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Who Switched Off My Brain, by Dr. Caroline Leaf. SCIENCE AND SCRIPTURE CONVERGE. ON THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND. "Every time you have a ...

McGregor Baptist Singles Ministry


People Connecting to God...God Connecting to People Volume 26 Issue 1

January, February, March 2012

Meet & Greet Luncheon Sundays @ 12:30 p.m.

McGregor Baptist Church

Friday Night Singles Fellowship

February 12 Tailgate Wing Ding wear your favorite football

jersey. Food: Chilli, wings, macaroni & cheese, chips & dip, desserts, and soda. Location: Fellowship Hall.

March 4 March Into Spring in Fellowship Park—Sonny’s BBQ or Kentucky Fried Chicken and all the trimmings. Outdoor games and maybe a Hula Hoop Contest. * If weather prohibits, we will meet in Fellowship Hall, Hope Bldg.

Join us as we meet and welcome our new Life Groups class members for lunch and a great time of fellowship. All new members, 60 days or less, please come as our guests…no food required. Class regulars over 60 days, please don’t forget to bring a covered dish to share with everyone. If you cannot bring a dish to share, there are items that you could bring from your Life Groups class sign-up sheet.

Car Care Day . . . Saturday, February 18 Car Care Day is a special event designed to assist single ladies of all ages with car services, consisting of oil changes and safety inspections. Attention, Ladies… you are to bring your own oil filter . Also, Ladies: Breakfast snacks are always appreciated for yourselves, the other ladies, and the men servicing your vehicles.

“New Year” “New” beginnings


January 8 Sara Cramer’s 25th Anniversary Lunch Celebration in Fellowship Hall, Hope Bldg. @ 12:30 PM. Join us as we celebrate Sara’s 25 years of service in our Single Adult Mnistry here at McGregor. Lunch cost: $6:00 No food to bring. You can register in your Life Groups Class or register in the Singles Ministry Office.

John 13:34-35


Friday, January 20 A special “kick-off” for the new year is set for Friday, January 20 @ 6:30 PM. Join other single adults with live praise music, a message from our Single Adult Minister, Arthur Keeley, fellowship & refreshments, recreation & games, and a movie. Location: Studio G Bldg. (east entrance).

Upcoming Dates: February 10 & 24 and March 9 & 23 @ 6:30 PM. The first event each month will include the above description, without a movie. The second event of each month will include a Praise and Worship time with recorded music and will include a movie option. Light snacks available, if you choose, for $3. Free snacks for first-time visitors! Childcare reservations needed! THE PLACE TO BE ON FRIDAY NIGHTS is - STUDIO G.

Attention, Men: Tools and experience are not necessary. Sign up today to help the ladies, and bring a friend. Call 689-2552 for an appointment!

New Opportunity . . .

Singles Book Club


"Every time you have a thought, it is actively changing your brain - for better or for worse."

"Uncover how healthy thoughts can start to help improve every area of your life - your relationships, your health, and even your success." In her book Who Switched Off My Brain Dr. Caroline Leaf combines scriptural principles with the latest neuro (brain) science. She explores 12 areas of toxicity and gives practical advice for cleaning up the damage of past toxic thinking and creating healthy brains (a.k.a. renewing our minds). She simplifies the topic of thought into two Biblical categories and illustrates how this quickly advancing branch of science is proving Scripture.

2 locations

Dates and Locations 2nd & 4th Thursdays of every month at 6:30 pm. January 12 & 26 February 9 & 23 March 8 & 22 You have a choice to join one of two locations: * Cape Coral Starbucks Pine Island Rd * Ft. Myers Perkins Corner of San Carlos Blvd & Summerlin If interested, please call Melissa at 313-3488.

Our next session will begin on Saturday, February 11, from 8:30 AM. to 1:30 PM. and will continue every Tuesday evening from February 14 through May 1 6:00 - 8:30 PM. Location: Hope Building @ McGregor Baptist Church Program Costs: Adults -$35.00 or Family Cap $ 35.00

At Divorce Care, you will become part of a small group of people who are also experiencing separation and divorce.

Divorce Care 4 Kids is a program for children in grades 1-5 and will meet on the above dates, along with their parent. Registration for Adults and Kids — please go online at www. or visit any of the Ticket Counters at McGregor Baptist Church. Preschool Childcare is available for children ages 0 through and including Kindergartners, at no extra cost, for which reservations must be made 2 weeks prior to the date when the infant/child will be attending.

For more information, call 689-2552 or check out the Singles Web Site @

Married? Moved?

McGregor Baptist Church 3750 Colonial Boulevard Fort Myers, FL 33966

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1st Quarter—2012 January, February, March

“Connected SINGLE Adult” LIFE GROUPS Classes 9:30 AM. Classes Kevin Mullings -

Ages (30-40) Room F-207, Faith Bldg.

Arthur Keeley - Ages

(40-54) Room F-209 A, Faith Bldg.

11:00 AM. Classes Mike Sergent Tom Russell


Ages (40-54) Room F-202, Faith Bldg.

Ages (55+) Room F-209-B, Faith Bldg.

Judy Healey/Steve Dalton - Separated/Divorced,

Room F-206, Faith Bldg.

For those hurting from separation or divorce. “Intimacy with Christ” AKA “The Oasis Class”

Weekly Activities Sunday Singles “Life Groups” Bible Study Groups at 9:30 & 11:00 AM. Worship Services:

* Worship Center at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 * Worship In Studio G at 9:30 & 11:00

Wednesday Church-Wide Dinner Doors open @ 5:00 PM.

Dinner in Fellowship Hall,

FOCUS Church Service Begins @ 6:30 PM.

Service in Worship Center

Another Year - Another Opportunity Have you been thinking much about the past year? What have you accomplished? What did you get done that made significant changes in your life? Do you even know what a significant change is? Sounds pushy of me to ask, huh? Well, here’s the deal. I love all of you in Christ. I have enjoyed many programs and functions with you this past year. I have grown to appreciate each one of you and your particular situations graciously. I am more than thankful for my calling to serve with, and alongside of, you. However… I would not be responsible before the Lord if I did not tell you to do just that. Look back. Examine your growth. Examine your relationships. Examine your hearts. It is not OK to remain in the same spiritual condition. If you had cancer, would you ignore treatment because you did not like something about the way it smelled, or tasted, or looked? Of course not! You would take it because it would provide you hope: hope to become healthy again. That is what your relationship with Christ should be like. Constant growth. Learning how to grow spiritually is a life-long journey that occurs as you read and apply God's Word to your life. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 teaches us, "All Scripture is Godbreathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." In order for spiritual growth to occur, we must be taught, rebuked, corrected, and trained by God's Word. Then we will be thoroughly equipped for every good work. This is the essence of spiritual growth. Start this year out with the end in mind. Take steps that will lead you to becoming a more RADICAL Christian. You won’t regret it. Have an awesome Holiday Season!

Much Love in Christ. Pastor Arthur