Constraints on crustal structure and composition within a continental ...

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belt is unusually felsic in bulk composition with a σ value of 0.247, which is below the .... sections, is SmS (an S-wave reflection from the crust/mantle bound- ary.
Geophys. J. Int. (2008)

doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03945.x

Constraints on crustal structure and composition within a continental suture zone in the Irish Caledonides from shear wave wide-angle reflection data and lower crustal xenoliths F. Hauser,1,2 B. M. O’Reilly,1 P. W. Readman,1 J. S. Daly2 and R. Van den Berg3 1 Geophysics

Section, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, 5 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. E-mail: [email protected] School of Geological Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland 3 Department of Geology, Stellenbosch University, Matieland 7602, South Africa 2 UCD

SUMMARY Shear wave seismic velocities (V s ) when used together with compressional wave velocities (V p ) are a powerful diagnostic of the chemical composition and mineralogy of the continental lithosphere. In this paper, we present whole crustal models of V s and V p velocities from two wide-angle seismic profiles from southwest Ireland, which straddle the Eastern Avalonian Terrane within the Iapetus Suture Zone. These models are based on traveltime interpretations of primary and reflected P- and S-wave seismic phases generated by explosive underwater sources. The quality of the shear wave data is exceptional when compared to similar data sets recorded elsewhere and allows the distribution of Poisson’s ratio (σ ) within the entire crust to be accurately determined. Models of Poisson’s ratio, V p and V s are then used to constrain crustal composition at various depths down to the Moho (ca. 32 km depth) using published laboratory velocity measurements from rocks of different metamorphic grades and chemistry. The results indicate that the Irish crust in this region of the Caledonian orogenic belt is unusually felsic in bulk composition with a σ value of 0.247, which is below the global average value of 0.265. Variations in σ within the upper ca. 5 km of crust are greatest (0.20–0.28) and can be correlated with siliciclastic and carbonate sediments in Devonian and Carboniferous extensional sedimentary basins that were formed during the early part of the Variscan orogenic cycle. The typically more uniform variation in the mid crust down to 15 km depth is consistent with a granite/granodiorite or metagreywacke composition of greenschist to amphibolite facies mineralogy. Within the lower crust the value of σ (0.257– 0.265) is significantly less than the global mean value of 0.281 predicted from an average crustal petrology model. This suggests a bulk silica content (%SiO 2 ) of ∼64 per cent for the lower crust, based on an empirical relationship between σ and %SiO 2 , determined from compilations of laboratory data. These results are consistent with petrophysical, geochemical and petrological data from an unusually well-preserved lower crustal xenolith suite from the Irish Midlands, hosted in early Carboniferous volcanic rocks. The xenoliths (mainly partially melted granulite facies metapelites) evidently represent the bulk composition of the lower crust, which was largely derived by accretion of sedimentary material, derived from oceanic, island arc and continental margin sources, during oblique Caledonian collision. Key words: Composition of the continental crust; Controlled source seismology; Crustal structure; Europe.

1 I N T RO D U C T I O N With a few notable exceptions controlled source seismic experiments have rarely reported shear wave velocities as these seismic phases are usually difficult to recognize with a lower signal-tonoise ratio than P-wave arrivals (Holbrook et al. 1988; Hawman et al. 1990). Globally, most studies of the shear wave properties  C

2008 The Authors C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

of the crust have used receiver functions, which rely on various P to S conversions (and multiples thereof) of teleseismic energy at the Moho or within the crust to provide information on bulk (whole crustal) V p /V s variations and hence Poisson’s ratio (Chevrot & van der Hilst 2000; Landes et al. 2006; Nair et al. 2006). Good quality controlled source S-wave data, which potentially allows the determination of variations in Poisson’s ratio within the crust, have


GJI Tectonics and geodynamics

Accepted 2008 August 15. Received 2008 June 13; in original form 2008 January 21


F. Hauser et al.

rarely been gathered (Holbrook et al. 1988; Morozov et al. 2001; Mechie et al. 2005). This paper presents results from an analysis of S waves, converted from P waves at the near surface, and recorded during the Variscan Network (VARNET) controlled source seismic experiment. The VARNET project was an international, multidisciplinary project, designed to examine the role of Caledonian and later Variscan tectonics in shaping the crustal structure of southwest Ireland (Landes et al. 2003). The S-wave records are unusually good and allow a well-constrained S-wave velocity structure of the crust to be determined. In this sense the VARNET S-wave data set is an important and relatively unique one. Variations in Poisson’s ratio are derived from the data using the published P-wave models for crustal velocity structure (Masson et al. 1998; Landes et al. 2000) as preliminary starting models. The resulting models for the P- and S-wave structure are used to derive the distribution of Poisson’s ratio within the crust and to infer its bulk chemistry. A petrological model for the crust is de-

veloped, using published experimental data (Christensen 1996) on the elastic properties of rocks and minerals. The petrological model is then compared and integrated with petrophysical, petrological and geochemical data from a suite of exceptionally well-preserved mid-to-lower crustal xenoliths, hosted in lower Carboniferous volcanics from central Ireland (Van den Berg et al. 2005). Finally, the implications of the results for processes of crustal formation and tectonics are discussed and set within a larger-scale context.

2 GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOLOGICAL B A C KG R O U N D The geological framework of SW-Ireland is dominated by upper Palaeozoic strata of the tectonically inverted Munster and South Munster Basin (Fig. 1). In a general plate tectonic context the Munster Basin is part of the early Devonian back-arc rift system that developed in western and central Europe in response to the oblique

