Moderator: Ronice Müller Quadros. 12.00 – 12.25. Antonio Benítez-Burraco,
FHUM-UHU. A biolinguistic vindication of sign languages: from acquisition to ...
Conference Program
Conference rooms: Room A1 – located on the Law School building (ground-floor) Room 422 – located on the John Paul II Library (2nd floor) Sala de Exposições – located on the John Paul II Library (2nd floor) All keynote presentations will be held at Room A1.
8.15 – 9.00 9.00 – 9.30 9.30 – 10.30
10.30 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.00
1 day: Thursday, 21 March 2013, Room A1 Registration Opening – Alexandre CASTRO-CALDAS and Ana MINEIRO, ICS-UCP Keynote Speaker: Anne BAKER, Universiteit van Amsterdam The challenges of research and assessment in sign language acquisition Keynote Speaker: Hanna BATOREO, UA Early bilingualism and bilingual acquisition Coffee break, room change Room A1 Room 422 Moderator: Hanna Batoreo Moderator: Ronice Müller Quadros
12.00 – 12.25
Antonio Benítez-Burraco, FHUM-UHU A biolinguistic vindication of sign languages: from acquisition to evolution
12.25 – 12.50
Mariana Martins, Marta Morgado, ICS-UCP Guinea-Bissau: the birth of a sign language
12.50 – 13.15
Ana Mineiro, Patrícia Carmo, Cristina Caroça, João Paço, ICS-UCP São Tomé e Príncipe: the urgency of the emergence of a sign language
13.15 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.00
Lunch break Keynote Speaker: João COSTA, UNL Syntactic dependencies in normal and impaired language development POSTER PRESENTATION (Room A1)
15.00 – 16.00
Lídia da Silva, UFSC LANGUAGE-LEARNING OF THE DEAF CHILD: the lexical and grammatical aspects of Brazilian Sign Language Scholastica Lam, Betty Cheung, CUHK Acquisition of the Syntax of Functional Signs in HKSL: A Case Study on CAN and NOT-HAVE produced by child late learners of HKSL in the Jockey Club Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education Programme
Aline Sousa and Ronice Müller Quadros, UFSC – An analysis of code-switching in bimodal bilinguals (Brazilian Sign Language and Portuguese) Mara Moita, ILTEC – Is phonological and lexical access during semantic processing conditioned by age of acquisition in deaf individuals? Sofia Lynce de Faria, Sofia Barão, and Ana Mineiro, ICS-UCP – MLU in Portuguese children with cochlear implants: differences with hearing pairs? Cristina Caroça, Tânia Constantino, Ana Mafalda Almeida, Sandy Batista, João Paço, CUF, FCML-UNL – Fitting hearing aids in children in São Tomé e Príncipe – evolution
Conference Program
Jorge Rodrigues, João Barreto, Marta Morgado, Isabel Morais, and Patrícia Carmo, ICS-UCP – Transcribing Portuguese Sign Language (LGP): using a specific tool, ELAN Vanessa de Oliveira Dagostim Pires, UNISINOS – Academic literacy for deaf college students: Reading evaluation Fátima Sarmento, Rui Correia, and Orquídea Coelho, ISMAI, FADEUP, FDCEUP – (Re)Think Portuguese Sign Language in Specific Learning Contexts Fátima Medeiros Álvaro Machado, UCS – Psycho-pedagogical intervention in Sign Language acquisition: factor of learning and development of cultural identity Zilda Maria Gesueli, Ivani Rodrigues Silva, and Sabrina de Oliveira Maciel Guimarães, UNICAMP – Written Portuguese as L2 for deaf children: relations between writing and oral language Thaïs Cristófaro Silva and Rosana Passos, UFMG – Native and non-native sign language users: a contribution to the language acquisition debate
16.00 – 16.30
Coffee break, room change Room A1 Moderator: João Costa
Room 422 Moderator: Marc Marschark
16.30 – 16.55
Scholastica Lam, CUHK Acquisition of Verb Agreement in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL)
Robin L. Thompson, David Vinson, Bencie Woll, Gabriella Vigliocco, City University London The road to language learning is iconic: Evidence from British Sign Language Rachel England, Robin Thompson, Gabriella Vigliocco, Bencie Woll, Gary Morgan, City University London Picture naming in deaf children from deaf and hearing families compared with spontaneous gestures produced by hearing children: the influence of iconicity
16.55 – 17.20
Jia Li, Scholastica Lam, Cat H.-M. Fung, CUHK Acquisition of nonmanual adverbials in Hong Kong Sign Language by deaf children in the Jockey Club Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education Programme
17.20 – 17.30 17.30 – 18.30
Room change Jam Session 1: Cognitive and language development in deaf children Diane Lillo-Martin Gary Morgan Marc Marschark Ana Margarida Abrantes (moderator)
Conference Program
9.00 – 10.00
