th International Conference on the Durability of Building Materials and Components, 25-29 Okt. Omiya, Japan 1993, pp 249-258. 40. The effect of non-linear chloride binding on the prediction of chloride penetration into concrete structures (L.-O. Nilsson, Myriam Massat & Tang L.) Contribution to the 3rd CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Nice, France, 22-28 May 1994; also in: Malhotra (Ed.) Durability of Concrete, ACI SP 145-24, pp. 469- 481. 41. Effect of an electrical field on the removal of chloride ions from concrete slabs (Tang L., Leif Berntsson, Juhan Aavik, L.-O. Nilsson) Contribution to "The 3rd CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Nice, France, 22-28 May 1994.
42. A numerical method for prediction of chloride penetration into concrete structures (Tang L. & L.O. Nilsson). NATO/RILEM Workshop on The modeling of Microstructure and its Potential for Studying Transport Properties and Durability, S:t Remy-lés-Chevreuse, July 10 - 13 1994. 43. Transport mechanisms in porous materials. An introduction to their basic laws and correlations (L.O. Nilsson & Tang L.) NATO/RILEM Workshop on The modeling of Microstructure and its Potential for Studying Transport Properties and Durability, S:t Remy-lés-Chevreuse, July 10-13 1994. 44. Methods of diagnosing moisture damage in building CIB International Symposium on “Dealing with Defects in Building, Varenna, Italy, 27-30 September 1994. 45. The relation between the composition, moisture transport and durability of conventional and new concretes ConTech ‘94, International RILEM Workshop on Technology Transfer of the New Trends in Concrete, Barcelone, Spain, 7 - 9 November 1994. 46. Service-life prediction of concrete in marine environment. 7th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components (7th DBMC), Stockholm May 1996 (Tang L & L-O Nilsson). 47. A numerical model for combined diffusion and convection of chloride in non-saturated concrete. 2nd International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete, 11-12 September 2000, Paris 48. Chloride ingress data from field exposure in a Swedish road environment. 2nd International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete, 11-12 September 2000, Paris (L-O Nilsson, A Andersen, Tang L & P Utgenannt) 49. Chloride ingress data from Danish and Swedish road bridges exposed to splash from de-icing salt. 2nd International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete, 11-12 September 2000, Paris (A Lindvall, A Andersen, L-O Nilsson) 50. Multi-species transport in saturated cement-based materials. 2nd International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete, 11-12 September 2000, Paris (O. Truc, J. P. Ollivier and L. O. Nilsson) 51. Current development and verification of the numerical model ClinConc for predicting chloride penetration into concrete. 2nd International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete, 11-12 September 2000, Paris (Tang L and L-O Nilsson) 52. Prediction of the long-term release of hazardous substances from cement-based materials to water. MRS Proc. Vol. 608., pp.313-318, Pennsylvania, 2000. (Andersson, Å & Nilsson, L-O) 53. Prediction of Chloride Penetration into Concrete Exposed to Various Exposure Environments, 9th International Conference on Durability of Building materials and Components (9DBMC), Australia 2002 (Tang L and L-O Nilsson) 54. Drying out concrete floor slabs by passive venting air gaps under damp proof membranes. 6th Symposium on Building Physics the Nordic Countries, Trondheim, Norway, June 17-19, 2002 55. A Model for Secondary Emissions from Bonded Flooring Materials on Concrete Floors. 6th Symposium on Building Physics in the Nordic Countries. Trondheim, Norway. 17-19 June 2002. (Sjöberg A., Nilsson LO.) 56. Floor Heating may Cause IAQ Problems. Indoor Air 2002, 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate. Monterey, California. June 30 – July 5 2002. (Sjöberg A., Nilsson L-O.) 57. Methods To “Investigate A Sick Building”. Indoor Air 2002, Monterey, June 30-July 6, 2002. (T Hall & L-O Nilsson) 58. Influence of sustained stress on the durability of GFRP bars embedded in concrete. (V Dejke, O Poupard, LO Nilsson, R Tepfers, A Ait-Mokhtar) Proc. FRPRCS-6, Singapore, 833-842, 2003 59. Concepts In Chloride Ingress Modelling Keynote paper at 3rd International RILEM workshop on Testing And Modelling Chloride Ingress Into Concrete, Madrid, 9-10 September 2002. RILEM Publication PRO 38, 2004 60. On relationships between different chloride diffusion and/or migration coefficients in concrete. (Tang L and L-O Nilsson) Ibid. 61. Moisture Transport in Cementitious Materials – Theory and Some Experimental Results, Knud Højgaard Conference on Advanced Cement-Based Materials - Research and Teaching, June 12-15, 2004, Technical University of Denmark 62. A macro-model for self-desiccation in high performance concrete, Fourth International Research Seminar on Self-desiccation and its importance in concrete technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, June 20, 2005 (L.-O. Nilsson & Kristina Mjörnell)
63. On the role of moisture in degradation of concrete structures, Keynote paper in Theme 1: Degradation of Concrete Structures, Event 5: Repair & Renovation of Concrete Structures, Global Construction: Ultimate Concrete Opportunities, July 5-7, 2005, Dundee, Scotland 64. Model code for service life design (MC-SLD), fib Symposium: Structural Concrete and Time, September 28-30, 2005, La Plata, Argentina (Peter Schiessl, Steinar Helland, Christoph Gehlen, L.-O. Nilsson and Steen Rostam) 65. Initial Survey of Concrete Structures in Swedish Harbours – A Case Study in the Port of Trelleborg. International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting, Cape Town, November 21-23 2005 (H. Wall & L.O. Nilsson) 66. Modelling moisture conditions in cementitious materials – some present challenges. Keynote paper at 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering, September 11-13, 2006, Quebec City, Canada. 67. Chloride profiling in concrete harbour structures – a study of extensive variations. 