Figure 1. Simplified geological map of southwest Ireland showing the location of the VARNET onshore wide-angle seismic reflection lines A and B. Red stars are shot point locations. Xenolith locations are within red elliptical area shown in the inset map. Solid black lines depict main faults. KMFZ is the Killarney-Mallow Fault Zone. Dotted line is the offshore extension of the Clare Basin.  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition convergence between Gondwana and Laurasia (Ziegler 1986). The basement rocks beneath this upper Palaeozoic succession are part of the Avalonian palaeo-continent, which was tectonically sutured with the Laurentian Plate as the Iapetus Ocean closed, during the Ordovician and Silurian (Soper et al. 1992). This process of oceanic plate subduction and ocean closure was complete by late Silurian/early Devonian time and involved large amounts of transpressional (sinistral) deformation, producing only small amounts of crustal shortening within the Irish sector of the Caledonian Orogen. The later phases of Caledonian deformation led to melting of the accreted crust and the genesis and intrusion of granites into the upper to mid crust. The onset of crustal extension and syn-rift subsidence in the Munster Basin occurred in the Middle Devonian and continued throughout the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous, with the deposition of terrestrial sediments (e.g. Higgs & Russell 1981). Superimposed upon the southern part of the Munster Basin is the late Devonian to Namurian South Munster Basin (George et al. 1976). The initiation of this smaller marine subbasin approximately coincides with the widespread Early Carboniferous transgression of northern Europe (e.g. Williams et al. 1989). Within the South Munster Basin the Old Red Sandstone fluvial facies is overlain by a thick sequence of rocks of shallow marine origin, which in turn give way to thin, deeper water, mudrocks (Naylor et al. 1989). Subsequently, the Munster Basin underwent tectonic inversion, during the late Carboniferous (end-Variscan) deformation of southern Ireland, with the intensity of deformation decreasing northwards towards the Irish Midlands (Price & Todd 1988; Readman et al. 1997). Analysis of the P-wave energy recorded along the wide-angle seismic lines of the VARNET project resolved the deeper structure of the crust and mantle in this area, close to the surface trace of the Iapetus Suture Zone (Masson et al. 1998; Landes et al. 2000). The VARNET results are in broad agreement with the older COOLE I onshore profile of Lowe & Jacob (1989) that crosses the eastern end of the Munster Basin, however, extends further towards the north coast of Ireland. Throughout Ireland the crust is three layered (each layer approximately 10 km thick) and the overall crustal thickness is about 30 km with a 2–3 km thick Moho transition zone, observed on the longer-range (>200 km) seismic refraction profiles (Jacob et al. 1985; Lowe & Jacob 1989).


for S-wave and P-wave seismograms, respectively. The horizontal components of the geophones were oriented north south and east west during the field experiment and since the profiles run almost north to south (Fig. 1) it was not necessary to rotate them into radial and transverse components. In the following descriptions the term ‘traveltime’ refers to the reduced traveltime of the seismic sections, ‘offset’ is the distance from the source to the receivers on a seismogram section, and ‘distance’ is measured from the southernmost shot points on both lines A and B. Two major shear-wave phases can be correlated on all record sections. The first is S g (a refracted arrival through the upper crust) and is strong on the outermost shot points along both profiles (Figs 2b and 5b), but weaker and sometimes within the signalto-noise level for central shot points. It has an apparent velocity of about 3.5 km s−1 and can, on the better sections, be correlated to over 100 km offset. Arrivals with lower apparent velocities than 3.46 km s−1 are also observed and are assigned to the shallower sedimentary layers. The second major phase, which can be observed on all record sections, is S m S (an S-wave reflection from the crust/mantle boundary. This phase is observable from offsets greater than 70 km to the extremities of the profiles (Fig. 2b). The outermost shot points show a strong and clear S m S phase, while on some of the innermost shot points it is only recognizable by an increase in energy that is, however, coherent over several traces (Fig. 3b). In addition, several intracrustal reflections can be correlated; however, because of the lower signal-to-noise ratio they are not observed on all record sections. These reflections from the middle and the lower crust are easier to correlate in the wide-angle offset range (i.e. 150–200 km) along line A (Figs 2b and 4b). In the subcritical distance range amplitudes are usually small, indicating a small velocity contrast across these interfaces. This is in contrast to the P-wave record sections, where Landes et al. (2000) and Masson et al. (1998) correlated up to five intracrustal reflectors along lines A and B, respectively. Although an S-wave refraction through the upper mantle (S n ) is likely, the amplitude of this phase rarely exceeds the noise level, making it difficult to recognize (compare Figs 2b and 4b). Moreover, no reflected S-wave from within the upper mantle, corresponding to the P-wave reflection observed by Landes et al. (2000) could be correlated.

3 S E I S M I C D ATA A N D P R O C E S S I N G The controlled source experiment recorded strong P-wave seismic energy along two high-resolution wide-angle seismic profiles (lines A and B in Fig. 1) in two separate deployments. Along line A, nine in-line shots were recorded over a length of ca. 200 km, while along line B, which is ca. 140 km long, 13 in-line shots were recorded. Where the water depths were great enough, a 25–50 kg explosive source was fired at an optimum water depth of 65 m (Jacob 1975), in the seas offshore Ireland, or in water-filled disused quarries on land, and generated clear converted S-wave energy at the sediment/water interface. These converted S-wave phases were observed on all three geophone components from instruments along the two VARNET lines. More details of the controlled source experiment can be found elsewhere (e.g. Masson et al. 1998; Landes et al. 2003). Some examples of the P-wave and excellently converted S-wave seismograms from lines A and B are shown in Figs 2–7. All seismograms were processed with the SeismicHandler program package of Stammler (1994). After several trials to improve the data quality, a band-pass filter of 2–9 Hz and 4–12 Hz was used  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

4 M O D E L L I N G P RO C E D U R E S The procedure for the 2-D traveltime modelling of the S-wave data, placed more emphasis on forward modelling, and was similar to that used by Masson et al. (1998) and Landes et al. (2000) for the interpretation of the P-wave data along lines A and B, respectively. The interpretation is based on forward and inverse ray tracing techniques and uses the top-to-bottom approach as described in Zelt (1999). This is because the very wide shot spacing (20–80 km) is inappropriate for a tomographic approach, using first arrivals, since the dense ray coverage required is not achieved. Initially, the published P-wave models of Landes et al. (2000) for line A and Masson et al. (1998) for line B were used as starting models to derive the S-wave velocity structure. This involved assigning V p /V s ratios to the published P-wave models in order to predict the arrival times of the converted S-wave energy. The range in assigned V p /V s ratios encompassed the range of experimentally determined values for all major rock types within the crystalline


F. Hauser et al. (a) PmP P 6P P5P P4P


Pg Pn

(b) S 6S S5S





Figure 2. (a) P-wave record section from shot point 4 along line A (for location, see Fig. 1). The phase labelled P g is a diving wave penetrating to ca. 10 km depth and sampling the first three layers in the model with velocities ranging from 5.3 to 6.0 km s−1 . Phases labelled P 3 P to P 6 P are reflections from intracrustal interfaces (shown in Fig. 8a). P m P is the reflection from the Moho and P n the diving wave in the upper mantle. The superimposed curves are the calculated traveltimes from the final velocity model. Traveltime picks are indicated by the small horizontal bars. (b) S-wave record section (EW-component) from shot point 4 along line A. The phase labelled S g is a diving wave penetrating the first three layers in the model with velocities ranging from 3.0 to 3.55 km s−1 . Phases labelled S 3 S to S 6 S are reflections from intracrustal interfaces. S m S is the reflection from the Moho and the most dominant phase in the entire record section. S n (the diving wave in the upper mantle) is extremely weak but correlateable between 140 and 170 km offset. The superimposed curves are the calculated traveltimes from the final velocity model. Traveltime picks are indicated by small horizontal bars.

crust at the appropriate temperatures and pressures (Christensen & Mooney 1995; Christensen 1996). At first, arriving S-wave energy from the upper 10 km of crust (i.e. the S g phase) was considered. However, the calculated arrival

times necessary to fit the observed ones required unrealistically high S-wave velocity gradients and V p /V s ratios that were greatly inconsistent with the range of values permitted by the laboratory experiments (Christensen 1996).  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition


(a) PmP

P6P P 5P

P4 P

P 3P


(b) SmS S S S5S 6 S4S



Figure 3. (a) P-wave record section from shot point 8 along line A. The phases and traveltime picks are labelled as in Fig. 2(a). The P n phase is not apparent as a first arrival because the source-receiver offsets do not exceed the crossover distance. The P m P phase becomes strong at offsets exceeding 80 km. (b) S-wave record section (EW-component) from shot point 8 along line A. The phases and traveltime picks are labelled as in Fig. 2(b). The signal-to-noise ratio is lower but again the S m S phase dominates the record section from about 70 km onwards.

