Cougar Camp PPT-2017.pdf - Google Drive

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Welcome to Clark Parent Camp 2017!

Mrs. Charese Duffey, Principal Mrs. Amy Reed, (8th Grade & 7th Grade Students N-Z) Asst. Principal Mrs. Chelsea MacKinnon, (6th grade & 7th grade Students A-M) Asst. Principal Mrs. Janis Bennett, Counselor (6th & 7th Grade Students A-M) Mrs. Talia Hegmann, Counselor (8th Grade & 7th Grade Students N-Z)

Let’s Meet our PTA! ◼ PTA’s mission is to make every child’s

potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children ◼ Think about joining today

Purpose of Camp for Students ◼ Alleviate fears of middle school ◼ Become familiar with building and teachers

◼ Get acquainted with other students ◼ Tips/tricks ◼ Get excited

Elementary to Middle ◼ We are a Family ◼ Switching of classes

◼ High expectations with gradual release ◼ Social/emotional growth ◼ Autonomy/responsibility ◼ Not just “preparing for high school” – middle

school is middle school ◼ Homework expectations/late work (also can be found in student/handbook)

Visitors & Volunteers ◼ Safety is very important to us! Let’s discuss a

few guidelines that we use here at Clark: ▪ Hall Pass Security System – once annually; Please supply your Driver’s License every time ▪ We ask that all visitors enter through the front doors and check in at the front office ▪ All volunteers must have a background check

Visitors & Volunteers ◼

To eat lunch with or check out a student from Clark: ▪ the person must be on the list as a contact in our system

(based on registration forms provided by parent/guardian) ▪ Students from other campuses may not have lunch with students unless accompanied by parent or guardian of the child ▪ Pre-registration is available for highly attended events ▪ Please remember, no deliveries/drop offs will be made for flowers, gifts or items that are not for the child’s educational need

Lunch Policies ◼ Visitation for parents and bringing food: ◼

Parents must check in at the front office and will sit at the “visitor’s table” with their child(ren) only; sorry guys! Since this is a special time for you and your student, no other friends will be allowed

▪ Whether dropping off food or eating lunch with

your child, the only student you can feed is your own. Based on registration forms/system ▪ Students cannot share food at school

Cafeteria ◼ Christina Young, Café Manager ◼ Payments made in the morning, cash or

check, but using the website/app is encouraged ◼ Payments can be made online at ◼ Payments can be automatically renewed. ◼ Use web version or app (the app is easy!) ◼ Snack line versus plate lunch ▪ General account or meal account – choose wisely

My Payments Plus Child’s Name Child’s Name

Optional Fees are listed last.

Child’s Name

Child’s Name

Arrival/Dismissal ◼ School hours: 8:25 – 3:35

▪ 6th grade student arrival areas:

▪ Front foyer ▪ Cafeteria

▪ Students should arrive no earlier than 7:30

and no later than 8:20 ▪ Students will not be able to get in the building before 7:40

Arrival/Dismissal ◼ Student Dismissal:

▪ Students should leave as soon as school is

dismissed or upon conclusion of the school activity they are attending ▪ Since there will not be supervision after school hours, we ask that students head home when they are finished with school business

After School Care ◼This is the first year that FISD does not provide after-school-care on site

Some after school options include: ◼Going home with friends or neighbors ◼Staying home alone for the first time ◼ Going to the Boys and Girls' Club ◼ Hiring a sitter Tips for Parents: ◼ Be sure kiddos know how to get to and from campus each day ▪ Riding bikes ▪ Walking ▪ Riding the bus

◼PLEASE practice the routes with them before the first day of school


Bus Riders ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼

Check FISD transportation site for bus eligibility and bus stop information Buses typically leave our campus about 7 minutes after school Please remind your kiddos that once on the bus to please stay on the bus While riding the buses, school rules and expectations still apply Students are only allowed on their buses; switching buses will not be allowed

FISD Transportation: 469-633-6140

Home Access Center ◼ A great online tool that assists families with

staying on top of your student’s academic career ◼ Download the App: ▪ On the App store search for “eschoolplus”

◼ This is a phenomenal way to stay connected! ◼ This site shows: ▪ attendance, grades, class schedules, and

registration (to update contact info., please contact Clark front office for this)

Parent Communication ◼ Weekly updates ◼ Newsletter comes out each Friday

◼ Main method of communication ◼ Not the only form of teacher communication ▪ Remind 101 ▪ Email ▪ Twitter