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering, September 11-13, 2006, Quebec City, Canada. (H Wall & L-O Nilsson) 68. Models for Chloride Ion Bindings in Hardened Cement Paste Using Thermodynamic Equilibrium Calculations, RILEM 2nd international symposium on advances in concrete through science and engineering, September 11-13, 2006, Quebec City, Canada. (Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K., Johannesson, B. and Nilsson, LO.) 69. Swedish Guidelines for Service-life design of Concrete Structures. Concrete Platform, April 19-20, 2007 Belfast, Northern Ireland (L-O Nilsson & B Westerberg) 70. A Model for Combined Chemical and Multi-ionic Diffusion in Concrete. (K Yamada, Y Hosokawa, B Johannesson, LO Nilsson) JCI-conference, Tokyo, 957-962, 2007 71. A development of a multi-species mass transport model considering thermodynamic phase equilibrium. ConMod’08, 2nd International Symposium on Concrete Modelling, Delft 26-28 May 2008. (Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K., Johannesson, B. and Nilsson, L-O.) 72. On uncertainties and inaccuracies in empirical chloride ingress modelling. Examples of model uncertainties in empirical models. (L.-O. Nilsson & Jens M. Frederiksen). 2nd Int. Conf. Medachs’10, La Rochelle, April 28-30, 2010 73. Chloride redistribution after concrete repair of marine concrete. Ibid 74. Moisture conditions in coated glulam beams and columns during weathering. (K. Sandberg, A. Pousette, L.-O. Nilsson), XII DBMC Int conf on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Porto, Portugal, April 12-15, 2011. 75. Moisture transport under a temperature gradient – some old and new studies. Invited lecture at the Conference on Understanding the Fundamental Properties of Concrete. Celebrating Professor Erik J. Sellevold on his 75th birthday, 2013. Trondheim, April 2013. Books and book chapters 76. Fukt och betong. (Moisture and Concrete). Betonghandboken. Material, Chapter 14 in Betonghandboken. Material (Concrete Hand Book. Materials), Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm 1989 77. Relations between different transport parameters. Chapter, pp. 15-32, in the State of the Art Report on Performance criteria for concrete durability by RILEM TC 116-PCD Permeability of concrete as a criterion of its durability. (L.-O. Nilsson & Tang L.). RILEM 1993. 78. Test methods for transport of ions in concrete. Chapter in the State of the Art Report on Performance criteria for concrete durability by RILEM TC 116-PCD Permeability of concrete as a criterion of its durability. (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson). RILEM 1993. 79. Laboratory test methods. Chapter 9 in the State of the Art Report on Performance criteria for concrete durability by RILEM TC 116-PCD Permeability of concrete as a criterion of its durability. (M Geiker, H Grube, T Luping, L-O Nilsson, C Andrade). RILEM 1993. 80. Micro-level Design, Sections 4.4.1- 4.4.6 of New Approach to Durability Design, CEB Bulletin No 238, Lausanne 1997 (L-O Nilsson & M Rodhe) 81. The CTH Carbonation Model - A Micro-level Model for Carbonation in a Natural Climate. Appendix 2 of New Approach to Durability Design, CEB Bulletin No 238, Lausanne 1997 (L-O Nilsson & M Rodhe) 82. Chloride Penetration into concrete. Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop 15-18 Sept 1995, St-Remy-les-Chevreuse, France. Editors: L.-O. Nilsson, J.-P. Ollivier. RILEM PRO 2, 1997
83. Fundamentals of Transport Properties of Cement-based Materials and General Methods to Study Transport Properties. Chapter 6 in RILEM Report 20 “Engineering and Transport Properties of the Interfacial Transition Zone in Cementitious Composites”, RILEM Publications s.a.r.l. 1999 (L-O Nilsson & J-P Ollivier) 84. Fuktegenskaper (Moisture Properties), Chapter 11 in Handbok Högpresterande betong. Material och Utförande (Hand Book High Performance Concrete. Materials & Production), Konsortiet för Högpresterande Betongkonstruktioner, Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm 2000 (L-O Nilsson, G Hedenblad & K Norling Mjörnell) 85. Durability concept; Pore structure and transport processes. Chapter for Advanced Concrete Technology Book, Vol 2 – Durability, Butterworth Heinemann, London 2002. 86. Self-desiccation and Its Importance in Concrete Technology: Proceedings of the Fourth International Research Seminar, Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, June 2005 (D. Bentz & L-O Nilsson, eds.) Building Materials, Lund University 87. Fuktpåverkan på material - kritiska nivåer (informationsskrift i serien: Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader) (Moisture Effects on Materials, Critical Moisture Limits (in Swedish) Formas report T2:2006, Stockholm 88. Fuktmätning i byggnader (informationsskrift i serien Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader) Moisture Measurements in Buildings – An Information Report. (in Swedish) Formas report 2006 (L.-O. Nilsson, Anders Sjöberg, Åse Togerö) 89. Byggvägledning 9. Fukt (Construction Guidance 9. Moisture) (in Swedish). Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm 2007 90. Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Ingress – Testing and Modelling. Taylor & Francis Group Ltd, Oxford 2011 (Tang Luping, L-O Nilsson, Muhammed Basheer) 91. Byggvägledning 9. Fukt. Utgåva 2 (Construction Guidance 9. Moisture. 2nd issue) (in Swedish). Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm 2012 Other conference papers
