cient for a system designer, because if there is a counterexample, he/she needs ... As a better solution4 to Problem 1,
Compositional Synthesis of Concurrent Systems through Causal Model Checking and Learning Shang-Wei Lin1 and Pao-Ann Hsiung2 1
Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore? 2 National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
Abstract. Formal verification such as model checking can be used to verify whether a system model satisfies a given specification. However, if model checking shows that the system model violates the specification, the designer has to manually refine the system model. To automate this refinement process, we propose a learning-based synthesis framework that can automatically eliminate all counterexamples from a system model based on causality semantics such that the synthesized model satisfies a given safety specification. Further, the framework for synthesis is not only automatic, but is also an iterative compositional process based on the L∗ algorithm, i.e., the global state space of the system is never generated in the synthesis process. We also prove the correctness and termination of the synthesis framework.
Communicating concurrent systems can be formally verified by model checking [6,20]. If a system model violates a given specification, a model checker gives a counterexample. However, in a real-world situation, mere verification is insufficient for a system designer, because if there is a counterexample, he/she needs to manually rectify the system model and then verify it again. This manual and tedious process is repeated until the system model satisfies all specifications. In contrast to verification, the classical synthesis problem [19] asks “if a user-given specification is satisfiable, can we construct a model that satisfies the specification?” The solution to this problem is a model that is synthesized purely from the given specification. However, this synthesized model may not reflect the actual characteristics of a system under construction by a designer, that is, the synthesized model is only a model satisfying the specification ϕ, but it may be irrelevant to the characteristics required by the designer. To bridge the gap between verification and synthesis, a counterexample given by a model checker can be used to guide the synthesis of the model because the counterexample shows how the model violates the specification. If the model is synthesized by eliminating all counterexamples from the original one, then the synthesized model not only satisfies the specification, but also reflects the characteristics required by the designer. This gives rise to a synthesis problem. ?
This work is supported by the TRF project R394-000-063-23 and the seed project R394-000-068-232 in Temasek Laboratories at National University of Singapore.
Problem 1. Assume-Guarantee Synthesis. Given a system model consisting of n components M = {M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn } and a safety specification ϕ, if M 6|= ϕ, the problem is to synthesize M into M 0 = {M10 , M20 , . . . , Mn0 } such that M 0 |= ϕ, where Mi0 = Mi or Mi0 is a synthesized version of Mi for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}. t u A previous work [14], Counterexample-guided Assume Guarantee Synthesis (CAGS), tried to solve Problem 1 by synthesizing components individually. The synthesis process of CAGS is done by eliminating from component models the counterexamples given by model checking. When a counterexample π is given, CAGS selects a component model as the synthesis target and eliminates from the target a class3 of counterexamples equivalent to π. However, this synthesis philosophy is too conservative (but sound) so that some good behavior which does not violate the specification might also be eliminated (c.f. Section 3 for an example) because counterexamples classified in a class might not be just related to one single component. Thus, causality semantics is necessary for compositional synthesis, i.e., to synthesize component models individually. As a better solution4 to Problem 1, we propose a compositional synthesis framework based on causality semantics. The proposed Improved Counterexampleguided Assume-Guarantee Synthesis (i CAGS) framework is an automatic and iterative process. In i CAGS, we give causality semantics to component models such that we can investigate the responsibility for counterexamples. While verifying a system model with n components against a specification ϕ, whenever a counterexample is given, we determine the components which should be responsible for the counterexample by the causality semantics and then eliminate the class of counterexamples from those components. Subsequently, the system model is verified again. If the specification is still violated due to another class of counterexamples, the elimination process is repeated in another iteration. The iterative procedure continues until all classes of counterexamples are eliminated from the original model. Note that the eliminating process is compositional, i.e., each component is synthesized individually, and the global state space is never generated. We also prove the correctness and termination of the proposed i CAGS framework. The contributions of this work include the followings. 1. To clarify the responsibility for counterexamples among the components, a new causal model checking (CMC) problem is proposed, which is necessary for compositional synthesis. To address the CMC problem, two novel monolithic and compositional CMC algorithms are proposed. 2. A novel compositional learning-based formal synthesis method is proposed for automatically refining models to satisfy user-given specifications. The rest of this article is organized as follows. Basic preliminaries are given in Section 2. The CMC problem and its algorithms are described in Section 3. 3
In [14], two counterexamples are defined to be equivalent if they reach the error state through the same transition, and they are classified in the same class. By a “better” solution, we mean that behavior which does not violate the specification is kept in the synthesized model as much as possible.
!send 1
b input
(c) Mϕ (d) Mϕ
Fig. 1. The I/O System
The proposed i CAGS framework is introduced in Section 4. The experimental results of applying i CAGS are given in Section 5. Section 6 describes previous related works. The conclusion and future work are given in Section 7.
A communicating finite automaton (CFA) is a 5-tuple (S, I, {!, ?, λ} · Σ, T, F ), where S is a finite set of states, I ⊆ S is the set of initial states, Σ is a finite alphabet of actions, T ⊆ S × ({!, ?, λ} · Σ) × S is the transition relation, and q·α F ⊆ S is a set of accepting states. For convenience, we write s −−→ s0 instead 0 0 of (s, q · α, s ) ∈ T for s, s ∈ S, q ∈ {!, ?, λ} and α ∈ Σ. A CFA is deterministic q·α if |I| ≤ 1 and |P ost(s, α)| ≤ 1 where P ost(s, α) = {s0 ∈ S | s −−→ s0 }. In this work, we focus on communicating deterministic finite automaton (CDFA). An action on a transition is classified as active, denoted by (! · α) for α ∈ Σ, if it represents sending a signal; passive, denoted by (? · α), if it represents receiving a signal; otherwise it is called a normal action, denoted by (λ · α). Signals are basic communication primitives. Figs. 1 (a) and (b) show an I/O system modeled by two CDFAs. The INPUT component may either perform an input action or notify the OUTPUT component by a send action and wait for the acknowledgement from OUTPUT. After the notification, OUTPUT may either perform an output action or acknowledge INPUT by an act action. The projection of a string σ over an alphabet Σ, denoted by σΣ , is obtained by removing from σ all the characters that are not in Σ. A string σ = α1 · α2 · . . . · αn is accepted by a CFA M = (S, I, {!, ?, λ} · Σ, T, F ) if for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}, qi ·αi s0 ∈ I, sn ∈ F , and si−1 −→ si where si ∈ S and qi ∈ {!, ?, λ}. The language accepted by M , denoted by L(M ), is the set of all traces accepted by M . Given two CDFAs Mi = (Si , Ii , {!, ?, λ} · Σi , Ti , Fi ) for i ∈ {1, 2}, the parallel composition of M1 and M2 is the CDFA M1 k M2 = (S1 × S2 , I1 × I2 , {!, ?, λ} · (Σ1 ∪ Σ2 ), T, F1 × F2 ) and T is defined as follows where s1 , s01 ∈ S1 , s2 , s02 ∈ S2 : (q1 q2 )·α q1 ·α q2 ·α (s1 , s2 ) −−−−−−→ (s01 , s02 ) if s1 −→ s01 and s2 −→ s02 where q1 , q2 ∈ {!, ?, λ} q·α q·α (s1 , s2 ) −−→ (s01 , s2 ) if s1 −→ s01 and α ∈ / Σ2 where q ∈ {!, ?, λ} q·α q·α 0 0 (s1 , s2 ) −−→ (s1 , s2 ) if s2 −→ s2 and α ∈ / Σ1 where q ∈ {!, ?, λ}
The operation over {!, ?, λ} is defined as follows: (! !) = (! ?) = (? !) = (! λ) = (λ !) =!, (? ?) = (? λ) = (λ ?) =?, and (λ λ) = λ. The proposed i CAGS framework uses automata theory for model checking, i.e., both system models and specifications are represented by automata. Given a system modeled by a CDFA M and a specification ϕ represented by a DFA Mϕ , the model M satisfies the specification ϕ, denoted by M |= ϕ, if L(M k Mϕ ) = ∅ where Mϕ is the DFA representing the negation of the specification ϕ. We call Mϕ an error DFA. Let τ be a special error state. An error DFA Mϕ has τ as its only one accepting state, and there is no outgoing transitions from τ . Fig. 1 (c) shows a specification ϕ requiring that the first action should be input, and the input and output actions should alternate. The error DFA Mϕ corresponding to ϕ is shown in Fig. 1 (d). Note that when a CDFA is parallel composed with a DFA, actions of the CDFA are all viewed as normal, and the composition is equivalent to the regular parallel composition of DFA. Given a system with n components modeled by M = {M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn }, where Mi = (Si , Ii , {!, ?, λ} · Σi , Ti , Fi ) is a CDFA for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}, we say M is a well-defined communicating system if the followings hold: (1) for each (s1 , ! · α, s2 ) ∈ Ti , there exists (s01 , ? · α, s02 ) ∈ Tj for some j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} \ {i}, and (2) for each (s1 , ?·α, s2 ) ∈ Ti , there exists one and only one (s01 , !·α, s02 ) ∈ Tj for some j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} \ {i}, and (3) if (s1 , q · α, s2 ) ∈ Ti , there does not exist (s01 , q 0 · α, s02 ) ∈ Ti such that q 0 ∈ {!, ?, λ} \ {q}. The I/O system shown in Fig. 1 is a well-defined communicating system. Given a well-defined communicating system modeled by n CDFAs, the causality semantics of CDFAs is defined as follows where k, j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and j 6= k: – If Mk performs an initial transition with a normal action, then Mk has responsibility for the normal action. – If a normal action of Mj is performed after a passive action synchronized with an active action of Mk , then Mk has responsibility for the normal action. – If Mk performs a normal action a and then performs a normal action b, then Mk itself has responsibility for the normal action b. M
