c e rtifi c a t e cours e a s â Renewabl e Ene rgy Te chni c i anâ (R.E.T). Course Offered ... Classes starts by :Au
SUN RAY ACADEMY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY Affiliated to SUN RAY SOLAR MUSEUM ® Inspired by SUN SUN RAY ACADEMY OF RENEWABLE ENERGY is affiliated to SUN RAY SOLAR MUSEUM (R). This Museum was started on 4th Feb 2006 at 59/1,7th Cross, Vijayanagar, Hubli- 580 032, Karnataka, India. This Museum is of growth and Development of Renewable Energy Systems over the Centuries. The Presentation highlights various aspects of Sun and his energy to human society. IT IS INNOVATIVE AND FIRST OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD. This Museum is established to create awareness, promote and propagate usage of Renewable Energy Systems.
Certificate Courses in renewable energy Renewable energy engineer AND Renewable energy technicians R.E.E R.E.T. Our country in general and our state in particular is facing power problem. When the conventional energy sources become costlier and fast depleting, we are left out with Renewable energy. A renewable energy source is for ever, which is abundant, clean and environment friendly.
The main obstacle in the implementation of Renewable Energy systems are so many. And one such obstacle is inadequate qualified personnel to design, manufacture, market, commissioning and maintenance and of such systems.
The Primary objective of the proposed course is to provide skilled man power to these Renewable Energy Technology field, which will continue to expand rapidly.
A course first of it's kind. Youth are educated theoretically as well as Practically. There is wide scope in India an abroad for Job opportunities and self employment.
As more renewable energy projects are implemented, demand for skills are needed to plan, install & operate the technology will continue to expand rapidly.
These courses offer comprehensive training Renewable energy systems and their applications, so that they meet the specific needs of personnel involved in the area. Candidates are Awarded as “Renewable Energy Engineer” (R.E.E) c e r t i f i c a t e c o u r s e a s “ R e n e w a b l e E n e rg y Te c h n i c i a n ” ( R . E . T ) . Course Offered
:- Certificate Courses in Renewable energy ( R.E.E ) ( R.E.T )
:- Now to All private ITI Colleges in India.
Affiliation & MOU
:- JULY to August . 2014
Faculty Training
:- May
Classes starts by affiliated Colleges
:August 2014
:- One year.
:- Technical Diploma / ITI /+ 2/PUC/ SSLC.
All correspondence to be addressed to the Director (ADMN) at the below address. Jagadeesh.V.S. BE.MTECH, MISTE, MIE (i) Director ( Syllabus Committee member for B.Sc in Renewable Energy)
Mahesh.V.S Director (ADMN) Cell : 98442 01703
59/A, 7 Cross, Vijayanagar, Hubli 580032 KARNATAKA, INDIA. Ph : (0836) 2252312, Cell : 98442 01703 Email :
[email protected]