92. Beräkning av uttorkningsförloppet för betong. Beräkning av ångtransport, kondensation och fuktkapacitet. (Calculating the drying process of concrete. Calculating vapour flow, condensation and moisture capacity) Fukt i betong. CBI Kursverksamheten, Stockholm 1976. 93. Moisture problems in renovation of buildings. Contribution to a Polish-Swedish seminar on Aspects of Renovation and Restoration. June 12-14 Göteborg 1984. 94. Water and the hygro-thermal characteristics of hardened concrete. Contribution to a RILEMseminar “Le Beton et l’eau”, Saint-Remy-les-Chevreuse 1985-06-18-20. FNB-Collège International des Sciences de la Construction. Conseil International de la Langue Francaise, Paris 1987 95. Temperature effects in relative humidity measurements on concrete - Some preliminary studies. Contribution to Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, August 1987. BFRDocument D13:1988, Stockholm 96. Methods of predicting moisture conditions in building materials and components - RILEM Committee Work. Contribution to Nordic Symposium on Building Physics, Lund, August 1987. BFR-Document D13:1988, Stockholm 97. The effects of moisture on the rate of hydration. Contribution to a Nordic Mini Seminar on Cement Hydration, Copenhagen, November 20, 1987. 98. Fukt och betong (Moisture and concrete) Contribution to the Information Day 1987 at the Swedish Cement and Concrete Research Institute. 99. En studie av klimatpåverkningar av målad träpanel drabbad av rötskador (A study on climatical effects on painted wood panels with rot decay) (S. Hjort & L.-O. Nilsson) Nordtestsymposium, June 1-2 1988. 100.Moisture sorption properties of concrete with admixtures and industrial by-products implications for durability. (Atlassi, E, Nilsson, L-O & Xu A) (1989) BFR Document D9:1989, Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm. 101.Chloride distributions in concrete. A preliminary literature survey and analysis to RILEM TC 116-PCD. (L.-O. Nilsson & Tang L.) 1990.
102.Rot problems and moisture balance in painted external wood (S Hjort & L-O Nilsson) Contribution to a symposium on "Building Physics in the Nordic Countries", Trondheim, Norway, August 1990. 103.Rapid Determination of the Chloride Diffusivity in Concrete by Applying an Electric Field (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) Presented at the American Concrete Institute Symposium, Boston, MA, March 17-21 1991. 104.Cellplast som isolering under platta på mark. Fuktaspekter. (Expanded polystyrene as insulation under slab on grade. Moisture aspects.) Contribution to Neste Cellplast AB-seminars. 1991. 105.A rapid method for measuring chloride diffusivities by using an electrical field - Theory and current experience. (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) Contribution to a Nordic Mini Seminar on Chloride penetration into concrete structures. Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg Jan 1993. 106.The effect of non-linear chloride binding on chloride diffusivities and chloride penetration A theoretical approach. Contribution to a Nordic Mini Seminar on Chloride penetration into concrete structures. Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg Jan 1993. 107.Penetration of chlorides into concrete structures - An introduction and some definitions. Contribution to Nordic Mini Seminar on Chloride penetration into concrete structures. Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg Jan 1993. 108.Beräkning av fuktprofiler och fuktvariationer i en brokonstruktion. (Prediction of moisture profiles in a bridge structure) Contribution to seminars on Service Life of Marine Concrete Structures. Cementa AB , Danderyd 1993. 109.Prediction of moisture distributions in concrete structures as a basis for service-life predictions. Contribution to CEB TG V/1&2. 110. Brobyggnad - Betongteknologins spjutspets. När kan branschen leva upp till funktionskrav? Bridge Construction - The spearhead of concrete technology (L.-O. Nilsson & Steen Rostam). Brobyggnadsdagen 1995, Göteborg January 1995. 111. Methods of measuring moisture penetration into concrete submerged in sea water. Nordiskt Miniseminarium: Fältmätningar för Livslängdsmodellering - Armeringskorrosion, Lund 1-2 februari 1995. 112. Evaluation and interpretation of chloride distributions in concrete - Questions and possible solutions (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) Nordiskt Miniseminarium: Fältmätningar för Livslängdsmodellering - Armeringskorrosion, Lund 1-2 februari 1995. 113.Chloride binding isotherms - An approach by applying the modified BET equation. RILEM International Workshop on Chloride Penetration into Concrete, October 15-18 1995, Saint-Rémyles-Chevreuse, France (Tang L & L-O Nilsson). 114.Accelerated tests for chloride diffusivity and their application in prediction of chloride penetration. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston Nov-Dec 1995 (Tang L & L-O Nilsson). 115. Méthodologie de prévision de la pénétration des ions chlore par diffusion dans le béton. Methodology of predicting chloride penetration into concrete. J.P. Ollivier, J. Marchand & L.-O. Nilsson. Proc RILEM Int Conf Concrete: from Material to Structure. Arles, France, September 1996. 116. Moisture in Marine Concrete Structures - studies in the BMB-project 1992-1996. Workshop on Service-life of Concrete structures at 7th DBMC, May 1996, Stockholm. 117. Service life prediction for concrete structures under seawater by a numerical approach. (Tang L & L-O Nilsson). Ibid., pp. 97-106 118.Assessing Moisture Conditions in Marine Concrete Structures, International Conference Repair of Concrete Structures, Svolvaer, May 28-30, 1997. 119.Application of chloride diffusion coefficients in “scientifically based” prediction models for submerged concrete ⎯ a historical perspective and a state-of-the-art. NordTest Mini-seminar on Chloride Diffusion Coefficient of Concrete and Relevant Test Methods SP, Borås, May 22, 1997 120.Advanced Design of Concrete Structures. (K Gylltoft, B Engström, LO Nilsson, NE Wiberg) International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Chalmers, Göteborg 1997 121.A history lesson on the development of and request for knowledge - prediction models for chloride ingress into concrete structures as an example. Nordic Seminar at LTH: “Some research studies from Scandinavia”. Pp. 104-113 in report TVBM-3078, Div Building Materials LTH, Lund university 122. Present Limitations In Scientifically Based Prediction Models For Chloride Ingress Into Submerged Concrete. L-O Nilsson & Tang L. Science des matériaux et propriétés des bétons:
Premières rencontres internationales de Toulouse. Materials science and concrete properties: First international meeting in Toulouse. March 5-6 1998 123.New approach to durability design of concrete structure - a micro-level design example for carbonation induced corrosion. Engineering Mechanics: A Force for 21st Century. Proceedings of the 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference La Jolla, California”, May 17-20, 1998 124.Prediction of chloride penetration into concrete by using the computer program CLINCONC, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Concrete under Severe Conditions, June 21-24, 1998, Tromsø, Norway. (Tang L. & L-O Nilsson) 125.Ionic Migration and its Relation to Diffusion. (Tang, L. & L-O Nilsson) International Conference on Ion and Mass Transport in Cement-Based Materials, Toronto October 4-5 1999, also in American Ceramic Society Special Volume of Materials Science of Concrete 2001 126.LMDC Test Method (O Truc, J-P Ollivier & L-O Nilsson). Ibid 127.Interaction and Its Effect on Substance Transport in Concrete L-O Nilsson & Tang L.). Ibid. 128.Prediction of the long-term release of hazardous substances from cement-based materials to water. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, November 29-December 3, 1999. (Andersson, Å & Nilsson, L-O) 129.Modeling of chloride penetration into concrete - tracing five years field exposure Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, November 29-December 3, 1999 (Tang L & Nilsson, L-O) 130.Transport processes in concrete – possibilities and limitations of today’s knowledge, “Advances in Cement and Concrete – Materials aspects of Concrete repairs and Rehabilitation”, United Engineering Foundation Conference, August 20-25, 2000, Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. 131.A numerical model for combined diffusion and convection of chloride in non-saturated concrete. 2nd International Workshop on Testing and Modelling the Chloride Ingress into Concrete, 11-12 September 2000, Paris 132.Chloride ingress data from field exposure in a Swedish road environment. Ibid. (L-O Nilsson, A Andersen, Tang L & P Utgenannt) 133.Chloride ingress data from Danish and Swedish road bridges exposed to splash from de-icing salt. Ibid. (A Lindvall, A Andersen, L-O Nilsson) 134.Multi-species transport in saturated cement-based materials. Ibid. (O. Truc, J. P. Ollivier and L. O. Nilsson) 135.Current development and verification of the numerical model ClinConc for predicting chloride penetration into concrete. Ibid. (Tang L and L-O Nilsson) 136.On the uncertainty of service-life models for reinforced marine concrete structures, International RILEM workshop Life Prediction and Age Management of Concrete Structures, Cannes, 16-17 October 2000 137.Ionic Migration and its Relation to Diffusion. (Tang, L. & L-O Nilsson) International Conference on Ion and Mass Transport in Cement-Based Materials, Toronto October 4-5 1999, also in American Ceramic Society Special Volume of Materials Science of Concrete 2001 138.LMDC Test Method (O Truc, J-P Ollivier & L-O Nilsson). Ibid 139.Interaction and Its Effect on Substance Transport in Concrete L-O Nilsson & Tang L.). Ibid. 140.Durabilité des matériaux composites à base de fibre de verre: effet du couplage d'une action mécanique et d'un conditionnement environnemental agressif. (O Poupard, Karim Aït-Mokhtar, V Dejke, LO Nilsson, R Tepfers). XXIème Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, 2003 141. Decisive processes in models for convection of ions in cementitious materials. NanoCem workshop, Monte Verita, July 18-22, 2005 142. The moisture conditions of nuclear reactor concrete containment walls – an example for a BWR reactor. NUCPERF 2006 – EFC Event n° 284: Workshop on “"Corrosion and Long Term Performance of Concrete in NPP and Waste Facilities", 27-30 March 2006 - Cadarache – France. (L.-O. Nilsson & Peter Johansson) 143. Present limitations of models for predicting chloride ingress into reinforced concrete structures. NUCPERF 2006 – EFC Event n° 284: Workshop on “"Corrosion and Long Term Performance of Concrete in NPP and Waste Facilities", 27-30 March 2006 - Cadarache – France. 144. Microbial Growth and Secondary Emissions–Their Main Causes in Swedish Problem Buildings. (T Hall, B Wessén, LO Nilsson). Proceedings of the International Conference on Healthy Buildings, Lisbon 2006
145.Climatic conditions at the surfaces of concrete containments – examples for two BWR and PWR reactors. The 19th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 19), August 12-17, 2007, Toronto, Canada (P. Johansson & L-O Nilsson). 146.Drying of reactor containment walls of concrete during past and future decades. Ibid. 147.Models for chloride ingress into concrete – from Collepardi to today. Invited lecture to ICDCS2008, International Conference on Durability of Concrete Structures, 26-27 November, 2008, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China. 148. Methods for measuring relative humidity (RH) in concrete floors – development and uncertainties. (L.O. Nilsson & M. Åhs). Aquametry 2010 - First European Conference on Moisture Measurement, 5– 7 October 2010 in Weimar, Germany 149. Penetration of gas into concrete during a leakage rate test of reactor containments and its significance for the drop in pressure. International Workshop on Ageing Management of Nuclear Power Plants and Waste Disposal Structures, November 7-10, 2010, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 150. A new model for wetting and drying of wood end-grain – with implications for durability and servicelife. L.-O. Nilsson & K. Sandberg. Paper prepared for the 42nd IRG Annual Meeting Queenstown, New Zealand 8-12 May 2011. 151. Transport processes in the microstructure of concrete and their relevance for durability. Keynote paper, 2nd International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites (Microdurability), Amsterdam, April 11-13, 2012. 152. Non-saturated ion transport in concrete - new laboratory measurements. (Nilla Olsson, Véronique Baroghel-Bouny, Lars-Olof Nilsson, Mickaël Thiery) ICDC2012 International Conference on Durability of Concrete, Trondheim June 18-21, 2012. Other journal papers or papers in reports
153.Fuktproblem vid täta skikt på betong (Moisture problems with dense surface coatings on concrete) Väg- och vattenbyggaren 4/1976.