A causal function ΓM ϕ corresponding to the causality semantics is given in Algorithm 1. Given a counterexample π = π1 · π2 · . . . · π|π| against a safety M specification ϕ, ΓM ϕ focuses on figuring out which component actively causes the last action π|π| to be performed because as soon as π|π| is taken, the safety specification ϕ is violated. If we focus on πi for i < |π| instead of the last action π|π| , we may eliminate too much behavior because when πi is performed, the safety specification ϕ is not yet violated. Note that a well-defined communicating system guarantees that we can determine a unique component causing the counterexample π under the predefined causality semantics because a passive action has one and only one corresponding active action (this is why Algorithm 1 need not consider passive actions). The proposed learning-based compositional synthesis framework is inspired by the L∗ algorithm, which we recall in the followings. The L∗ algorithm [2] is a formal method to learn a minimal DFA (with the minimal number of locations)
Algorithm 1: Causal Function ΓM ϕ input : M = {M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn }, π = π1 · π2 · . . . · π|π| is a counterexample output: Mk causing the counterexample π, 1 ≤ k ≤ n 1 2 3 4 5 6
for k = 1 to n do if π|π| is an active action of Mk then return Mk ; else if π|π| is a normal action of Mk then for j = 1 to n do if π|π|−1 is an active action of Mj then return Mj ; if π|π|−1 is a normal action then return Mk ;
Algorithm 2: L∗ Algorithm input : Σ: alphabet output: a DFA accepting the unknown language U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Let S = E = {λ} ; Update T by Qm (λ) and Qm (λ · α), for all α ∈ Σ ; while true do while there exists (s · α) such that (s · α) 6≡ s0 for all s0 ∈ S do S ←− S ∪ {s · α} ; Update T by Qm ((s · α) · β), for all β ∈ Σ ; Construct candidate DFA M from (S, E, T ) ; if Qc (M ) = 1 then return M ; else σce ←− the counterexample given by Teacher ; E ←− E ∪ {v} where v = W S(σce ) ; Update T by Qm (s · v) and Qm (s · α · v), for all s ∈ S and α ∈ Σ ;
that accepts an unknown regular language U over an alphabet Σ. During the learning process, L∗ interacts with a Minimal Adequate Teacher (Teacher for short) to ask membership and candidate queries. A membership query for a string σ is a function Qm such that if σ ∈ U , then Qm (σ) = 1; otherwise, Qm (σ) = 0. A candidate query for a DFA M is a function Qc such that if L(M ) = U , then Qc (M ) = 1; otherwise, Qc (M ) = 0. The results of membership queries are stored in an observation table (S, E, T ) where S ⊆ Σ ∗ is a set of prefixes, E ⊆ Σ ∗ is a set of suffixes, and T : (S ∪ S · Σ) × E 7→ {0, 1} is a mapping function such that if s · e ∈ U , then T (s, e) = 1; otherwise, i.e., s · e ∈ / U , then T (s, e) = 0, where s ∈ (S ∪ S · Σ) and e ∈ E. The L∗ algorithm categorizes strings based on Myhill-Nerode Congruence [10]. Definition 1. Myhill-Nerode Congruence. For any two strings σ, σ 0 ∈ Σ ∗ , we say they are equivalent, denoted by σ ≡ σ 0 , if σ · ρ ∈ U ⇔ σ 0 · ρ ∈ U , for all ρ ∈ Σ ∗ . Under the equivalence relation, we can say σ and σ 0 are the representing strings of each other, denoted by σ = [σ 0 ]r and σ 0 = [σ]r . t u
L∗ will always keep the observation table closed and consistent. An observation table is closed if for all s ∈ S and α ∈ Σ, there always exists s0 ∈ S such that s · α ≡ s0 . An observation table is consistent if for every two elements s, s0 ∈ S such that s ≡ s0 , then (s · α) ≡ (s0 · α) for all α ∈ Σ. Once the table (S, E, T ) is closed and consistent, the L∗ algorithm constructs a corresponding 0 0 candidate DFA C = (ΣC , LC , lC , δC , LfC ) such that ΣC = Σ, LC = S, lC = {λ}, f δC (s, α) = [s · α]r for s ∈ S and α ∈ Σ, and LC = {s ∈ S | T (s, λ) = 1}. Subsequently, L∗ makes a candidate query for C. If L(C) 6= U , Teacher gives a counterexample σce where σce is positive if σce ∈ L(U ) \ L(C); negative if σce ∈ L(C)\L(U ). L∗ analyzes the counterexample σce to find the witness suffix. A witness suffix is a string that when appended to two strings provides enough evidence for the two strings to be classified into two different equivalence classes under the Myhill-Nerode Congruence. Given an observation table (S, E, T ) and a counterexample σce , we define an i-decomposition query of σce , denoted by Qim (σce ), as follows: Qim (σce ) = Qm ([ui ]r · vi ) where σce = ui · vi with |ui | = i, and [ui ]r is the representing string of ui in S. The witness suffix of σce , denoted by W S(σce ), is the suffix vi of σce such that Qim (σce ) 6= Q0m (σce ). Once the witness suffix W S(σce ) is obtained, L∗ uses it to refine the candidate C until L(C) = L(U ). The pseudo-code of the L∗ algorithm is given in Algorithm 2. More details and running examples of the L∗ algorithm can be found in [14]. Assume Σ is the alphabet of the unknown regular language U and the number of locations of the minimal DFA is n. The L∗ algorithm needs n − 1 candidate queries and O(|Σ|n2 + n log m) membership queries to learn the minimal DFA, where m is the length of the longest counterexample returned by Teacher.