10.00 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 11.55
11.55 – 12.20
12.20 – 12.45
12.45 – 13.10
2 day: Friday, 22 March 2013, Room A1 Keynote Speaker: Diane LILLO-MARTIN, University of Connecticut More than the sum of the parts: Bimodal bilingual language acquisition - syntax aspects Keynote Speaker: Ronice MÜLLER QUADROS, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina More than the sum of the parts: Bimodal bilingual language acquisition - phonological aspects Coffee break, room change Room A1 Room 422 Moderator: Maria Emília Santos Moderator: Maria Vânia Nunes Sara Carvalho, Mara Moita, Sofia Lynce de Faria, and Patrícia Carmo, ICS-UCP AQUI_LGP: Acquisition corpus Emelie Cramer-Wolrath, SU Acquiring Bimodal Bilingualism Differently: A Hearing and a Deaf Twin Mediated in a Deaf family Cat H.-M. Fung, and Gladys Tang, CUHK Simultaneous Acquisition of Hong Kong Sign Language and Cantonese: Violation of Code-blending Grammar Elena Koulidobrova and Kathryn Davidson, CCSU Bimodal bilingual children’s use of referents in their spoken English
Aline Lemos Pizzio, UFSC The acquisition of topic and focus in Brazilian Sign Language Elidéa Lúcia Almeida Bernardino, UFMG The Acquisition of Classifiers in Brazilian Sign Language Rosana Passos, UFMG Prosodic Organization in Sign Language: a study on intensifiers and modal adverbs in Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) Ana Isabel Silva, ESEV What if I was d/Deaf? Would I be bilingual?
13.10 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.00
Lunch break Keynote Speaker: Deborah CHEN PICHLER, Gallaudet University, L2 Acquisition of Sign Language Room A1 Moderator: Ana Margarida Abrantes
15.00 – 15.25
Carolina Plaza-Pust, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main The development of German Sign Language (DGS) and Written German in bilingually educated deaf students Sónia Silva, Ana Mineiro, and Alexandre Castro-Caldas, ICS-UCP How can the early acquisition of Sign Language and Oral Language influence the syntactic performance of the oral language? A preliminary study in Portuguese Sign Language with prelingually deaf subjects Robert Hoffmeister, R. Novogrodsky, S. Fish, R. Benedict, J. Henner, and P. Rosenberg, Boston University Identifying Age related acquisition of ASL in DCDP and DCHP and Identifying Profiles of Deaf Language Learners using the American Sign Language Assessment Instrument (ASLAI)
15.25 – 15.50
15.50 – 16.15
16.15 – 16.45
Coffee break, room change Room A1 Moderator: Antonio Benítez-Burraco
16.45 – 17.10
17.10 – 17.35
17.35 – 18.00 18.00 – 18.45
Conference Program
Mar Pérez Martín, Marian Valmaseda Balanzategui, Begoña De la Fuente Martín, Nacho Montero and Sophie Mostaert, UAM Early bilingual vocabulary development in deaf children with cochlear implant educated in bilingual schools in Madrid Ritva Takkinen, University of Jyväskylä Bimodal bilingual development of deaf children with a cochlear implant: A longitudinal multi-case study Karina Elis Christmann, UFSC The process of language acquisition of Deaf children with cochlear implants
Jam Session 2: Cochlear implants and language acquisition João Paço Mar Pérez Martín Marc Marschark Ritva Takkinen Ana Mineiro (moderator)
9.00 – 10.00
10.00 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 11.55
11.25 – 12.20
12.25 – 12.55 13.00 – 13.20
3 day: Saturday, 23 March 2013, Room A1 Keynote Speaker: Gary MORGAN, City University of London What do sign language developmental disorders look like? Keynote Speaker: David QUINTO-POZOS, University of Texas Considering visual processing for investigating typical and atypical signed language development Coffee break, room change Room A1 Sala de Exposições Moderator: Orquídea Coelho Moderator: Deborah Chen Pichler Emily Kaufmann, Reiner Griebel, Thomas Kaul, University of Cologne Transcription as a tool for increasing metalinguistic awareness in learners of German Sign Language as a second language Ivani Rodrigues Silva, Aryane dos Santos Nogueira, Zilda Maria Gesueli, UNICAMP Strategies of teaching Portuguese as L2 to deaf students
Adriana Oliveira, UESB SEL - Writing System for Sign Language
Cátia Marques, João Abrantes, Maria Augusta Amaral, Ivo Roupa, Tiago Atalaia, ICS-UCP, ULHT Portuguese Sign Language M2 acquisition: kinematic analysis contribution in the identification of possible phonological errors in movement parameter
Conference closing (Room A1): Alexandre CASTRO-CALDAS, ICS-UCP Sign Language concert: Mãos que cantam (Fado Amália)