Tardy Gate! Here at Clark, students have 4-minute passing periods ◼ While the music plays, you are good to go ◼ When the music stops, please know that you have 1 minute to get to class ◼ Those who are tardy to class must sign in at the Tardy Gate ◼ The Tardy Gate will send parents an automatic e-mail notification for each tardy received ▪ The first parent e-mail listed will receive the e-mails containing detailed information ◼

Tardy Gate Helpers! ◼ When setting up lockers and walking their

schedules, students should practice the best routes to classes ◼ Students do not have to go to their lockers after each class. ▪ They can go before first period and grab materials

for 2-3 periods at a time to cut wasted time ◼ Because we know that it will take time to

adjust to middle school, 6th graders will have two weeks with no tardies

Academic Concerns ◼Attending afterschool events

▪In order to attend, you must be

passing your classes ▪Must have your school ID

Cougar PRIDE Promoting responsibility and integrity in our daily environment ◼ Create and maintain a positive environment here on campus ◼ Encourage and reward good behavior ◼ Share expectations at the beginning of school and have them continue throughout the school year ◼ Reward PRIDE tickets and/or Trust card incentives ◼ Starts over every six weeks ◼

Awards and Celebrations ◼ Here at Clark, we love finding special

moments and events to celebrate our students ◼ Through the school year, we have special awards celebrating: ▪ A Honor roll students ▪ A/B Honor roll students

▪ The Principal's PRIDE award ▪ End of The Year Award Ceremonies

BYOD ◼ To enhance learning, we allow students to

bring their own device to school each day ▪ We would like parents to know that while devices

are not required, they certainly could be helpful ▪ If your student does not have one, we will provide them ▪ Please remind students that they are responsible for their pieces of technology: ▪ Know when to use them & when to put them away ▪ Please don’t leave them anywhere

P.E. P.E. uniforms are required – gray T-shirt, black athletic shorts ◼ Today, we will be selling these uniforms on campus. After that, you are more than welcome to buy them at any retail store. ◼ More than 1 set is recommended ◼ CMS does not wash P.E. uniforms ◼ Middle school – hygiene. Let’s take our clothes home from time to time to wash them! ◼

Parent Involvement ◼Picnic with the Parents! ▪3rd Friday of each month

▪Organized by PTA ▪Bring food for your child and enjoy the quality

time ◼Pastries with the Parents! ▪Morning gatherings

▪Meet and speak with counselors, administrators,

and PTA

Student Groups/Clubs ◼Student involvement is very important! ◼Help get your students involved with the

many clubs, organizations, and events that occur at Clark! Here are a few: ▪Cougar Squad ▪NJHS ▪Best Buddies

▪Art Mania ▪Pentathlon

Concerns ◼ What do I do if I have a concern? ◼ Please contact the teachers first.

If an issue goes unanswered or is unresolved, please seek guidance from your student’s assistant principal ▪ Remember, we are trying to assist you in

whatever way we can! ▪ Find contact information for both teachers and staff on our Clark webpage

OUR School ◼ Assume the best, first. ◼ “Our” rather than “your”

Quick Tips ◼ Organization is tough! Parents please help

your kiddos stay organized. Here are some helpful hints: ▪ Check backpacks and binders every 2-3 weeks. ▪ Make sure items are in their proper place and not

just thrown in. ▪ Converse with your students about the importance of grades, and don’t forget to check agendas!

Requests & Reminders After camp finishes, please meet your students in the cafeteria. ◼ We ask that parents and students please not walk the halls/organize lockers, as the building is in use. ☺ ◼ Important Dates to Know: ◼

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Locker set up/Schedule pick-up days are 8/15 and 8/17: 4 – 6 pm on Tuesday 8/15 2 – 4 pm on Thursday 8/17 Locker décor do’s/don’ts/FAQs Schedule Changes

After camp… ◼

In the café: ▪ Band fees table ▪ PTA information and dues table – we need you! ▪ Spirit wear for sale- cash or check

▪ Purchase P.E. clothing ▪ Schedule change request forms – look for the box on the stage *request does not guarantee change ▪ We ask that you do not go into the halls after camp;

you will meet your kids in the cafeteria ▪ Remember, Locker set-up/Schedule Pickup days are Tuesday, 8/15, 4-6 pm and Thursday, 8/17, 2-4 pm

Questions? Thanks for coming today! We are so excited to get to know each of you! Let’s have a fantastic school year!