Causal Model Checking
To individually synthesize each component, it is necessary to know what counterexamples should be eliminated from which component. Let us recall the I/O system in Fig. 1. Two counterexamples π1 = input · input and π2 = input · send · ack · input can be classified into a class because they reach the error state through the same transition [14], i.e., two consecutive input actions are performed without any output action in between. However, based on causality semantics of CDFAs, π1 should be eliminated from INPUT, while π2 from OUTPUT. A previous work, the CAGS framework [14], eliminates a whole class of counterexamples from a single component so that non-erroneous behavior might be also eliminated. Fig. 2 (a) shows the synthesized INPUT component by CAGS, where π1 and π2 are both eliminated from INPUT. However, after the synthesis of INPUT by CAGS, there still exist other counterexamples π3 = input · send · output · output and π4 = send · output, which can be classified into a class as well because they reach the error state through the same transition, i.e., two consecutive output actions without any input action in between, or no input actions before an output action. Based on causality semantics of CDFAs, π3 should be eliminated from OUTPUT, while π4 from INPUT. Fig. 2 (b) shows the synthesized OUTPUT component by CAGS, where π3 and π4 are
?ack 9
!send 2
?send 3
Fig. 2. Synthesized Components by CAGS [14]
both eliminated from OUTPUT. We can observe that a good system behavior (input · send · output · ack)∗ which satisfies the specification ϕ is missing in the synthesis result by CAGS. To overcome this situation, we define a new causal model checking (CMC) problem. Definition 2. CMC Problem. Given a system modeled by n CDFAs M = {M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn }, an error DFA Mϕ with respect to a specification ϕ, and the M causal function ΓM ϕ , we say M causally satisfies ϕ with respect to Mi for 1 ≤ M i ≤ n under ΓM ϕ , denoted by (M, Mi ) |=Γ Mϕ ϕ, if either of the followings holds: M
(1) M |= ϕ, or (2) M 6|= ϕ and ΓM ϕ (π) 6= Mi for all π ∈ L(M k Mϕ )
t u
Intuitively, given an component model Mi , if there exist counterexamples but all the counterexamples are not caused by Mi , we say (M, Mi ) |= Mϕ ϕ. ΓM
To solve the causal model checking problem, we propose a monolithic CMC M algorithm5 with respect to the causal function ΓM ϕ , and the pseudo code is given in Algorithm 3. The detailed descriptions of the algorithm are as follows. – Check if M1 k M2 k · · · k Mn satisfies ϕ. This can be done by checking the language emptiness of MG = M1 k M2 k · · · k Mn k Mϕ . If L(MG ) = ∅, i.e., M |= ϕ, then (M, Mk ) |=Γ Mϕ ϕ. (line 3) M
– If M 6|= ϕ, check if there exists a counterexample π ∈ L(MG ) such that M ΓM ϕ (π) = Mk . A backward search from the accepting states of MG is performed. The backward search is to collect the dangerous states of Mk . A state is called dangerous to Mk if it can reach the accepting states of MG M through a path σ2 such that ΓM ϕ (σ2 ) = Mk . We call such path σ2 an errorleading path. The dangerous states for Mk is collected in the set Sc , and each error-leading path with respect to a dangerous state sd ∈ Sc is included into the set sd .path. (lines 5 – 11) – If Sc = ∅, then (M, Mk ) |=Γ Mϕ ϕ. (line 12) M
– If Sc 6= ∅, then we can construct a counterexample π = σ1 · σ2 such that M ΓM ϕ (π) = Mk where σ1 is a path from the initial state r ∈ IG to a dangerous state s ∈ Sc and σ2 ∈ s.path is an error-leading path with respect to the dangerous state s. Thus we can conclude (M, Mk ) 6|=Γ Mϕ ϕ. (lines 14–16) M
Note that the CMC problem is general to causal functions. One can define another causal function and develop its corresponding CMC algorithm. The proposed causal function (as well as Algorithm 3) is one of the possible solutions.
