1st Worksop on Mixing in Coastal Waters, Rivers & Atmosphere
Wave climatology over Qatar Coastal Area Under Climate Change Hamidreza Shirkhani*,Ousmane Seidou**, Abdolmajid Mohammadian***, Hazim Qiblawey**** *
PhD Candidate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa. 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5, Canada. Email:
[email protected] **
Associate Professor, Director of Water Resources Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa. 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5, Canada. Email:
[email protected] ***
Associate Professor, Director of Water Resources Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa. 161 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5, Canada. Email:
[email protected] ***
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Qatar University. P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar. Email:
[email protected] Abstract – Wave climatology has a significant impact on pollution transport and dispersion through the coastal areas. Indeed, the height and the energy of the wave are influenced by wind characteristics such as wind speed, wind duration, fetch length and etc. Among these characteristics, wind speed has the most important role; that is, the greater wind speed results in greater waves. In this study, significant wave height is estimated over the Qatar coastal areas under the climate change scenarios. In line with this goal, downscaled wind speed outputs using the Quantile – Quantile transformation is used. Indeed, the monthly 100-year wind speed extracted from the downscaled wind speeds probability distribution. The projected wave climatology may be implemented as an input for various practical applications through the coastal areas.
Keywords: Wave height projection, Climate Change, Quantile – Quantile Transformation
1. Introduction
The plausible changes in statistical distribution of climate variables over several decades to longer time period is referred to as climate change (Wetterhall, 2005). General Circulation Models (GCMs) are climate models widely applied for understanding and projections of climate variables. Even with remarkable progress in computer and numerical modelling, GCMs are not able to provide the details of climate variables on very small spatial scales due to the incomplete scientific understanding and limitations of available observations (Jolley and Wheater, 1996). Therefore, small-scale features cannot be represented, even though they may significantly impact the local, regional, or even global climate (Horvath et al., 2011, Legates, 2002). In most of the practical applications such as hydrological models and marine pollutant transportation, the climate variables are needed at the much more finer
1st Worksop on Mixing in Coastal Waters, Rivers & Atmosphere both spatial and temporal resolution than GCMs outputs provided (Carter et al., 1994). Among all climate variables, near-surface wind speeds have particular importance for climate change impacts on different aspects such as society, coastal erosion and wind energy resource estimation (Pryor et al.,2005), (Viles and Goudie, 2003). Ocean circulation and wind-drift models used to detect derelict nets and other debris in the open ocean (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2011). As shown by Lin et al. (2003) when there exists wind, waves and storm surges as well as their coupling interaction will change tidal current field, thus affecting material transport and diffusion, and when there exists large wind, the stirring action of waves will become stronger and their coupling background current may play a decisive role on the material transport and diffusion of coastal area. Statistical downscaling methods aim to establish empirical relationships between GCM output and local climate variables. Statistical downscaling, first, develops quantitative relationships between observed small-scale (often station level) variables (predictands) and larger (GCM) scale variables (predictors), using one of the available approaches. Then, future values of the large scale variables obtained from GCM projections of future climate are used to drive the statistical relationships and to estimate the smaller-scale details of future climate (Wilby and Wigley, 1997). In Shirkhani et al. (2013), a regression-based downscaling technique was used to downscale wind speed at the Agadez city located in Niger, West Africa. Results indicated that both linear and non-linear regression techniques are not capable in predicting the wind speeds variation even when bias correction is applied. Some methods have been proposed to implement regression models for downscaling the GCMs output in the probabilistic approach. In fact, instead of direct using of GSMs output and local scale values as predictors and predictands, the mean and standard deviation of large and local scales data are used (Pryor et al., 2005). In the current study, the station-level daily surface wind speed is selected as the predictand and the GCM-output wind speed and, maximum and minimum temperature as the predictors. The Quantile-Quantile and Nearest Neighbour methods are then employed to determine the probability distribution of the wind speed through the study area.
2. Study Area and Data
The observation data (1973-2012) was downloaded from the National Climatic Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA's NCDC, http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/). The study area is located through the Qatar coast and the observation is available at the Doha International Airport situated at 25.25° and 51.57° longitude and latitude, respectively. The outputs of the ESM2M model will be used as GCM data in this study. The ESM2M was developed CMIP5 by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The outputs were generated as a contribution to the CMIP5 experiment (http://pcmdi-cmip.llnl.gov/cmip5/,). They include simulations of the historical period (1971 to 2005) and future periods (2006 to 2100).
