Sep 26, 2014 - Gordon Li on our strategic plan ... For information email
... Dr. Candice Murray, Dr C
In this issue …
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter September 26, 2014
CAP 2015 registration opens The Future of the Principalship Leadership opportunities Live-stream with the Dalai Lama Gordon Li on our strategic plan
Registration now open
Early bird pricing through October 31
CAP 2015 Annual Conference
Connecting Leaders: Inspiring Learning May 11-14, 2015 • Chateau Fairmont Whistler Preliminary program: Registration:
The Future of the Principalship in Canada
The Canadian Association of Principals and the Alberta Teachers’ Association have released The Future of the Principalship in Canada. The study involved 500 principals from across Canada who participated in 40 focus groups. The report provides both provincial and regional analysis highlighting common trends and critical influences effecting educational leadership in schools. Click or visit for a copy of the report. Leadership opportunities Kamloops First Nations Education Council invites applications for Admin-
istrator. The Council works in partnership with the School District to develop strategic goals to improve educational outcomes and experiences of First Nations/Aboriginal learners. Applications must be received by September 26. For information email
[email protected] Surrey invites applications for elementary principals and vice-principals in anticipation of future openings. Applications are due 12 pm, Sept 29. Click for information or visit
New Westminster invites applications for District Vice-Principal Student Services. A Masters of Special Education is preferred. Applications must be received by 12 noon, September 30. Click for information or visit Coquitlam invites applications for vice-principal. Vice-principals report to the principal and provide instructional leadership and assistance in the supervision of the school’s programs, services, students, and staff. Applications are due 4 pm, Oct. 9. Click for information or visit eNews/1
Call for articles
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter September 26, 2014
Adminfo Email your article to
[email protected]
CLICK for a program overview or visit S c h o o l Mental Health Symposium
Keynote speaker
Mary-Ellen Turpel-Lafond BC Representative for Children and Youth A full-day symposium sponsored by the BCPVPA in collaboration with School-Centered Mental Health Coalition
Among the confirmed speakers, presenters and panelists: Keli Anderson The FORCE Society for Kid’s Mental Health Dr. Candice Murray, Dr Connie Coniglio & Dr. Jana Davidson Children’s Hospital Jeff Stewart District Principal, Comox Valley, BC School Centered Mental Health Coalition Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc McCreary Centre Society Laurie Ebenal SD#43 District Principal Aboriginal Education Kim Weatherby Dash BC Cindy Andrew Helping Schools Centre for Addictions Research of BC/UofV
Friday October 24 Westin Wall Center Richmond
Click to register or visit $125 BCPVPA members • $150 non-members (plus GST, includes breakfast)
Shaking up education
Nominations open
Conference in Maple Ridge & Vancouver
Canada’s Outstanding Principals
istruptED Vancouver 2014: It’s Time to Shake Up Education will provide, “individuals and groups with the opportunity to come together over three days to share stories and ideas” about “what could school look like tomorrow?” Scheduled for October 23-25, speakers include David Helfand, President, Quest University and Sean Nosek, Director of Instruction, Technology and Innovation, West Vancouver. The first day will be held at Thomas Haney Secondary in Maple Ridge and the last two days of the conference will be held at the Vancouver Convention Center. For more information and to register click or visit ominations are open for The Learning Partnership’s 2015 Canada’s Outstanding Principals’ Program, which honours principals from across Canada who exemplify excellence in public education. The program was created, in partnership with Rotman School of Management, to strengthen the public education system by developing its leaders and offers principals who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, the opportunity to be recognized nationally as exemplary educators and to experience a five-day Executive Leadership Training program at the Rotman School of Management. • Nomination forms are here or visit
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter September 26, 2014
email networking that builds on the experience of BCPVPA’s principals and vice-principals email:
[email protected]
An opportunity for BC schools and classrooms Live-stream with the
Heart-Mind Youth Dialogue with the Dalai Lama October 21 9 to 11 am
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama will be visiting a Canadian school for the first time when he returns to BC in October. On October 21 he will spend the morning at John Oliver Secondary in Vancouver in dialogue with secondary students who represent a cross section of school districts. In this live-steamed event, the students will share the stage with the Dalai Lama and offer a personal story of a transformative time in their live when their hearts were educated in school. The event has been designed for intermediate, middle and secondary classrooms. Click or visit to register. There is no cost, but registration will ensure you have access and technical information needed to be an active participant.
Upcoming from the BCPVPA 2014 Mental Health Symposium • October 24 • Richmond Click for an overview of the day Presidents’ Meeting • November 21 • Richmond Chapter Council • November 21-22 (includes Student Scholarships) • Richmond 2015 Chapter Council • February 20-21 • Richmond Chapter Council • May 22-23 (includes BCPVPA Partnership Awards) • Richmond CAP/BCPVPA Conference • May 11 – 14 • Chateau Fairmont, Whistler BCPVPA Connecting Leaders Conference • October 23-24
The BCPVPA on YouTube
The BCPVPA on Twitter Interviews, Kindergarten, Aboriginal Education, Standards & Coaching , & more
Click to join the BCPVPA’s more than 2430 followers on Twitter for short timely updates.
On the move?
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter September 26, 2014
President Gordon Li on advancing the BCPVPA’s strategic plan
2014 — 2015 Board of Directors President Gordon Li (Burnaby)
[email protected] Directors Susan Clough (Surrey)
[email protected] Darren Danyluk (Rocky Mountain)
[email protected] David DeRosa (Kootenay-Columbia)
[email protected] Heidi Grant (Nechako Lakes)
[email protected] John Horstead (Surrey)
[email protected] Brett Johnson (Greater Victoria)
[email protected] Bryan Johnson (Sooke)
[email protected] Lee Karpenko (Prince George)
[email protected] Carol-Ann Leidloff (Kootenay Lake)
[email protected] Brian Leonard (Coquitlam)
[email protected] Kevin Reimer (Comox Valley)
[email protected]
If you’ve moved or changed schools, email
[email protected] who will update your records
lthough it is unsettling to say at the end of September … I hope your first week of the school year went well and that you made great progress in reacquainting yourself with your students, staff, and parents. I know you will be pleased that your students’ contagious energy is reverberating throughout your building. I made my way into several schools this week to share in your excitement and see first-hand your masterful work in the usual craziness of September, in an atypical start-up. I want to thank you again for all your time and energy over the past several weeks. Your feedback and advice were extremely helpful in guiding our actions. We are stronger together. You were our barometers, you shared the load, and you empowered us to provide better support for our colleagues. As your attention returns to students and the learning communities in your schools, we, at the Association, are shifting our focus back to the strategic plan. Advocating for fair and total compensation for principals and viceprincipals is our number one priority. This was true prior to the BCTF strike and the subsequent negotiated agreement. It remains our number one focus today. We have scheduled meetings with key groups to explain the compression and inversion issues which became more pronounced after last week’s ratification. In addition, the Association has been invited to sit on the panel (Realities, Risks, and Rewards: Taking a Systems Approach to Exempt Staff Compensation: A panel of the BCPSEA Exempt Staff Compensation Working Group will discuss its review and analysis of exempt staff compensation issues and its recommendations for compensation structure/review moving forward.) at a BCPSEA symposium (October 23) to discuss the framework recommendations for the Exempt Staff Compensation Work Group. Other areas of the BCPVPA Strategic Plan (see being addressed are building the Association’s capacity to support members in their leadership roles. To this end, members of the Board of Directors have been assigned portfolios and will review both the purpose and effectiveness of BCPVPA governance structures. In addition, the Association’s Supervision for Learning program is having a tremendous second year with more than 185 participants now beginning their eight-month long professional learning. Jessica Antosz and Woody Bradford, from the Association’s Professional Learning eNews/4
Call for articles
the BCPVPA’s weekly electronic newsletter September 26, 2014
Click to email your article
department, tell me that there are a few spaces open in the Penticton, Prince George, and Richmond cohorts (see box below for information). Next week, I am meeting with the Deputy Minister and several issues that you have told us are important will be discussed: compensation, the alignment between the role, responsibilities and resources that support roles of principals and vice-principals on district management teams; class size and compensation; and, funding the system adequately. With the strike now over, I am looking forward to visiting many of you in your Chapters and schools. Please email me or Linsea (
[email protected] or
[email protected]) to arrange a visit. Please call or email me should your have any questions or concerns, or if there is any way we can support you. Have a great weekend, Gordon
Supervision for Learning
Cohorts in Penticton, Prince Rupert/Terrace, Prince George & Richmond
BCPVPA is accepting applications for its Supervision Your last opportunity! for Learning program. Last year’s program reached capacity with participants from more than 34 school districts. More than 185 participants The five-day program continues over eight months. Sessions begin with a two-day training, which focuses on listening skills, from 36 districts. team building, learning walks, triad and team collaboration. Dates for the program run from approximately October through April. The program is based on a peer coaching model and participants will engage in a learning experience in which supervision for learning, school improvement and professional development are the key outcomes. Principals and vice-principals will learn how to: • shift the focus of your awareness, for • explore curious questions, • participate in learner-focused dialogue, information/registration • provide effective feedback, or visit • have difficult conversations, and • create organizational change within your school.