Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

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C. Macleod, J. Dela-Cruz, P. Haygarth, G. Glegg, D. Scholefield and L. Mee. Organic .... A. Joynes, D.J. Hatch, A. Stone, S. Cuttle, G. Goodlass and S. Roderick.
Table of contents

Table of contents Preface


Section 1 – Drivers towards sustainability: why change?


Drivers towards sustainability: why change? J.J. Neeteson, J.J. Schröder and C. Jakobsson


Nitrogen balances over seven years on a mixed farm in the Cotswolds K.A. Leach, K.W.T. Goulding, D.J. Hatch, J.S. Conway and K.D. Allingham


Watershed nitrogen modelling N.J. Hutchings, T. Dalgaard, B.M. Rasmussen, J.F. Hansen, M. Dahl, P. Rasmussen, L.F. Jørgensen, V. Ernstsen, F. von Platen-Hallermund and S.S. Pedersen


Mitigating non-point source pollution from dairy farms: Economic evaluation on the Don watershed N. Turpin, G. Rotillon, P. Bontems, T. Bioteau and R. Laplana


Relationships between fertiliser nitrogen additions, crop carbon returns and soil quality A. Bhogal, B.J. Chambers and F.A. Nicholson


Fluxes of nitrogen following clearing of Brazilian Amazonian tropical forest for pasture M.C. Piccolo, C. Neill, C.C. Cerri and J.M. Melillo


Nitrogen losses from forage legumes and effects on succeeding cereal crops in organic farming under pannonic climate conditions in Eastern Austria R. Farthofer, J.K. Friedel, G. Pietsch, W. Loiskandl and B. Freyer


Your farm and NVZs: A decision support system for farmers and consultants C.P. Fawcett, M.M. Gibbons, F.A. Brown, P.M.R. Dampney and S.J. Richardson


Fate of applied nitrogen in a heathland ecosystem E.R. Green, S.A. Power and E.M. Baggs


Effects of intensification of dairy farming in New Zealand on nitrogen efficiency, energy use and environmental emissions S.F. Ledgard, J.D. Finlayson, M.S. Sprosen, D.M. Wheeler and N.A. Jollands


Controlling nitrogen flows and losses


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Effect of groundnut stover and weed management methods in the dry season on N cycling and maize yield S. Promsakha na sakonnakhon, B. Toomsan, V. Limpinuntana, P. Vityakon, E.M. Baggs and G. Cadisch Development of a decision support tool for global diffuse nitrogen pollution assessment C. Macleod, J. Dela-Cruz, P. Haygarth, G. Glegg, D. Scholefield and L. Mee Organic fertilisation in silvopastoralism and nitrate losses: sustainable systems M.R. Mosquera-Losada, S. Rodríguez-Barreira and A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez




How nitrate vulnerable zones can reduce the adverse environmental impact of productive arable agriculture J.U. Smith, P. Smith, A.G. Dailey and M.J. Glendining


Decline in species richness in acid grasslands along a gradient of nitrogen deposition C.J. Stevens, N.B. Dise, D.J. Gowing and J.O. Mountford


Development of a modelling system for prediction and regulation of livestock waste pollution in the humid tropics T.P. Tee, I.J. Lean, E.M. Baggs and G. Cadisch


The agricultural area survey as a tool for implementing the European Nitrates Directive in the Walloon Region of Belgium C. Vandenberghe, A.C. Mohimont, T. Garot and J.M. Marcoen


Environmental economics of soil organic matter management N. Wrage and O. Oenema


Section 2 – Matching supply with demand


Matching supply with demand D.V. Murphy, E.A. Stockdale, F.C. Hoyle, J.U. Smith, I.R.P. Fillery, N. Milton, W.R. Cookson, L. Brussaard and D.L. Jones Can N mineralisation be predicted from soil organic matter? Carbon and gross N mineralisation rates as affected by long-term additions of different organic amendments A. Herrmann, E. Witter and T. Kätterer N mineralisation from decomposition of catch crop residues under field conditions: measurement and simulation using the STICS soil-crop model E. Justes and B. Mary





Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

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Gross N transformation rates and soil organic matter contents in grassland soils of different age F. Accoe, P. Boeckx, O. Van Cleemput and G. Hofman


