Computations in Commutative Algebra

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Università degli Studi di Genova. A.M. Bigatti. CoCoA. Sapporo 2018. 1 / 18 ... and also y2−6x = (3x) · (y−2)+(1) · (−3xy+y2) is in 〈g1,g2〉. Question: ideal ...
Computational Commutative Algebra

Lecture 1: Introduction to Gröbner bases Anna Maria Bigatti Università degli Studi di Genova A.M. Bigatti


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Ideals and ideal membership We start from the very beginning... Definition 1 (ideal) Let P be a (commutative) ring and F = {g1 , . . . , gs } ⊂ P. The ideal generated by F is hg1 , . . . , gs i = {h1 g1 + · · · + hs gs | hi ∈ P} Example 2 Let g1 = y −2, g2 = −3xy +y 2 in P = Q[x, y , z] then

3xy −6x = (3x) · (y −2) + (0) · (−3xy +y 2 ) is in hg1 , g2 i

and also y 2 −6x = (3x) · (y −2) + (1) · (−3xy +y 2 ) is in hg1 , g2 i Question: ideal membership Let f ∈ P. Can we determine whether or not f ∈ hg1 , . . . , gs i? A.M. Bigatti


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Univariate polynomials: ideal membership A Euclidean domain is a PID (principal ideal domain), i.e. for any ideal we may find a single element generating it. The main tool is the Euclidean division: given f and g 6= 0, compute q and r such that f = q · g + r with r = 0 or deg(r )< deg(g). Example 3 f = x 4 + 2x 3 + x + 1 and g = 2x 2 + 1 . Compute the monomial m such that f −mg is 0 or has degree < deg(f ): r1 = f − 21 x 2 · g = 2x 3 − 12 x 2 + x + 1 keep repeating until result is 0 or has degree < deg(g). r2 = r1 − x · g = − 21 x 2 + 1 r3 = r2 + 14 · g = 45 (This happens in a finite number of steps. Why?) In conclusion f = ( 12 x 2 + x − 14 ) · g + 54 .


The remainder is not 0, therefore f is not in the ideal hgi. A.M. Bigatti


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Univariate polynomials: ideal membership Question: If we are given two (or more) generators? The ideal hg1 , g2 i is generated by gcd(g1 , g2 ). The Euclidean algorithm computes the gcd greatest common divisor of two elements in Euclidean domains, such as Q[x]. Example 4 In Q[x]: g = 5x 2 − 23 x ∈ (x 2 +x, x 3 )? x2

x 3 = (x) ·(x 2 + x)+(−x 2 ) + x = (−1)· (−x 2 ) + (x) −x 2 = (−x)· (x) + (0)

So we have hx 2 +x, x 3 i = hgcd(x 2 +x, x 3 )i = hxi In conclusion: f = 5x 2 − 32 x is a multiple of x, therefore f ∈ hx 2 +x, x 3 i A.M. Bigatti


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Multivariate linear polynomials: Gaussian reduction The Gaussian reduction provides a nice basis for a subspace of a vector-space. We need to choose an ordering: for example x1 > x2 > x3 > x4 > 1 Example 5   −3x1 −2x2 +x3 −3x4 −2  x1 +3x2 +2x3 −2x4 −1 −x2 −3x4 −2   2x1 −3x1 −2x2 +x3 −3x4 −2 7 −→  + 73 x3 −3x4 − 35  3 x2 3x3 −8x4 −5  17 11  x1 − 21 x4 − 21 20   −→ x2 + 29 21 x4 + 21 8 x3 − 3 x4 − 53

original generators

row echelon form

fully reduced

A linear polynomial is in the Q-subspace if and only if it reduces to 0. A.M. Bigatti


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Multivariate polynomials: Gröbner bases

Let K be a field. For an ideal I in K [x1 , . . . , xn ] we do not have the properties of elements in Euclidean domain (−→ unique Euclidean division) ideal in PID (−→ single generator) subspace in vector-space (−→ linearly independent “basis”) but we can construct a Gröbner basis of I which have some similarly nice properties. (the only problem is that they may be BIG!) First we need to generalize some of the basic concepts we have seen.

