ase Activity in Extraets of Streptomyces hydrogenans. 949. K. Alef and J.-H. Klemme, Characterization of a Sol- uble NADH-Independent Nitrate Reductase from ...
Section c
Editorial Board
E . B Ü N N I N G , Tübingen A. B U T E N A N D T , München M. E I G E N , Göttingen W. GENTNER, Heidelberg
A. HAGER, Tübingen W. HASSELBACH, Heidelberg E . HELMREICH, Würzburg F . KAUDEWITZ, München W. SCHÄFER, Tübingen
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V O L U M E 32 c
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Section a Physics, Physical Chemistry, Cosmic Physics Section b Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung
Volume 32 c
Contents Contents
of N u m b e r
D. W . L ü b b e r s , N . Opitz, P . P . Speiser, and H . J . Bisson, Nanoencapsulated Fluorescence Indicator Molecules Measuring p H and p 0 Down to Submicroscopical Regions on the Basis of the Optode-Principle . . J . G . R . Elferink, Fluorescence and Membrane-Action of Tetracaine W . C h . Choi and W . N a g l , Ribosome Crystals i n the Oocyte of G e r r i s n a j a s (Heteroptera) B . Sprey, G . Gliem, and A . G . S. Janossy, Changes i n the Iron and Phosphorus Content of Stroma Inclusions during Etioplast-Chloroplast Development i n N i c o t i a n a K . Burger and R . S ü ß m u t h , Prophage Induction by A l k y l a t i n g E t h y l Methylaminosulfonate
Original Communications
Original Communications H . Zehner, E . Westhof, W . Flossmann, and A . Müller, Formation of H - A d d i t i o n Radicals i n Adenine Derivatives : Part II U . F . Thomanek, F . Parak, and B . Wintergerst, The Active Center of Methemoglobin H b ( H 0 ) Investigated by M ö s s b a u e r and Susceptibility Experiments . U . P . Fringeli, The Structure of L i p i d s and Proteins Studied by Attenuated Total Reflection ( A T R ) Infrared Spectroscopy. II. Oriented Layers of a Homologous Series: Phosphatidylethanolamine to Phosphatidylcholine W. Steglich, A . Thilmann, H . Besl, and A . Bresinsky, Pigments of F u n g i , 29. 2,5-Diarylcyclopentane-l,3diones from C h a m o n i x i a c a e s p i t o s a (Basidiomycetes) (In German) B . V . Burger, M a r i t h a le Roux, C . F . Garbers, H . S. C. Spies, R. C . Bigalke, K . G . R . Pachler, P . L . Wessels, V . Christ, and K . H . Maurer, Studies on M a m malian Pheromones, II. Further Compounds from the Pedal Gland of the Bontebok ( D a m a l i s c u s dorcas dorcas) H . Röper, A n a l y t i c a l Investigations of the Defensive Secretion from P e r i p a t o p s i s moseleyi (Onychophora) (In German) H . R ö p e r and K . Heyns, Trace Analysis of p-Benzoquinone- and Hydroquinone Derivatives by GasL i q u i d Chromatography and Gas-Liquid Chromatography/Mass-Spectrometry. Identification of Defensive Secretion Components from European Julids (In German) H . Schiechl, Preparative Isolation of Protein III of the Human Erythrocyte Membrane (In German) . . . 0 . Oster and G . Buchlow, Purification of Histone F 3 by Covalent Chromatography H.-J. Lach and P . Böger, Isolation and Some Molecular Properties of Plastidic A l g a l Cytochrome b-559 . . W. Trowitzsch and H . Sahm, O n A m i n o A c i d Antagonists: /?-Diketoesters and Their Corresponding y-Enolethers (In German) G. Dietz, C h r . Woenckhaus, R . Jaenicke, and I. Schuster. Modifikation of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase from Rabbit Skeletal Muscle by [3-(3Bromoacetylpyridinio) -propyl] -Adenosine Pyrophosphate (In German) R. K . Sinha, P . Talapatra, A . M i t r a , and S. Mazumdar, Renaturation of Alkali-Denatured T 7 D N A Molecules Complexed with E t h i d i u m Bromide H , W . Heger and H . W . Peter, Effects of Phospholipids i n the A c t i o n of Acetyl-CoA Carboxylase from Rat Liver F. J . Fehrenbach and OHL E i b l , Interaction of Streptol y s i n ^ with Natural and Artificial Membranes . . . I. F r y , G . Papageorgiou, E . Tel-Or, and L . Packer, Reconstitution of a System for H Evolution with Chloroplasts, Ferredoxin, and Hydrogenase G. H . Schmid, H . List, and A . Radunz, Inhibition of Photosystem II-Reactions i n Blue-Green Algae by the Antisera to Lutein and Neoxanthin K . G . Götz and S. Götz, N o r m a l Development of the Fruitfly D r o s o p h i l a i n V L F Magnetic Fields (In German)
of N u m b e r
61 67 72 75
97 101
135 137
138 140
K . A t a l l a h , P . Rauschenbach, H . Simon, F . Berthold, and W . Kolbe, Determination of the L i q u i d Scintillation Counting Efficiency of H and/or C Labelled Samples Independently of the Degree of Colour and/or Chemical Quenching J. Rieser, A . Höckendorf, G . Abou-Elenien, and K . Wallenfels, Chemical and Biochemical Characterization of a-Benzyl-a-bromo-malononitrile ( B B M D ) as O x i dizing Agent (In German) Ch. Giese, K . D . Spindler, and H . Emmerich, The Solubility of Insect Juvenile Hormone i n Aqueous Solutions and Its Adsorption by Glassware and Plastics . . . K . - U . Sewe and R . Reich, The Effects of Molecular Polarization on the Electrochromisms of Carotenoids. II. Lutein-Chlorophyll Complexes: The Origin of the Field-Indicating Absorption-Change at 520 nm i n the Membranes of Photosynthesis H . - U . Meisch, J . A . Schmitt, and W . Reinle, Heavy Metals i n Higher F u n g i . Cadmium, Zinc, and Copper (In German) Y . Solberg, Studies on the Chemistry of Lichens, X V I . Chemical Investigation of the Liehen Species A l e c t o r i a o c h r o l e u c a , S t e r e o c a u l o n vesuvianum var. p u l v i n a t u m and l e m a d o p h i l a e r i c e d o r u m H . Kneifel, I. Rolle, and B . Paschold, Amines of U n i cellular Green Algae, III. Identification of Homologues of Spermidine in the Green A l g a Scenedesmus acutus 276-3a (In German) H . P . Siebertz and E . Heinz, L a b e l l i n g Experiments on the Origin of Hexa- and Octa-decatrienoic Acids i n Galactolipids from Leaves M . Ilyas, O. Seligmann, and H . Wagner, Biflavones from the Leaves of A r a u c a r i a r u l e i F . M u e l l . and a Survey on Biflavanoids of the Araucaria Genus . . A . Geller and J . Berghäuser, The Preparation of Three Dehydrogenases and Two Kinases from P i g Heart by a Single Procedure (In German) A . Schmidt, Protein-Catalyzed Isotopic Exchange Reaction between Cysteine and Sulfide i n Spinach Leaves G . F . W i l d n e r and J . Henkel, Temperature Dependent Conformation Changes of Ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate Carboxylase Studied by the Use of l-Anilino-8-naphthalene Sulfonate G . K a h l and M . Wechselberger, Activation of Chromatin-Bound DNA-Dependent R N A Polymerase ( E . C . i n Plant Storage Tissue Slices 3
1 4
210 219
H . K . Lichtenthaler and H . K . Kleudgen, Effect of the Herbicide San 6706 on Biosynthesis of Photosynthetic Pigments and Prenylquinones i n Raphanus and in H o r d e u m Seedlings H . Hanauske-Abel and V . Günzler, Inhibition of H u man P r o l y l Hydroxylase as Common Biochemical Denominator of the Non-Sedative Effects of Thalidomide in M a n J. Hoshino, U . K ü h n e , B . F i l j a k , and H . Kröger, Regulation and Characterization of L-Serine: Pyruvate Aminotransferase i n Rat Liver Cytosol and Mitochondria . K . K a m i n s k i , Photosynthetic Control i n Chloroplasts Suspensions Frozen in L i q u i d Nitrogen i n the Presence of Glycerol D. Hoffmann, R . Thauer, and A . Trebst, Photosynthetic Hydrogen Evolution by Spinach Chloroplasts Coupled to a C l o s t r i d i u m Hydrogenase Chr. Giersch, A Kinetic M o d e l for Translocators in the Chloroplast Envelope as an Element of Computersimulation of the Dark Reaction of Photosynthesis . . . G. H . Schmid, A . Radunz, and W . Menke, Localization and Function of Cytochrome f in the Thylakoid Membrane F. - U . B e i l , D . von Chak, W . Hasselbach, and H . - H . Weber, Competition between Oxalate and Phosphate during Active Calcium Accumulation by Sarcoplasmic Vesicles
of N u m b e r
W. Löffelhardt, The Biosynthesis of Phenylacetic A c i d s in the Blue-Green A l g a Anacystis n i d u l a n s : Evidence for the Involvement of a Thylakoid-Bound L - A m i n o A c i d Oxidase R. Lüderitz and J . - H . K l e m m e , Isolation and Characterization of a Membrane-Bound Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex from the Phototrophic Bacterium R h o d o s p i r i l l u m r u b r u m (In German)
337 342
R. T. C . Huang,, Transfer of G l y c o l i p i d between M e m branes of Tissue Culture Cells, U s i n g Dansylcerebroside as a M o d e l
288 289 290 292
H . Craubner, F . Koenig, and G . H . Schmid, Molecular Weight and the Dodecyl Sulphate B i n d i n g of a Thylakoid Membrane Polypeptide Involved in a Reaction on the Oxygen-Evolving Side of Photosystem II . . . G. Harnischfeger and R . Schopf, A Fluorescence Method for Measuring the Retention of Coupling Factor (CFj) i n Reconstitution Experiments of Photophosphorylation R. Schopf and G . Harnischfeger, Studies on the Retention of C F with or without Induced A T P a s e Activity by Pyrophosphate Treated Thylakoids and Its Relation to the Regeneration of Photophosphorylation . . . O. Schmut, H . Katschnig, and M . Z i r m , Investigations of Body F l u i d s with L o w Protein Content by the Combination of Micro-Disc-Electrophoresis and Electroimmunodiffusion (In German)
Original Communications 1 3
W . W r a y and K . G . Wagner, C N M R Investigations on the Stacking of 5 ' - A M P with Tryptamine . . .
W . K o r d e l and F . Schneider, Identification of Essential Histidine Residues of Aminoacylase by Photooxidation and by Reaction with Diethylpyrocarbonate . . . . W. K o r d e l and F . Schneider, R e n a l Aminoacylase, a Zinc Enzyme
H . Bleuel, G . Wiedner, and D . Schubert, V a r i a b i i i t y of Conductivity Changes i n Black Phosphatidylserine Membranes Induced by Proteins from Erythrocyte Membranes
H . Kayser, Metabolites of /?,/?-Carotene i n the Stick Insect, C a r a u s i u s morosus B r . : Compounds with 2-One and 3,4-Didehydro-2-one Structure
S. Fernandez-Bermudez, J . Loboda-Cackovic, H . Cackovic, and R . Hosemann, Structure of Cerebrosides. I. Phrenosine at 23 ° C and 66 ° C
