SUBJECT: English course B2. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a
blended-learning general English course based on the level competences of
Common ...
CODE: SUBJECT: English course B2 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a blended-learning general English course based on the level competences of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). ECTS CREDITS: o ECTS RELEVANCE WITHIN CURRICULUM: Successful completion of the course allows students to pass into the next CEFR level until they complete the level requirement for their degree program. GENERAL SKILLS: Aprendizaje autónomo (Autonomous Learning) Autoconfianza (Self-confidence) Capacidad para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones (Ability to adapt to novel situations) Comunicación Oral/ Comunicación escrita (Oral and written communication) Habilidades en las relaciones interpersonales (Interpersonal relationship skills) Planificación y gestión del tiempo (Planning and time management) Utilización de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones (TIC) (Use of information and communication technologies) SPECIFIC SKILLS:-SUBJECT CONTENT: Viewpoint 1 B2: Learning Outcomes Unit1: Can discuss social networking using the present tense. Can form questions and check for information. Unit2: Can share views about media and celebrities. Can work with relative clauses to link ideas and with nouns and prepositions (increase in, impact on…) Unit3: Can talk about life experiences using past tenses. Can interrupt and show surprise in a conversation. Unit 4: Can prepare job interviews. Can give advice using noun collocations or adverbs Unit 5: Can use conditionals to talk about hypothesis. Can share wishes, hopes and regrets about the world. Unit 6: Can describe future events and give a presentation. Can express opinions using modals. Unit7: Can discuss getting along with family and friends using idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs (have friends over, tag along with someone…) Unit8: Can talk about food, nutrition and share their ideas. Can use passive forms to react to statistics. Can give examples using such as, like, take and for instance. Unit9: Can define and discuss happiness through the use of relative clauses and expressions with get (get off the ground, get under the way….)
Unit10: Can describe travel and vacation experiences using reported speech. Can ask for clarification and draw conclusion in a conversation. Unit11: Can discuss about the positive and negative aspects of globalization and tradition. Can work with relative clauses and with the use of verb with direct and indirect object Unit12: Can talk about intelligence and abilities. Can discuss parent’s role in developing children’s talents using expressions dealing with child development. PRACTICE: LEARNING ACTIVITIES: The four basic skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing will be covered in a variety of learning activities on either the online platform or in the face-to-face classroom. Students will have 4 hours of face-to-face class (3 hours of teaching + 1 hour of tutorials) per week; additionally, students will be expected to devote 4-6 hours per week to the online learning activities. ASSESSMENT: Division of Coursework Assessment
Daily Active Participation
In class, forums, blogs, group work
Multimedia Assignments
Cambridge Online material, Campus Virtual
Graded work
Competence-based assessment
Knowledge-based assessment
20% 20%
Students will receive a grade of Apto/No Apto. *There is NO convocatoria extraordinaria for the course levels*
SPECIFIC NORMS: TBA BIBLIOGRAPHY: Viewpoint 1 Level B2. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. LAST UPDATE: -WEBSITES: