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the updates over relational databases through XML views, in which the RDB was ... It associates each tuple in RDB to the exact data block in XML document.
Constraint Preserving XML Updating* Kun Yue, Zhengchuan Xu, Zhimao Guo, and Aoying Zhou Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Fudan University 200433 Shanghai, China {kuny, zcxu, zmguo, ayzhou}

Abstract. With the rapid development of Internet, XML becomes the standard for data representation, integration and exchange on the web. In order to fully evolve XML into a universal data representation and sharing format, it is necessary to update XML documents efficiently while preserving constraints. We consider an important class of constraints, XML keys. In this paper, based on XML keys and the constraint-preserving normalized storage of XML over relational databases, we present a novel method for updating XML data. Our method first propagates the update on XML into the relational database. Then taking the updated relational data and the original document as input, the resulting XML document updated can be produced through locating the positions of updates in the original one by annotation technology. Preliminary performance studies have shown that our method is very effective and efficient.

1 Introduction XML has been adopted as the mark-up language for preserving semantics of on-line document. It has been extensively studied in many aspects, such as query processing, indexing, storage and so on. There has been a growing interest in mapping XML data into relational databases [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]. Considering the capability of supporting updates in database management systems, it is indispensable to specify updates to XML document and evaluate them efficiently. It is known that current XML query processors cannot support updates on XML. In the past few years, such query languages as Xpath [8], Xquery [9], etc., have been developed as the standard query languages for XML, but none of them has considered the update on XML. To the change detecting for XML view, diff-algorithm [10] detects the unchanged subtrees between the old version and the new one of XML document to match as many nodes as possible. Archiving technology [11] implements the version control of XML and archives the multi-versioned data in unified format by annotation technology. Work on XML query processing based on relational databases never concerns XML updating, e.g., XPERANTO [12] and Clock [13]. Tatarinov et al. presented the update language for XML by extending XQuery, and implemented *

This work is supported by the “973” National Foundational Research Program of China (G1998030404) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 60003016).

X. Zhou, Y. Zhang, and M.E. Orlowska (Eds.): APWeb 2003, LNCS 2642, pp. 47−58, 2003.  Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003


K. Yue et al.

the updates over relational databases through XML views, in which the RDB was updated instead of the XML document itself [1]. Using this method, if the updated XML document is demanded, the entire document must be reconstructed by publishing all the related data from RDB. In addition, there exists high cost to process the large XML document; moreover, the key constraints cannot be preserved. For the first time, we present a novel method for updating XML document while preserving the important class of constraints, XML keys [14]. First, the storage of XML document over RDB is normalized based on the functional dependencies, which are derived from XML keys using the Propagating algorithm [2]. Then the XML data is mapped into RDB of 3NF schemas. Within a specific domain of XML applications, key constraints are preserved by means of preserving the functional dependencies over RDB. In our method, the relational data is regarded as the view of XML documents. At first, updates on XML are translated into SQL statements. Then the relational data is updated according to the submitted SQL statements. Next, the updates on RDB are propagated into XML. The updated XML document can be got from the original one and the updated relational data. We focus on two core update operations: insertion and deletion. We summarize our contributions as follows: Key constraints can be preserved after XML data is updated based on the normalized storage over relational databases. Also we present the technique that is applied to the problem of updating XML documents through RDB view. A novel annotation technology is presented to locate positions of the updates on XML. It associates each tuple in RDB to the exact data block in XML document. With our method, XML documents can be updated efficiently by only dealing with the updated relational data and the annotation retrieved from RDB. Experimental results show that our method can be used to update XML documents more efficiently than the naive publishing one; furthermore, it is not sensitive to the size of the original XML document and the depth of the XML nodes to be updated. The paper is organized as follows. We begin with the XML storage model over RDB based on XML keys in section 2. In section 3, we present the method for updating XML preserving key constraints. In section 4, we describe the experimental results and performance studies. Finally, we conclude and discuss the future work in section 5. ÿ



2 Background In our method, XML keys define the semantics of XML document, and the normalized relational storage of XML is used to preserve the constraints. 2.1 Keys for XML Buneman et al. present the definition of XML keys with path expression independent of DTD [14]. Definition 1 presents the keys for XML, which is based on the value equality of tree structure [14].