A.M. Bigatti


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Monoid Orderings and leading term of a polynomial We sort univariate polynomials by degree, e.g. 2x 3 − 4x 2 + 1 We sort linear polynomials “alphabetically”, e.g. 3x − 5y + 1 Definition 6 (monoid ordering) A monoid ordering σ on T, is a total ordering with this property: for two power-products t1 , t2 ∈ T if t1 >σ t2 then t · t1 >σ t · t2 for all t ∈ T. Example 7 if x >σ y >σ z >σ 1 then xy >σ y 2 >σ yz >σ y −→ we write f = 3xy + 4y 2 − yz + 2y and LTσ (f ) = xy if y >σ x >σ 1 >σ z then y 2 >σ xy >σ y >σ yz −→ we write f = 4y 2 + 3xy + 2y − yz and LTσ (f ) = y 2 A.M. Bigatti


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Term-orderings: Lex and DegLex Definition 8 (Term-ordering) A term-ordering is a monoid ordering on T such that t > 1 for all t ∈ T \ {1} Example 9 No term-ordering would sort like this xy + x 2 + y 2 because: if x > y > 1 we have x 2 > xy (mult by x) and xy > y 2 (mult by y ) if y > x > 1 we have y 2 > xy (mult by y ) and xy > x 2 (mult by x) Example 10 Question: if x > y > 1 is x > y 2 ? The term-ordering property, with x > y > 1, is not enough to answer: x 2 > xy > x > y 2 > y > 1 for σ = Lex check exp of x first x 2 > xy > y 2 > x > y > 1 for σ = DegLex check deg first A.M. Bigatti


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Term-orderings: DegRevLex Humans prefer Lex and DegLex, but the default term-ordering in CoCoA is DegRevLex as for most Computer Algebra systems, because usually gives “nicer” Gröbner bases

Definition 11 (Lex, RevLex) Lex: t has higher power of “x” =⇒ t is bigger RevLex: t has higher power of “z” =⇒ t is smaller RevLex, without “Deg”, is not a term-ordering because z < 1. Example 12 Question: if x Lex: RevLex: DegLex: DegRevLex: A.M. Bigatti

> y > z > 1 is xz > y 2 ? check exp of x first x 3 z + x 2 − xz check exp of z first +x 2 − y 4 check deg first x 3z − y 4 check deg first −y 4 + x 3 z CoCoA

−y 4 −xz + x 3 z +x 2 − xz +x 2 − xz Sapporo 2018

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CoCoA demo

How to use these orderings in CoCoA: (See Bigatti1.cocoa5)

A.M. Bigatti


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CoCoA demo

How to use these orderings in CoCoA: (See Bigatti1.cocoa5)

A.M. Bigatti


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Division Algorithm: reducers Now we generalize the Euclidean division to multivariate polynomials: Definition 13 (reducer) g is a reducer for f if LTσ (g) divides LTσ (f ). g

f reduces to r via g, we write f −→ r LMσ (f ) if g is a reducer for f , and f = LMσ(g) ·g+r Example 14 In Q[x, y , z] let g = x 2 − 1, so LTσ (g) = x 2 (for all term-orderings σ!) DegRevLex: g is not a reducer for f1 = −xy 2 + x 2 z + 2 DegLex: g is a reducer for f2 = x 2 z − xy 2 + 2 and g

f2 −→ r = x 2 z − xy 2 + 2 −

x 2z x2

· (x 2 − 1) = −xy 2 + z + 2

LT(r ) = −xy 2 =⇒ r is not reducible by g. A.M. Bigatti


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Division Algorithm: remainder Now we also generalize the Gaussian reduction: Definition 15 (remainder) gi




3 1 2 k r is a remainder of f by L = {g1 , . . . , gs }, if f −→ r1 −→ r2 −→ . . . −→ r and r = 0 or not reducible by any element in L (or, by full reduction, no term in r is divisible by any leading term in L).