154.Fukt i betonggolv (Moisture in concrete floors) Cementa 3/1977. 155.Fukt i betonggolv (Moisture in concrete floors) Väg- och vattenbyggaren 11/1977. 156.Fuktmätning i betongplatta på mark (Moisture measurements in concrete floor slabs on grade) Byggnadsindustrin 8:2/1979. 157.Fuktmätning i betonggolv på mark (Moisture measurements in concrete floors on grade) Golv till Tak 8/1979. 158.Moisture measurement in concrete by the hygrometric method. Studies on Concrete Technology. CBI Stockholm 1979. 159.Fuktmätning i betonggolv (Moisture measurements in concrete floors) Byggnadskonst 3/1981. 160.Fuktskador i nya golv på mark (Moisture damages in new concrete floors on grade) Skadeblad 27, Byggvarunytt 2/1983. 161.Mögel och betongkonstruktioner (Mould growth and concrete structures) Cementa 3/1984. 162.Nya skador vid platta på mark (New damages in slabs on grade) Byggindustrin 24/1986. 163.Fukt under ytskikt på betonggolv och -väggar. (Moisture under surface coatings on concrete floors and walls) Ruter Coating 13/1986. 164.Fuktkriterier för byggnadsmaterial (Limits for moisture conditions in building materials) Fukt i betongkonstruktioner. Kompletterande studier (Moisture in concrete structures. Additional studies) Fuktgruppen Informerar Medd 1/1983. 165.Fuktkriterier för byggnadsmaterial. Fukttransport i betongkonstruktioner. Fukt i flytspackel. Förbättring och komplettering av metoder för fuktmätning i betong. (Limits for moisture conditions in building materials. Moisture transport in concrete structures. Moisture in selflevelling fillings. Improvements and completing methods for moisture measurements in concrete). Fuktgruppen Informerar 1/1984. 166.Hur beständig är betong? (How durable is concrete?) Byggforskning 3/1986. 167.Fuktspärr i murverk - dokumentation saknas! (Moisture barriers in masonry - documentation is missing!) Byggforskning 5/1987). 168.I stället för gamla provningsmetoder: Syna materialet och finn dess livslängd (Instead of old test methods: Examine the material and find its service life) Byggforskning 6/1987. 169.Fukt och mögelproblem vid betonggolv på mark - av brist på materialkunskaper (Moisture and mould growth problems in concrete slabs-on-grade – from lack of knowledge on materials)
"Byggnadsmateriallära LTH 1973-1988", report at the division of building materials at Lund University, at the retirement of professor Arne Hillerborg, December 1988, pp. 57-62 170.Att undvika fuktproblem i betonggolv - en introduktion och repetition. (Avoiding moisture problems in concrete floors - an introduction and repetition) AMA-Nytt Mark Hus 2/90, Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm. 171.Grundläggande fuktdimensionering av betonggolv på mark - Fuktskyddet mot markfukt i ångfas. (Basic design of concrete slabs on grade - the moisture protection against soil moisture in the vapour phase) AMA-Nytt Mark Hus 1/91, Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm. 172.Fuktmätning i betonggolv före läggning av fuktkänsliga ytskikt. (Moisture measurements in concrete floors before applying a moisture sensitive surface coating) L-O Nilsson. AMA-Nytt Mark Hus 2/91, Svensk Byggtjänst, Stockholm. 173.Cellplast som isolering under platta på mark. Fuktaspekter. (Expanded polystyrene as insulation under slab on grade. Moisture aspects.) Contribution to Neste Cellplast AB-seminars. 1991. 174.Modelling of chloride ingress into concrete structures for service life predictions. A first outline. CEB Commission V, task group V/1. Jan 1993. 175.Beräkning av fuktprofiler och fuktvariationer i en brokonstruktion. (Prediction of moisture profiles in a bridge structure) Contribution to seminars on Service Life of Marine Concrete Structures. Cementa AB , Danderyd 1993. 176.Prediction of moisture distributions in concrete structures as a basis for service-life predictions. Contribution to CEB TG V/1&2. 177.RF-mätning i undergolv enligt Hus AMA 98 (Measuring RH in concrete floors), AMA-Nytt Mark·Hus 1/98 178.Är högpresterande betong lösningen på fuktproblemen? (Is High Performance Concrete the Solution to the Moisture Problems?) Byggforskning 2/98 179.RF-mätning i undergolv enligt Hus AMA 98: temperatureffekter vid mätning på uttagna prover . (RHmeasurement in floors according to HusAMA98: temperature effects in measuring on samples). (L.-O. Nilsson, G. Hedenblad, I. Samuelson, A. Sjöberg) AMA-Nytt, 1999, 1, pp.25-27 180.Fuktmätning i högpresterande betong (Moisture Measurement in High-Performance Concrete), AMA-Nytt 2/2001 181.Livslängdsdimensionering (Service-life design) (L.-O. Nilsson, B. Westerberg) Betong, 2006, pp.65-70 182.Fuktskadeorsaker i golv & grunder : vad har vi lärt av historien? (Causes for moisture damages in floors and foundations – what did we learn from history?) V-byggaren : Väg- och vattenbyggaren, 2006, 3, pp.14-18 183. Reproduction of chloride ion bindings in hardened cement paste using thermodynamic equilibrium models. (Y Hosokawa, K Yamada, BF Johannesson, L-O Nilsson) Journal of Research-Taiheiyo Cement Corporation 151, 3, 2006 184.Influence of early drying of concrete on humidity under impermeable flooring, (Åhs, M., Nilsson, L.