This required a modified modelling strategy where both P- and converted S-wave energy were simultaneously modelled for both the P g and S g phases. All three components were used for correlation; however, only the component with the best signal-to-noise ratio was used for picking traveltimes. Since the S-wave converted energy for the first arrival is remarkably good; however, of lower fre C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

quency content than the P-wave energy, the derived S-wave velocity variation is smoother than the P-wave variation. Once a satisfactory model for the upper crust had been found the mid to lower crust was modelled using mainly secondary reflected phases and occasionally clear head waves. Again, because of the lower frequency S-waves, and the prolongation and reverberations


F. Hauser et al. (a) PmP P P 6 P5P


Pg Pn

(b) SmS S6S S S 5 S4S


Sg Sn

Figure 4. (a) P-wave record section from shot point 11 along line A, with phase labelling and traveltime picks as in Fig. 3(a). The P g phase is very weak and almost horizontal implying a surface velocity of 6.0 km s−1 with a very low vertical gradient. The P m P phase is again very strong at the largest source to receiver offsets. The diving wave through the upper mantle (P n ) becomes a first arrival at about 125 km offset with an apparent velocity of 8 km s−1 . (b) S-wave record section (EW-component) from shot point 11 along line A. The S g phase is somewhat stronger than the corresponding P g phase suggesting higher S-wave velocity gradients. The S m S is the dominant crustal phase between 60 and 180 km. A weak S n phase is present at 130–160 km offset.

of the P-wave coda, the reflected S-phases are harder to recognize (see Figs 2–7). This means that the final S-wave model for the mid to lower crust is smoother along both VARNET lines. Finally, velocities within the subcrust were determined using the P n and S n phases, if possible. Since line A is longer (200 km) than line B (140 km), both Moho depth and upper mantle velocities are better

constrained on line A, where more P m P and S m S post-critical energy was recorded (Figs 2 and 4). The resulting joint P- and S-wave model for the upper crust differs in detail from the original P-wave velocity models (Masson et al. 1998; Landes et al. 2000); however, the overall velocity structure for the middle to lower crust is still very similar. The largest differences  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition



PmP P 6P P5P


P 3P Pg

(b) SmS S6S S5S




Figure 5. (a) P-wave record section from shot point 33 along line B, with labelling as in Fig. 4 (for location, see Fig. 1). The phase labelled P g is a diving wave sampling the first three layers in the model with velocities ranging from 5.0 to 6.0 km s−1 . Phases labelled P 3 P to P 6 P are reflections from intracrustal interfaces. Phase P 6 P is the reflection from the top of the interface which subdivides the lower crust into two layers, similar to the lower crustal structure found on line A. P m P is the reflection from the Moho. No first arrival P n phase is visible as the line is too short. The superimposed curves are the calculated traveltimes from the final velocity model. (b) S-wave record section (NS-component) from shot point 33 along line B. S g is a diving wave penetrating the first three layers in the model with velocities ranging from 3.0 to 3.6 km s−1 . Phases labelled S 3 S to S 6 S are reflections from intracrustal interfaces. S 6 S is observable beyond 75 km and S m S is the reflection from the Moho and the most dominant phase. The superimposed curves are the calculated traveltimes from the final velocity model. Traveltime picks are indicated by small horizontal bars.

along line A occur in the upper crust, where the velocity structure and model geometry is now (this study) much simpler. Along line B the basic geometry of the upper 10 km of crust remains the same as in the model of Masson et al. (1998).  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Within the middle crust, only slight variations to the original published models were required by the additional S-wave constraints. The largest differences are along the southern part of line A, where the geometry of the middle crust is simpler than in the published


F. Hauser et al. (a) P6P PmP






(b) SmS










Figure 6. (a) P-wave record section from shot point 19 along line B. The phases and traveltime picks are labelled as in Fig. 5(a). The signal-to-noise ratio is low and the reflected energy is all pre-critical. (b) S-wave record section (E–W component) from shot point 19 along line B. The phases are labelled as in Fig 5(b). The signal-to-noise ratio is low for all reflected phases.

model of Landes et al. (2000). In the lower crust along line A the geometry remains the same; however, the additional S-wave data now require lower vertical and lateral velocity gradients with similar mean P-wave velocities to the original model. The major difference in the structure and velocity of the lower crust is present along line B. Here the original one-layer lower crust

of Masson et al. (1998) is replaced by a two-layer one, similar in structure to that on line A. This is based on close inspection of Pand S-wave seismograms at larger shot to receiver offsets, which define bursts of reflected energy (e.g. defined by P 6 P and S 6 S phases in Figs 5a and b) at an arrival time consistent with the existence of this additional layer on line B.  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition


(a) PmP





(b) SmS

S 6S


S3 S


Figure 7. (a) P-wave record section from shot point 16 along line B, with labelling as in Fig. 6. The P g phase is initially strong but becomes weak at distances exceeding 65 km offset, indicating a decrease in velocity gradient associated with the low velocity zone in the upper crust at 80 km along the profile. Phase P 6 P is again correlateable at distances greater than 75 km. (b) S-wave record section (E–W component) from shot point 16 along line B. The S g phase is weak relative to the ambient noise. The S 6 S phase is visible at 70–110 km offset.

4.1 Model velocity uncertainties Estimates of the value of Poisson’s ratio within different parts of the crust are very sensitive to error estimates for both P- and S-wave velocities (Hawman et al. 1990; Christensen 1996). An evaluation of model uncertainties is, therefore, critical before inferring vari-

 C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

ations in Poisson’s ratio and interpreting them in terms of rock composition. The strategy used to access model velocity uncertainties is based on a combination of forward and inverse ray tracing techniques, as described for example in Zelt & Smith (1992), Zelt & Forsyth (1994) and Zelt (1999). During the inversion procedure, the


F. Hauser et al. South (a) 5


North Line A

South 34




North 14

Line B

Figure 8. (a) S-wave ray coverage for line A. Only rays from the central and end shotpoints (5, 2, 8 and 13 in Fig. 1) are shown for clarity. (b) S-wave ray coverage for line B, with the end shotpoints (14 and 34 in Fig. 1) indicated.

absolute parameter uncertainties and the resolution can be estimated. The match between computed and observed traveltimes (T rms ) is measured using the normalized form of the misfit parameter χ 2 as defined by Bevington (1969). The ideal situation is met when χ 2 ∼ 1. This means that the computed and observed traveltimes match to within their assigned uncertainties. If χ 2  1 the observed data have been over-fitted and the model will include some structure, which are not supported by the data, or the assigned phase picking errors may be too pessimistic. If, however, χ 2  1, the observed data have sampled small heterogeneities that cannot be resolved (Zelt 1999). Nevertheless, in many cases inversion results that yield values of χ 2 > 1 can be accepted, if the resolution parameter is high enough and if rays can be traced to most receiver stations (Figs 8a and b). Table 1 summarizes the results for the simultaneous inversion of all P- and S-wave velocity nodes, for both lines A and B, with the total number of traveltime picks used for each of the lines as well as the final T rms and χ 2 values. However, in order to evaluate the P and S model sensitivities to velocity perturbations within the final model at different depths, velocity nodes were incremented by set values and the model resolution parameters (T rms and χ 2 ) were calculated. The results of this type of analysis are shown in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 for lines A and B. Based on this type of analysis the uncertainties in model velocities of the upper 10 km of crust (i.e. the P g and S g phase branches) are estimated to be better than ±0.05 km s−1 . Perturbing the model velocities within the upper 10 km of crust by ±0.05 km s−1 increases T rms and χ 2 to values greater than the picking uncertainties for the final models (see Tables 1–5). The uncertainties for the clear

Table 1. Final shear (S) and compressional wave (P) velocity uncertainties for VARNET lines A and B. Profile

Line A (S)

Line B (S)

Total number of picks Picks used T rms χ2

1156 1152 0.089 2.64

1584 1569 0.09 3.21

Profile Total number of picks Picks used T rms χ2

line A (P) 1230 1226 0.071 1.557

line B (P) 1436 1424 0.068 1.276

The traveltime fit was assessed by monitoring the total number of picks used, the root-mean-square traveltime residual (T rms ), and the normalized misfit parameter (χ 2 ). The overall picking uncertainties vary between ±0.05 and 0.15 s, depending on the signal-to-noise ratio.

P m P and S m S phases, based on a similar analysis, are better than ±0.1 km s−1 . Corresponding depth uncertainties for mid to lower crustal interfaces are typically in the range of 0.5–1 km and are consistent with the values for line B obtained by Masson et al. (1998). The evaluation of uncertainties is more difficult for intracrustal phases because the signal-to-noise ratio is lower, except where clear ‘bursts’ in energy occur at post-critical offsets, as in Figs 2 and 5. Where these phases are strongest the uncertainty in intracrustal  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition Table 2. Shear wave model sensitivities for line A. Layer no.


V s (km s−1 )

T rms (s)



1 3 3 1–3 1 1–3 1–7 6–7 6–7 1–7

Sg Sg Sg Sg SmS SmS SmS SmS SmS SmS

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.02

0.060 0.210 0.416 0.340 0.060 0.184 0.482 0.182 0.330 0.211

1.446 6.870 27.080 17.760 1.980 5.430 23.560 5.290 17.430 6.990

107 107 107 104 265 258 254 251 251 254

The model was assessed by monitoring the number of picks used (NPTS), the root-mean-square traveltime residual (T rms ), and the normalized misfit parameter (χ 2 ). A perturbation of V s is added to ‘Layer no’. and the effect is measured using ‘Phase’. During the analysis picking errors were assigned to the various phases based on the final model (see Table 1). Table 3. Compressional wave model sensitivities for line A. Model perturbation and analysis as in Table 2. Layer number


V p (km s−1 )

T rms (s)



1 3 3 1–3 1 1–3 1–7 6–7 6–7 1–7

Pg Pg Pg Pg PmP PmP PmP PmP PmP PmP

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.02

0.043 0.079 0.150 0.136 0.082 0.087 0.163 0.082 0.122 0.093

1.386 4.127 12.005 10.127 1.434 4.842 16.708 4.102 7.859 5.622

156 149 142 143 192 192 192 192 192 192

velocity determinations is of the same order as uncertainties for the reflected P m P and S m S phases.

5 VELOCITY MODELS The resulting P- and S-wave velocity structures for both VARNET lines A and B are shown in Figs 9 and 10. Seven distinct crustal layers (L1–7) are defined along the derived models for both lines. When changes in crustal composition, deduced from this velocity structure and Poisson’s ratio variations, are presented later, it becomes apparent that the layered velocity structure reflects (to some extent) the model parameterization (Zelt & Smith 1992). The P- and S-wave velocity structure within these layers is very similar for the two lines; however, the geometry of the individual layers changes substantially. The models are first described and compared in terms of P- and S-wave velocity structure, then variations in V p /V s ratios are used to define Poisson’s ratio, which is an important diagnostic for bulk crustal petrology and mineralogy.


Table 4. Shear wave model sensitivities for line B. Analysis as in Tables 2 and 3. Layer number


V s (km s−1 )

T rms (s)



1 3 3 1–3 1 1–3 1–7 6–7 6–7 1–7

Sg Sg Sg Sg SmS SmS SmS SmS SmS SmS

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.02

0.105 0.106 0.220 0.160 0.075 0.110 0.340 0.100 0.200 0.125

1.112 1.130 4.750 2.690 2.190 4.860 47.250 3.660 15.890 6.310

554 548 550 552 258 258 256 256 254 258

Table 5. Compressional wave model sensitivities for line B. Analysis as in Tables 2 and 3. Layer number


V p (km s−1 )

T rms (s)



1 3 3 1–3 1 1–3 1–7 6–7 6–7 1–7

Pg Pg Pg Pg PmP PmP PmP PmP PmP PmP

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.02

0.040 0.070 0.125 0.099 0.082 0.085 0.139 0.080 0.105 0.083

1.286 4.022 12.835 8.102 1.159 1.160 2.948 1.159 1.913 1.223

237 235 237 233 248 245 245 247 248 248

the distribution of Old Red Sandstone (ORS) quartz rich, clastic sediments in the Munster Basin. Towards the northern end of the profiles (Figs 9a and 10a) higher velocities (5.9–6.1 km s−1 ), for example between 140 and 200 km on line A, correlate with Namurian to Westphalian sediments within the Clare Basin (Fig. 1) and its offshore extension, as defined by a broad Bouguer anomaly high (Readman et al. 2003). A third underlying layer in the upper crust, extending to ca. 10 km depth on both profiles has velocities in the range of 5.8–6.2 km s−1 , at the ends of both profiles, decreasing to lower velocities (5.7–5.8 km s−1 ) towards the centre of both profiles. This region of lower velocities in the upper crust corresponds to a region of relatively lower Bouguer gravity that may be related to late Caledonian granitic rocks at depth, representing the structural continuation of large granite bodies exposed in eastern Ireland (Readman et al. 1997). The mid crust, between ca. 10 and 23 km depth, consists of two layers. Velocities in the first layer lie between 6.0 and 6.3 km s−1 and overlie a layer in which they vary from 6.4 to 6.6 km s−1 . Within the lower crust, which is also subdivided into two layers, the velocity structure is remarkably uniform. An upper layer, 3–5 km thick, has velocities of 6.8–6.9 km s−1 and overlies a layer of similar thickness, with a velocity between 7.0 and 7.2 km s−1 , on both profiles (Figs 9a and 10a). Upper mantle velocities of 8.0–8.1 km s−1 are defined along line A by post-critical P n phases, observed at offsets beyond 130 km.

5.1 P-wave velocity models The velocity within the shallow parts of the crust (i.e. < 6 km depth) shows large lateral variations form north to south, which are broadly similar on both profiles (Figs 9a and 10a). In the south (between 0 and 100 km on line B and 0–60 km on line A) P-wave velocities are lowest and vary from 5.0 to 5.2 km s−1 near the surface to 5.8 km s−1 at depth. The extent of these lower velocities correlates well with  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

5.2 S-wave velocity models Variation in the S-wave velocity structure (Figs 9b and 10b) along both lines (A and B) is much smoother than the variation in P-wave velocities. The main features defined in the P-wave model for both lines are also present in the S-wave model, and the variations in velocity are not unusual.


F. Hauser et al. (a)

Line A


Killarney-Mallow Fault

Munster Basin

Shannon Estuary


Clare Basin

8 5.6





6.0 - 6.1



6.5 6.5

6.6 6.8



7.2 8.0



Killarney-Mallow Fault

Munster Basin


Shannon Estuary

3.3 (1.66)

3.1 (1.74)


3.55 (1.69)

3.2 (1.75)

3.4 (1.70)

3.7 (1.76) 3.9 (1.74) 4.0 (1.75)

3.2 - 3.3 (1.78)


3.4 (1.75)

3.5 (1.72)

3.45 (1.70)


3.55 (1.74)

3.5 (1.70)


3.6 (1.69)

Clare Basin



3.0 (1.76)













5.9 - 6.0





3.6 (1.74)


3.75 (1.76)

L6 L7

3.95 (1.75) 4.05 4.6 (1.74)

4.1 (1.76)


Figure 9. (a) P-wave velocity model for line A (for location, see Fig. 1). Numbers indicate the P-wave velocities in km s−1 . Open triangles mark the shot points, while filled triangles show location of seismic sections in Figs 2–4. (b) S-wave velocity model for line A. Numbers are S-wave velocities in km s−1 . Numbers in brackets are the V p /V s ratios. Dashed lines indicate the area resolved by reflected and/or refracted rays.

A notable exception is the laterally uniform S-wave velocity at 80 km along line B (at ca. 5 km depth) in the upper crust, where a low velocity zone is present in the P-wave model. The S-wave velocities are laterally very constant, particularly in the middle and lower crust (varying by less than 0.05 km s−1 ). Upper mantle shear wave velocities, defined by weak S n arrivals at large offset on the longer line A, are about 4.6 km s−1 (Fig. 9b).

6 VA R I AT I O N S I N P O I S S O N ’ S R AT I O The P- and S-wave crustal velocities are used to compute variations in Poisson’s ratio to provide constraints on crustal composition. Temperature and pressure variations within the crust have little effect on Poisson’s ratio above pressures of 100–200 MPa. Numerous studies have shown that above these pressures fluid filled open

 C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition (a)


Line B


Killarney-Mallow Fault

Munster Basin






5.5 -

5.4 - 5.7




5.6 - 5.9 5.9


5.9 6.0





6.0 - 6.15



6.25 6.5 - 6.6






7.1 7.15 8.0



Killarney-Mallow Fault

Munster Basin


3.0 (1.67) 3.3 (1.64)





3.3 (1.69) 3.4 (1.73)


3.4 (1.67)



3.5 - 3.6 (1.66)

3.6 (1.69)


3.65 (1.71)


3.75 (1.76) 3.9 (1.77) 4.05 (1.76) 4.6 (1.74)

L6 L7


Figure 10. (a) P-wave velocity model for line B (for location, see Fig. 1). Numbers indicate the P-wave velocities in km s−1 . Triangles mark the shot points, with filled triangles showing locations of seismic sections in Figs 5–7. (b) S-wave velocity model for line B. Numbers are S-wave velocities in km s−1 . Numbers in brackets are the V p /V s ratios. Dashed lines indicate the area resolved by reflected and/or refracted rays (see Fig. 8).

fractures and pore spaces in rocks generally become closed and variations in Poisson’s ratio become solely dependant on rock mineralogy (Christensen 1996). This means that laboratory determinations of Poisson’s ratio should be directly applicable over a wide range of crustal depths below about 3–4 km. Poisson’s ratios for both profiles A and B were computed from the derived P- and S-wave models.  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

The value of Poisson’s ratio (σ ) for seismically isotropic materials (see Christensen (1996) for detailed discussion) as a function of V p and V s velocities is defined as σ =

  1 1 1− 2 (V p /Vs )2 − 1



F. Hauser et al.

Table 6. Average values of seismic properties in different types of crust from Christensen & Mooney (1995) and Christensen (1996) compared with the Irish crustal measurements (this study). V p (km s−1 ) V s (km s−1 ) V p /V s

Crust type Oceanic crust Arc crust Average continental Irish crust (this study)

6.50 6.69 6.45 6.46

3.49 3.78 3.65 3.73

1.89 1.77 1.77 1.73


t (km)

0.305 0.266 0.265 0.247

7 .0 39.0 41.0 32.0

6.1 Petrological implications A comprehensive analysis of the experimental data that defines the relationship between the bulk mineralogy of crustal rocks and Poisson’s ratio (Christensen 1996) can be used to infer the chemical composition of the crust. Poisson’s ratio, measured at 600 MPa, shows a very high degree of correlation with silica content (%SiO 2 ) for a variety of metasedimentary and igneous rocks including felsic granulites, metagreywackes, granites and diorites. For crustal rocks with more that 55 per cent SiO 2 , σ varies systematically with SiO 2 content according to the simple quadratic rule:

Sensitivity factor, f(η)

%SiO2 = 100.9 − 496σ 2

Vp / Vs Figure 11. The sensitivity factor f (η) plotted against the V p /V s ratio showing how relative errors in Poisson’s ratio relate to velocity uncertainties (see text for more information).

and the values are shown on the S-wave model profiles in Figs 9b and 10b. The mean value of σ for the entire crust is given in Table 6, together with average values for crustal thickness and V p and V s wave velocities. These are compared with the global averages reported by Christensen & Mooney (1995) for accreted arc, average continental crust and oceanic crust. Errors in Poisson’s ratio, with respect to errors in V p and V s depend very strongly on the V p /V s ratio, and this is important when considering the implications for crustal petrology and chemistry. The error in σ associated with the respective errors in velocities (V p and V s ) is greater for lower values of V p /V s (Christensen 1996) and is given by            σ   = f (η)  V p  −  Vs    V   V   σ  p s

(2) 2

2η where η = V p /V s and the sensitivity factor, f (η) = (η2 −1)(η 2 −2) Fig. 11 shows how the sensitivity factor f(η) for the errors varies with V p /V s over the range in σ values found in this study. The error estimates in the P- and S-wave velocity models, given in Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5 (0.05 km s−1 ) for VARNET lines A and B, imply that the corresponding errors in σ are typically better than 0.02 for the whole range in σ values determined from the analysis of the seismic wideangle data. For example, perturbing the S-wave velocity values by more than ±1 per cent very noticeably reduces the visual fit of the calculated traveltime curves to the onset time of very clear S-wave arrivals for both S g and S m S phases. It also significantly degrades the value of both the RMS residual and the chi-squared measure (see Tables 2, 3, 4 and 5). This means that variations in σ of within ∼0.01 across the crustal models are significant when it comes to inferring changes in crustal petrology and composition.


with a correlation coefficient r ∼ 0.99 over a broad range in σ from 0.1 (quartzite) to 0.30 for slates (Christensen 1996). This is because in rocks with bulk SiO 2 content in excess of 55 per cent, compressional wave velocities decrease and shear wave velocities increase with SiO 2 content. The validity of this relationship appears to be borne out by numerous studies, using different seismological techniques to resolve crustal properties, in terranes of different geological age and geographical locality (Christensen 1996; Egorkin 1998; Chevrot & van der Hilst 2000; Morozov et al. 2003; Mechie et al. 2005). In metabasic rocks with less than 55 per cent SiO 2 content, which are thought to be common in the lower crust (Holbrook et al. 1988) and upper mantle, there is no correlation between silica content and Poisson’s ratio. Laboratory measurements indicate that for seismic wave speeds that encompass the range in mineral assemblages typical of lower to middle crustal rocks, eq. (3) can be applied to deduce silica content when Poisson’s ratio (σ ) is less than 0.27, and if the compressional wave speed (V p ) is below 7.4 km s−1 (see Fig. 13 and Table 3 in Christensen (1996). Since the seismic properties of the crust determined along lines A and B (Fig. 1) satisfy these criteria, they can be used to infer the bulk silica content of the entire crust and to constrain its chemical composition at various depths. Results from this calculation are shown in Figs 12(a) and (b), where the variation of silica content in the crust along both profiles is presented as grey-scale images. Variations in σ in the upper crust are consistent with the mineralogy of rock exposed on the surface along the profiles, particularly with the disposition of carbonate and quartz lithologies within the Clare and Munster basins (Fig. 1). Throughout the investigated crustal section, the value of Poisson’s ratio is consistently less than that of the average petrological crustal model of Christensen & Mooney (1995) and Christensen (1996) (see Table 6) and agrees with independent estimates from receiver function studies near line A (Landes et al. 2006). This demonstrates that it is more felsic (∼70 per cent SiO 2 ) in bulk composition than ‘average’ continental crust (∼60 per cent SiO 2 ) reported in many publications since the 1920s (see Table 9 in Christensen & Mooney (1995)). The variations in the upper to mid crust are consistent with a granite-granodiorite-diorite or meta-greywacke bulk composition. More significantly, within the lower 10 km of crust the value of σ is 0.257–0.265 (corresponding to a bulk silica content of ∼64 per cent), which is markedly less than the global average value of about 0.281 predicted in the average crustal petrology model (Christensen 1996). The calculated σ value for the Irish lower crust is consistent with a more felsic granulite composition, which is supported by petrophysical, petrological and geochemical measurements on exceptionally well-preserved lower crustal xenoliths in Carboniferous volcanics from central Ireland (Van den Berg et al. 2005).  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition (a)

Line A


Killarney-Mallow Fault

Shannon Estuary

Munster Basin 0.2














L6 0.258


Clare Basin







0.260 0.249


Line B (b)


Killarney-Mallow Fault

Munster Basin


0.237 0.241






N 0.25 0.231

L3 0.214




0.232 0.262

(~64%) 0.265 (~64%) 0.264

L6 L7


Figure 12. (a) Silica content (%SiO 2 ) determined from eq. (3) for Poisson’s ratio values less than 0.27 across line A. The upper part of the crust to a depth of about 17 km is characterized by higher silica content (up to about 75 per cent) suggesting quartzofeldspathtic mineralogies with rock types such as granodiorites, metagreywackes and quartzofeldspathic sediments. The variation in the upper crust correlates broadly with the surface distribution of carbonate and silica rich Palaeozoic rocks. The lower crust below 17 km is more depleted in silica and consistent with a dioritic mid crust and a lower crust (ca. 10 km thick) composed of restitic silica rich (∼ 64 per cent) paragneisses (see text). (b) Silica content (%SiO 2 ) for Poisson’s ratio values less than 0.27 across line B. As on line A, the upper part of the crust to a depth of about 17 km is characterized by a higher silica content up to about 75 per cent, consistent with quartzofeldspathic rock mineralogies. The variation in the upper crust, between distances of 0 and 65 km, correlates broadly with the silica rich Palaeozoic clastic rocks of the tectonically inverted Munster basin (see Fig. 1). The zone of low SiO 2 content at the northern end of the line, between a distance of 100 and 140 km, correlates with Carboniferous rock within the offshore extension of the Clare Basin. SiO 2 percentages within the crust below 17 km are consistent with a dioritic mid crust and a lower crust (ca. 10 km thick) composed of restitic metapelites and psammites. The higher SiO 2 content at 80 km distance and 20 km depth suggests a more felsic granodioritic composition. This region appears to continue upwards towards the surface, where it lies on the flanks of a Bouguer gravity low perhaps due to buried granite plutons at depth (see text).

