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with the thrust faults in front of the rigid indenter. Strike-slip faults begin to accommodate extrusion at a late stage in the experiments after the normal and thrust ...
TECTONICS, VOL. 19, NO. 2, PAGES 290-299 APRIL 2000

Continental collision, gravity spreading, and kinematics of Aegea and Anatolia J. Martinod • and D. Hatzfeld Laboratoirede G6ophysiqueInterneet Tectonophysique, Observatoirede Grenoble, Grenoble, France

J.P. Brun, P. Davy, andP. Gautier GeosciencesRennes,Universit6 de Rennes1, Rennes,France

Abstract. We have carriedout experimentsusing a layered medium of sand and silicone to investigate the lateral extrusion of a material which spreadsover its own weight while being compressedby the advanceof a rigid indenter. Boundaryconditionsin the box mimic those prevailing in the Anatolian-Aegean system. Both shortening in front of the rigid piston, which models the northward motion of Arabia, and extension resulting from the gravity spreading of the sand-silicone layer are necessary to initiate the lateral extrusion. Strike-slip faults accommodatethe lateral escape and link the normal faults accompanying gravity spreading with the thrustfaults in front of the rigid indenter. Strike-slip faults begin to accommodateextrusion at a late stage in the experimentsafter the normal and thrust faults have developed. Experiments also show that the initial geometry of the boundaryof the spreadinglayer may result in the formation of two

arcs behind





a manner

analogousto the Hellenic and Cypriot arcs, without invoking a theological change at the junction of the two arcs. The experimentsalso suggestthat southwardmotion of the eastern, part of the spreadingregion is compensatedby the northward advanceof the piston, which is a possible explanation for the slower movement of the Cypriot arc comparedto the Aegean arc.



While the present-daykinematics of the Anatolian-Aegean system are now well constrained by geodetic Global PositionningSystem (GPS) and Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) measurements[e.g., Noomenet al., 1994; Oral, 1994; Veis et al., 1992; Le Pichon et al., 1995; Reilinger et al., 1997] (Figure 1), the tectonic processesresponsiblefor the westward motion of the Anatolian-Aegean plate are still a subject of debate. Following McKenzie [1972], most authors consider the westwardmovementof Anatolia with respect to Eurasiato be the result of the continental



Eurasia and

noting,however, thatif theAnatolian-Aegean piatebearsa compressivetectonicregimeon its easternsideresultingfrom the Arabia-Eurasia continental



also bears

extension deformation in its western half. Although the present-dayrapid southwestwardmotion of the Aegean with respect to stable Europe (Figure 1) is consistent with the lateral escapeof Anatolia to the west [e.g., Le Pichon et al., 1995; Ar•nijo et al., 1996], the thinning of the Aegeanplate developed in response to local forces, such as the forces

generatedby the subducted Mediterraneanoceaniclithosphere or those resulting from the topography and thickness of the

Aegeanplate at the end of the Hellenic orogenesis[e.g., Berckhemer,1977;Le PichonamtAngelier, 1979; Englandet al., 1985; Sonderamt England, 1989; Meijer and Wortel, 1996; Lundgren et al., 1998]. This extensionfirst developed independently of the Arabia-Eurasiacollision. As a matter of

fact, it startedin Cycladesas early as early Miocene[Listeret al., 1984;Jolivetet al., 1994; Gautier and Brun, 1994], which is more than 10 Myr older than the Arabia-Eurasiacollision [Galaier et al., 1999]. The arcuateform of the Hellenic trench turning l¾om NNW-SSE in western Greece to NE-SW off Rhodos, the Neogene clockwise rotations in western Greece,

the counterclockwiserotations in westernTurkey [Kissel and Laj, 1988], and the present-dayextension parallel to the trench in the Hellenic arc [e.g., Hatzfeldet al., 1990, 1993; Kahle et al., 1998] highlight the influence of gravity spreading of the continental plate above the eastern Mediterranean in the internaldeformationof the Aegean[e.g., Le Pichon and Angelier, 1979; Sonderamt England, 1989; Hatzfeld et al., 1997; Gautier et al., 1999]. In the following, we presentsimple analogueexperiments that simulate the Arabia-Eurasiacollision, the Aegean extension,and the lateralescapeof Anatolia, in orderto study two points:

1. The first point is the effectof the compressionapplied on the easternborderof Anatolia, andof the forcesgenerated near the Aegean that favor extension, on the motion of

Arabia, becauseextrusion minimizes the thickening of the

Anatolia. Experimentssuggestthat the lateral escapeof


Anatolia results from both the Arabia-Eurasia collision and the

crust in front

of the Arabian


It is worth

•Now at Institutde Recherchepour le Ddveloppement,Santiago, Chile.