-O.), Paper VI in Åhs, M. (2011), report TVBM-1028, BML, Lund 185. A method to determine the critical moisture level for unsaturated transport of ions, (Åhs, M., Nilsson, L.-O., Ben Haha, M.) Paper VII in Åhs, M. (2011), report TVBM-1028, BML, Lund. Reports PhD-THESIS Hygroscopic moisture in concrete - drying, measurements & related material properties. TVBM1003. Lund Institute of Technology. Lund 1980 REPORTS 1974-1985 Laboratory of Building Materials and the Moisture Research Group, Lund Institute of Technology. 1. Tillämpade fuktproblem i samband med materialkombinationer och ytskikt. Delrapport (Applied moisture problems in material combinations and surface coatings) June 1974. 2. Fuktproblem vid betonggolv (Moisture problems in concrete floors) TVBM-3002. 1977. Byggfukt i betongplatta på mark. Torknings- och mätmetoder. (Excess moisture in concrete slabs on grade. Drying and measuring methods) 1977 3. Del 1: Byggtorkning (L-O Nilsson, U Ericsson & C Rising) TVBM-3007. 4. Del 2: Fuktmätning (Moisture measurement) TVBM-3008.
5. Del 3: Skadeinventering och fältmätningar (L.-O. Nilsson, H. Englund, U. Ericsson & C. Rising) TVBM-3009. 6. Fukt i betongkonstruktioner. (Moisture in concrete structures) Teknisk Infoserie 16 1978. Cementa AB, Danderyd . 7. Flytande golv på styrencellplast. Skarvresning hos spånskivor. (Moisture movements in floors of wood particle boards on expanded polystyrene) TVBM-7001 1979. 8. Värme i betonggolv. (Heated concrete floors) Pilotförsök 1980. 9. Studies on pop-outs due to alkali-silica reactions. Status report to IEA Cement R&D Techn Session 1981. 10. Golvvärme i betonggolv. Temperaturfördelningsberäkningar. Analys av fuktbalansen. (Floor heating in concrete floors. Calculations of temperature distributions and the moisture balance) (L-O Nilsson & A-C Andersson) Report TVBM-7002, 1981. 11. Fuktutträngning i suterränghus : fältmätningar i ett skadefall (Moisture from a souterrain wall) report TVBM-7003, 1981 12. Dränerande och kapillärbrytande material. (Draining and capillary breaking materials) Ballast Syd AB & AB Sydsten, Malmö 1982. 13. Alkali-silica reactions in Scania, Sweden. A moisture problem causing pop-outs in concrete floors. (L-O Nilsson & O Peterson) TVBM-3014, 1983. 14. Desorption isotherms for silica-fume/cement mortars. Report IF8431. Institute for moisture issues. Trelleborg 1984. 15. Utformning av fuktskydd vid golv på mark. Nuvarande kunskaper och exempel på lösningar. (The design of the moisture protection of floor slabs on grade. Present knowledge and examples of design alternatives) BFR Document R90:1983. 16. Kapillär mättnadsgrad - ett verktyg för noggrann bestämning av fuktinnehåll i betong (Degree of capillary saturation - a tool for accurate determination of moisture contents in concrete) (G Hedenblad & L-O Nilsson) report TVBM-3022 1985. 17. Degree of capillary saturation: a tool for better evaluation of the moisture content in concrete. (G Hedenblad & L-O Nilsson) Report TVBM-7005, 1985 18. Kritiska fukttillstånd för några byggnadsmaterial : preliminär undersökning (Critical moisture conditions for some building materials – a preliminary investigation) (G. Hedenblad & L.-O. Nilsson) report TVBM-3028 1987 REPORTS 1985-2003 Building Materials, Chalmers University of Technology 19. Diagnosticering av byggnadsmaterialskador, speciell inriktning mot fuktskador och fuktproblem.(Diagnosing damages to building materials, especially moisture damages and moisture problems) Building Materials, Advanced Course. P-87:3. 20. Fuktmätning i byggnadsmaterial (Moisture measurements in building materials) Building Materials, Advanced Course. P-87:5. 21. Fukttransportegenskaper hos trä och träbaserade skivor - en byggnadsfysikalisk inventering och analys av kunskaper och kunskapsbehov.(Moisture transport properties of wood and wooden based boards - a building physical investigation and analysis of knowledge and research needs) P-88:4. 22. Fukttransportegenskaper hos furu, gran och träbaserade skivor -verifiering och kompletterande bestämning (Moisture transport properties of pine, spruce and wooden based boards verification and additional determination) P-90:5. 23. Parkeringsdäck av betong. Skadestatus och reparationsbehov. Reparationsmetoder. Etapp I: Inventering Del 2: Inventering av P-husbeståndet i Göteborg (Parking decks of concrete. Damages and repair needs) P-91:3. 24. Vakuumbehandlat betonggolv på mark med underliggande värmeisolering av cellplast. Neste Cellplast-projektet "90-talets golv". Del A: Uttorkning av byggfukt. Del B: Skydd mot markfukt. (Vacuum treated concrete floor on grade with an underlying heat insulation of expanded polystyrene)(L.-O. Nilsson & Juhan Aavik) 1991. 25. Relationships between flow coefficients for moisture, water, gases and ions in concrete. (L.-O. Nilsson & Tang L.) Building Materials, P-92:5. 26. Test Methods for transport of ions in Concrete. (Tang L. & L.-O. Nilsson) Building Materials, P-92:6.