1st Worksop on Mixing in Coastal Waters, Rivers & Atmosphere
3. Methods
As in this paper the study area of interest is the Qatar coastal areas, the wave height calculation procedure for shallow water is considered. The shallow water equation for significant wave height is as follow (SPM, 1984), 3 4
𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝐻𝐻 = 0.283tanh �0.53 � 2 � � tanh( 𝑈𝑈𝐴𝐴
𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 2 0.00565(� 2 � ) 𝑈𝑈𝐴𝐴 3 4
𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 tanh �0.53 � 2 � � 𝑈𝑈𝐴𝐴
𝑈𝑈𝐴𝐴2 𝑔𝑔
Where H is shallow water significant wave height (feet), g = 32.2 ft/s2, d is effective depth (feet), UA is wind stress factor (ft/s), and F is fetch length (feet). The wind speed may be converted to a wind stress factor by the following equation, 𝑈𝑈𝐴𝐴 = 0.589𝑈𝑈1.23
Where U is the wind speed (mph). As Equation 1 states, the significant wave height, in addition to the wind speed, depends on water depth (d) and fetch length (F). Since the main objective of this study is investigation of the impact of wind speed changes on the significant wave height, the other two parameters are considered constant (d=20m, F=20Km). Finally, the significant wave height is calculated using Equation 1, given the 100-year wind speed of each month for both historical (1981-2010) and future (2026-2100) periods. 4. Results
The downscaled wind speeds were used to estimate climate change impact on significant wave height through the Qatar coast. The estimates of significant wave height for the RCP85 scenario are presented in details in Table 1 along with the percentages of changes.
1st Worksop on Mixing in Coastal Waters, Rivers & Atmosphere
Table 1 Comparison of wave height based on 100-year wind speed for RCP85 scenario using QuantileQuantile transformation (QQ)
Results in Table 1 shows that the significant wave height will decrease (or not change) in July to October while it will increase (or not change) in November and February over whole 2026 – 2100. In addition to the RCP85 scenario, percentages of changes of 100-year wind speed and significant wave height for other RCP scenarios are presented in Table 5 from 2051-2100. Results show that changes in the significant wave heights will depend on the month, RCP scenario and time period. For significant wave height the change can be anywhere between -16.2% and +37.7%. All RCPs show the increase of significant wave height in June in which the highest change of significant wave height will be occurred. It can be noted that the significant wave height will change considerably within 2026-2050 as well as 2051-2075 while it is almost will not change within 2076-2100. It can be explained by the raw GCM wind speed in which the wind speed decreases at this period (Figure 1).
1st Worksop on Mixing in Coastal Waters, Rivers & Atmosphere
Fig 1 Annual mean wind speed from raw GCM data for different RCP Scenarios
Results suggest that there would be damaging waves due to the strong winds in the Qatar coast and that Qatar’s coastal areas would be subject to an increased coastal flooding hazard in the future. The 100 year significant wave height is projected to increase by more than 0.8 m. The risk of damages from storm waves to coastal structures will therefore increase and these structures will need to be retrofitted to maintain the level of safety for which they were designed. The new level of risk should also be considered for new both offshore and onshore facilities. Strong winds and waves can also generate other types of hazards coastal areas. They can disturb the sea floor and increase the amount of suspended sediments near the surface. This would increase the amount of sunlight reflected by the water and enhance the green signal from chlorophyll-rich plankton. The economic and environmental impacts of changed wind characteristics may be estimated with more detailed impact models of the areas which would be forced with modified climate variables.
1st Worksop on Mixing in Coastal Waters, Rivers & Atmosphere 5. Conclusion
In this paper, the impact of climate change on the wind speed was studied through the Qatar Coast. Near-surface wind speed has an essential role in many practical applications specially the wave climatology as well as marine and coastal pollutant transport. The results showed that the wind speed can significantly decrees or increase in the future which may affect various aspects at the coastal areas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This publication was made possible by NPRP Grant 4-935-2-354 from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of the Qatar Foundation). The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.
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