Copyright2000 by theAmericanGeophysicalUnion. Papernumber1999TC900061. 0278-7407/00/1999TC900061



Aegeanback- arc tension forcesandthat lateral escapecould not occurwithoutthe two phenomenaactingtogether. 2. The secondpoint is the role of the boundaryconditions exertedin the easternMediterranean:Experimentsshow that the initial geometry of the spreadinglayers partly controls their finite deformationand rotation and may explain the formationof severalspreadingarcsabovethe oceanicplate





40 ø


Paleomagnetic Rotations


Present-day displacements

............................... •:::... 50 ram/year




30 ø



Figure 1. Tectonicsof the Anatolian-Aegeanarea. Present-daydisplacements are obtainedfrom Reilinger et al. [1997]. Rotations are from the paleomagneticdata presentedby Abrahamsenand Sch6nharting [1987], Kisseland Laj [1988], Kisselet al. [1993], and Speranzaet al. [1995].


Analogue Experiments

We use relatively simple analogueexperiments simulating the Anatolian-Aegean tectonics, to study first-order tectonic phenomenain the area. For convenience,we shall refer to regions of the analogue experiment in terms of geographical directions (north, south, east, and west). The lithosphere in the Anatolian, Aegean, and Europeanregions is modeledby a dry sandlayer underlainby a silicone layer. The absenceof cohesionand internal friction angle of the dry sandmake it an analogue for the brittle upper crust, while the silicone putty simulatesthe ductile lower lithosphere (see the work of Davy

and Cobbold [ 1991] for details concerningscalingin this kind of experiments). These layers float above a liquid (honey)

representingthe asthenosphere, whoseviscosityof about20 Pa s, is negligible comparedto the viscosity of silicone (Table 1). We did not include any details in the layers

modeling the lithosphere to preservethe simplicity of the experiment.The sandand silicone layers are slightly lighter

thanthehoney(1200 kg/m3 versus1400kg/m3;seeTable1) to simulate a floating continental lithosphere above the

asthenosphere. Above the sandlayer, a rectangulargrid of passive colored-sandmarkersenablesvisualization of the

Table 1. Experimental Parameters Door Width,

.... d, Hsili •).... d,3 0 ......... Ph .... y.• ExperimentH mm mm kg/m 3 kg/m 3 'l•}l•e, mm



PistonSpeed, SandStrength,






(relErence) 8


1200 1200 1400 3x104








1200 1200 1400 3x104






/nospreading) 8


1400 1350 1400 3x104







(!ar•oe door) 3

In Experiments I and2 thesilicone andsandlayersare significantly lighterthanhoney.As a consequence, gravityspreading occurs.In Experiment 3, forcesarisingfromdensity contrasts arenotlargeenough to breakthesandlayer.


MARTINODET AL.:KINEMATICSOFAEGEAAND ANATOLIA A rigid indenter placed in the southeasternpart of the box moves in the northward direction at a constant speed (a few centimentersper hour; see Table 1) to simulate the northward motion of Arabia with respectto stable Eurasia. On the other side of the box a small wall is placed to model the Apulian continental plate. In the experiment this wall does not move. We do not take into accountthe motion of Apulia with respect to Europe, because this motion is slower than the displacement of Arabia and also because Apulia is much




Rigid wall


Figure 2. Boundary conditions for the analogue experiments.Thick lines representrigid walls, and the thin line is the free boundaryof the spreadingsand-siliconelayer.