27. Betongteknologi. Fukt i porösa byggnadsmaterial (Concrete technology. Moisture in porous building materials)(Leif Berntsson & L.-O. Nilsson) Building Materials, Undergraduate Course 2, P-92:10. 28. A theoretical study on the effects of non-linear chloride binding on chloride diffusion measurements in concrete (Toulouse in May 1992) P-92:13. 29. The replica technique of INSA-Toulouse - a powerful tool for studying the development of microcracks in high-performance concrete? 30. (Toulouse in June 1992) P-92:14. 31. Chloride penetration into concrete structures. Proceeding of a Nordic Mini Seminar, Göteborg, January 1993 (Editor) P-93:1. 32. Fuktmätning i betongbjälklag med PW-givare under byggtiden - utvärdering av ny utrustning och metodik (Moisture measurements in concrete slabs with PW-sensors during construction) P93:5 (L-O Nilsson & J Aavik). 33. Uttorkning av byggfukt i vakuumbehandlat betonggolv på mark med underliggande värmeisolering av cellplast. Del C: Uttorkning av byggfukt. Verifiering i laboratorium. Del D: Uttorkning av byggfukt. Fältmätning. (Drying of concrete in vacuum treated concrete floors on grade with an underlying heat insulation of extruded polystyren) .(L.-O. Nilsson & Juhan Aavik) Building Materials, P-92:13. 34. Ventilerad undergrund - en fältstudie på IKEA, Helsingborg. (A ventilated foundation - a field study at IKEA) (Roland Linder, L.-O. Nilsson & Bengt Jansson) Report SBUF/Skanska Syd AB, Helsingborg 1993. 35. Fuktmätning i betongbjälklag med "självtorkande betong" (Moisture measurements in concrete floors of self-desiccating concrete")(L.-O. Nilsson & Juhan Aavik) Building Materials, P-94:8. 36. Chloride penetration into concrete. State of the Art. HETEK. Danish Road Directorate Report No 53 1996. (L-O Nilsson, E Poulsen, P Sandberg, H E Sörensen, O Klinghoffer). 37. A system for estimation of chloride ingress into concrete. Theoretical background. HETEK. Danish Road Directorate Report No 83 1997. (J.M. Frederiksen, L.-O. Nilsson, P. Sandberg, E. Poulsen, Tang L. & A. Andersen). 38. Chloride penetration into concrete. Proceedings of RILEM International Workshop, October 15-18 1995, St-Remy-les-Chevreuse (Editors: L.-O. Nilsson & J-P Ollivier). RILEM Publications, Cachan 1997. 39. Models for Environmental Actions on Concrete Structures. EU-project BE95-1347: DuraCrete, Probabilistic Performance Based Durability Design of Concrete Structures, Report R3, March 1999 (Anders Lindvall & L.-O. Nilsson) 40. Statistical Quantification of the Variables in the Limit State Functions. EU-project BE95-1347: DuraCrete, Probabilistic Performance Based Durability Design of Concrete Structures, Report R9, January 2000 (Anders Lindvall & L.-O. Nilsson (contributors)) 41. Chloride ingress data from field exposure in a Swedish road environment (Nilsson, L-O, Andersen, A, Tang L & Utgenannt, P). P-00:5, Göteborg 2000 42. Prediction models for chloride ingress and corrosion initiation in concrete structures. Proceedings of a Nordic mini seminar & fib TG 5.5 meeting, Göteborg, May 22-23, 2001. (Editor). Report P-01:6, Building Materials, Göteborg, 460 p. 43. Fuktmätning i betonggolv med golvvärme: etapp I: förstudie (Moisture measurements in heated concrete floors) (in Swedish) P-02:1, division of Building Materials, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg 2002 (Sjöberg, A., Nilsson, L-O & Rapp, T.) 44. Moisture Mechanical Properties of Gypsum Boards – an experimental study in and above the hygroscopic range (in Swedish) P-02:03, Göteborg 2002 REPORTS 2003-2013 Laboratory of Building Materials, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University 44. Fuktpåverkan på material - kritiska nivåer (informationsskrift i serien: Fuktsäkerhet I byggnader) (Moisture Effects on Materials, Critical Moisture Limits (in Swedish) report TVBM-7178, Building Materials, Lund Institute of Technology, June 2004 45. Metodik för analys av innemiljöproblem - förslag till metodik för en trovärdig utredning av innemiljöproblem (Methodology for analysing indoor air problems – a proposal) (A. Sjöberg, T. Hall, L.-O. Nilsson) Report TVBM-7184, 2005 46. Moisture Measurements in Buildings – An Information Report. (in Swedish) TVBM-7188, Building Materials, Lund Institute of Technology, December 2005 (L.-O. Nilsson, Anders Sjöberg, Åse Togerö)