Notes H . Stocker and H . Wanner, Long C h a i n Alkanes and Alcohols from the Leaf Waxes of Different Coffea Speeles (In German) D. J . Robeson and J . B . Harborne, Pisatin as a Major Phytolexin in L a t h y r u s R. Reinhardt and R . Hansel, X - R a y Structure of Two Naturally Occuring Cinnamylidene-butenolides . . Y . Solberg, Studies on the Chemistry of Lienens, X V . New Synthetic Nitrogen-Derivatives of Pulvinic A c i d . G. Seibert, B . Schöbel, and R . K . Zahn, The Separation of H i g h and L o w Molecular Weight R N A by Preeipitation with N-Cetyl N,N,N-trimethyi-ammoniumbromide A , Brennicke and H . D . Frey, Properties of an Adenosine Cyclic Phosphates Degrading Enzyme i n N i c o t i a n a tabacum L . var. X a n t h i B . Frenze!, O. R . Kaaden, and M . Mussgay, Purification of a Glycoprotein from Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) R. Riehl, Paracristalline Bodies in Y o u n g Oocytes of the Loach, Neomacheilus b a r b a t u l u s (L.) (Teleostei, Cobitidae) (In German) E . Schulte and R . R i e h l , Electron Microscopical Studies of Olfactory Organ of Ophicephalus ( C h a n n a ) obscurus ( G U E N T H E R , 1861 (Teleostei, Ophicephalidae) (In German) L.-J. Adam, H . Dahmen, and P . Fastrich, Oscillatory Nervous Response and Transient Vibration (Ear of L o c u s t a m i g r a t o r i a A c r i d i d a e , Insecta) J. Haupt, Preliminary Report on the M a t i n g Behaviour of the Primitive Spider H e p t a t h e l a k i m u r a i (Kishida) (Araneae, Liphistiomorphae)
H . Harms, W . Dehnen, and W . Mönch, Benzo(a)pyrene Metabolites Formed by Plant Cells
G. Brandner and M . - S . Cho, A f r i c a n Green M o n k e y Fibroblast A c t i n Morphology during S V 4 0 Infection . S. E r h a n , L . D . Greller, and B . Rasco, Evolution of the Transfer R N A Molecule J.-P. Liautard, D . T r o m m , and K . K ö h l e r , Isolation of Messenger Ribonucleoproteins from H e L a Cells by Affinity Chromatography on Poly (U) Sepharose . . A . R . T r i m , J . R . O. Dawson, P . E . Dickerson, F . Sakai, J . W . Watts, W . Hirst, and R . A . Cox, A Method for the Purification of Large Quantities of B i o logically Active Ribonucleic A c i d Components from Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle V i r u s , a Multicomponent Plant Virus A . Taketo, Sensitivity of E s c h e r i c h i a c o l i to V i r a l Nucleic A c i d , X I I . C a - or B a - F a c i l i t a t e d Transfection of C e l l Envelope Mutants P. Mascheck, K l . Scheller, and P . K a r l s o n , Changes i n Gene Expression during L a r v a l Development of C a l l i p h o r a v i c i n a Induced by Eodysterone 2 +
405 409 413
K . Kirschfeld and B . Lutz, The Speotral Sensitivity of the Ocelli of C a l l i p h o r a (Diptera)
434 439
Contents Notes P. Fähnrich and L . Chenaux, Studies on Carotenoids in Gametangia and Spores of A l l o m y c e s a r b u s c u l a (In German) Mohamed A . E l - A n s a r i , Moheb S. Ishak, A h m e d A . Amed, and N a b i e l A . M . Saleh, Flavonol Glycosides of C a r y a pecan and C a s u a r i n a e q u i s e t i f o l i a J . L . Ingham and P . M . Dewick, Isoflavonoid Phytoalexins from Leaves of T r i f o l i u m arvense J. L . Ingham, M e d i c a r p i n as a Phytoalexin of the Genus M e l i l o t u s K . Dettner and G . Schwinger, H i g h 3-Indoleacetic A c i d and Phenylacetic A c i d Concentrations in the Pygidial Glands of Water Beetles (Ditiscidae) (In German) P.-J. Enzmann and H . Rehberg, The Structural Components of H o g Cholera Virus H . Schwarz, H . - J . T h i e l , and W . Schäfer, Spontaneous Leukemia of A K R M i c e . Successful Passive Immunization with Goat Antibodies against Isolated Glycoprotein gp71 of F r i e n d Leukemia V i r u s (In German) F . Schlecht, Electron-Microscope Study of the Peritrophic Membrane i n Phyllopoda (Crustacea) (In German) G. Wiedenmann, Weak and Strong Phase Shifting in the Activity R h y t h m of L e u c o p h a e a m a d e r a e (Blaberidae) after L i g h t Pulses of H i g h Intensity . . . K l . Vogt, R a y Path and Reflection Mechanism i n Crayfish Eyes R. Wehner and I. Flatt, V i s u a l Fixation i n Freely F l y ing Bees Contents
of N u m b e r
444 446 449
453 456
464 466 469
Original Communications
M . Wenzel, R. Herken, and W . Klose, Biochemistry of Metallocenes, II. Organ-Distribution and Thymus Affinity of Cinnamoyl-[ Ru]Ruthenocene (In German) J. Kopoldovä and St. H r n c i r , Gamma-Radiolysis of Aqueous Solution of Histidine B . Czochralska, H . Fritsche, and D . Shugar, Photochemically Reversible Dimer Electroreduction Product of 2-Oxopurine E . Wünsch, G . Wendlberger, A . Hallet, E . Jaeger, S. Knof, L . Moroder, R . Scharf, I. Schmidt, P . Thamm, and L . Wilschowitz, Total Synthesis of H u m a n B i g Gastrin I and the 32-Leucine Analogue (Preliminary Communication) (In German) F. Parak, U . F . Thomanek, D . Bade, and B . Wintergerst, The Orientation of the Electric F i e l d Gradient Tensor in CO-Liganded Myoglobin H . Scheer and W . Kufer, Studies on Plant B i l e P i g ments, I V : Conformational Studies on C-Phycocyanin from S p i r u l i n a p l a t e n s i s W . Steglich and L . Zechlin, Pigments of F u n g i , X X X I I . 3-Methylriboflavine from P a n e l l u s s e r o i i n u s (Agaricales) (In German) P . Renz, R . W u r m , and J . Hörig, Nonenzymatic Transformation of Riboflavin into 5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazole H . L ü d e m a n n and E . Westhof, Conformations of the Nucleoside Analogs Formycin, 2-Azaadenosine, and Nebularine i n Solution M . F . Macchiato, G . F . Grossi, G . C. Gialanella, and A . Cascino, Sucrose Gradient A n a l y s i s : Computer Simulation and Measurement of the Parameters Involved in the Sedimentation of D N A Molecules . . A . Fink and G . Hotz, Immunological Reaction of U V Induced Radiation Damage i n Coliphage D N A . .