Thus it is assumed that

the motion


Apulia is not responsible for the first-order structuresthat develop in the Anatolian-Aegean system. The other walls of the box are rigid. Their geometrydoes not have any influence on the deformation, since the deformed area is always confined in a small domain in the center of the box as England et al. [1985] predicted (see Figure 3). The advance of the rigid indentor starts at the beginning of the experiment, simultaneously with initiation of spreading of the sandsilicone layer. The speedof the pistonis chosento be roughly similar to the speedof the spreading sand-silicone layer over the honey, becausein reality the speedof Arabia to the north is comparablewith the speedof the Hellenic arc to the SW. In section 4, we present only three different analogue experiments, although many more were built. The precise geometry of the faults that appear in the experiments we present, comparedto similar ones we do not describehere, may not be exactly the same. The strain regime that develops in both experimentsis, however, essentiallythe same, and the observationswe discussin section 5 have been reproducedin several experiments.

deformation. The deformedgrid is then digitized at different stepsof the experimentto monitorthe total and incremental displacements, deformation,and rigid rotations. The Mediterraneanoceanic plate is simply modeled by honey without any other material above it. We are not interestedherein examining the deformationof the oceanic

4. The Development of Lateral Escape in Experiments

gravityspreading of thesand-silicone platestarts(Table1). In

advance of the piston.

naturethe extensionof the continental lithosphere above the

In Figure 4 the motion of passivemarkerssituatedon the boundaryof the westernarc is mapped.During the first 20 min of the experiment,we observethat the markersstart to diverge and that the spreadingboundarydevelopsan arcuategeometry. During that time, the passive markers move to the south, showingthat lateral escapehas not started,or at least, that it does not influence the deformation of the westernpart of the

As soon as the rigid wall constraining the sand-silicone layer is removed, spreading starts. Becauseof the initial geometry of the spreading layer, two arcs develop, both generated by several families of faults (Experiment 1, Figure plate but only in simulatingthe gravity spreadingof the continentallithosphereabovethe subducting ocean[Hatzfeld 3). At the beginningof deformationduringthe first 20 min of Experiment 1, E-W normal faults develop near the E-W free eta!., 1997]. boundary.Two families of conjugatestrike-slip faults with a normal dip-slip componentalso develop within two oblique 3. Boundary Conditions areas on both sides of this free boundary (Figure 3B). We observe a geometry of faults in this region similar to that The sand-siliconeplate is placed in a rectangularbox (Figure2). Tensional forcespullthe southern boundary of the obtainedby Hatzfeld et al. [ 1997] or Gautieret al. [1999] in sand-silicone layer, becauseof the differentbuoyancyof the gravity spreadingexperimentswithout a moving piston. This sand,silicone,and honey.When the forcesarisingfrom these result indicates that the westernmost arc that initially densitycontrastsare large enoughto breakthe sandlayer, develops from the E-W boundary is not influencedby the

retreatingoceanicslab resultsfrom many other phenomena, as,for example,trenchsuction,whichare not modeledhereto preservethe simplicityof the experiments. Crossingthe box in the middle,a wall boundsthe sandsiliconelayer. At the beginningof the experiment,part of this wall is removed(Figure 2), and the light sand-silicone layerstartsto spreadoverthehoney,simulating the spreading of the continentallithosphere overthe subduction zone. Note that the initial boundaryof the spreadingsand-siliconeplate is not straightbut angledat the easternend.

spreading layers. Between 20 and 70 min the shortened area in front

of the

pistongrows northward.Dextral E-W strike-slip faults appear in the area situated between the shortened zone and the western






......... ,*;'.:';':.•. •.;•:;•½ "•;'• -•½•'•:•*•4•**.,• :,;::..,.;:•:?.•::.r•..•, ;•:..; ..:;:-'•; •"•%.....•-.;.•:i•'-.-.:,--..7 ..... ).6: :.-...•.; : ......


•:'.(-•7;; ß ;:...• .......;2' "' •.


• '::•'





-•:: .................... :-?------7--•,.:% ...•* ...,..... .

.:..;• •: .







Fixed wall;

'/Pe%to spreadin9 a½'

PISTON Figure 3. Topviewof the reference experiment (Experiment 1; seeTable1) at differentstagesof deformation. (a) Beginningof experiment. The wall maintainingthe sand-silicone layer hasjust been removed. (b) After18 minof experiment. Thespreading of thetwo arcshasstarted,andthe shortening is concentrated verynearthepiston. Lateralescape stilldoesnotoccur.(c)After43 minof experiment. Dextral

strike-slip faultsaccommodating thelateralextrusion haveappeared. These faultsjoin thethrusts in frontof thepiston withthegrabens situated onthewestern sideoftheexperiment. (d)After83minof experiment. The newthrusts in frontof thepistonappear too farnorthof the stretched zoneto be connected to thegrabens. Thereis no morelateralextrusion. (e) Linedrawingof themainfaultsin theexperiment after43 min.