Algorithm 3: CMC(M, Mk , ΓM ϕ , Mϕ ) input : M = {M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn }, Mk : target model, M ΓM ϕ : causal function, Mϕ : error DFA output: (0/1, a counterexample π) 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Sc ←− ∅ ; MG ←− M1 k M2 k · · · k Mn k Mϕ ; //MG = (SG , IG , ΣG , TG , FG ) if L(MG ) = ∅ then return (1, λ) ; else α1 α2 f where σ1 , σ2 ∈ SG , f ∈ FG , and α1 , α2 ∈ ΣG s1 −→ foreach σ : s2 −→ do M if ΓM ϕ (α1 ) = Mk then s1 .path ←− s1 .path ∪ {α1 } ; Sc ←− Sc ∪ {s1 } ; M
if ΓM ϕ (α2 · α1 ) = Mk then s2 .path ←− s2 .path ∪ {α2 · α1 } ; Sc ←− Sc ∪ {s2 } ; if Sc = ∅ then return (1, λ) ; else Let σ1 : r −→ · · · −→ s be a path such that r ∈ IG and s ∈ Sc ; Let σ2 ∈ s.path be a path such that σ2 : s −→ · · · −→ f where f ∈ FG ; return (0, σ1 · σ2 ) ;
Let us recall the I/O system shown in Fig. 1. The global state space MG = INPUT k OUTOUT k Mϕ is given in Fig. 3 (a). The result of checking whether (M, INPUT) |=Γ Mϕ ϕ is shown in Fig. 3 (b), where the dangerous state for M
INPUT is state 1Aa and the error-leading paths with respect to state 1Aa are input · input and send · output. Any system behavior, starting from the initial state to state 1Aa, concatenated by input · input or send · output, is a counterexample witnessing (M, INPUT) 6|= Mϕ ϕ; note that π2 = input · send · ack · input ΓM
is not one of them. In Fig. 3 (c), the dangerous state for OUTPUT is state 2Bb and the error-leading paths with respect to state 2Bb are ack · input and output·output. Any system behavior, starting from the initial state to state 2Bb, concatenated by ack · input or output · output, is a counterexample witnessing (M, OUTPUT) 6|=Γ Mϕ ϕ. M
Theorem 1 proves the correctness of the proposed monolithic CMC algorithm M with respect to the causal function ΓM ϕ , and the proof can be found in [1]. M
Theorem 1. The CMC algorithm w.r.t. the causal function ΓM ϕ is correct. Like classical model checking, causal model checking (CMC) also suffers from the state explosion problem. To alleviate the problem, we propose a compositional CMC algorithm. Given a system modeled by two CDFAs M1 and M2 , an
s 2Bτ
s 2Ba
s 2Bb
(a) Global State Space MG
(b) CMC for INPUT
1Ab a
s 2Bb
s 2Ba
s 2Ba
Fig. 3. Monolithic CMC for the I/O System (i : input, s : send, o : output, a : ack)
(M1 k A, M1 ) |= M2 |= (M1 k M2 , M1 ) |=
(M1 k A, M1 ) |=
A ϕ
M \ {M1 } |= (M, M1 ) |=
A ϕ
MG1 k A0 |= A MG2 |= A0 MG1 k MG2 |= A
(b) Generalized CMC-NC proof rule
(a) CMC-NC proof rule
Fig. 4. CMC Proof Rules
error DFA Mϕ with respect to a specification ϕ, and a causal function ΓM ϕ , we propose a framework for compositional causal model checking using the L∗ algorithm based on the non-circular (CMC-NC) proof rule as formulated in Fig. 4 (a). The alphabet of the assumption A is ΣA = ((Σ1 ∪ Σϕ ) ∩ Σ2 ) ∪ Σc , where ?·α
Σc = {α | s1 −→ s2 −→ s3 where s1 , s2 , s3 ∈ Si , β ∈ Σϕ ∩ Σi , i ∈ {1, 2}}. Fig. 5 shows the overall flow of the compositional CMC algorithm based on the CMC-NC proof rule. The flow consists of two phases corresponding to the two premises of the CMC-NC rule, respectively. The answers to membership queries and candidate queries required by the L∗ algorithm are provided by the monolithic CMC algorithm. The flow continues until the CMC problem has been proved or disproved with a counterexample. Theorem 2 proves the soundness and completeness of the CMC-NC proof rule. The proof can be found in [1]. Theorem 2. CMC-NC proof rule is sound and complete. If the system consists of more than two components, we cannot directly partition the components into two groups to fit the CMC-NC proof rule because
Negative counterexample π No ∗
(M1 k A, M1 ) |=
Mϕ Γ M
No, π
π ∈ L(M2 )?
Yes satisfy
M2 |= A?
No, π
Positive counterexample π
π ∈ L(M1 k Mϕ ) ∧
M ΓM ϕ (π)
= M1 ?
Fig. 5. Flow of Compositional Causal Model Checking based on CMC-NC Proof Rule
Synthesis Phase
i=i+1 i=0
ΓM ϕ (π) = Mk , 1 ≤ k ≤ n
No, π
Synthesize Mk
Verification Phase
|= ϕ?
π1 No
No π2
C (i−1)
L(C k Mk
Synthesis Finished
) = ∅?
CMC Problem 1
Yes CMC Problem 2 No
No π3
L(G k C k Mϕ ) = ∅?
G = M (i−1) \ {Mk
Fig. 6. The Overall Flow of the iCAGS Framework
the CMC problem is with respect to a single component. Given a system modeled by n components M = {M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn } where n ≥ 3, the way of partitioning the component for the CMC problem with respect to M1 is formulated by the generalized CMC-NC (G-CMC-NC) proof rule, as formulated in Fig. 4 (b), where MG1 ∪MG2 = M \{M1 } and MG1 ∩MG2 = ∅. The left part of G-CMC-NC obeys the CMC-NC proof rule, where the M2 of the CMC-NC proof rule is replaced by M \{M1 }. Checking M \{M1 } |= A can be further considered as a compositional model checking problem based on the AG-NC proof rule [8], as formulated in the right part of the G-CMC-NC proof rule.
Compositional Synthesis Framework
To eliminate a counterexample from a system, Lemma 1 shows that it is sufficient to eliminate the counterexample from a single component because if a trace σ does not belong to M1 or M2 , then it does not belong to M1 k M2 . Lemma 1. Given two CFAs Mi = (Si , Ii , {!, ?, λ} · Σi , T1 , F1 ) for i ∈ {1, 2}, if a trace σ ∈ L(M1 k M2 ), then σΣ1 ∈ L(M1 ) and σΣ2 ∈ L(M2 ). Further, with the CMC problem solved, we know what counterexamples should be eliminated from which component. The remaining problem is to automatically synthesize each component individually. The overall flow of the i CAGS framework is shown in Fig. 6. Each iteration in i CAGS consists of two phases, the (i) (i) (i) details of which are described as follows, where M (i) = {M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn } is the set of resulting component models after the ith iteration of synthesis. Verification Phase Given M (i) and an specification ϕ, assume-guarantee reasoning (AGR) is performed to check whether M (i) |= ϕ holds. If yes, the synthesis is finished. If not, a counterexample is provided for Synthesis Phase.
Synthesis Phase The L∗ algorithm [2] is used to synthesize models in this phase. Given the counterexample π from Verification Phase, this phase first determines which component model Mk causes the counterexample π by the M M causal function ΓM ϕ , i.e., ΓM ϕ (π) = Mk . The target component model to be (i) (i) (i−1) learned in this iteration is Mk such that L(Mk ) = L(Mk ) \ L(Dk ), where M L(Dk ) = {σΣk | ∀σ ∈ L(M k Mϕ ) ΓM ϕ (σ) = Mk }. The difference between (i) (i−1) Mk and Mk is illustrated in Fig. 7. The membership and candidate queries needed by L∗ can be answered by causal model checking. The answer to the (i−1) membership query for a trace σ is “yes” only if σ ∈ L(Mk ) and either of the followings holds: (1) σ is not a counterexample, or (2) σ is a counterexample but σ is not caused by component Mk , which can be checked by a CMC problem of (i−1) }. In a (G ∪ {Mσ }, Mσ ) |=Γ Mϕ ϕ where L(Mσ ) = {σ} and G = M (i−1) \ {Mk M
candidate query for a candidate C, there could be four cases where the answer is “no”, as described as follows: 1. The first case is illustrated as the candidate C1 in Fig. 7, where a negative (i−1) counterexample π1 6∈ L(Mk ) has to be eliminated from L(C1 ); this can (i−1)
be checked by the emptiness problem of L(C1 k Mk ). 2. The second case is illustrated as the candidate C2 in Fig. 7, where a negative counterexample π2 has to be eliminated from L(C2 ) because π2 violates the specification ϕ when interacting with other components and π2 is caused by Mk ; this can be checked by the CMC problem of (G ∪ {C2 }, C2 ) |= Mϕ ϕ, ΓM
which is the CMC Problem 1 checked in Fig. 6. 3. The third case is depicted as the candidate C3 in Fig. 7, where a positive counterexample π3 has to be included into L(C3 ) because π3 does not violate (i−1) ϕ when interacting with other components and π3 ∈ L(Mk ); this can be checked by the emptiness problem of L(G k C3 k Mϕ ). 4. The last case is depicted as the candidate C4 in the right hand side of Fig. 7, where a positive counterexample π4 has to be included into L(C4 ) since π4 is not caused by Mk even though π4 violates the specification; this can be (i−1) checked by causal model checking problems of (G ∪ {C4 }, Mj ) |= Mϕ ϕ ΓM
for all j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} \ {k}, which are the CMC Problem 2 checked in Fig. 6. Any counterexample in one of the above CMC problems is a positive one for the L∗ algorithm to refine the candidate C. (i)
After successfully synthesizing Mk , this iteration is finished and we go to the next iteration starting from the Verification Phase. Let us recall the I/O system in Fig. 1, and Fig. 8 shows the synthesized models by the proposed i CAGS framework. With the help of causality semantics, the counterexample π1 = input· input is eliminated from INPUT, while π2 = input·send·ack ·input is eliminated from OUTPUT (by removing send · ack). Similarly, the counterexample π3 = input·send·output·output is eliminated from OUTPUT, while π4 = send·output is eliminated from INPUT (by removing send · ack). Thus, the good system behavior (input · send · output · ack)∗ is preserved in the system.