R. Jeck, The Properties of [co- (3-Acetylpyridinio) - n alkyl]Adenosine Pyrophosphates, Structural Analogs of the Coenzyme N A D (In German) K . Sauber, R . Müller, E . Keller, J . Eberspächer, and F . Lingens, Degradation of A n t i p y r i n by Pyrazon-Degrading Bacteria (In German) W . K u h n z and H . Rembold, Application of Lathanide Induced Shifts i n Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Juvenile Hormones H . B . Leising and D . 0 . Schachtschabel, Stimulation of Tyrosinase Activity and Melanin Formation of C u l tured Melanoma Cells by Serum Deprivation Alone or in Combination with Dibutyryl Cyclic A M P and Theophylline D. L . Dorset and A . J . Hancock, Glycerol Conformation and the Crystal Structure of L i p i d s I. A n Electron Diffraction Study of T r i p a l m i t i n and Conformationally F i x e d Analogs C. Gebhardt, H . Gruler, and E . Sackmann, On Domain Structure and L o c a l Curvature i n L i p i d Bilayers and Biological Membranes A . Radunz, B i n d i n g of Antibodies onto the Thylakoid Membrane. II. Distribution of L i p i d s and Proteins at the Outer Surface of the T h y l a k o i d Membrane . . . R. Schopf, The Degree of C F Release and the Reconstituting Capacity of the Depleted Membranes . . G. Vierke and P . Struckmeier, B i n d i n g of Copper(II) to Proteins of the Photosynthetic Membrane and its Correlation with Inhibition of Electron Transport in Class II Chloroplasts of Spinach K . - P . Heise and G . Krapf, Comparison of L i p i d Biosynthesis of Normal and Dark Kept Spinach Leaves i n Photosynthetically Active L i g h t . S. Saphon and A . R. Crofts, Protolytic Reactions i n Photosystem I I : a New M o d e l for the Release of Protons Accompanying the Photooxidation of Water . . M . Saleemuddin, U . Zimmermann, and F . Schneeweiß, Preparation of Human Erythrocyte Ghosts i n Isotonic Solution: Haemoglobin Content and Polypeptide Composition . U . Yamaguchi-Koll, K . J . Wiegers, and R . Drzeniek, Dissociation and Reassociation of Poliovirus, II. Protein Components Obtained by Urea Treatment of the Virus Particle G. S. Dogra, G . M . Ulrich, and H . Rembold, A Comparalive Study of the Endocrine System of the Honey Bee Larvae under N o r m a l and Experimental Conditions
473 482
520 523
539 544
Notes L . Sportelli, H . Neubacher, and W . Lohmann, On the Influence of Aromatic Residues on the Interaction of Copper(II) with Small Peptides Containing Aromatic Amino A c i d s : E S R and Optical Studies J. Maranon and O. M . Sorarrain, The Adenine and Thymine Molecules. Some Excited Singlet and Triplet Levels of the N o r m a l and Tautomeric Forms . . . H . Esterbauer and E . Schwarzl, Aerobic Oxidation of p-Hydroquinone by Horse Radish Peroxidase i n the Presence of a T h i o l and M n C l K . Bürcky, Gibberellin Activity of Different Antheridiogenes i n the Dwarf Pea Bioassay (In German) . . . G. Reimer and D . Drahovsky, Chromosomal Structures of Pseudomonas t e s t o s t e r o n i . I V . Effect of Testosterone on RNA-Synthesis (In German) R. T. C. Huang, Artificial Phospholipid and Glycol i p i d Particles, Visualization of Their Structure by Fluorescence Markers and Some Biological Properties Expressed by These Particles 2
650 652
T. M . M a i d a , M i c r o v i l l a r Orientation i n the Retina of a P i e r i d Butterfly W . C. Gordon, M i c r o v i l l a r Orientation in the Retina of the N y m p h a l i d Butterfly Contents Original
of N u m b e r
660 662
M . A . Haleem and K . D . Parker, Studies on the H e l i cal Structure of /?-D-l,3 X y l a n M . A . Haleem and K . D . Parker, Scattering of X - R a y s by P a r a l l e l and A n t i p a r a l l e l Layers i n Disordered Stacking and Statistical Layer Shifts for a-Chitin . . D. A . Adamiak, W . Saenger, R . K i n a s , and W . J . Stec, X-Ray-Diffraction Study and Determination of Absolute Configuration of the Anticancer Drug S ( —)Cyclophosphamide (Endoxan, Cytoxan, NSC-26271) . H . Lotter, A . Jones, and M . Sturm, X - R a y Structure Analysis of Mezerein from Daphne mezereum L . (In German) H . E . M a r c o l i n , R . Reschke, and A . Trautwein, Investigation of the Recombination K i n e t i c of Photodissoziated Myoglobin-CO at L o w Temperatures by M ö s s b a u e r Spectroscopy (In German) H . R ö p e r and K . Heyns, O n the Problem of Dimethylnitrosamine Formation from Tetracycline-Derivatives by Nitrosation Reaction in A c i d i c M e d i u m (In German) G. Grimmer and H . B ö h n k e , Investigation on D r i l l i n g Cores of Sediments of L a k e Constance. I. Profiles of the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (In German) J . A . Schmitt, H . - U . Meisch, and W . Reinle, Heavy Metals i n Higher F u n g i , II. Manganese and Iron (In German) H . R i m p l e r and I. Christiansen, Tectograndinol, a New Diterpene from Tectona g r a n d i s L . fil. (In German) . T. H i r a t a and T . Suga, Biologically Active Constituents of Leaves and Roots of Aloe arborescens var. natalensis J . Jacob and U . Green, Composition of the Ventral Gland-Pad Sebum from the Mongolian Gerbil, M e r i o nes unguiculatus A . K e i m , Electrophoretic Analyses of the Crop Contents of H e l o b d e l l a stagnalis (L.) (Hirudinea) . . . R. Jonak, C h . M . Lapiere, A . M e i n e l , H . NemetschekGansler, T h . Nemetschek, and H . R i e d l , Structure and Mechanical Propertiel of Dermatosparactic Collagen (In German) Ch. Gähwiller, C. von Planta, D . Schmidt, and H . Steffen, Size, Structure, and Dynamics of B i l e Salt/Lecithin M i x e d Micelles (In German) . . . . . . . L . Bornmann and B . Hess, Interaction of Cibacron Dyes with Dehydrogenases and Kinases A . M . Relimpio, Structure and AntiCholinesterase A c t i vity of Series of E t h y l Substituted P h e n y l Methylphosphonates M . H . Saylor and R . L . Mansell, Hydroxycinnamoyl: Coenzyme A Transferase Involved i n the Biosynthesis of Kaempferol-3-(p-coumaroyl Triglucoside) i n Pisum sativum J . Frey, W . K o r d e l , and F . Schneider, The Reaction of Aminoacylase with Chloromethylketone Analogs of Amino Acids H . H . H a m m and W . Seubert t, O n the Mechanism of Inactivation and ATP-Dependent Reactivation of R a t Liver Tyrosine Aminotransferase K . Okabe, Properties of Ribulose Diphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase i n the Tobacco A u r e a Mutant S u / su var. A u r e a . . .