:. :






20 cm


experiment, gravity spreadingdoesnot occur,becauseforces arising from lateral densitycontrastsare not strong enoughto break the sand layer (Table 1). When the piston starts, shortening is concentratedin front of it without any lateral escape,even thougha preexistingfault had been introducedin the sandlayer to force extrusion (Figure 7). This experiment indicatesthat lateral escapecannotdevelopin the continental lithosphere if there is no extension somewhereto enable it [see also Suzanne, 1991]. Using a finite element program to study the westwardescapeof Anatolia, Cianetti et al. [1997] also concludedthat extensional stressesin the Aegeanregion are necessaryto enable the extrusion of Anatolia. As deformationinducedby the piston movementcontinues (Experiment 1 after 83 min, Figure 3), the thrust zone in front of the piston propagates farther north of the stretchedarea. The new compressional structureswhich appearat this time do not link anymore with the extensional grabens. Although the new thrusts faults accommodatea small strike-slip motion, lateral extrusion does not develop from them. There is no more lateral escape,and the spreadingarc moves again to the south(Figures 3 and 4). 5.


5.1. The Required Conditions for the Development Figure 3.


of Extrusion

The most important implication of this experimental study

arc (Figure3). Figure 5 showsthe incrementaldisplacements of the nodesof the grid duringthis time period. Nodessituated in front of the piston move to the north, while nodessituated north of the eastern arc move to the west, and nodes situated

within the westernarc move to the southwest(Figure 4). This indicatesthat the shorteningin front of the piston affectsthe whole deformedarea and that extrusion starts during this time interval.

The strike-slip faults which accommodate extrusion link preexistingnormalfaultsof the stretcheddomainnorth of the westernarc with preexistingthrustssituatedin the shortened area in front of the piston(Figure 3). Strike-slip faults always appearalterthe thrustandnormalfaults.They resultfrom the convergentgrowth of both normal and thrust faults. The position of strike-slipfaults accommodating extrusionthus appearsto be controlledby the location of the thrust and normal faults which developedin the shortenedand stretched areas respectively.

To investigate this hypothesis, two different experiments wereconducted.First, we conductedan experimentwith the samesandand siliconedensitiesas in Experiment1 but with a

larger free boundary(Experiment2, Table 1). In this experimentthe size of the stretchedzone is very large compared to the sizeof the shortened area,andthe orientation of dextral strike-slip faults is very differentfrom that in Experiment1, with lateralfaultsnow orientedNW-SErather than E-W, joining the northernmost grabens with the northernmostthrusts(Figure 6).

Second,we cconducted Experiment3, which has the same geometryas the referenceexperimentpresentedin Figures3 and4. The densityof the sandand silicone, however,is now close to the densityof the honey substrate(Table 1). In this

is the







collision and the tensional deviatoric stressesarising from lateral density contrasts at the boundary between the Mediterranean oceanic plate and the Anatolian-Aegean continentaldomain, are likely requirementsfor the activation of the lateral escapeof Anatolia (Figure 6) as was previously suggested by Suzanne [1991], Meijer and Wortel [1996], Cia•etti et al. [1997], and Lundgren et al. [1998]. The extrusion rate of Anatolia increases by approximately 10 mm/yr from eastto west [Reilinger et al., 1997]. This increase indicatesthat the extrusionof the Anatolian plate probably is more controlled by the boundary conditions that prevail on the subductionzone than by the collision that occurson the east. Experimentsalso indicate that the preexisting stretching of the Aegean lithosphere (which is older than the lateral escapeof Anatolia [e.g., Gautier, 1995]) may exert a strong control on the position of the dextral strike-slip faults which accommodate


5.2. Deformation and Kinematics of Aegea and Anatolia

In Experiment 1 the kinematics and deformationassociated with the lateral escape of the sand-silicone layer are very similar to the present-daykinematicsof the Anatolian-Aegean regionas deducedfrom geodeticdata(compareFigures 1 and 5) and seismicity.The western(Hellenic) arc moves to the SW as a whole, and within this arc the principal axes of the strain tensor are orientated roughly N-S (extension) and E-W (moderateshortening)(Figure 8). These directions correspond with those inferred from seismological or microtectonic data tbr the present-daydeformation regime of the Aegean [e.g., Angelier et al., 1982; Mercier et al., 1989; Hat•eld et al., 1990, 1993, 1995].




at thebeginningof experiment after 18 min of experiment

after33 min of experiment

'•'• [

after58minofexperiment ....[ after98minofexperiment

Figure 4. Displacementof passivemarkerson the westernspreadingarc in Experiment 1. At the beginning of the experiment(between0 and 18 min), markersmove to the south,showingthat lateral escapehas not started.During the interval 18-73 min, lateralescapeprevails,and markersmove to the southwest.At the end of the experiment,lateral escapehas stopped,and markersmove againto the south.