Constraint Preserving XML Updating

Definition 1. XML tree satisfies the key constraint written as (Q, (Q ',{P1, ÿ


, Pk})) ,

iff ∀n ∈ Q , ∀n1, n 2 ∈ n Q ' , if for all i ∈ [1, , k ] , ∃x ∈ n1 Pi , ∃y ∈ n 2 Pi , x = vy , then n1 = n 2 , in which = denotes node equality (Whether two nodes are the exact same node) and = v denotes value equality (two nodes are value equal if the trees rooted at the nodes are isomorphic by an isomorphism that is an identity on string values). Keys in the form (Q, (Q ',{})) mean that all nodes in n Q ' ( n ∈ Q ) differ from each other. For example, Fig.1 corresponding to the XML fragment specified in Xmach-1 [15] shows an XML tree. We use doc_id, cid, sid, Ssid to represent the id attribute of document, chapter, section and sub-section respectively. Keys describing the semantics can be defined as (*.document ,{doc _ id }) and (*.document , (chapter , {cid })) . The key (*.document , ( author{})) means each document has only one author. þ













docum ent 1




3 "d0"

id 8


10 "E xcept…" "Tom"



title author head 4 5 6 "language" "Tom " "M arine" author id 11 12


id 15 section 16 "s0" id 23 "s1" head 24

18 T ext 28 "Is..."

Pid 27 "p0"

"sto ck ..."



"U sed declined"

paragraph 25 Pid 33



T ext 34 "fish..."

26 Pid


35 "p2"

"c1" id 19






"W arefare..."



"s0" paragraph 20 P id

chapter 7

paragraph 22


"F or m oney"

T ext


Pid 31 "p4"

Text 32 "The..."


T ext 36 "A n..."

Fig. 1. An instance of XML tree

2.2 Normalized XML Storage Model over RDB Storing XML document into relational databases is to map XML tree into relational tables. Much work is available for the relational storage of XML document recently. For example, based on DTD, Shanmugasundaram et al. presented the approach that some XML nodes are mapped as separate relations and their related child nodes are inlined as fields of these relations [3]. However, none of these methods can generate the normalized relational, so that the update on RDB may be performed incorrectly. Davidson et al. presented a transformation language that specifies transformations from XML data to relational databases. Moreover, they proposed a PTIME propagating algorithm for determining whether a functional dependency is propagated from XML keys through the transformations [2]. The propagating algorithm [2] can be summarized as follows. For a set of XML keys and a well-formed mapping δ from XML data to RDB of schema R, an XML ü


K. Yue et al.

tree T satisfying ÿ

, if δ (T ) satisfies a functional dependency φ , then it is called that

implies φ logically, or φ is a functional dependency propagated from . The propagating algorithm searches the tree space made up of certain mapping rules, and validates the possible FDs (functional dependencies) on the relational schema. In our method, we first map the XML data into the RDB of a universal relational schema; then on this schema, derive the canonical cover of FDs implied by XML keys using propagating algorithm; finally decompose the universal relational schema into 3NF schemas according to the canonical cover [16]. Fig. 2 illustrates the key constraints of the XML data in Fig. 1. For the universal relational schema, Fig. 3 illustrates the canonical cover of FDs derived from XML keys by propagating algorithm. Fig. 4 presents the normalized relational schemas. ÿ


(*.document,{doc_id}); (*.document,(chapter,{cid})); (*.document.chapter, (section,{sid})); (*.document.chapter.section,(*.section,{Ssid})); (*.document.chapter.section,(paragraph,{Pid})); (*.document.chapter.section.*.section, (paragraph,{Pid}))

(*.document,(author,{})); (*.document,(title,{})); (*.document.chapter,(Cauthor,{})); (*.document.chapter,(Chead,{})); (*.document.chapter.*.section,(Shead,{})); (*.document.chapter.*.section.paragraph, (SPText,{}))

Fig. 2. XML keys of Fig. 1 doc_id → title doc_id → author (doc_id,cid) → Chead (doc_id,cid) → Cauthor (doc_id,cid,sid) → Shead (doc_id,cid,sid, Pid) → PText (doc_id,cid,sid,Ssid) → Sshead (doc_id,cid,sid,Ssid, Pid) → SPText (doc_id,chapter_id,Ssid,SPid,Sid) → SPText

Fig. 3. Canonical cover of FDs

Document (doc_id, Title, Author); Chapter (doc_id, cid, Cauthor, Chead); Section (doc_id, cid, sid, Shead); Ssection (doc_id, cid, sid, Ssid, Sshead); Paragraph (doc_id, cid, sid, Pid, PText); SParagraph (doc_id, cid, sid, Ssid, SPid, SPText)

Fig. 4. Normalized relational schemas

2.3 Assumptions In real applications, any XML document as data source is specified within a certain domain and based on the specific applications. Most of the XML documents have hierarchical key structures [11]. Moreover, each node in an XML tree can be uniquely identified by a path from the root; thus we assume that the keys are defined level by level and cover all nodes in the XML tree. For example, all the nodes on the path /document/chapter/section/paragraph should be constrained by the associated keys. Further, the updates on XML document will be pointless unless it is executed within the given domain. With respect to the XML documents in various fields, most of them have a well-organized key system, e.g., scientific data [11]. Therefore, the XML data updated must satisfy the constraints pre-defined in the certain domain. Thus, we will only update the XML data in which all the nodes have keys, while any XML fragment that is to be inserted but not constrained by the given keys will be excluded.

Constraint Preserving XML Updating


3 Updating XML with Constraints Tatarinov et al. proposed XUpdate [1] as an XML query language to update XML document based on XQuery. In this paper, we focus on two core operations: insertion and deletion; update commands of XML are submitted in XUpdate. The system architecture of XML updating is illustrated in Fig. 5. origin al X M L d ocum ent

X M L K eys

resu lt X M L docu m en t

X U pd ate C om m and s

U pd ater N orm alized Storager

X U p date-SQ L Translator


D elete

Pu blish er Insert

R elational D atabase M anagem ent System


Fig. 5. System architecture of XML Updating

The update process can be described as follows. First, Normalized storager maps XML data into RDB while preserving XML keys, and XUpdate-SQL Translator rewrites update commands on XML into SQL statements. Then the Locator locates the position of the update. Finally, with Updater, the insertion is implemented by adding XML fragments to the original XML document in appropriate positions; the deletion is along the same lines except that it is free from constructing XML data. Key constraints are preserved by the mechanism of checking provided by RDBMS. 3.1 Update Operations on XML Document XUpdate defines four primary update operations: Deletion, Renaming, Insertion and Replacement [1]. Because Renaming is the substitution for element names, and Replacement can be carried out through Deletion and Insertion, we are just to deal with Deletion and Insertion. In this paper, updates of IDREF are ignored. Now we describe the two core update operations. (1) Deletion: Delete(child): where child can be any attribute or element, and it will be removed from the original XML document. The operation is specified as: FOR $binding1 IN XPath-expr,


WHERE predicate1, DELETE $binding1, (2) Insertion: Insert(content): where content can be any attribute or element, and it will be inserted into the original XML document. Inserting an attribute with the same name as an existing one will fail. And the ordered insertion can be carried out by sorting techþ



K. Yue et al.

nology [4]. In this paper, we ignore the order when insertion is implemented. The operation is specified as: FOR $binding1 IN XPath-expr, WHERE predicate1, INSERT content1,




3.2 Annotation Technology It is necessary to locate the position where the updated XML data should reside in the original XML document. A naive method is to get the update position in XML documents by archiving the path sequence and the text value according to the conditions. However, large amount of information need to be archived when the XML document is traversed. It is known that each tuple in the relations can be uniquely identified by its key; nevertheless, the corresponding XML data block as an XML subtree cannot be uniquely identified by its root element within the range of the whole XML document. Therefore, we propose a novel annotation technology that associates each tuple in RDB to the exact data block in XML document one-to-one. It is worth notifying that only the root of the subtree should be annotated uniquely instead of all nodes in the XML data block. First, the definition of layer is given to identify and classify the nodes that should be annotated. Definition 2. XML data in the document T can be mapped into the relational database R with the mapping , where R=(R1, , Rn), =(Rule(R1), ,Rule(Rn)), Ri is the separate relation in R and Rule(Ri) is the mapping rule from XML nodes to Ri, i ∈ [1, , n ] . Given node set V in T, if ∀v ∈ V , ∃Ri in R, such that v is mapped as Ri with Rule(Ri), then the layer of v is denoted by layer(v) and layer(v)= Ri, otherwise layer (v) = φ . The set LT = {Ri | ∃v ∈ V , layer (v ) = Ri} is called the layer set that þ