∀π ∈ L(Dk ), ΓM ϕ (π) = Mk
L(C2 ) π2 L(Dk ) π1 L(C1 )
L(G k Mϕ )
L(DG )
L(C4 )
L(C3 )
L(Mk )
∀π ∈ L(DG ), ΓM ϕ (π) 6= Mk (i)
Fig. 7. The Relation between Mk input 0
?ack (a) INPUT
and Mk
in the iCAGS Framework 0
output 1
!ack (b) OUTPUT
Fig. 8. Synthesized INPUT and OUTPUT by the iCAGS Framework
Correctness and Termination . Theorem 3 proves that L(Mk ) is regular, which guarantees the termination of each synthesis iteration because L∗ learns a DFA accepting an regular language in finite queries [2]. Theorems 4 and 5 prove the correctness and termination of i CAGS, and the proof of Theorem 5 also shows that the final synthesized components by i CAGS are identical no matter what orders of components are selected in the synthesis iterations of i CAGS. The proofs can be found in [1]. (i)
Theorem 3. L(Mk ) is regular. Theorem 4. Suppose Mk is selected to be synthesized in the ith iteration of the iCAGS flow for some k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}. After the ith iteration, we can conclude f (i) (i) (i−1) (Mk k W (i−1) , Mk ) |= Mϕ ϕ where W (i−1) = j∈{1,2,...,n}\{k} Mj . ΓM
Theorem 5. The synthesized model M 0 = {M10 , M20 , . . . , Mn0 } satisfies the specification ϕ and iCAGS terminates in n iterations. Complexity Analysis The complexity of the proposed i CAGS framework is analyzed as follows. Suppose the system consists of n components M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn and Σ = {ΣMi | max1≤i≤n |ΣMi |} where ΣMi is the alphabet of Mi . If the number of the states of the DFA synthesized in each iteration is p, the synthesis flow needs n(p − 1) candidate queries, (n + 1) times of verification, and O(|Σ|np2 + np log m) membership queries, where m is the length of the longest counterexample provided by the model checker. The dominating procedures in i CAGS are verification, membership and candidate queries, all of which require model checking whose complexity is O((|S| + |T |) ∗ (|Sϕ | + |Tϕ |)) where |S|
Table 1. System Models, Specifications, and Causal Model Checking Results n FMS-1 FMS-2 FMS-3 AIP
5 9 10 10
Global CDFA Monolithic CMC #S #T #P #P #MVS #MVT Time (6|=) 96 324 3 2 288 648 1 (sec) 5, 852 29, 508 6 4 17, 556 70, 720 1 (hr) 15, 752 89, 140 6 5 47, 256 209, 784 15 (hrs) 52, 325 258, 591 10 6 > 156, 975 > 621, 832 > 203 (hrs)
Compositional CMC #CVS #CVT Time 231 756 3 2, 870 18, 629 22 2, 870 18, 629 70 6, 900 22, 022 329
(secs) (secs) (secs) (secs)
n: # of components; #S (#T): # of states (transitions) in the global CDFA; #P: # of specifications; #P(6|=): # of violated specifications; #MVS (#MVT): maximum # of states (transitions) checked in monolithic CMC; #CVS (#CVT): maximum # of states (transitions) checked in compositional CMC
Table 2. iCAGS Synthesis Results Monolithic #M 0 #V #MQ #CQ #MVS #MVT Time FMS-1 3 6 880 17 980 2, 440 14 (secs) FMS-2 6 12 1, 760 34 101, 888 390, 268 74 (hrs) FMS-3 7 13 2, 144 42 > 282, 304 > 1, 292, 354 > 694 (hrs) AIP 6 18 4, 616 54 > 595, 300 > 2, 484, 228 > 784 (hrs)
Compositional #CVS #CVT Time 332 684 11 (secs) 6, 316 23, 116 8 (mins) 6, 316 23, 116 10 (mins) 10, 498 42, 403 36 (mins)
#M 0 : # of synthesized components; #V: # of verification iterations in the synthesis process; #MQ: # of membership queries; #CQ: # of candidate queries; #MVS (#MVT): maximum # of states (transitions) checked in monolithic CMC; #CVS (#CVT): maximum # of states (transitions) checked in compositional CMC
and |T | are the number of states and transitions in the global state space, and |Sϕ | and |Tϕ | are the number of states and transitions of the error DFA Mϕ . Thus the overall complexity of i CAGS to synthesize models for a specification is O(|Σ|np2 ∗ (|S| + |T |) ∗ (|Sϕ | + |Tϕ |)).