The relative efficiency of fertiliser N in NK blends and concentrated complex fertilisers N.A. Akhonzada and J.S. Bailey


Nitrogen mineralisation from fish sludge as affected by plant uptake M.A. Alfaro, F.J. Salazar and A. Valdebenito


Modelling of N-cycle for processes in soil using soil core experiments Á. Bálint, Cs. Mészáros, Gy. Heltai, E. Nótás and K. Jung


Mineralisation of nitrogen in relation to climatic variation and soil H. Björnsson


Resolving differences in N cycling between more polluted and pristine forests using 15N isotope dilution P. Boeckx, R. Godoy, C. Oyarzún, J. Bot and O. Van Cleemput Effects of tillage and crop rotation on the microbial population and dynamics of soil organic matter C. Carranca, A. Oliveira, A. de Varennes, M. Pampulha, M. Costa, A. Prazeres, J. Baeta, C. Neto, M.P. Andrada and M.O. Torres



The changes in microbial biomass nitrogen when different rates and forms of N were applied in a long-term experiment with maize J. Cˇerny´ and J. Balík


Screening of organic biological waste products for their potential to manipulate the N release from crop residues B. Chaves, S. De Neve, G. Hofman, P. Boeckx and O. Van Cleemput


Nitrogen dynamics in soil with mulch and incorporated crop residues F. Coppens, S. Recous, P. Garnier and R. Merckx Prediction of nitrogen mineralisation from organic residues and supply to ryegrass C.M.d.S. Cordovil, J. Coutinho and F. Cabral



Reliability of a chemical method to assess nitrogen uptake by winter wheat C.M.d.S. Cordovil, J. Coutinho and F. Cabral


Rhizodeposition and symbiotic N2 fixation in trimmed and untrimmed white clover S. Dahlin


Controlling nitrogen flows and losses


Table of contents

Within-field variations in, and relations between, grain protein content, grain yield and plant-available soil nitrogen S. Delin The turnover of organic manure using natural K. Dittert and R. Bol



Nitrification during autumn and winter of ammonium nitrogen in cattle slurry applied to soil at different times during the autumn L. Engström, B. Lindén and L. Ericsson Effect of rate of cattle slurry at sowing, number of fertigations with separated slurry liquid and rate of mineral N top dressings on yield and N removal by forage maize A. Fernandes, H. Trindade, J. Coutinho and N. Moreira N balance in fertilizer trials with composted municipal solid wastes in southern Italy D. Ferri, G. Convertini and F. Montemurro






How to enhance crop utilisation of deep subsoil nitrogen supply J. Haberle, P. Svoboda and J. Krejcˇová


Model SFOM - the first step towards fertiliser and manure use integration T. Jadczyszyn


Straw-rich deep litter manures - can decomposition and N turnover be predicted from quality? L.S. Jensen, A. Jensen and A. Pedersen


Field experiments to determine N accumulation under fertility building crops A. Joynes, D.J. Hatch, A. Stone, S. Cuttle, G. Goodlass and S. Roderick


A comparison of different indices for nitrogen mineralisation A. Kokkonen and M. Esala


A novel approach to regulate nitrogen mineralisation in soil K. Kumar, C.J. Rosen and M.P. Russelle


Variable nitrogen fertilisation by tractor-mounted remote sensing A. Link, J. Jasper and H.-W. Olfs


A dynamic version of the predictive balance sheet method for fertiliser N advice J.M. Machet, S. Recous, M.H. Jeuffroy, B. Mary, B. Nicolardot and V. Parnaudeau



Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

Table of contents

Residual effects of maize nitrogen fertilisation on winter barley crop: N content, yield, yield components and agronomic factors 194 M. Maiorana, F. Montemurro, G. Convertini and F. Fornaro Turnover of grain legume N rhizodeposits and effect of rhizodeposition on the turnover of crop residues J. Mayer, F. Buegger, E.S. Jensen, M. Schloter and J. Heß


Decomposition of soluble compounds obtained after fractionation of different animal wastes T. Morvan and B. Nicolardot


Is good nutrient management possible by applying more than 170 kg nitrogen per hectare from manure? A. Mulier, G. Hofman and I. Verbruggen