T can be mapped to. The number of layers in T is the cardinality of LT, and |LT| n. The relationship among XML nodes, corresponding relational schemas and the layer of XML nodes can be interpreted by the example in Fig. 6, in which both of the two chapter nodes are of the same layer — chapter, and there are 2 layers in it. Consequently, only the document and chapter nodes are to be annotated. ú

Relational schemas R1: document(doc_id, title, author) R2: chapter(doc_id, cid, head)

Language Tom Introduction Development

layers document chapter

Fig. 6. Layers of XML fragment

Definition 3. Annotation on XML tree T is made up of extra annotation elements named Tag_NodeName (with an id attribute). For each node v in T, if there exist

Constraint Preserving XML Updating


Ri ∈ LT , such that layer (v) = Ri , then the Tag_NodeName element corresponding to Ri is added to T as the parent of v, and the value of its id attribute is different from the other ones of this Tag_NodeName. These values are called annotation values on XML. Thus, any nodes ( layer (v) ≠ φ ) of the same layer ( layer (v ) = Ri ∈ LT ) must have the same Tag_NodeName but different values of id attributes, while the nodes of the different layers have different Tag_NodeNames. Correspondingly, annotation on RDB consists of new annotation fields for each Ri in R. The newly added field for each Ri is to store the id attribute values of such Tag_NodeName element as the annotation of node v that satisfies layer(v)= Ri. The values of these fields are called annotation values on RDB. In XML documents, an extra Tag_NodeName element with an id attribute is added for each node v that is of the same layer and layer ( v ) ≠ φ . E.g., in Fig. 1, the corresponding nodes document, chapter, section and paragraph are annotated. Also an extra field is added to each separate relation in RDB, and its values are those of id attributes of Tag_NodeName elements in the XML document. E.g., the annotated relation of Chapter is Chapter(doc_id, cid, Cauthor, Chead, Tag_chapter). Newly added annotation elements divide the XML document into data blocks, and data in each block only comes from a certain tuple in RDB. The annotation value in each tuple will be assigned by RDBMS automatically. From this point, within the certain domain for the specific applications, the storage of an XML document can be implemented when it is inserted into an empty one. Fig. 7 shows the annotated XML fragment and the annotated chapter relation. To locate the chapter whose head has label “Except have million” in Fig. 7, we can get Tag_chapter field and its value “1” from RDB. Locating can be done just by hitting the element . ÿ


Tom Except have million
















Chead Except ÿ

Tag_ chapter 1 2





þ þ


Fig. 7. Annotated XML fragment and annotated chapter relation

3.3 Updating Relational Storage of XML Each update on XML may involve multiple relations in RDB. All the relational data corresponding to the update should be modified. The update is valid if the SQL can be


K. Yue et al.

executed correctly. In this paper, the objects of update operations consist of leaf nodes and subtrees. With respect to the RDB, leaves are mapped as separate fields in the corresponding relation while the subtrees are mapped as tuples in one or more relations. Due to the space limitation, re-writing will not be discussed here in detail. 3.3.1 Deletion of Relational Data As for the deletion of leaf node, the operation of an update on XML is translated into a SQL statement, which sets the value of the relevant field as null in the tuple that satisfies the given condition. The SQL statement is expressed as: UPDATE relation-name SET column-name=’ ’ WHERE condition.

For the deletion of subtree, the update expressed in XUpdate is translated into the SQL statement that is to remove the relational data corresponding to the root of the subtree. It is expressed as below: DELETE FROM relation-name WHERE condition.

