some specific type of decision to be taken there, something like 'stinky muddy waters' all around. CORPORATE WISDOM. Western Tradition Kabbalah - The ...
corporate wisdom Western Tradition Kabbalah - The Gates of Perception With today’s HR techniques post associated with Marketing, Administration & Control tools it is a common trend nowadays to expect that people with MBA’s and the like, also dwelling as frequent participants at specialization courses, workshops & success cases discussions could apply all elsewhere gathered expertise at their own professional activity. Yet this expertise crossover do not seems to successfully happens elsewhere. Actually a corporate strategy do not last much more than 6 months nowadays while overall uncertainties ranks higher in number than scarcely solid facts available to conduct corporate finance & marketing guidance as we might seem to look for missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Yet several independent studies are arousing here & there trying to uncover why brilliant executives when re-allocated fails to top perform at today’s market battlefield. It is doubtless that a good academic graduation pointed with timely experience & specialization hints added with needed tools & resources associated with a deep market trend view and constant product updates when added with his/her deep hunch in performing better than competition are basic requirements for a good ‘soldier’. So what else paves the ‘deep hollow’ that separates success cases from failure one’s? Since early times it is known that the ideas discussions in a meeting room even the most antagonist ones did lead to possible solutions, not eventually the best ones, but when supported by technical and real facts if and when balanced by a unbiased conductor. It is also known that some of past-proposed solutions of a specific theme did fail while when it was later applied it reached success & vice-versa. Today some internationally recognized business magazines (*Business Week is one of them) presented their readers with articles about the ‘hidden’ or ‘invisible’ influences that might conduct a meeting result, check the path bellow: ndex_businessweek+exclusives One might deduct that not only the individual players, or even their position around the table could heavily biased the results but also the room geometry & orientation could reflect a not so good place for some specific type of decision to be taken there, something like ‘stinky muddy waters’ all around. 1/2
corporate wisdom Western Tradition Kabbalah - The Gates of Perception In regard of the meeting room participants (executives), which one’s are blindfolded since their home departure and which one’s aren’t? Does it seems that we are dealing with some kind of magic or do we are strictly following ibn Al-Haytham thesis that introduced mankind to early scientific experiments principles in order to ban fake beliefs and faiths as well? Let’s show a list of basic needed requirements in order to possibly reach a viable decision in any kind of corporate meeting: 1st - People meeting places does exhibits an huge concentration of energy as it does obey to an structure of energy flow that is known millennium plus - the Templar Knights did use it successfully for a long time till all their members slaughtering - and an assortment of corporations at USA, Europe and Far East keep using it as well with reliable and proven results; 2nd - Each executive is an energy caldron that if assigned to an appointed seat/position, at each specific year time slot then he/her could deliver their best inner resources; 3rd - Each meeting room (suite place) do own an specific energy matrix that can boost or reduce the expected outcome decision that are to be taken and an executive working place and/or his/her home might exhibit a coincident and/or opposite energy do be further added to it; 4th - There is only Team. If the Team does not match corporation intelligence, targets and behaviors even with a higher grade and yet fully competent President the results shall proven underscored. However even with a medium grade President but with a highly skilled team working under a correct energy structure them the results shall proven to be much better that average; 5th - To know in advance the why, how and where is a must, due the worse situation is to have the right tools and resources, the correct information, the sensed market, the better team, an aseptic meeting place yet a wrong intention or a misplaced product. In case an interest in receive more information applies, contact us: Company*:
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