J. K ö h r l e , J . Lüstorff, and E . Schlimme, P ^ p s - B i s - (5'adenosyl) pentaphosphate: Is this Adenylate Kinase Inhibitor Substrate for Mitochondrial Processes? . . . J.-D. Schwenn and B . Depka, Assimilatory Sulfate Reduction by Chloroplasts: The Regulatory Influence of Adenosine-mono- and Adenosine-diphosphate . . . C. Buschmann and H . K . Lichtenthaler, H i l l - A c t i v i t y and P700 Concentration of Chloroplasts Isolated from R a d i s h Seedlings Treated with Indoleacetic Acid, K i n e t i n or Gibberellic A c i d B . Huchzermeyer and H . Strotmann, Acid/Base-Induced Exchange of Adenic Nucleotides on Chloroplast Coup l i n g Factor ( C F ) S. Saphon and A . R . Crofts, The H / e Ratio i n Chloroplasts is 2. Possible Errors i n Its Determination F . Koenig, W . Menke, A . Radunz, and G . H . Schmid, Localization and Functional Characterization of Three T h y l a k o i d Membrane Polypeptides of the Molecular Weight 66 000 B, Rauch, D . v. Chak, and W . Hasselbach, Phosphorylation by Inorganic Phosphate of Sarcoplasmic M e m branes H . K . Samanta and S. B . Bhattacharjee, Thymineless Death i n E s c h e r i c h i a c o l i H . A . B . L i n k e , Growth Inhibition of Glucose-Grown Cariogenic and Other Streptococci by Saccharin i n v i t r o G. F . Grossi, G . Cesareni, and F . L i e l l o , Development of Phage Populations i n a Bacterial C u l t u r e : a Mathematical M o d e l R. Figueroa, A . S e p ü l v e d a , M . A . Sato, and J . Toha, Genetic Information Analysis of Bacteriophage x 174 H . Stieve, M . Bruns, and H . Gaube, A b i l i t y to LightInduced Conductance Change of Arthropod V i s u a l C e l l Membrane, Indirectly Depending on Membrane Potential, during Depolarization by E x t e r n a l Potassium or Ouabain t
712 724
828 835 839
844 850
Notes 731
735 739
748 756
J . Maranon and O. M . Sorarrain, The Tautomeric Conformers for the Molecules of Guanine and Cytosine. Some Remarks about T h e i r Stability D. A . Alizade and K . Gaede, C h i r a l i t y of the Hydrogen Transfer to N A D Catalyzed by (3R) Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas lemoignei . . . H . J . Lach and P . iBöger, Some Properties of Plastidic Cytochrome b-563 H . E . A . Schenk and J . Hanf, Thioacylamides and Thioacylureas as Inhibitors of Photosystem II (In German) . H.-J. T h i e l , C . Bergholz, H . Beug, F . Deinhardt, H . Schwarz, and W . Schäfer, Isolation of the M a j o r Glycoprotein (gp70) of S i m i a n Sarcoma V i r u s (SSV-1/ S S A V - 1 ) in Preparative Quantities R. C . Hardie, Electrophysiological Properties of R 7 and R 8 i n Dipteran Retina
Contents 765
of N u m b e r
874 877
884 887
V . N . B a b i n , E . B . Zavelovich, and Y u . A . Belousov, The Effect of Water on Proton Transfer i n Pyrazole . R. Stolarski, M . R e m i n , and D . Shugar, Studies on Prototropic Tautomerism i n Neutral and Monoanionic Forms of Pyrimidines by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy H . H . Mantsch and O. Bärzu, Anomalous Base-Stacking of the N O x i d e of A M P r
894 901
Contents H.-J. Breter, The Quantitative Determination of M e tabolites of 6-Mercaptopurine i n Biological Materials. IV. A n Improved Separation Method for Twentytwo Compounds Related to Purine and 6-Thiopurine M e tabolism U s i n g High-Pressure L i q u i d Cation-Exchange Chromatography H . J . Schmidt, U . Schaum, and J . P . Pichotka, The Influence of Mode and Intensity of Homogenization on the Absolute Value and Stability of Oxygen Consumption of Guinea P i g Liver Homogenates (In German) . G. Müller, Pollution Research on Dated Sediment Cores from Lake Constance. II. Historical Evolution of Heavy Metals — Relationship to the Evolution of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (In German) . . G. Müller, P o l l u t i o n Research on Dated Sediment Cores from L a k e Constance. III. Historical Evolution of N and P-Compounds — Relationship to the Development of Heavy Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (In German) R. Kanne, Isolation and Characterization of a Potassium Specific Ionophore from S t r e p t o c o c c u s f a e c a l i s . G. Metz, R . M a r x , and K . - H . R ö h m , The Quaternary Structure of Yeast Aminopeptidase I. 1. Molecular Forms and Subunit Size R. M a r x , G . Metz, and K . - H . R ö h m , The Quaternary Structure of Yeast Aminopeptidase I. 2. Geometrie Arrangement of Subunits S. Postius and F . Schneider, M u l t i p l e Effects of Arnobarbital on Ehrlich Ascites Tumor Cells. Inhibition of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase W . Tinschert and L . T r ä g e r , Evidence for an 4-Ene-3oxosteroid-5a-reductase and J - z l - K e t o s t e r o i d Isomerase Activity i n Extraets of Streptomyces hydrogenans K . Alef and J . - H . Klemme, Characterization of a Soluble NADH-Independent Nitrate Reductase from the Photosynthetic Bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata G. Mückle and W . R ü d i g e r , Chromophore Content of C-Phycoerythrin from Various Cyanobacteria . . . G. Renger and G . H . Schmid, O n the Correlation between the Amplitude of the Electrochromic Absorption Changes and the Number of B u l k Pigments . . . . G . F . W . Searle, A Chloroplast Photosystem 2 Reaction Resistant to Salicylaldoxime 4
J. Kiefer and B . Laske, Protein Synthesis and Amino A c i d Pools i n Irradiated Yeast Cells 973 E . Priesner, H . - J . Bestmann, 0 . Vostrowsky, and P . Rösel, Sensory Efficacy of Alkyl-Branched Pheromone Analogues i n Noctuid and T o r t r i c i d Lepidoptera . . 979 W. Hasselbach and A . M i g a l a , Calcium Gradient Dependent Pyrophosphate Formation by Sarcoplasmic Vesicles 992 G. Wiedner, G . W i l h e l m , G . Jureit, and Z . Bojadzijev, Calcification of a Native Collagen Membrane . . . . 997 S. Erhan, Origins of the First C e l l . A New M o d e l for the Spontaneous Formation of the First L i v i n g C e l l Based on a Novel Approach 1003
913 Notes
920 926
954 957
H . W . L u d w i g , 99.26 per cent Water Content i n the Fresh-Water Medusa C r a s p e d a c u s t a s o w e r b i i . . . . E . Wollenweber, Chalcones and Dihydrochalcones as Constituents of F e r n F a r i n a (Genera C h e i l a n t h e s and N o t h o l a e n a ) (In German) G. J . Niemann, Flavonoids and Related Compounds i n Leaves of Pinaceae. II. C e d r u s a t l a n t i c a c. v. Glauca . J. L . Ingham, Phytoalexins of Hyacinth Bean ( L a b l a b niger) M . Dizdaroglu, D . Schulte-Frohlinde, and C . v. Sonntag, y-Radiolyses of D N A i n Oxygenated Aqueous Solution. Structure of an A l k a l i - L a b i l e Site H . C. Heinrich, J . B r ü g g e m a n n , E . E . Gabbe, M . Gläser, F . Icagic, and E . Pape, Correlation between Diagnostic F e - A b s o r p t i o n and Serum F e r r i t i n Concentration i n M a n M . Popescu, J . Löhler, and F . Lehmann-Grube, Infectious Lymphocytes i n M i c e Persistently Infected with Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus G. E r l e r and U . Thurm, A Simplified Method for Recording Receptorpotentials and Nervous Impulses of Insect Epidermal Mechanoreceptors (In German) . . 49
1013 1015 1018
Erratum 1031 To B . Rauch, D . v. Chack, and W . Hasselbach (32 c, 828 [1977])
Subjeot Index
Authors Index
Studies on Plant Bile Pigments, I V :
Conformational Studies on C-Phycocyanin from S p i r u l i n a
Hugo Scheer and Werner Kufer Institut für Botanik, Universität M ü n c h e n (Z. Naturforsch. 32 c, 5 1 3 - 5 1 9 [1977] ; received A p r i l 25, 1977) B i l e Pigments, Protein Interaction, Conformation, Denaturation The chromophore-protein interactions of C-phycocyanin (C-PC) from S p i r u l i n a p l a t e n s i s have been studied by following the partial and complete denaturation with U V - V i s spectroscopy. F r o m comparison w i t h published M O calculations, an elongated conformation of the chromophore is suggested for native C - P C , a cyclic one for denatured C - P C . B y means of partial denaturation, a stepwise unfolding of the protein has been demonstrated. The presence of at least two sets of spectroscopically different chromophores is suggested from the partial denaturation and low temperature experiments.
Phycocyanins and phycoerythrins are photosynthetic light harvesting pigments of blue-green, red and cryptophytan algae, which contain bile-pigment chromophores covalently bound to proteins . The absorption of the various types of these pigments cover the spectral ränge between about 500 and 670 nm practically completely. In spite of this spectral variety, however, the phycobiliproteins contain with only few exceptions just two chemically distinct chromophores: the blue phycocyanobilin (la) and the red phycoerythrobilin (2) *» . Uninfluenced by the protein, the free bases of the two chromo2
2> 3
la: lb:
R = Protein; R « C H R = Protein; = C H x
C0 H
C0 H
R = Protein
* The terms p h y c o c y a n o b i l i n and p h y c o e r y t h r o b i l i n are u s e d for C o m p o u n d s with the m o l e c u l a r s t r u c t u r e of l a and 2, which are characterized by a s u b s t i t u t e d ethylgroup
a critical discussion,
Reprint requests should be sent to D r . Hugo Scheer, Institut für Botanik, Menzinger S t r a ß e 67, D - 8 0 0 München 1 9 .
phores absorb around 600 and 530 nm, respectively, in the visible spectral region, and around 350 and 320 nm in the near UV. The spectra of the free chromophores are quite dissimilar to those of the native pigments, too, in terms of intensity and shape
H . Scheer and W . Kufer • Studies on Plant B i l e Pigments, I V
of the two main absorption bands (vide infra), and of their fluorescence. The specific chromophoreprotein interactions which underly these profound optical changes are hitherto only little understood. These interactions render the chromophore an intrinsic and sensitive indicator for the state of the biliproteins. Qualitatively, this built-in probe has been widely used to test any alterations of biliproteins during their isolation and purification. Brown et al. have demonstrated, that the renaturation of allophycocyanin subunits, depending on the buffer System used, yields pigments absorbing at either 650 nm (like allophycocyanin) or 620 nm (like C-PC). The influence of protein aggregation and isotope Substitution on the chromophore absorption has been studied by several groups * ' ~~ . The rearrangement of the protein induced by the initial photochemical reaction of the chromophore is also believed to be responsible for the sequence of intermediates identified during the phytochrome (1b = P ) interconversions " . 4
The influence of the protein moiety in biliproteins can be abolished completely by denaturation with 8 M urea, 6 M guanidinium chloride, or heat. Spectral comparison of the thus exposed chromophores with free bile pigments of known structure has been widely used as a sensitive and very mild method to obtain structural information on biliproteins which are less accessible or unstable . 12,13
glass beads (350g, 0.25 mm 0). The pigments were extracted twice with sodium phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0) containing NaN (10~ M) and EDTA potassium sah ( 1 0 M ) . The crude extract was freed from Chlorophyll by centrifugation for 1 h at 78 000 X g, and the pigments precipitated by 50% Saturation with ( N H ) S 0 . Purification on Ultrogel AcA22 (LKB, Sweden) and subsequently DEAE cellulose Servacel CM23 (Serva,W.Germany) yielded C-PC with a ^620^280 of 4.1. Spectra were recorded on a DMR22 spectrophotometer (Zeiss, Germany) equipped with a pair of cryostats model 600 (Thor, England) and a temperature Controller (Kisch, Germany). Gelchromatographic determinations of molecular weights were carried out on thermostated Sephadex G-200 columns (1.5x60 cm at 4 °C, and 2.5x50 cm at 39 °C) calibrated with Dextran blue, catalase, bovine serum albumin, and cytochromec. Sedimentation velocity (5 ) determinations were run in a Beckmann E analytical ultracentrifuge (UV analyzer at 350 nm), and corrected for temperature changes, solvent viscosity, solvent density and the partial molar volume of the protein. For the denaturation experiments a stock Solution of C-PC in potassium phosphate buffer (0.05 M, pH 7.5) containing NaN , EDTA and sodium ascorbate (5 x 1 0 M each) was prepared. In the case of heat denaturation, a fresh sample (~ 50 jul) of this Solution was added to the prethermostated cell containing 2.0 ml of buffer to yield a final concentration of 0.25 X 10~ M, and the spectrum followed in time. In the case of urea denaturation, aliquots were added to buffer containing increasing amounts of urea. The low temperature experiments were carried out in a 1:1 buffer: glycerol mixture, the Sedimentation experiments in a buffer without ascorbate, and the Sephadex MW determinations in a Tris buffer (0.01 M, pH 7.8) containing KCl (0.1 M), NaN (10~ M) and EDTA potassium salt ( 1 0 ~ M ) . All spectrosoopic xneasuremen-ts were performed under N . 3
_ 4
To obtain more detailed information on the chromophore-protein interaction, we have studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy the controlled (partial) denaturation and renaturation of C-phycocyanin (C-PC) from S p i r u l i n a platensis. To exclude aggregation effects, these studies were performed under conditions where C-PC is monomeric ~ . Spectra have been measured in the ränge between 320 and 700 nm. Thus, spectral changes have not only folResults lowed for the long wavelength band of the chromophore, but also for the less studied short wavelength Complete denaturation band. The results indicate a stepwise denaturation The UV-Vis spectral changes of C-PC upon comof C-PC, the presence of at least two chromophore plete denaturation by either heat (Fig. 1) or urea at populations, and a predominant influence of the protein via conformational modifications of the flex- pH 7.5 * are similar. The intensity ( £ ) of the long-wavelength band is decreased by a factor of ible bile pigment chromophore. 4.5, that of the near UV-band is increased by a factor of 2. The red band is shifted by about 20 nm Materials and Methods 3
Frozen cells of S p i r u l i n a platensis (110 g) were thawed, and broken in a beaker-type cell mill with
* F o r denaturation at different p H values leading to either cations or anions, or denaturation i n the presence of Z n , c. / . ref. 12. 2 +
H . Scheer and W . Kufer • Studies on P l a n t B i l e Pigments, I V
A [a.ü.]
1 600
1 500
! 400«^A[nm]
. 4 0 0 «—X[nm]
F i g . 1. U V - V i s absorption spectra of C-phycocyanin: native, at 4 ° C and p H 7.5, heat denatured at 71 ° C .
F i g . 2. U V - V i s absorption spectra of C-phycocyanin: native, Solution i n sodium phosphate buffer at 4 ° C and p H 7.5, denatured with 8 M urea.
to 600 nm, the near UV-band remains at roughly the same position. The fine structure of both bands is diminished. The long-wavelength band of native C-PC has a pronounced peak at 620 nm, with a broader Shoulder to shorter wavelengths (see below), the near UV-band is just resolved into two bands of about equal intensity at 360 and 347 nm. The respective bands in denatured C-PC are considerably broadened. Except for a slight redshift due to the different substituents, the spectrum is similar to that of the free base of the synthetic A-Dihydrobilin (3) . Like in other bilins, the spectrum probably constitutes but an envelope of various conformers of the flexible bilin chromophore. On this basis, the comparably narrow bands in the native pigments indicate an increased rigidity, and the presence of only few conformers of the tetrapyrrole skeleton. Increased rigidity is evidenced, too, by the strong fluorescence of C-PC **. However, the spectral changes upon denaturation do not only indicate an increased flexibility of the free bilin chromophore, but also a profound change
in the average chromophore conformation. MO calculations of several g r o u p s agree that the relative intensity of the two main bands is an indicator for the chromophore conformation. The results predict a weak long-wavelength and a more intense near UV-band for cyclic "porphyrin-type" conformations. This Situation is gradually reversed upon stretching the chromophore (c./. Fig. 3). The trends predicted from these calculations gain strong support from the recent x-ray analysis of the dimethylester of biliverdin (4) . A cyclic "porphyrin-type" structure has been found for 4, and its UV-Vis spectrum is indeed similar to that dn Fig. 3 a ( E / E « 1:4). The presence of cyclic conformations in bile pigment Solutions, possibly among other conformations, had already been suggeslted in 1964 by Moscowitz et al. from chiroptical data ***. In the cyclic conformation, the two terminal O-atoms overlap thus rendeiung the
1 5
6 5 5
Z 7 0
** T h i s rigidity is a prerequisite, too, for the efficient photoreactivity of P . In both cases, the radiationless, energy degrading decay by internal conversion is slowed down sufficiently by conformational fixation. r
H . Scheer and W . K u f e r • Studies on Plant B i l e Pigments, I V
the y?-pyrrolic substituents. Conformations like the ones used in formulas 1 and 2 are sterically much more hindered, but the relief of steric strain by twisting the methine bridges is not expected to change the intensity ratio significantly . Although other influences cannot be ruled out, no presently published calculations indicate similar pronounced influences, e. g. of electric fields . However, these factors may be responsable for the large shdfts observed among native biliproteins with the same chromophore la. 14
At 4 °C the red absorption band of C-phycocyanin from 5. platensis (0.25 x 10~ M) is distinctly asymmetric with a narrow peak at 620 nm, which is superimposed to a broader band centered around 615 nm. At 40 °C the red band exhibits no longer this asymmetry, and the maximum absorption is reduced by about 20% (Fig. 4 a). If the decrease of the long wavelength absorption maximum is followed as a function of temperature (Fig. 4 b), there is a distinct transition between 20 and 40 °C, and after a plateau a second decrease above 50 °C. The second decrease corresponds to the complete unfolding of the protein chain . The first decrease must then be related to a conformational change from the "low temperature" form, which is stable below 20 °C, to a "high temperature" form stable between 35 and 55 °C. A two-step unfolding is observed, too, by adding C-PC to increasing concentrations of urea, a denaturing agent (Fig. 5). There is again a distinct transition between 1.5 and 4 M, followed by a plateau and a second decrease above 5 M which again corresponds to the onset of complete unfolding of the peptide chain. As long as the temperature does not exceed 50 °C, and the urea concentration is kept below 5 M, respectively, these spectral changes are completely reversible by cooling to 4 °C, and by dialyzing the urea out of the Solution. 6
H 0.06
™ 1
F i g . 3. Calculated oscillator strengths for the biliverdin chromophore i n three different conformations: a : cyclic, "porphyrine type", b : semicyclic, c : elongated, "polyene type" (modified from Chae and Song, 1975).