Problem: This remainder is not unique :-( Example 16 Let σ = Lex. Let g1 = xy − 1, g2 = x 2 − 1, f = x 2 y , f = x · (xy − 1) + 0 · (x 2 − 1) + x f = 0 · (xy − 1) + y · (x 2 − 1) + y Let’s make it unique! ;-) A.M. Bigatti


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Division Algorithm: normal remainder Definition 17 (Division Algorithm) At every step choose the first reducer in the list L. The remainder is then called the normal remainder, NRσ (f , L). Example 18 Let σ = DegRevLex. Let g1 = xy − 1, g2 = x 2 − 1, f = x 2 y 2 + x 2 y + xy 2 + x 2 , Compute q1 , q2 and r such that f = q1 g1 + q2 g2 + r where no term in r is divisible by LT(g1 ) nor LT(g2 ). (See Bigatti1.cocoa5) Example 19 Problem: unique, but useless :-( Let g1 = x 2 + y , g2 = x 2 − y , and f = 2y = g1 − g2 ∈ hg1 , g2 i. But NRσ (f , {g1 , g2 }) = f 6= 0 A.M. Bigatti


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Division Algorithm: normal remainder Definition 17 (Division Algorithm) At every step choose the first reducer in the list L. The remainder is then called the normal remainder, NRσ (f , L). Example 18 Let σ = DegRevLex. Let g1 = xy − 1, g2 = x 2 − 1, f = x 2 y 2 + x 2 y + xy 2 + x 2 , Compute q1 , q2 and r such that f = q1 g1 + q2 g2 + r where no term in r is divisible by LT(g1 ) nor LT(g2 ). (See Bigatti1.cocoa5) Example 19 Problem: unique, but useless :-( Let g1 = x 2 + y , g2 = x 2 − y , and f = 2y = g1 − g2 ∈ hg1 , g2 i. But NRσ (f , {g1 , g2 }) = f 6= 0 A.M. Bigatti


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Gröbner basis Definition 20 (Gröbner basis) Let P = K [x1 , . . . , xn ] and σ a term-ordering. A set of polynomials G ⊆ P is a σ-Gröbner basis if for all polynomials f ∈ P we have f is in the ideal hGi ⇐⇒ NR(f , G) = 0

.... do they exist?

Yes! :-)

.... can we compute them?

Yes! :-)

Buchberger’s Algorithm

One more definition! :-( A.M. Bigatti


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S-polynomial The key of Buchberger’s Algorithm is computing S-polynomials: Definition 21 (S-polynomial) (Fix σ) Given f and g in P, let `= lcm(LT (f ), LT(g)) and spoly(f , g) =

` ` ·f − ·g LM(f ) LM(g)

Example 22 Let f = xy − 1 and g = 3x 2 − 1. Then `= lcm(xy , x 2 ) = x 2 y , and spoly(f , g) =

x 2y x 2y (xy − 1) − (3x 2 − 1) xy 3x 2

= x(xy − 1) − y3 (3x 2 − 1) = x 2 y − x − x 2 y + A.M. Bigatti


y 3

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Buchberger’s Algorithm Here is a general description of Buchberger’s Algorithm for computing a Gröbner basis of the ideal hf1 , . . . , fs i 1


gens = {f1 , . . . , fr } the input generators GB = ∅ the output GBasis pairs = ∅ the pairs to process While gens 6= ∅ and pairs 6= ∅ do 1

2 3 3

pick f ∈ gens (...and remove it from gens) or pick a pair (gi , gj ) ∈ pairs (...and remove it from pairs) and let f = spoly(gi , gj ) compute g := NR(f , GB) if g 6= 0 add the pairs {(g, gi ) | gi ∈ GB} to pairs, and g to GB.

return GB.

This algorithm returns a Gröbner basis whatever choice we make in (2.1) and remainder we compute in (2.2). A.M. Bigatti


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Example 23 (See Bigatti1.cocoa5)

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Example 23 (See Bigatti1.cocoa5)

A.M. Bigatti


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Ideal membership Recall from the beginning: Question: ideal membership Let P = K [x1 , . . . , xn ] and f ∈ P. Can we determine whether or not f ∈ hg1 , . . . , gs i? Answer: yes!! Choose any term-ordering σ. Compute G, a σ-Gröbner basis of I. Then f is in the ideal I ⇐⇒ NR(f , G) = 0 Example 24 (See Bigatti1.cocoa5)

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Ideal membership Recall from the beginning: Question: ideal membership Let P = K [x1 , . . . , xn ] and f ∈ P. Can we determine whether or not f ∈ hg1 , . . . , gs i? Answer: yes!! Choose any term-ordering σ. Compute G, a σ-Gröbner basis of I. Then f is in the ideal I ⇐⇒ NR(f , G) = 0 Example 24 (See Bigatti1.cocoa5)

A.M. Bigatti


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