cristine, doxorubicin, ifosfamide or cyclophos- phamide, dactinomycin and/or etoposide. Complete surgical excision is undertaken whenever possible to improve ...
Rare Tumors 2013; volume 5:e20
Conservative multimodal management of a primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the thyroid Romain Natale,1 Juliette Thariat,1 Pierre Olivier Vedrine,2 Alex Bozec,1 Isabelle Peyrottes,1 Pierre Yves Marcy,1 Juliette Haudebourg,1 Florence Pedeutour,3 Esma Saâda,1 Antoine Thyss1 1
Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Institut Universitaire de la Face et du Cou, Nice; 2Centre Hospitalier de Cannes, Cannes; 3 CHU de Nice, Faculté de Médecine, Nice, France
Abstract Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) represent 1% of sarcomas. Head and neck peripheral PNETs have an intermediate prognosis between abdominopelvic disease and extremities. We here report the case of a 40year old male who presented with primitive neuroectodermal tumor of the thyroid and was treated by multimodal treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy and intermediate dose radiotherapy. The patient is alive and fit with a functional larynx at 27 months. Multimodal treatments yield five-year survival rates of about 60%. Major drug regimens use vincristine, doxorubicin, ifosfamide or cyclophosphamide, dactinomycin and/or etoposide. Complete surgical excision is undertaken whenever possible to improve long-term survival. However, the relative radiosensitivity of tumors of the Ewing family, suggest multimodal treatment including adjuvant conformal radiotherapy in case of positive margins or poor response to chemotherapy rather than resection with 2-3 cm margins, which would imply laryngeal sacrifice for thyroid tumors. The role of expert rare tumor networks is crucial for optimal decision-making and management of such rare tumors on a case by case basis.
Introduction Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) belong to the Ewing family of tumors and represent 1% of sarcomas.1-3 Largest head and neck series included at most 11 cases occurring in various sites.4-6 Three-year survival rates are about 60% (52-88%). Head and neck peripheral PNETs have an intermediate prognosis between abdominopelvic disease (who
fare much worse) and extremities.6-7 The sole two published thyroid PNET cases had adverse outcomes,8 but would probably merit pathology review given their association with malignant teratoma and the absence of cytogenetic examination in one. Ewing thyroid cases mostly occur in patients ≤30 years.2,3,9
Case Report A 40 year-old male, with unremarkable past medical history self-referred to a tertiary-care hospital for rapidly-progressive neck swelling, in November 2010. Doppler ultrasonography (US) of the neck disclosed a 55 mm heterogenous oval hypervascular solid nodule in the upper left thyroid lobe and two centimetric hypovascular nodules in the lower lobe. Thyroid isthmus and right lobe were normal in echostructure and size. The larynx was not involved. There was no suspicious lymph node, namely in the levels III, IV and VI. Left isthmolobectomy, performed in January 2011, revealed a suspicious malignant tumor, with accidental per operative extra-capsular rupture. Small basophile round cells, mainly monomorphic, containing a small hyperchromatic nucleus often inconspicuous and a scant cytoplasm, suggested PNET on per-operative histological examination. The diagnosis of PNET was further confirmed upon pathological review with highly positive MIC2 antigen (CD 99) staining (Figure 1A,B) and FISH analysis showing a specific t(11;22)(q24;q12) translocation (Figure 1C). Salvage surgery of a relapsed para-isthmic nodule, performed two months following initial surgery, showed residual isthmic tumor in the anterior neck tissues and along the right the cartilage ail. Conservative surgery was performed with thorough resection of all soft tissues along the external parts of the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone. Given the non radical nature of the resection, the tumor was macroscopically removed but the margins were deemed microscopically positive. Following two cycles of chemotherapy (cisplatine, etoposide), chemotherapy was switched to doxorubicine and ifosfamide following subcutaneous tumor regrowth in the para-isthmic area, and yielded a complete response. Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) delivered 44 Gy to the thyroid bed with 3 cm cranio-caudal margins and 2 cm lateral and anteroposterior margins, 54 Gy to positive margins areas, and 60 Gy (Figure 1D) according to Euroewing 99 protocol based on response to chemotherapy and margins. The patient is alive without disease 27 months following the end of the multimodal treatment.
[Rare Tumors 2013; 5:e20]
Correspondence: Juliette Thariat, Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Lacassagne-IUFCUNSA, 33 av Valombrose, 06189 Nice, France. Tel. +33.492.031269 - Fax +33.492.031570 E-mail: Key words: primitive neuroectodermal tumor, rare tumor, thyroid, sarcoma, multimodal treatment. Contributions: JT, conception of study, literature search, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing, figures, editing, final review; RN, literature search, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, writing, editing, final review; POV, AB, IP, PYM, JH, PF, ES, data collection, final review; AT, data collection, data interpretation, writing, editing, final review. Conflict of interests: the authors declare no potential conflict of interests. Received for publication: 2 February 2013. Revision received: 30 March 2013. Accepted for publication: 8 April 2013. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BYNC 3.0). ©Copyright J. Thariat et al., 2013 Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Rare Tumors 2013; 5:e20 doi:10.4081/rt.2013.e20
Discussion and Conclusions We here present the sole cytogeneticallyconfirmed published case of thyroid PNET with a presentation of rapidly-growing goiter. The diagnosis of PNET was suspected on extemporaneous examination showing small round cells. Central pathology review confirmed the suspicion of PNET. Ewing and PNET sarcomas share a similar histological appearance of small round blue cell tumor (except for the presence of rosettes), immunohistochemical markers, cytogenetic translocation t(11;22) (q24;q12) and MIC2 gene expression (both present in more than 90% of cases). An absence of neural differentiation supports a diagnosis of Ewing’s sarcoma rather than that of PNET. Other differential diagnoses for other small, poorly differentiated, round cell tumors of the head and neck should malignant lymphoma, poorly differentiated salivary gland tumors, rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma, and undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Two cases were reported on the association between malignant teratoma and PNET but in the absence of cytogenetics, it is possible that the PNET component was indeed a more differentiated component of teratoma. If such association is reported in the future, [page 75]
Case Report cytogenetics will be mandatory. Because of the rarity of those tumors, central pathological review was performed by an expert of the Groupe Sarcome Francais (GSF-GETO). Based on a review of the literature of Ewing sarcomas/PNET (bone/soft tissues, ± head and neck cases), the optimal multimodality therapy of PNETs consists of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy based both on response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy and tumor site. Complete surgical excision with wide 2-3 cm margins is undertaken whenever possible to improve long-term survival.10 In the current case, the initial clinical presentation led to rapid resection. However, the atypical goiter on US examination might have suggested malignancy, indicating to perform more radical surgery instead of limited resection. However, for such radiosensitive sarcomas as tumors of the Ewing family, wide resection with 2-3 cm margins, which would imply laryngeal sacrifice for thyroid tumors, for proximity reasons even if the larynx is not involved as was the case here, can be avoided using multi-
modality treatment. Indeed, radiotherapy is indicated in Ewing sarcomas whenever there are close or positive margins or poor response to chemotherapy (necrosis