47. Vatteninsugning i betong: laboratorieundersökningar, fältmätningar, beräkningar och modeller (Suction of water into concrete – laboratory studies, field measurements, calculations and models) (P. Johansson, L.-O. Nilsson), report TVBM-3134, 2006 48. ICT for whole life optimization of residential buildings. VTT Tiedotteita – Research Notes, Espoo 2007. (T Häkkinen, S Vares, P Huovila, E Vesikari, J Porkka, L-O Nilsson, Å Togerö, C Jonsson, K Suber, R Andersson, R Larsson, I Nuorkivi) 49. Fuktändringar - en kvalitativ metod att skriva fukthistoria och förutsäga fuktförändringar i oventilerade konstruktionsdelar (Moisture changes – a method to predict moisture changes in non-ventilated structures). Report TVBM-7194, Div. of Building Materials, Lund University, Sweden 2007 50. Vägledning för livslängdsdimensionering av betongkonstruktioner (Guidance for service-life design of concrete structures) (in Swedish) (B Westerberg, LO Nilsson, A Lindvall, K Lundgren) Betongrapport 12, Svenska Betongföreningen, Stockholm 2007 51. Fuktmätning i betonggolv med golvvärme: Etapp II (Moisture Measurements in heated concrete floors. Part II: Impermeable flooring) (In Swedish) report TVBM-3140, Building Materials, Lund Institute of Technology, December 2007 (A Sjöberg & L-O Nilsson) 52. Fuktmätning i betonggolv med golvvärme: Etapp III: Limmade trägolv (Moisture Measurements in heated concrete floors. Part III: Glued wooden floors) (In Swedish) report TVBM-3141, Building Materials, Lund Institute of Technology, October 2007 (A Sjöberg & L-O Nilsson) 53. Uttorkningstider för avjämningsmassor från TM progress: inverkan av tjocklek och torkklimat (drying times for self-levelling compounds from TM Progress – effect of thickness and drying climate) report TVBM-7192, 2007, Div. of Building Materials, Lund University, Sweden 54. Fick's 2nd law - Complete solutions for chloride ingress into concrete – with focus on time dependent diffusivity and boundary condition, Frederiksen, J.M., Mejlbro, L. & Nilsson, L.-O. Report TVBM-3146, Div. of Building Materials, Lund University, Sweden 2008. 55. Kunskapsläge och råd kring fuktsäker projektering och tillämpning av fuktkrav i BBR för träkonstruktioner : Lägesrapport 2009, Woodbuild E1 (Knowledge and advice on moisture safe design and application of moisture requirements in BBR. Status report 2009, WoodBuild E1) L.-O. Nilsson (editor), report TVBM3151, 2009 56. Förändringsprocesser i reaktorinneslutningar : betongväggarnas klimatförhållanden och uttorkning (Deterioration processes in reactor containments: climatic conditions and drying of concrete walls) (L.-O. Nilsson, P. Johansson) Report 09:100, Elforsk AB (Svenska elföretagens forsknings- och utvecklingsaktiebolag), 2009. 57. Ingjuten sensor för mätning av uttorkningsförlopp : beräkning av inverkan av sensorns dimension och orientering - Sensobyg - delprojekt D4 (Embedded sensor for measuring drying – calculation of the effect of size and orientation) (L.-O. Nilsson & P. Fredlund), report TVBM-7198, 2009 58. Fuktegenskaper hos lättballastbetonger från Expan A/S : beräkningar och mätningar : Sensobyg – delprojekt D4 (Moisture properties of light-weight aggregate concretes from Expan A/S – calculations and measurements) Report TVBM-7199, 2009 59. CO₂-cycle in cement and concrete: Part 7: Models for CO₂-absorption. Status, January 2009 (L.-O. Nilsson, K. Fridh), report TVBM-7200, 2009 60. CO₂-cycle in cement and concrete: Part 1: Examination of a previous NIC-project - Part 2: Further literature study on mechanisms/models (L.-O. Nilsson, K. Fridh), report TVBM-7201, 2009 61. Uttorkningstider och kritiska fukttillstånd: kemisk fuktbindning och alkalitransport (Drying and critical moisture conditions: chemical binding of water and alkali transport) (M. Åhs & L.-O. Nilsson), report TVBM-7203, 2010 62. Täckskiktskrav i exponeringsklasserna XC3 och XC4 för betong med låga vattencementtal (Required cover in exposure classes XC3 and XC4 for concrete with low water-binder-ratios), report TVBM-7205, Building Materials LTH, Lund University, 2010 63. Fortsatt uttorkning av byggfukt i betongkonstruktioner : system för beslutsstöd - Sensobyg delprojekt D4 (Continued drying of excess moisture in concrete structures: a support system for decisions), report TVBM-7206, Building Materials LTH, Lund University, 2010. 64. Korrosion på stål i betong i kylvattenvägar. Delrapport 2-Relativa fuktighetens inverkan på kloridinitierad armeringskorrosion (Corrosion of steel in concrete in cooling water walls. Report part 2-Effects of the relative humidity on chlorine-initiated corrosion of the reinforcing steel). (B. Sandberg, J. Ahlström, B. Sederholm, L.-O. Nilsson, S. Lindmark) Elforsk rapport 2010 65. CO₂-cycle in cement and concrete: Part 7: Models for CO2-absorption. A new model for CO2absorption of concrete structures, report TVBM-3158, Building Materials LTH, Lund University, 2011.
66. Analys av möjligheter och begränsningar inom området att förutsäga torktid för betong. Fas1–förståelse av process och tillgängliga hjälpmedel. (Analysis of the possibilities and limitations iwthin the topic of predicting drying time for concrete) SBUF project 12543, Moistenginst AB report 1210, May 2012. 67. A comparison between different methods to determine moisture transport properties of cementitious materials. Report TVBM-3168, Building Materials LTH, Lund University, 2013