Application Examples and Experimental Results
To demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the proposed i CAGS framework, two realistic applications were modeled and synthesized. – FMS. A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) [21] produces blocks with a cylindrical painted pin from raw blocks and raw pegs. It consists of ten devices, namely two conveyors, a mill, a lathe, a painting device, four robots, and an assembly machine. The devices are connected through six buffers, and the capacity of each buffer is one part. We modeled the FMS system in a constructive way such that three versions of models are obtained: FMS-1 (the simplest one), FMS-2 (the medium one), and FMS-3 (the most complex one). We found that FMS has buffer overflow and underflow problems. – AIP. A large manufacturing system, AIP [3,11], produces two products from two types of materials. It consists of ten components, namely an I/O station, three transport units, two assembly stations, three external loops, and a central loop. We modeled seven most important components and found that AIP has out-of-order manufacturing problems and buffer-overflow problems. The proposed i CAGS framework was used to automatically synthesize the above systems such that the errors were all eliminated from the models. All the
models, verified specifications, and synthesized components can be found in [1]. For compositional causal model checking, the CMC-NC proof rule was used in i CAGS. The information of the system models and the causal model checking results for the two systems are shown in Table 1. The experiment results were obtained on a Linux machine with a 2.4 GHz Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad Q6600 processor and 2 GB RAM. Note that the number of states and transitions in the global state space were given only for showing the size of the system. The global state space is never generated in our i CAGS framework. From Table 1, we can observe that when the size of a system increases, compositional CMC performs much better than monolithic one, which is of significant benefits for i CAGS. The synthesis results of i CAGS are given in Table 2. The maximum number of states and transitions in Table 2 is different from that in Table 1 because the original components are refined after synthesis. In i CAGS, the membership and candidate queries require CMC, and thus we made a comparison between compositional and monolithic ones. Note that compositional CMC is adopted in i CAGS instead of the monolithic one. We give these results only for showing the benefits of compositional synthesis. When the system size is large, compositional synthesis with compositional verification outperforms that with monolithic one significantly both in time and the maximum number of states and transitions. Using monolithic verification, the FMS-2, FMS-3, and AIP systems cannot even be successfully synthesized in 72 hours; while using compositional CMC, all the system components are successfully synthesized for all specifications in less than forty minutes. We did not show the synthesis time of the CAGS framework [14] here because the synthesized models by CAGS and i CAGS are different, as illustrated in Figs 2 and 8, which makes it no sense to compare the synthesis time required by CAGS and i CAGS.
Related Work
Assume-guarantee reasoning (AGR) is a well-known compositional technique. AGR can be used in model checking to alleviate the state space explosion problem [7,9,18]. In AGR, the key role is played by the assumption, which however requires non-trivial human creativity and experience. Thus, the practical impact of AGR is limited if the assumption is not automatically constructed. The L∗ algorithm [2] is a formal method to learn a minimal DFA that accepts an unknown language U over an alphabet Σ. Cobleigh et al. [8] proposed a framework that can automatically generate assumptions for AGR with the AGNC proof rule using the L∗ algorithm. This work opened the door for using the L∗ algorithm to automate AGR. The L∗ algorithm was extended into a timed version, the TL∗ algorithm [12]. In [13,17], the TL∗ algorithm was used to generate assumptions for compositional verification of timed systems. Another interest to system designers is the synthesis of models. The synthesis of reactive systems is generally based on solving zero-sum games on graphs [19] of two players (the system and its environment). Synthesis is successful if there exists a winning strategy ensuring that ϕ is satisfied no matter what
the environment does. If the system consists of more than one component, the synthesis problem is called the co-synthesis problem. However, solving zero-sum games for the co-synthesis problem does not capture desirable solutions because it is not the case that the objective of each component is the negation of others’. Chatterjee and Henzinger [4] redefined the co-synthesis problem on non-zerosum games as the assume-guarantee synthesis (AGS) problem. The solution to the AGS problem is a winning secure equilibrium strategy [5]. The well-known supervisory control (SC) problem [21,22] is very similar to the AGS problem. In fact, the AGS problem is theoretically harder than the SC problem [14]. The objectives of our work and Chatterjee and Henzinger’s [4,5] ([C&H]) are similar, i.e., to synthesize the system models satisfying a given specification. However, there are essential differences between the methods employed in the two works, as listed as follows: (1) i CAGS uses the L∗ algorithm to iteratively refine the original model; [C&H] views the synthesis problem as a game and solves it by finding a winning strategy. (2) When synthesizing models, our work does not compose the global system state graph; [C&H] composes the global game graph of n + 1 players for a system with n components, which suffers from the state explosion problem [4,5]. (3) Our work uses counterexamples and causal semantics to compositionally and individually refine each of the original components; [C&H] finds a winning secure strategy on the global game graph.
Conclusion and Future Work
We proposed a new causal model checking (CMC) problem based on causality semantics of system models. To address the CMC problem, we also proposed one monolithic and one compositional CMC algorithms, respectively. We further proposed the i CAGS framework to automatically and compositionally refine property-violating component models, which can save system designers from the tedious and error-prone analysis and refinement efforts. In future work, we will study more causality semantics of models, develop the corresponding CMC algorithms, and integrate them into the i CAGS framework. In addition, we also plan to extend our synthesis framework to real-time systems by using the TL∗ algorithm [12] and the DBM subtraction operation [15,16].
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