Since the subtree to be removed may be across one or more tuples in one or more relations, all the tuples referencing the root of the subtree will be removed thoroughly. In our method, the mechanism of cascading deletion in RDBMS is put into use. 3.3.2 Insertion of Relational Data The insertion of the leaf node in XML document is translated into “UPDATE” SQL statement(s), which set the value of the corresponding field as new data. The leaf to be inserted must not exist in the original XML document; that is, the field must be null. The insertion of subtree is similar to storing XML data into RDB, and the data is stored into RDB as a series of tuples top-down. The referential integrity is preserved by RDBMS. Further, in RDB, the annotation values for the newly inserted tuple (such as values of the fields Tag_document, Tag_chapter etc.) are assigned automatically layer by layer in line with definition 3. 3.4 Updating XML Efficiently RDB must keep consistent with XML document all along, vice-versa. RDB is just a view of an XML document during the course of updating XML data, and we preserve the constraints with the normalized RDB. However, getting the XML document updated is the target, and it is unnecessary to publish all the relational data completely. Using our method, the resulting XML document can be generated efficiently by only retrieving the updated relational data, and the unchanged XML data. 3.4.1 Deletion of XML Data As for the deletion of the leaf node in XML document, according to the conditions demanded, the value of the field corresponding to the leaf has been updated — set as null with the method in section3.3. The annotation value of the tuple that the field belongs to, can be obtained by querying RDB. For the deletion of subtree, the root of it can be located with the annotation and its value got by querying RDB. For example, the chapter annotated by can be removed by leaving out all the XML data of the fragment between and the corresponding .

Constraint Preserving XML Updating


3.4.2 Insertion of XML Data The insertion of leaf node is just similar to the deletion, except that the counterpart will be inserted into the XML. According to definition 2, the subtree inserted has one layer at least and each layer corresponds to a separate relation in RDB. And the XML data related to the subtree may be across multiple tuples and relations in RDB. Thus, a naive method is to construct the fragment for each layer by retrieving the triggered data, and insert them into the original XML document separately. The subtree T will not be inserted thoroughly until such processes are done for |LT| times (|LT| is the account of layers) with a few useless intermediate ones. Because of the deficiency above, we propose an efficient approach called bulkinsertion. The entire XML fragment to be inserted can be constructed from the related data that is obtained by triggers. Based on the method and strategy of publishing relational data [17], the construction is performed top-down. Annotation values relevant to the fragment inserted are assigned by RDBMS when the corresponding XML data is mapped into RDB. Motivated by the referential integrity among the layers in XML document, the XML data of each fragment will have to be inserted within the region of its parent. For the parent node, the annotation value on XML can be obtained by retrieving the data in the corresponding relation according to the given conditions, while the parent-child relationship among relations is inherent. The example below shows the insertion of a 3-layer XML subtree in Fig. 8. RDB is updated by executing the SQL statements in Fig. 9. If the bulk-insertion is adopted, the annotation and its values are propagated to the XML document. The XML fragment will be constructed as Fig. 10. chapter id

INSERT INTO chapter VALUES (‘d0’, ‘c2’, ‘Michael’, ‘And ’) INSERT INTO section VALUES (‘d0’, ‘c2’, ‘s3’, ‘Through given’) INSERT INTO paragraph VALUES (‘d0’, ‘c2’, ‘s3’, ‘p5’, ‘Driver ’) INSERT INTO paragraph VALUES (‘d0’, ‘c2’, ‘s3’, ‘p6’, ‘There ’) ÿ

section "A nd.."



a utho r "M icha el "

id head

parag raph




"Thro ugh given " Pid "p5 "


T ext

"D river ..."