In the experiment the area situatednorth of the easternarc (which corresponds in natureto centralAnatolia)movesto the west. It does not show any N-S extension, because it correspondsto an intermediatedomain situatedbetweenthe collision zone imposedby the indentor(responsiblefor N-S shortening) and the western arc where gravity spreading prevails (responsiblefor N-S extension). The intermediate position of central Anatolia betweenAegeaand the ArabiaEurasiacollisionzonecouldexplainwhy N-S extension is not

observed there (there is no N-S extension east of 31øE

[Angelieret al., 1982]). It may also explain why the Cypriot arc doesnot move to the southand why the activity of this arc is so moderatecomparedwith the activity of the Hellenic arc although the Mediterranean oceanic lithosphere is present south of both the Aegean and Cypriot arcs. On one hand,

Cyprusis pulled to the southby the oceaniclithosphere,while on the other, it is pushedto the north by the motion of the neighboring Arabian plate.

2 96


lithosphere between the Keffalinia fault and the Antalya Gulf (Figure 1). The reasonwhy the Aegeanarc endsnear Keffalinia is clear: The Keffalinia fault corresponds to the transitionfrom the oceanic


to the continental




Apulian plate [e.g., Kahle et al., 1993; Baker et al., 1997]. Apulia opposesthe advanceto the SW of the Aegeanplate, and GPS data show that Epirus, north of the Keffalinia fault, is stable with respectto Europe [e.g., Le Pichon et al., 1995] (Figure 1). In contrast, the eastern edge of the Hellenic arc south of Antalya does not correspond to any theological change of the Mediterranean plate. Seismic refraction data show that the Mediterranean oceanic plate is present to the east as far as south Cyprus and the South Levantine Basin [Makris et al., 1983; Makris and Stobbe, 1984].

The boundary conditions that most workers adopt to reproducethe formationof the Antalya Gulf (no N-S motion of the southernboundaryof the Anatolian plate east of Antalya; see, for instance, the work of Hatzfeld et al. [1997] or Meijer and Wortel [ 1997]) is convenient to get the easternboundary of the Hellenic arc near Antalya. In reality, however, the same boundary conditions should apply south of the Aegean and Cypriot arcs. Then, such conditions cannot be invoked to explain the formation of the Antalya Gulf. Experiment 1 shows that the initial geometry of the continental plate, belbre the start of the subduction of the oceanic Mediterranean

Figure 5. Displacementof the nodes of the passive grid during the interval 33-58 min in Experiment 1.

lithosphere,may have resultedin the formationof two distinct spreadingarcson both sidesof the Antalya Gulf. 5.4.

5.3. The Appearance of Two Distinct Spreading Arcs Above

the Oceanic


Most authors[e.g., Meijer and Wortel, 1997] modeling the deformation of the Aegean region consider that the Aegean lithosphere spreadsover the subductedMediterraneanoceanic


The finite rigid body rotationsevidencedin our experiments maybe comparedto paleomagneticdata. Clockwiserotations developin the westernparts of the westernarc in Experiment 1. They reproducethe recent clockwise rotations measured using paleomagnetismin continentalGreece[Kisseland Laj, 1988] (Figure 1), although rotations are observed in the

Figure 6. Experiment2 after 145 min. The theological layering of this experimentis the sameas that for Experiment1 (Table 1). The main differenceis the larger areawhere spreadingoccurs Here the stretchedzone is muchmore developedthanthe thrustareais. Dextral strike-slipfaultsaccommodating lateralescapejoin the northernmostgrabenswith the thrustzone. These faults are orientedNW-SE in contrastto the E-W orientation observedin the experimentshownin Figure 3.







recent rotations measured in Cyprus. Measurements by Abrahamsenand Sch6nharting [1987] indicate that Cyprus displaced1500 km to the north during the last 30 Myr, but rotatedcounterclockwiseless than 20ø during the sameperiod. Thus analogueexperimentssuggestthat the different rotations measuredon both sidesof the Antalya Gulf may result from the initial geometry of the plate, which is responsible for the formation of the two spreadingarcs. 5.5.





In experiments the dextral strike-slip motion which accommodatesextrusion is generally distributed over several faults. In reality, however, the lateral escape of Anatolia is absorbedby the North Anatolian fault only. Le Pichon et al. [1995] show that the displacementvectors with respect to stable Europe for points of the Anatolian-Aegean plate are close to the vectors

Figure 8. Principal axes of the strain tensorscalculatedfor trianglesof the passivegrid for Experiment 1 after 58 min of deformation.

Thin lines indicate extension, and thick lines

indicate shortening.

region north of the Keffalinia fault extendingas far as Albania [Speranza et al., 1995]. A possible explanation for the rotations measurednorth of the Keffalinia fault may be that oceanic or partially oceanic lithosphere was subductingtill recently below Albania: The NW boundary of the Hellenic subductionwould have migrated to the south, from northern Albania to Keffalinia. This may explain the recent deformationreportedby Moretti and Royden [1988] in the Hellenides, south of the Scutari-Pec fault (northern Albania),

and the apparent contradiction between paleomagnetic and geodetic data: The rapid motions responsible for the rotationsreportedin Albania by Speranzaet al. [1995] for the Neogene (Mio-Pliocene) may have stopped with continental collision.

In Experiment 1, counterclockwiserotations appearin the easternpartsof the westernarc, while no rotationoccursin the westernpart of the eastern arc. This is consistent with the absenceof recent (Miocene) rotation in the Taurides east of the

Antalya Gulf, while the westernside of the gulf recordsa 30ø counterclockwise rotationfor the same period [Kissel and Laj, 1988; Kissel et al., 1993]. It is clear, however, that the amount of rotation we observe in the experiment is highly dependenton the initial geometry adoptedfor the model. The

pre-Miocenegeometryof the Anatolian-Aegean plate maynot be similar to the geometry that we adopted here. This may explain why the rotations we observe in Experiment 1 in the southernpart of the eastern arc do not correspondwith the

that would result from

the rotation

of a

rigid plate aroundan Euler pole situated near the Nile delta. This means that the Anatolian-Aegean plate, as a first-order approximation, presently behaves as a rigid plate, namely, that its internal deformation is responsible for displacements smaller than the overall motion of the "plate" [Reilinger et al., 1997]. The experimentspresentedhere cannot reproduce this observation. We do not obtain in our experiment any "rigid" plate which behaveslike Anatolia. The reason for this differencebetween nature and experiment may result from the heterogeneityof the rheology of the continental lithosphere. We know that major lithospheric faults such as the North Anatolian fault concentratedeformation since they are much weaker than the surrounding continental lithosphere [e.g., Tapponnier et al., 1986; Rice, 1992]. In contrast, we have carried out experiments on homogeneous material to avoid introducing too many arbitrary assumptions. This suggests that the rigid plate behavior of Anatolia results from the weaknessof the North Anatolian fault [Cianetti et al., 1997]. 6.


The experiments presentedin this paper provide simple explanations for the present-day tectonics of the AnatolianAegean area, particularly for what concerns the existence of the two Hellenic and Cypriot arcs, and for the different rotations measuredin paleomagnetism on each side of the Antalya Gulf [Kissel et al., 1993]. The experiments suggest that






and the

extensionat the boundary between the Europeanplate and the Mediterranean are necessaryto generate the lateral extrusion of Anatolia in accordancewith Suzanne [1991] or Cianetti et a/. [1997]. The geometry of the extruded plate may be

controlledby the sizeof the thrustzoneto the eastand also by the size of the stretched area to the west.

Acknowledgments. Analogue experiments were built in the ModelisationLaboratory of G6osciencesRennes. Many thanks to marvelousJ.J.K. Kermarrecfor his technicaland friendly assistance. C. Faccennaand J.P.J.Reijs provided careful and constructivereviews of the manuscript.P. Molnar and B. Ch6uethelped us to improve the manuscript.





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(Received January 5, 1999; revised July 20, 1999; accepted August 23, 1999.)