6.2 Correlations with lower crustal xenoliths from central Ireland Lower crustal xenoliths from central Ireland, close to the trace of the Iapetus Suture Zone, were brought to the surface during lower Carboniferous volcanism and consist predominantly of granulite facies (garnet-sillimanite-K-feldspar) metapelites and psammites (see Fig. 1 and Van den Berg et al. (2005) for detailed xenolith locations). This relatively felsic composition of the xenolith suite  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

is unusual, compared with the predominantly mafic composition of lower crustal xenoliths, found worldwide (Griffin & O’Reilly 1987; Burke & Fountain 1990; Rudnick & Fountain 1995). Many of the metapelitic xenoliths are peraluminous khondalites (garnet-sillimanite-quartz-K-feldspar-rutile ± plagioclase ± ilmenite ± biotite assemblages) and probably represent the residue of partial melting of lower crustal metasedimentary rocks. This is consistent with their high modal abundance of aluminosilicate minerals such as sillimanite and garnet (Van den Berg et al. 2005),

F. Hauser et al.

Table 7. Major element compositions of lower crustal xenoliths from central Ireland comprising khondalite (mean of 16 samples), kinzigite, psammite and granitic orthogneiss (individual representative samples).

81.38 0.57 7.83 6.11 0.40 1.18 0.79 0.08 1.43 0.07 −0.10 99.74

72.65 0.37 13.63 3.27 0.05 0.72 3.18 4.16 0.58 0.06 1.26 99.97

65.81 0.87 15.79 6.79 0.29 2.25 2.89 1.94 1.77 0.16 1.28 99.86

kh = khondalite, ki = kinzigite, ps = psammite, orth = granitic orthogneiss. Following determination of the loss on ignition (LOI), whole-rock analyses were obtained by standard XRF methods on fused glass discs at the University of Leicester.

high Al 2 O 3 contents (Table 7) and the presence of quartzofeldspathic leucosomes (Van den Berg et al. 2005). Some samples rich in sillimanite aligned along the foliation are highly anisotropic with respect to both P- and S-wave velocities (up to 14 per cent). Thermobarometry indicates that the metapelitic xenoliths were entrained from ca. 20–28 km depth within the lowermost crust and rapidly transported to the surface. Rarer mafic granulites also occur and are sourced from depths of 30–35 km, i.e. from below the present-day seismic refraction Moho. However, the origin and petrological significance of the mafic granulites is not understood because of their rarity and high degree of alteration. Excluding highly anisotropic samples, the velocity measurements of the granulite facies metapelite xenolith suite from the Irish Midlands (red circles in Fig. 13) correlate very well with the wide-angle seismic velocities and V p /V s ratios. This suggests that the samples are close to the bulk composition and mineralogy of the lower crust beneath Ireland. Moreover, the composition inferred from the σ values (∼64 per cent SiO 2 , Fig. 12b—layers L6 and L7) is remarkably close to the unweighted arithmetic mean of whole-rock chemical analyses of the central Irish xenoliths suite (Table 7) comprising khondalite, kinzigite, psammite and granitic orthogneiss.

7 DISCUSSION In a global context the seismic velocity structure of the crust beneath central and southwest Ireland is anomalous with a crustal thickness of 30–34 km, well below the global average of 41 km reported by Christensen & Mooney (1995) and is more typical of extended crust in their classification. However, there this similarity with ‘extended crust’ breaks down as the average crustal velocity of the Irish crust is identical to the global average value of ∼6.45 km s−1 (Table 6). The mean value of Poisson’s ratio (σ ) for the entire crust (0.24–0.25) is below the global average (0.265) and its value for the lower 10 km of crust (0.258) is particularly anomalous, indicating an unusually silica rich composition compared to that indicated elsewhere from seismic observations and studies of lower crustal xenoliths (Holbrook et al. 1988; Rudnick & Fountain 1995). These results are robustly supported and ‘ground-truthed’ by the geochemical and petrophysical measurements on lower crustal xenoliths from the Irish Midlands.

Layer 6

Layer 5

a 5

58.18 1.13 15.90 5.47 0.07 3.62 6.90 2.58 1.96 0.45 3.62 99.86


51.04 1.42 25.78 12.30 0.64 3.50 0.70 0.94 3.13 0.06 0.36 99.87

Layer 4



0.1 0

Mean (unweighted)





0.3 0



SiO 2 TiO 2 Al 2 O 3 Fe 2 O 3 MnO MgO CaO Na 2 O K2O P2O5 LOI Total




Layer 7

0.2 0



Figure 13. Plot of compressional (V p ) versus shear wave (V s ) velocities with lines of constant Poisson’s ratio (e.g. 0.25) indicated. Measured seismic wide-angle velocities (solid black symbols), corrected back to room temperature (using the same thermal properties as in Van den Berg et al. (2005)) are indicated for the various mid to lower crustal model layers in Figs 9 and 10 (e.g. Layer 4–7). Green circles are experimental data from the ACCRETE experiment (Morozov et al. 2003) measured at different pressures (400–600 MPa) and room temperature. Red circles are measurements from the Central Irish Xenolith Suite (CIXS), measured at 600 MPa and room temperature (from Van den Berg et al. 2005). Seismic velocity properties are consistent with diorite/granodiorite composition for Layer 4, based both on the ACCRETE measurements and the compilation of petrophysical measurements from Christensen (1996). Metapelitic granulites from the Central Ireland Xenolith Suite have velocity properties identical to Layers 6 and 7. Samples labelled (a) show a high degree (>10 per cent) of seismic anisotropy, due to the presence of aligned mineral phases, predominantly sillimanite. Excluding the highly anisotropic samples, the experimental data on xenolith and rock samples are remarkably close to the model for mid to lower crustal composition (this study). Lower crustal restites from ACCRETE samples (green dots near V p = 7 km s−1 ) are likely more mafic in composition than the CIXS examples (i.e. their Poisson’s ratio is appreciably higher).

The combined evidence from this seismic study and the results from the Irish Midlands xenolith suite (Van den Berg et al. 2005) provides support for accumulation of new crust by tectonic accretion of largely juvenile volcaniclastic sediments, mainly of Lower Palaeozoic age, close to the Iapetus suture zone, followed by partial melting and emplacement of granitic plutons during and following the Caledonian Orogeny (Klemperer et al. 1991; Daly & Van den Berg 2004). The geochemical and geochronological measurements from lower crustal xenoliths date this melting event to the late Silurian/early-mid Devonian, towards the end of Caledonian deformation. This age is what would be expected from the conventionally accepted view of the Caledonian tectonics of Ireland. U-Pb zircon ages from some lower crustal xenoliths, however, indicate that partial melting of the felsic lower crust persisted until the late Devonian to early Carboniferous, implying that it was anomalously hot and therefore rheologically very mobile well after the end of Caledonian deformation. Whether these younger events are connected to the extensional tectonism that led to the formation of ensialic  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 