"p6 "

Fig. 8. An XML subtree

T ext "T here... "


Fig. 9. SQL statements for Fig.7

Michael And
Through given Driver There



Fig. 10. Annotated XML fragment


K. Yue et al.

The data in Document relation is shown as Fig. 11. Before inserting the fragment of document Fig. 10 into the original XML document, the annotation of its parent (“d0”) will be obtained by querying RDB according to the given condition. The SQL statement is expressed as below: ÿ

SELECT tag_document FROM Document WHERE doc_id=’d0’. doc_id d0

Title Language



Tag_document 1

Author Tom þ


Fig. 11. Document relation with annotation

4 Experimental Results In this section, we present the experimental results and the performance studies of our method. We deal with deletion and insertion of the XML leaf and the subtree respectively, also the update at different depth of the original XML document. Our code was written in Java, and used JDBC to communicate with Oracle9i. Our experiments were conducted on the same machine with a 500MHz PIII processor, 256M of memory, running the operating system of Windows 2000 Server. XML documents of 478K, 1.82M, 2.29M and 6.06M were generated by the benchmark tool of Xmach-1 [15]. First, we presented key constraints of the XML document and the mapping rules from XML to the relational schemas. Then we got the RDB of 3NF schemas according to the canonical cover of functional dependencies. We compared our method with the Publishing approach, which reconstructed the entire XML document by publishing the related relational data. In the documents with various sizes, we tested the performance of updating the XML data of leaf nodes and a subtree with the size of 70K. Fig. 12 - Fig.15 present our experimental results and performance of two approaches for updating XML data, in which “Modifying” is the method proposed in this paper. Logarithm scale was adopted for the time axis in Fig. 12 and Fig. 14 due to the significant difference of these two methods. It is obvious that Modifying is much better than Publishing. The less the size of the XML data updated is, the less the cost of Modifying will be; however, for the Publishing method, the cost is very high even though the document has small size. ü



















M od if y in g

M o d if y in g ù

P u b lish in g ï



















P ub lish in g ì



1400000 100000 1200000 1000000

Time (ms)

Time (ms/log)



800000 600000

100 400000 10


1 478k

1 .8 2 M

2 .2 9 M

6 .0 6 M

Fig. 12. Insertion of leaf node


0 478k

1 .8 2 M

2 .2 9 M

6 .0 6 M

Fig. 13. Insertion of subtree


Constraint Preserving XML Updating ÿ


















M odif y ing þ


M o d if y in g ÿ



















P u b lish in g

P ublishing 1000000

1000000 900000


800000 700000

Time (ms)

Time (ms/log)


1000 100

600000 500000 400000 300000 200000


100000 1 550k

1 .9 6 M

2 .4 3 M



6 .3 5 M


Fig. 14. Deletion of leaf node

1 .9 6 M

2 .4 3 M

6 .3 5 M


Fig. 15. Deletion of subtree

Further, when the size of the original XML document increases, the performance of Modifying has no significant change. To get the resulting XML document by Modifying, only the updated relational data is published, and the cost will be unchanged if the XML data to be inserted is fixed. The total cost of deletion is even less because it is unnecessary to reconstruct any XML fragments from RDB. It is not sensitive to the size of the original document. Thus, it is effective even for the large XML document while Publishing is not. We also examined the performance of updating the same XML data at various hierarchies using Modifying. The experimental result is illustrated in Fig. 16. The performance will not be influenced greatly by the depth where the updated XML nodes locate. Therefore, our method is efficient even for the deeper XML nodes. ò














Modifying Update *

1600 1400

Time (ms)

1200 1000


800 600 400 200 0 1st









Fig. 16. Updates at different hierarchies

5 Conclusions In order to fully evolve XML into a universal data representation and sharing format, it is necessary to update XML documents while preserving key constraints, and develop techniques to process them efficiently. In this paper, we present a novel method for updating XML based on the constraint-preserving normalized storage of XML over RDB. To our knowledge, it is the first proposal that updates XML document while preserving key constraints. Our method first propagates the updates on XML into the RDB. Then taking the updated relational data and the original document as input, the resulting XML document can be generated through locating the positions of updates by annotation technology. Preliminary performance study indicates that our method significantly speeds up the processing of updates on XML by more than an


K. Yue et al.

order of magnitude, and improves the performance of updating XML. Moreover, our method is not sensitive to the size of original document. We are still studying the ordered updates on XML data. Meanwhile, aroused by the techniques proposed in this paper, optimization strategies of partitioning XML subtree, application of indices in updating, and enhancing the efficiency of reconstructing XML fragment are our future work.

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