to determine more, less,and equal (greater than and less than). Saxon Math
lessons-5, 71, 73,. 99, 102, 109. Worksheets, hands-on materials, discussion,
COURSE GUIDELINE Green=Content (nouns); Yellow=Skills (verbs) GRADE:Kindergarten SUBJECT: Math TEACHER: Elaine Erickson Month Or Qtr
Worksheets, hands-on 1st/2nd K.A.2.1. Students are able to Saxon Math compare collections of objects Qtr. lessons-5, 71, 73, materials, discussion, math to determine more, less,and work centers 99, 102, 109 equal (greater than and less rd
3 /4 Qtr.
than). K.A.3.1. Students are able to use concrete objects to model the meaning of the “+” and “-” symbols.
All Year
K.A.4.1. Students are able to identify and extend two-part repeating patterns using concrete objects
1st Qtr.
K.A.4.2. Students are able to sort and classify objects according to one attribute.
Saxon Math Lessons-119, 121, 127,128, CGI Story Problems Daily Calender, variety of handson materials, Saxon Lessons-9, 23, 25-26, 43, 52, 54, 55, 85, 88, 101 Saxon Math lessons 16, 17, 34 114 Hands
Observation, unit review assessments
Using worksheets, using hands-on materials, math work centers, daily story problems as a large group
Observation, unit review assessments
Children help create patterns on the calendar, worksheets, hands-on materials
Observation, unit review assessments
Large group activities, worksheets, choice time activities math work baskets
Observation, unit review assessments
1st/2nd qtr.
1st qtr. 1st qtr. All year
34, 114, Handson materials, materials available at choice time K.G.1.1. Students are able to Saxon Math identify basic twolessons 19, 23, dimensional (plane) figures. 31, 32, 43, 54, (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) 105, Math meetings, handson materials, worksheets K.G.2.1. Students are able to Saxon Math describe the position of twolessons 12, 15, dimensional (plane) figures. 29, 63,79, 86, (describe where shapes are in space. 105, 108, 114 K.M.1.1. Students are able tell Saxon Math time to the nearest hour using lessons 45, 47, digital and analog clocks. hands-on clocks K.M.1.2. Students are able to name the days of the week
Calender, Saxon Math meetings, journals
activities, math work baskets
Large group instruction, worksheets, using hands-on materials, using tangrams, math work centers
Observation, completed worksheets, unit assessment reveiws
Large group instruction, worksheets, using hands-on materials, using tangrams, math work centers Large group instruction, worksheets, daily use of clocks, math work centers
Observation, completed worksheets, unit assessment reviews Observation, completed worksheets, assessment reveiws Observation, completed journals, discussion
Completing daily calendar routine, writing days on journals, large group instruction
All year
2nd qtr.
All year
Saxon Math Lessons 41, 42, 51, 59, 64, 65, 67-68, 81, 91, 92, 94, 96, 113, 116, real and play coins K.M.1.4. Students are able to Saxon Math estimate length using nonlessons 87, 106, standard units of measure. work baskets (How many objects long [paper clips, etc.] is another object?) with variety of materials K.M.1.5. Students are able to Saxon Math compare and order concrete lessons 53, 72, objects by length, height, and 83, 84, 87, 93, weight (Put objects in order) 105, 112, 115 Hands-on materials, work baskets K.M.1.3. Students are able to identify pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters using money models.
Math worksheets, large group instruction, hands-on activities using the coins, math work centers, small group activities
Observation, unit review assessments,
Large group instruction, Observation, unit worksheets, hands-on review assesments materials, math work centers Observation, unit Large group instruction, review assessments hands-on activities by manipulating materials, math work centers
All year
K.N.1.1. Students are able to read, write, count, and sequence numerals to 20.
1st qtr./ 3rd qtr.
K.N.1.2. Students are able to use fraction models to create one half of a whole.
All year
K.N.3.1. Students are able to solve addition and subtraction problems up to 10 in context. - Find the answer to (solve) a story problem using numbers 1 through 10. - Show and tell how I found my answer using objects, pictures or numbers.
Saxon Math lessons 21, 35, 36, 38, 39, 48, 49, 71, 74-76, 99, 102, 109, Dry erase boards, books about numbers, number lines Saxon math lessons 18, 115, 134
Large group instruction, worksheets, math work centers, hands-on materials, small group activities, choice time for writing numbers
Saxon math lessons 121, 128 CGI math problems using a wide variety of materials and writing on paper
Large group instruction, reading story problems and having them work it out making their own choices to solve it-hands-on materials or paper/pencil, worksheets,
Observations, completed worksheets, completed handson activities, unit review assessments
Large group instruction, work Observations, centers, hands-on materials, completed worksheets, unit review assessments
Observation, completed worksheets, completed projects on paper
All year
K.S.1.1. Students are able to describe data represented in simple graphs (using real objects) and pictographs • tell what the pictures in a graph mean. • answer questions by looking at information in a graph. • tell which group on the graph has the most.
Saxon Math lessons 5,11, 17, 22, 58, 82, 107, 135, Class-created charts
Small group activities to create graphs, large group instruction, hands-on materials, worksheets
Observation, completed worksheets Discussion of graphs as a group