Constraints on crustal structure and composition Carboniferous basins across southern and central Ireland is uncertain and requires further investigation (Daly & Van den Berg 2004). As the value of Poisson’s ratio is important in defining the bulk composition of the crust, there have been many worldwide studies using receiver functions based on differential P m S-P and Pp m S-P traveltimes, to determine crustal thickness and the value of the ratio. The global study of Zandt & Ammon (1995) focussed on variations in Poisson’s ratio as a function of crustal age and concluded that the ratio increased with the age of crustal formation, being higher in Archaean than in Palaeozoic and Cenozoic regions. Measurements of σ along deep-probing long-range seismic refraction profiles in the former Soviet Union (Egorkin 1998) and in Australia (Chevrot & van der Hilst 2000) suggest that σ tends to decrease with crustal thickness in tectonic domains of Phanerozoic age (i.e. Palaeozoic platforms and Cenozoic arcs). The results of the present study on the Irish crust are consistent with the latter observation. The xenolith suite from central Ireland is similar in petrology and seismic properties to samples of mid to lower crustal rock gathered across the Cenozoic Coast Mountains Batholith (Fig. 13) and the adjacent accreted terranes in southeastern Alaska and western British Columbia, where similar controlled source seismic techniques have been employed to investigate crustal composition (Morozov et al. 2003). This suggests that a fundamentally similar process of crustal formation by melting and differentiation was at work in both regions during different geological epochs. Crustal growth in western British Columbia is interpreted to have involved processes associated with the flow of hot crustal material during crustal shortening and the vertical accretion of mantle derived mafic melts (Hollister & Andronicos 2006). The crustal structure of the Jurassic to Eocene Coast Mountains Orogen of southeast Alaska and British Columbia shows large changes in V p , V s and Poisson’s ratio across a crustalscale suture zone within the lower 10–15 km of crust (Morozov et al. 2003). Large amounts of exhumation of upper to middlecrustal rock is associated with gabbroic magmatism and crustal underplating, the extraction of granites from the lower crust and the consequent formation of lower crustal granulite facies restite assemblages, rich in garnet and sillimanite (Hollister & Andronicos 2006). By contrast, in the Irish crust, late Caledonian deformation during the final closure of the Iapetus Ocean involved a large component of sinistral strike slip on the major faults (Soper et al. 1992; Dewey & Strachan 2003), rather than the great amounts of crustal shortening observed in the Canadian Cordillera. This explains the lack of exhumation of deep (midcrustal) rock, the relatively low upper crustal seismic velocities (Figs 9 and 10) and the absence of geological evidence for very large amounts of crustal thickening and magmatic underplating (Van den Berg et al. 2005). Rocks of Ordovician/Silurian to early Devonian age are exposed below a late Palaeozoic (late Devonian to Carboniferous) sedimentary sequence across the midlands and south of Ireland, implying that uplift and exhumation of rock was small. The crustal structure now observed (this study) has remained essentially the same since the xenolith suite was emplaced during the early Carboniferous. The crustal model for the Irish crust, presented in this study, shows a subdivision of the lower crust into two distinct layers with an aggregate thickness of about 10 km and with a uniform Poisson’s ratio (σ = 0.257–0.265) diagnostic of an unusual felsic composition (Figs 9, 10 and 12). There is no unambiguous seismological evidence for a significant mafic (underplated) component within the lower crust or near its base, as has been inferred on the basis of receiver function studies, which are partially constrained by wideangle seismic data beneath Ireland (Shaw Champion et al. 2006).  C 2008 The Authors, GJI C 2008 RAS Journal compilation 


The rare enigmatic mafic granulite xenoliths, which the thermobarometric studies indicate are sourced from close to or below the present-day seismic refraction Moho (Van den Berg et al. 2005), have uncertain geochemical affinities. They could have come from a thin crust/mantle transition boundary layer made from accreted slivers of Ordovician ocean crust, or from mafic intrusions within the mantle itself. Thus the impact of post-Palaeozoic tectonic and magmatic events, widely manifest throughout the North Atlantic region as large Mesozoic basin systems and early Cenozoic basaltic igneous provinces, does not appear to have dramatically modified the structure of the crust beneath southwest Ireland. It seems that the process of crustal formation within central and southern Ireland was essentially completed by the early Devonian with some degree of intracrustal melting continuing into the latest Devonian (Daly & Van den Berg 2004).

8 C O N C LU S I O N S 1. A joint analysis of controlled source shear (V s ) and compressional (V p ) wide-angle seismic data from southwest Ireland has been used to derive the distribution of Poisson’s ratio (σ ) within the crust. Using published petrophysical experimental data on V p , V s and σ from different igneous and metasedimentary rocks a model for crustal petrology and chemistry is developed. The mean value of σ (∼0.247) for the Irish crust is unusually low compared to the global average value (∼0.265) and indicates that it is unusually felsic in bulk composition. 2. The values of Poisson’s ratio are highly variable in the uppermost 5 km of crust (σ = 0.20–0.28) and correlate well with the surface distribution of silica (low σ ) and carbonate rich (high σ ) Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks. Values of Poisson’s ratio in the upper part of the crust, to a depth of about 15 km, suggest high silica contents (SiO 2 ∼75 per cent) and quartzofeldspathic mineralogies, such as granites/granodiorites and metagreywackes. 3. Within the lower 10 km of crust the variation in σ is smoother. The mean value of σ (∼0.258) is anomalously low compared to the global average (σ ∼ 0.281). This indicates that it is more depleted in silica than the upper to mid crust; however, it still has an unusually silica-rich composition compared with the mafic granulite composition that is generally considered typical. 4. A silica rich lower crust (SiO 2 ∼ 64 per cent) is supported by petrophysical and geochemical data on exceptionally wellpreserved lower crustal xenoliths from nearby early Carboniferous volcanic rocks. These xenoliths consist mostly of highly aluminous partially melted metapelites (khondalites) as well as normal metapelites (kinzigites), psammites and granitic orthogneisses. The khondalites have seismic properties identical to those derived from the wide-angle seismic data for the lower crust. This suggests that they faithfully represent its bulk chemical composition. 5. The combined xenolith data and seismic velocity models support tectonic theories for the origin of the central Irish crust by tectonic accretion of predominantly sedimentary and volcaniclastic material derived from oceanic, island-arc and continental margin sources during the Caledonian orogenic cycle. 6. Partial melting of the crust at mid to lower crustal depths began during the Caledonian producing granites and a chemically differentiated crust. However, melting of the lower 10 km of crust occurred as late as the latest Devonian; however, it is not known if this is a discrete event or a continuation of the early melting history.


F. Hauser et al.

AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S JSD and RvdB gratefully acknowledge the support of Enterprise Ireland Basic Research Grant SC/1998/524 and a University College Dublin President’s Research Award. We also thank the late Tim Brewer for access to XRF facilities at the University of Leicester. The data gathered during the VARNET experiment were collected using the seismic equipment of the GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam, the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and the University of Copenhagen. The support of the European Commission by the EEC Human Capital and Mobility Program under contract No. ERBCHRXCT940572 is acknowledged. Finally, we thank the two anonymous reviewers and the editor Randy Keller for their detailed and constructive comments. This paper is contribution GP196 of the Geophysics Section of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.

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