chromophore inheremtly dissymmetric. The predominance of only one hölicality in bilins containing asymmetric a-pyrrole C-atoms then leads to unusually large Cotton effects ****. Thus, the intensity ratio calculated by Chae and Song for the cyclic conformation (s) is well supported by experimental evidence. Based on the same calculations, the intensity ratio observed in the spectra of native biliproteins would then suggest the chromophores to be in a linear, polyene-type conformation (Fig. 3 c). The conformation shown in Fig. 3 c is chosen from the set used by Chae and Song with regard to minimal steric hindrance at 15
*** " P o r p h y r i n type" structures have b e e n pyrrins, too, both i n the c r y s t a l and i n 1 9 a
for tri-
* * * * A more elongated structure for 4 has been proposed recently from comparison of M O results with low temperature absorption and fluorescence d a t a . However, biliverdin and other bilins are protonated at low temperatures i n ethanol (—196 ° C ) . The increase of the longwavelength band i n b i l i n cations, as compared to the free bases, would then simulate a more elongated structure. 1 5
2 0
That these spectral changes are due to conformational changes in the monomeric protein, rather than to aggregation, is suggested from molecular weight measurements. On calibrated Sephadex columns, PC has an apparent molecular weight of 44,000 and 47,000 daltons at 4 °C and 40 °C, respectively. Similarly, ultracentrifugation experiments yield Sedimentation coefficients of 2.99 S at 5 °C and 3.15 S at 35 °C, comparable to the 3 S found for monomeric C-PC ~. 5
H . Scheer and W . Kufer • Studies on Plant B i l e Pigments, I V
0 1
1 10
1 50
« 60
' \
' °C 70
F i g . 4. Partial denaturation of C-phycocyanin by heat a) long wavelength band of the " l o w temperature" conformation at 5 ° C ( ) , and of the "high temperature" conformation at 40 ° C ( ). b) Decrease of the long wavelength absorption maximum relative to E H = 100^. The three points at each temperature correspond to a time of 1, 3 and 15 min, respectively. Prolonged treatment, especially at higher temperatures, leads to irreversible side reactions. 0
Spectroscopic differences between the two intermediate forms of C-PC, viz. the "high temperature" form obtained by heating to 40 °C, and the form obtained by adding 4 M urea, respectively, indicate that the two forms are somewhat different from each other. With urea, the intermediate still has an asymmetric red band, although the maximum is shifted to 617 nm. In the spectrum of the "high temperature" intermediate, such fine structure is no longer discernible at all, but the peak originally present at 620 nm is decreased in intensity and/or shifted to shorter wavelengths. These differences would indicate the presence of (at least) two sets of chromo-
' 2
' U
1 7
1 8
F i g . 5. Partial denaturation of C-phycocyanin by urea. a) L o n g wavelength band of the conformation stable i n the absence of urea at 4 ° C ( ) , and i n the presence of 4 M urea ( ); b) decrease of the long wavelength absorption band ( £ ? 2 o = 100%). The three points correspond to denaturation times of 3, 15 and 30 m i n .
phores in C-PC. The two sets are affected to a different degree by heat, but they are less discriminated by partial denaturation with urea. Monomeric C-PC generally contains three phycocyanin chromophores, one in the light (or a), and two in the heavy (or ß) subunit ' . The spectral changes upon partial heat denaturation may then reflect the preferential unfolding of the peptide chain in the environment of one chromophore. Two different chromophore populations for C-PC had been suggested, too, from fluorescence data . Both sets are efficientlycoupled to allow excitation energy transfer from the chromophore (s) absorbing at shorter wavelengths (termed sensitizers, "s"), to the one(s) absorbing at longer wavelengths (termed fluorescers, "f"). Experiments 2
2 1 , 2 2
H . Scheer and W . Kufer • Studies on Plant B i l e Pigments, I V
identical to the ones described above, but utilizing fluorescence rather than absorption spectroscopy as a probe , are under way. The presence of two different chromophore populations is supported, too, by low temperature absorption spectroscopy of C-PC. The UV-Vis spectrum of a Solution of C-PC (0.3 x 1 0 M) in a 1 : 1 mixture of buffer and glycerol at 4 °C is similar to that in buffer. In particular, the long-wavelength band is again asymmetric (c./. Fig. 1). If this Solution is cooled, both components of the band gradually sharpen, and eventually split into two bands centered 5 b
- 4
at 630 and 595 nm below - 100 °C (Fig. 6) . The end spectrum ( — 196 °C) is the same, irrespective of the time required for cooling down (15 — 180 min), and upon warming up to 4 °C the original spectrum is retained. Presently, it cannot be excluded that both bands observed at low temperatures are due to a single chromophore in a defined conformation. This is unlikely, however, in view of the low temperature spectra of free bilins. If care is taken to avoid protonation during cool-down (see above), the spectra still remain broad, and only little fine structure appears down to —196 °C. There is only one type of bile pigment known to have a two-peaked long wavelength absorption maximum. Purpurins are characterized by spectra with two comparably narrow bands centered around 540 and 500 nm. This spectrum has been interpreted, too, as to arise from two distinct forms present in Solution . The results indicate, that the bilin chromophore is held in an elongated conformation in the interior of biliproteins. They also demonstrate, that partial denaturation is a sensitive method to study the interaction between the bile-pigment chromophores and the protein in biliproteins, and to differentiate between distinct chromophore populations. lb
_j—,—,—,—,—|—,—i—i , |—|—-r 700 600 « X[nm]500
F i g . 6. L o w temperature U V - V i s absorption spectrum ( —196 °C) of C-phycocyanin i n a 1 : 1 mixture of sodium phosphate buffer, p H 7.5, and glycerol.
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We acknowledge a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg. We thank Prof. Rüdiger for continuing support and helpful discussions. We are indebted to Prof. C. J. Soeder for generous supply of S p i r u l i n a platensis, and Dr. R. Loewe for the ultracentrifugation measurements.
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