Cookie Flower Pots

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petals perfect for filling with those little gems of informa- tion that ... Flower template copied on index card weight paper. .... NO Artificial Colors in Six Varieties.
Cookie Flower Pots

Cookie flowers help grow cookie knowledge! Girls will be blooming with cookie knowledge and excitement after planting this pot of cookie flowers.

Each sweet bloom highlights a different variety with

petals perfect for filling with those little gems of information that describe each delectable treat. Start growing your cookie garden today!


 Paper cup, preferrably white. One per girl. The thicker, insulated coffee cups work best. Uncoated (not glossy) will accept markers better for decorating.  Cup wrap template (optional). Allows girls to decorate a flat cup wrap, instead of drawing decorations directly on the cup. Also great for covering cups that are not white.  Scissors  Colorful markers and cookie clip art to decorate cups.  Flower template copied on index card weight paper. One per girl.  Blank white index card weight paper - One 8 1/2” x 11“ sheet per girl - to use as backs of flowers.  Crayons - to color in flowers  Fine point black permanent markers - to write cookie info on flowers.  Tape - to secure cup wrap to cup.  Glue or glue sticks - to glue flowers together  Stapler/staples - to secure flowers to pipe cleaner stems  Styrofoam ball. One per girl. Sized to fit inside your cups. Our 12 oz cup (3 1/2” D top, used a 3“ foam ball).  Green pipe cleaners (6 to 8 per girl for flower stems)  Pretend dirt (optional) - cover the styrofoam ball with dried beans, or crumpled tissue paper or other covering. Remember - cups may get knocked over, so don’t use anything you don’t want to clean up!  Ribbon - to decorate cup. One 26” piece per girl.  Cookie flyer and/or poster board with cookie descriptors - use to review cookies varieties and help girls with descriptions.

Step One:

 Take time to review and describe the different cookie varieties with the girls. If you are conducting a large event, it would be helpful to make a large poster board listing descriptors for the flower petals under each cookie name/cookie picture/cookie box color.  Distribute supplies to each girl. Girl Scouts® and Girl Scout Cookies® are registered trademarks of the Girl Scouts of the USA and are used pursuant to license. Cookie Flower Pots - English Copyright ®,™,© 2013-2014 KELLOGG NA CO 1013

Step Two:

Invite girls to:  Decorate the flower pot (cup), OR the cup wrap. (Ideas: write “I ♥ Girl Scout Cookies” or “I ♥ ‘Your Favorite GS Cookie’ ” or “It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time” or “Cookies Rock!”)  Attach the cup wrap to the cup, taping it in place.  Tie a ribbon around the cup, just below the top rim of the cup. Use a staple, or tape to secure it in place so that the cup wrap does not slip down. -- Color in the flowers, using each cookie’s box color.  Write one descriptive word on each flower petal, that describes the cookie pictured (see suggestions below).  Cut out the flowers. Place the blank white paper behind the flower template, so you are cutting a matching flower front and flower back at the same time. IMPORTANT: Glue each flower together as soon as it is cut out, OR paper clip each matching set together. (Optional - color the backs of the flowers!)  Make a pipe cleaner stem for each flower. Form a small “leaf-shaped” loop at the center of the pipe cleaner, twisting at the base of the leaf to hold the shape. Repeat, to form a second leaf.  Secure each flower to a stem. Place the stem between the flower front and back and secure by stapling the flower to the stem..  Place the styrofoam ball inside the cup.  Plant the stems by sticking them into the styrofoam ball.  Cover the styrofoam ball with dried beans, crumbled tissue paper, or other item. Suggest girls place in location where they can grow their cookie knowledge as they look at their cookie garden!





Thin Mints:

Savannah Smiles:



Coconut Caramel Chocolaty Chewy Rich I ♥. Samoas!

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Crunchy Sandwich Cookie Tasty! I ♥ Do-si-dos



Chocolaty Peanut Butter Crispy Cookie Yummy My Favorite! I ♥. Tagalongs

Peppermint Chocolaty Thin Crispy America’s Favorite I ♥ Thin Mints



Shortbread Buttery Simple Crisp Delicious I ♥ Trefoils

Zesty Lemon Bite Sized Powdered Sugar Crisp Tasty I ♥ Savannah Smiiles!

Girl Scouts® and Girl Scout Cookies® are registered trademarks of the Girl Scouts of the USA and are used pursuant to license. Cookie Flower Pots - English Copyright ®,™,© 2013-2014 KELLOGG NA CO 1013

All ages - quick cut flower template

Older girl flower template - (takes longer to cut out)


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Your cookie purchase helps girls do great things!




great cookies doing a world of good




TAG ALONGS ® Crispy cookies layered with peanut butter and covered with a chocolaty coating

T H I N MINTS ® Crisp wafers covered in chocolaty coating made with natural oil of peppermint

S AMOA S ® Crisp cookies coated in caramel, sprinkled with toasted coconut, and striped with dark chocolaty coating

T R E FOILS ® Traditional shortbread cookies

D O - SI - DOS ® Crunchy oatmeal sandwich cookies with creamy peanut butter filling

S AVANNAH SMILES ® Crisp, zesty lemon wedge cookies dusted with powdered sugar All products contain wheat, soy and milk ingredients. Do-si-dos and Tagalongs contain peanuts. Samoas contain coconut. Savannah Smiles may contain tree nuts. Go to for the most current cookie information.

1-800-962-1 7 18 • NO High-Fructose Corn Syrup • NO Trans Fats

G I R L S C O U T S CA RE ! Although our use of palm oil is very limited, Little Brownie Bakers works to demonstrate good stewardship of our world’s natural resources by purchasing GreenPalm certificates to cover 100% of our global palm oil use. GreenPalm certificates support farmers switching to sustainable palm oil practices.

• NO Hydrogenated Oils in Three Varieties • NO Artificial Colors in Six Varieties • 100% Real Cocoa • Nutritious Whole Grain Oats and Real Peanut Butter in Do-si-dos®

All cookies baked by Little Brownie Bakers now feature the toll-free number for Kellogg Consumer Affairs right on the box. We are happy to be held accountable for the quality of our cookies.

• Two Nut-Free Varieties SAMOAS, TAGALONGS, DO-SI-DOS and SAVANNAH SMILES are registered trademarks of Kellogg NA Co. The GIRL SCOUTS name, mark and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, GIRL SCOUT COOKIE SALE, THIN MINTS, TREFOILS, and the Trefoil Design, are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. Little Brownie Bakers is an official GSUSA licensed vendor. , TM, © 2013-2014 KELLOGG NA CO.