Regulation of N release from polyphenol-protein complexes by fungi in different tropical production systems R. Mutabaruka and G. Cadisch


Modelling nitrogen mineralisation from mature bio-waste compost applied to vineyard soils C. Nendel, S. Reuter, K.C. Kersebaum, R. Nieder and R. Kubiak


Inorganic N dynamics in vineyard soils under different covering strategies B. Nicolardot, P. Thiébeau, C. Herre, A.F. Doledec, A. Perraud and B. Mary


Effect of rate and timing of nitrogen fertiliser on yield and grain protein content in winter wheat. The chlorophyll meter as a nutritional diagnostic tool 212 M.A. Ortuzar, A. Alonso, A. Aizpurua, A. Castellón and J.M Estavillo Assessing N dynamics of organic wastes in field conditions using a calculation model V. Parnaudeau, P. Robert, C. Herre, F. Millon, B. Mary and B. Nicolardot




Predicting soil mineral nitrogen in spring, based on soil mineralisable N in autumn M. Quemada


labelling and use of dairy manure components for N cycling studies J.M. Powell and K.A. Kelling

Effect of seasonal split of N dosage on the fate of A. Quiñones, J. Bañuls, E. Primo-Millo and F. Legaz

Controlling nitrogen flows and losses


fate in citrus trees



Table of contents

Methodology of soil incubation studies -comparison between laboratories T. Salo, L.S. Jensen, F. Palmason, T.A. Breland, B. Stenberg, A. Pedersen, C. Lundström and M. Esala


Attempts to overcome genotypic variability of SPAD readings in winter triticale S. Samborski and J. Rozbicki


Organic nitrogen loads at different scale levels in Spain J. Soler-Rovira and J.M. Arroyo-Sanz


Organic nutrient management indicators at district level in Spain J. Soler-Rovira and J.M. Arroyo-Sanz


Physical separation of pig slurry has a small effect on the overall utilisation of nitrogen P. Sørensen, I.K. Thomsen and B.T. Christensen


The use of anaerobic incubations to predict net N immobilisation after the application of organic residues to soils J.R. Sousa, R. Lagoa, F. Cabral and J. Coutinho


Nitrogen uptake by ryegrass (Lolium perenne) as affected by the decomposition of apple leaves and pruning wood in soil M. Tagliavini, G. Tonon, D. Solimando, P. Gioacchini, M. Toselli, P. Boldreghini and C. Ciavatta


Use of the NDICEA model analysing nitrogen efficiency G.J. van der Burgt


Microbial biomass measurements in soil of the central highlands of Mexico M.S. Vásquez-Murrieta and L. Dendooven


Natural 15N abundance as an indicator of the effect of management intensity on nitrogen cycling in montane grasslands M. Watzka and W. Wanek

Section 3 – Controlling losses to air



Controlling losses to air E.A. Davidson and A.R. Mosier


Pitfalls in measuring nitrous oxide production by nitrifiers N. Wrage, G.L. Velthof, H.L. Laanbroek and O. Oenema



Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

Table of contents

The effect of organic and mineral nitrogen fertilisers on emissions of NO, N2O and CH4 from cut grassland R. Rees, S. Jones, R.E. Thorman, I. McTaggart, B. Ball and U. Skiba


A new agricultural ammonia emission inventory for Switzerland based on a large scale survey and model calculations B. Reidy, S. Pfefferli and H. Menzi


N2O emissions from a field trial as influenced by N fertilisation and nitrification inhibitors 285 D. Báez, J. Coutinho, N. Moreira and H. Trindade Denitrification and interactions between nitrification and methane oxidation under elevated atmospheric CO2 E.M. Baggs, H. Blum, M. Richter, G. Cadisch and U.A. Hartwig


Soil water content as a factor that controls N2O production by denitrification and autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification E.J. Bateman, G. Cadisch and E.M. Baggs


Short-term CO2 and N2O emission after application of manure and maize residues to three different soil types: a laboratory study D. Beheydt, P. Boeckx, L. Geers, A. Goossens and O. Van Cleemput


Influence of urinary N concentration on N2O and CO2 emissions and N transformation in a temperate grassland soil R. Bol, S.O. Petersen, K. Dittert and M.N. Hansen


A model-based evaluation of options for the mitigation of agricultural nitrous oxide emission L. Brown, L. Cardenas, P. Bellamy, S.C. Jarvis, J. Hollis, R.W. Sneath, S. Yamulki and K.W.T. Goulding Variations in aerobic respiratory and denitrifying activities in the vadose zone: laboratory and field experiments P. Cannavo, F. Lafolie, A. Richaume, B. Nicolardot and P. Renault



Use of a 2-pool model to evaluate the effect of fertiliser application on nitrogen emissions from grassland soils 303 L.M. Cárdenas, J.M.B. Hawkins, D. Chadwick and D. Scholefield Opportunities for reducing ammonia emissions from pig housing in the UK T.G.M. Demmers, R. Kay and N. Teer


A comparison of nitrous oxide and ammonia fluxes from managed grassland C.Di Marco, M. Anderson, C. Milford, U. Skiba, M.A. Sutton and K. Weston


Controlling nitrogen flows and losses


Table of contents

Gaseous losses of various nitrogeneous compounds from fertilisation of a wheat crop S. Génermont, C. Hénault, P. Laville, M.H. Jeuffroy and D. Flura


A simple denitrification model? Review, sensitivity and application M. Heinen


Nitrous oxide emissions from soil - fertiliser and soil type effects B. Hyde, A. Fanning, M. Ryan, M. Hawkins and O.T. Carton


The Irish ammonia emission inventory - implications for compliance with the Gothenburg Protocol B.P. Hyde, T. Misslebrook and O.T. Carton Greenhouse gas emissions in meadow mesocosms exposed to elevated O3 and CO2 T. Kanerva, K. Koivisto,K. Karhu, K. Regina and S. Manninen Refining the uncertainty in nitrous oxide emissions from New Zealand agricultural soils F.M. Kelliher, A.S. Walcroft, S.F. Ledgard, H. Clark, G. Rys, H. Plume, M. Buchan and R.R. Sherlock Dynamics of N2O and NO production by Alcaligenes faecalis parafaecalis: effect of pH, temperature, substrate and oxygen supply M. Kesik, S. Blagodatsky, H. Papen and K. Butterbach-Bahl Denitrification and nitrate loss from organic agricultural soil at low temperatures H.T. Koponen, A. Pärnä, H. Silvennoinen and P.J. Martikainen






N2O emissions from a water-saving rice production system (GCRPS) in North China 331 C. Kreye, K. Dittert, X. Zheng, X. Zhang, S. Lin, H.Tao and B. Sattelmacher Controlling nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture: experience from The Netherlands P.J. Kuikman, G.L. Velthof and O. Oenema


Fluxes of N2O from permanent grassland with different levels of nitrogen supply C. Lampe, F. Taube, M. Wachendorf, B. Sattelmacher and K. Dittert


Gaseous nitrogen emissions from effluent irrigated soils Y. Master, R.J. Stevens, R.J. Laughlin, U. Shavit and A. Shaviv


Reducing losses of nitrous oxide from cattle slurry and mineral fertiliser applied to grassland by the use of DMPP P. Merino, A. del Prado, S. Menéndez, L. Careaga, M. Pinto, J.M. Estavillo and C. González-Murua



Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

Table of contents

Influence of white clover on nitrous oxide fluxes in grassland A. Mori, M. Hojito, H. Kondo, H. Matsunami and D. Scholefield The effect of agricultural ammonia deposition on nitrous oxide production by soils under coniferous and deciduous woodland cover. T. Morrissey, P. Ineson and D.R. Chadwick Determination of N source in denitrification studies using stable isotope techniques P.J. Murray, D.J. Hatch, E.R. Dixon, R.J. Stevens, R.J. Laughlin, K. O’Prey and S.C. Jarvis Using a system of undisturbed, in situ soil lysimeters to determine nitrogen transformations in a sub-surface clay interface P.J. Murray, E.R. Dixon, S.J. Granger, D.J. Hatch, S.C. Jarvis, R.J. Laughlin and R.J. Stevens Urea concentration affects short-term N turnover and N2O production in grassland soil S.O. Petersen, S. Stamatiadis, C. Christofides, S. Yamulki and R. Bol






Leached N and the nitrous oxide emission factor D.S. Reay, K.A. Smith and A.C. Edwards


Seasonal subsoil denitrification of leached 15N-labelled nitrate S.M. Thomas, T.J. Clough, G.S. Francis, D.I. Hedderley, R.R. Sherlock and M.H. Beare


N2O emissions from intensive vegetable production systems S.M. Thomas, H.E. Barlow, G.S. Francis and D.I. Hedderley


Improving New Zealand predictions of N leaching for estimating indirect N2O emissions S.M. Thomas, S.F. Ledgard and G.S. Francis Nitrogen losses during storage and following the land spreading of poultry manure R.E. Thorman, B.J. Chambers, R. Harrison, D.R. Chadwick, R. Matthews and R.J. Nicholson From N2 fixation to N2O emission in a grass-clover mixture M. Thyme and P. Ambus Nitrous oxide emission from an irrigated soil fertilised with pig slurry in Central Spain A. Vallejo, J.A. Díez, L. García-Torres, P. Hernáiz and S. López-Fernández

Controlling nitrogen flows and losses






Table of contents

Can tillage practice affect the contribution of nitrous oxide to the total greenhouse gas production from arable agriculture? C.P. Webster, T.S. Scott and K.W.T. Goulding


Soils as sources of N-trace gases in Germany - results from calculations with biogeochemical models C. Werner, M. Kesik, H. Papen, C. Li and K. Butterbach-Bahl


Denitrification in top soil and sub soil, data and model results K.B. Zwart

Section 4 – Controlling losses to water



Controlling losses to water M.A. Shepherd and E.I. Lord


Nitrate leaching from arable crop rotations in organic farming J.E. Olesen, M. Askegaard and J. Berntsen


Nitrogen rate, surplus or residue? Performance of selected indicators for nitrate leaching H.F.M. ten Berge, S.L.G.E. Burgers, M.J.D. Hack-ten Broeke, A. Smit, J.J. de Gruijter, G.L. Velthof, J.J. Schröder, J. Oenema, F.J. de Ruijter, S. Radersma, I.E. Hoving and D. Boels Safety-nets and filter functions of tropical agroforestry systems G. Cadisch, E. Rowe, D. Suprayogo and M. van Noordwijk Comparison of the efficiency of different catch crops on potentially leachable nitrate P.Y. Bontemps, R. Lambert, C. Devillers and A. Peeters




Inverse stochastic modelling of water and N drainage from lysimeters M. Decrem, K.C. Abbaspour, J. Nievergelt, F. Herzog and W. Richner


Nitrogen concentrations in an intensively farmed livestock catchment O. del Hierro, M. Pinto, A. Artetxe and A. del Prado


NGAUGE DSS as a tool to assist UK dairy farmers to comply with EU nitrate legislation A. del Prado, L. Brown and D. Scholefield


Comparison between the risk of nitrogen leaching from temporary cut grassland and maize B. Deprez, D. Knoden, H. de Blander, R. Lambert, C. Decamps and A. Peeters



Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

Table of contents

Temporal and spatial denitrification patterns in nitrate retention by three riparian buffer zones K. Dhondt, P. Boeckx, O. Van Cleemput and G. Hofman


Effective reductions in nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions by the use of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), in a grazed and irrigated grassland H.J. Di and K.C. Cameron


Nitrate leaching and N2-fixation in grasslands of different composition, age and management J. Eriksen and F.P. Vinther


Action programme and practices for reduction of nitrate from agricultural sources in Central Greece 437 T. Georgiou, T. Karyotis, I. Katsilouli, A. Haroulis, M. Toulios and G. Argyropoulos A field study of nitrate leaching from tillage crops in Ireland K.V. Hooker, K. Richards, C.E. Coxonand R. Hackett


Dissolved organic nitrogen concentration in two grassland soils D.L. Jones, J.F. Farrar and V.B. Willett


Simulation with STICS soil-crop model of catch crop effects on nitrate leaching during the fallow period and on N released for the succeeding main crop E. Justes, F. Dorsainvil, M. Alexandre and P. Thiébeau Nitrate in soils and water originated from agricultural sources: a case study in Thessaly, Central Greece Ir. Katsilouli, Th. Karyotis, Th. Georgiou, Th. Mitsimponas, A. Panagopoulos, A. Panoras, D. Pateras, A. Haroulis, G. Argyropoulos and M. Toulios Monitoring and mathematical modelling of nitrate leaching in an experimental field treated with pig slurry P. Mantovi, L. Fumagalli and G.P. Beretta Nitrate leaching in arable cropland: effects of N-management A. Smit and K.B. Zwart





Reducing nitrate contamination of groundwater from intensive greenhouse-based vegetable production in Almeria, Spain - management considerations 454 R.B. Thompson, M. Gallardo and C. Gimenez Nitrogen budgets at field, farm and polder scales in a polder used for dairy farming C.L. van Beek, G.L. Velthof and O. Oenema

Controlling nitrogen flows and losses



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Nitrate leaching on loess soils as affected by N fertilisation and crop rotation W. van Dijk, P. Dekker and J.R. van der Schoot


Loss of inorganic nitrogen in surface runoff from grazed grassland C.J. Watson, R.V. Smith and E. Chisholm


Nitrogen losses in drainage water following pig slurry applications to an arable clay soil J.R. Williams, B.J. Chambers R.B. Cross and R.A. Hodgkinson

Section 5 – Reconciling productivity with environmental considerations Reconciling productivity with environmental considerations D. Scholefield Forage maize production as affected by tillage, N source and nitrification inhibitors D. Báez, J. Coutinho, N. Moreira and H. Trindade


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Is the N balance a good indicator of nitrogen losses in arable systems? N. Beaudoin, B. Mary, F. Laurent, G. Aubrion and J.K. Saad


A low disturbance technique for applying slurry on forage land S. Bittman, L.J.P. van Vliet, C.G. Kowalenko, S. McGinn, A.K. Lau, N. Patni, T. Forge, N. McLaughlin, D.E. Hunt, F. Bounaix and A. Friesen


Effects of field history on the establishment of white clover in association with perennial ryegrass L.M. Bommelé, D. Reheul, N. Van Eekeren and F. Nevens


Nitrogen losses in relation to rice varieties, growth stages, and nitrogen forms determined with the 15N technique N.C. Chen and S. Inanaga


Effectiveness of alternative managements to reduce N losses from dairy farms S.P. Cuttle and M.M. Turner


Azofert: a new decision support tool for fertiliser N recommendations P. Dubrulle, J.M. Machet and N. Damay


Compost use in vegetable production: impact on gross N fluxes and implications for sustainable management practices T.C. Flavel and D.V. Murphy



Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

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Ammonia volatilisation and soil nitrogen dynamics following application of pig deep-litter and pig slurry in different soil tillage systems S.J. Giacomini, C. Aita, E. Guidini, E.B. Amaral and A. Lunkes


Estimation of nitrogen loading in Japanese prefectures and scenario testing of abatement strategies M. Hojito, A. Ikeguchi, K. Kohyama, K. Shimada, A. Ogino, S. Mishima and K. Kaku


Indicators for environmental and economic sustainability on UK dairy farms E.C. Jewkes, D. Scholefield, M.M. Turner and L. Brown Dairy production using an extended grazing management system - a preliminary assessment of nitrogen flows E.C. Jewkes, D. Scholefield, M.R. Butler, J. Webb, T. Forrester, J. Lapworth, K. Russell, G. Bailey, A. Lathwood and A. Clarke



Decrease in the amount of residual nitrate in cultivated land R. Lambert, V. Van Bol and A. Peeters


Estimating nitrogen losses from animal manures using their phosphorus balance R. Lambert, B. Toussaint and A. Peeters


Encouraging farmers to utilise nitrogen more efficiently K.A. Leach, J.S. Conway, J.P. Morgan, B.F. Pain and D. Munday


Conserving biologically fixed N to increase its utilisation and decrease gaseous losses A.K. Løes, A.K. Bakken, T.A. Breland, R. Eltun and H. Riley


Effect of animal treading intensity on the efficiency of N2 fixation by clover in mixed grass/clover pasture and potential implications for long-term soil N availability 525 J.C. Menneer, S.F. Ledgard, C.D.A McLay and W.B. Silvester Effect of type and dose of sewage sludge application in maize+ryegrass rotation in Galicia (NW Spain) M.R. Mosquera-Losada, A. Amador-García and A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez


Cattle slurry and vegetable, fruit and garden (VFG) waste compost in silage maize: fertiliser N no longer needed? F. Nevens and D. Reheul


Applying a ley/arable rotation to reduce N input in forages F. Nevens and D. Reheul


Farm N budgets with estimated nitrogen losses by use of soil N modelling A.H. Nielsen, B.M. Petersen and I.S. Kristensen


Controlling nitrogen flows and losses


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Political transformations and nitrogen balances of dairy farms in Poland S. Pietrzak and O. Oenema


Dirty water - a valuable source of nitrogen on dairy farms K. Richards, M. Ryan and C.E. Coxon


Effect of date and dose of sewage sludge application in grasslands production and nitrogen soil concentration in Galicia (NW Spain) A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez, A. Casanova-Vigo and M.R. Mosquera-Losada


Nitrate losses in forestry nurseries using municipal sewage sludge A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez, J. Rasche-Castillo and M.R. Mosquera-Losada


Assessment of measures to reduce nitrogen losses from dairy farms J. Scheringer and J. Isselstein


Nitrogen use efficiency in a water saving ground cover rice production system in Beijing, North China H. Tao, K. Dittert, S. Lin, C. Kreye and B. Sattelmacher Effect of herbicide, maize variety precocity and sowing date of three winter cover crops on forage yield and on herbage N removal from an intensive double-cropping system H. Trindade, J. Coutinho and N. Moreira



Effects of grassland renovation on herbage yields and nitrogen losses G.L. Velthof and I.E. Hoving


Nitrogen budgets of Flemish specialised dairy farms during 1990-2000 I. Verbruggen, F. Nevens, A. Mulier and G. Hofman


Substitution of N fertiliser supply for maize with lupin as a winter crop in rotations under zero and conventional tillage in southern Brazil L. Zotarelli, B.J.R. Alves, E. Torres, S. Urquiaga and R.M. Boddey

Section 6 – Models and decision support systems NGAUGE: A decision support system to optimise N fertilisation of UK grassland for economic and/or environmental goals L. Brown, D. Scholefield, E.C. Jewkes, A. del Prado and D.R. Lockyer UK-DNDC: a mechanistic model to estimate N2O fluxes in the UK L. Brown, B. Syed, S.C. Jarvis, R.W. Sneath, V.R. Phillips, K.W.T. Goulding and C. Li



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Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

Table of contents

MAST - a model of ammonia volatilisation with an examination of abatement strategies for a dairy farm E.C. Jewkes, C.A. Ross, D. Scholefield and S.C. Jarvis


Development of the OVERSEER® nutrient budget model to examine implications of pastoral management practices on nitrogen flows and losses S.F. Ledgard, D.M. Wheeler, C.A.M. de Klein, R.M. Monaghan and K. Johns


The MANNER model: predicting the crop available N supply from farm manure applications F.A. Nicholson, B.J. Chambers, E.I. Lord, K.A. Smith, S.A. Anthony and M.M. Gibbons


The nutrient leaching model ANIMO J. Roelsma, P. Groenendijk and O.F. Schoumans


The SUNDIAL Model J.U. Smith, P. Smith, A.G. Dailey, M.J. Glendining, G. Tuck and P.K. Leech


Section 7 – Themed working groups Organic matter: does it matter, or can technology overcome most problems related to soil fertility? Report by S. Recous and G. Cadisch

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Optimising N additions: can we integrate fertiliser and manure use? Report by J.J. Schröder and R.J. Stevens


Controlling gaseous N emissions - what is achievable? Report by R. Harrison and E.M. Baggs


Missing N: is the solution in dissolved N? Report by A.J. Macdonald and D.L. Jones


Pollution problems: mitigation or are we swapping one form of pollution for another? Report by B.J. Chambers and O. Oenema


Systems studies; do we need them, or can they be replaced by desktop studies? Report by H.F.M. Aarts and A. Pflimlin


Model answers: can we improve their level of confidence and applicability? Report by S.F. Ledgard and N.J. Hutchings


Author index Controlling nitrogen flows and losses

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