Course Syllabus (PDF) - El Paso Community College

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Feb 13, 2013 ... Skinner/Levin: Dynamic Earth and Earth Through Time, Custom, 2011 ... Study Guide for Monroe and Wicander's The Changing Earth, 4th ed.

PRINCIPLES OF GEOLOGY Prerequisite: Geol 1301 or 1401

I. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: Instructor: Dr. Kathleen Devaney Office Hours: MW 1:30-4, TTh 3:30-5, Fri 12-2 Phone: 831-5161 Office: TM 1514 OR by arrangement email: [email protected]; then college directories; faculty websites; then my name II. TEXTS AND MATERIALS: A. Required Texts: Skinner/Levin: Dynamic Earth and Earth Through Time, Custom, 2011 Caskey, D. and Harder, V., Laboratory exercises in Historical Geology, 2011 Bring your lab book to class every day (except test days). B. Optional Resources: Devaney, K., Study Guide for Monroe and Wicander’s The Changing Earth, 4th ed. Pacific Grove, CA: BrooksCole Publishing, 2006. [on reserve in TM library] Over 40 tutorials are on the Macintosh computers (TM library). Some have sample sets and practice tests. Live tutors at NW. III. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: A. EVALUATION: 4 exams - worth 40% (10% each), will include lab material Labs - 40% of course grade is based on lab exercises

Comprehensive final - 20%

B. Late Work Lab is an important part of the class. Missed labs are extremely difficult to make up, so make an extra effort to attend all labs. Late labs lose 10% per class session late. Extra credit assignments lose 20% per class session late. Due dates are announced in class. C. Makeup Exams Any student missing a test for any reason, has one week from the next class period to take a make-up test from the testing center. No retests will be given. THE MAKE-UP TEST IS AN ESSAY TEST! Students missing both the test and the make-up will receive a zero for that test. D. Extra Credit Assignments Geologic Time Diagram, may be done for up to 5% extra credit on exam 1. Moon observation from Lab book, may be done for up to 5% extra credit on exam 2. Trilobite reconstruction: from lab book, may be done for up to 5% extra credit on exam 3. Review game with Mesozoic samples, may be done for up to 5% extra credit on exam 4. Review physical geology (lab book) may be done for up to 5% extra credit on the final. (no samples) Science Poster Contest: Students can earn 10% on their final course grade by creating a virtual poster on a narrowly defined geologic topic (topic must be approved & in 1402). I am happy to help you select one. Poster entries must be genuine efforts, be scientifically accurate, and MUST include references to receive credit. The poster will be entered into the Science Poster Contest, entries do not have to win to get points, although winners receive an additional 5% e.c. Winners also have their posters displayed at TM and on the internet as well as getting prizes. The Poster is due April 30.

IV. INSTRUCTOR’S POLICIES Class attendance is not mandatory, although nonattendance usually results in poor grades (see above). Students wishing to drop the class must do so themselves. Students will not be dropped for nonattendance. All students are expected to follow the policies of the student code of ethics as outlined in the student handbook. “Xeroxed” work is not accepted. Students are expected to be considerate of other students and of the instructor. Such consideration would include but not be limited to basic courtesies such as being quiet during lectures and exams. PAGERS & PHONES MUST BE OFF DURING LECTURE & EXAMS. V. CALENDER: This calender is subject to change as necessary. In general, every day will have lecture and lab sessions. Jan 21 Jan 23

Holiday Geologic Time

Skinner 11, Lab 2

Jan 28 Jan 30

Stratigraphy Stratigraphy

Skinner 11, Lab 3 Skinner 11, Lab 3

Feb 4 Feb 6

Ancient Tectonics Oceanography

Skinner 2, 20, Lab 6, Plate Tectonics Skinner 18, Lab 13

Feb 11 Feb 13

Exam 1: Skinner 11, 2, 20, 18; Labs 2, 3, 6, 13 Solar System Levin 8, Lab 7

Feb 18 Feb 20

Solar System Hadean & Archean

Levin 8, Lab 7 Levin 8, Lab 8, Historical Geology

Feb 25 Feb 27

Proterozoic Proterozoic

Levin 9, Lab 8 Levin 9, Lab 8, Historical Geology

Mar 4 Mar 6

Exam 2: Levin 8, 9; Labs 7, 8 Fossils & Ocean Life, Evolution

Levin 6, Lab 5, FossilView

Mar 11 Mar 13

Fossils and Preservation Early Paleozoic

Levin 6, Lab 4, FossilView Levin 10, 12, Lab 9

Mar 18 & 20 Spring Break Mar 25 Mar 27

Early Paleozoic Middle Paleozoic

Levin 10, 12, Lab 9 Levin 10, 11, 12, Lab 9

Apr 1 Apr 3

Late Paleozoic Levin 11, 12, Lab 9 Exam 3: Levin 6, 10, 11, 12; Lab 4, 5, 9

Apr 8 Apr 10

Early Mesozoic Early Mesozoic

Levin 13, 14; Lab 10 Levin 13, 14; Lab 10

Apr 15 Apr 17

Late Mesozoic Extinctions

Levin 13, 14; Lab 10 Levin 13, 14; Lab 10

Apr 22 Apr 24

Exam 4: Levin 13, 14; Lab 10 Paleogene

Levin 15, 16; Lab 11

Apr 29 May 1

Paleogene Neogene

Levin 15, 16; Lab 11 Levin 15, 16, 17; Lab 12

May 6 May 8

Neogene Climate

Levin 15, 16, 17; Lab 11 Skinner 19; Lab 14

May 13, 7-9am Final Exam; Final is comprehensive

emphasizes Cz & climate

FIELD TRIPS: A field trip is fun and a great way to learn some of the local geology, but will not count as credit for the course. Students unable to go on the field trip may go on the virtual one, “El Paso View”.

Syllabus, Part II, Official Course Description SUBJECT AREA Geology COURSE RUBRIC AND NUMBER GEOL 1402 COURSE TITLE Principles of Geology COURSE CREDIT HOURS Credits: 4 Lec:Lab 3 : 2

GEOL 1402; Revised Fall 2012 Revised by Discipline: Fall 2012 El Paso Community College

I. Catalog Description Studies the earth as a planet, including an introduction to astronomy and oceanography. Provides a survey of the history of the earth through time, as evidenced by plants, animals, rocks, and minerals. Not open to students who have completed GEOL 1403 and/or GEOL 1404. Lab required. Prerequisite: GEOL 1401. (3:2). Lab fee. II. Course Objectives Upon satisfactory of this course, the student will be able to: A. Explain the Big Bang Theory of the origin of the universe and explain the origin of the solar system and describe the characteristics of the planets. B. Apply the principles of relative age dating to cross sections or block diagrams. C. Use the radioactive decay curve to determine the age given parent/daughter data. D. Explain the theories on the origin and evolution of life on earth and the significance of fossils. E. Describe the economic value of banded iron formations, petroleum reserves and other ore deposits. F. Identify and use fossils and the geologic record to interpret past, present, and future environments. G. Correlate stratigraphic columns and recognize transgressive and regressive sequences. H. Describe the evolution of man. I. Explain the evolution of the Earth’s major tectonic and paleontological features from the Precambrian to the Recent. J. List the basic physical and chemical processes in oceanography with emphasis on describing the processes at the mid-ocean ridges and shorelines. K. List the eons, eras, and periods of the Geologic Time Scale. III. Evaluation Both laboratory and lecture material may be on the same exam. Or the instructor may choose to conduct separate exams. The procedure for determining the final grade will be decided by the instructor and presented to the student in the syllabus. LECTURE A. Exams and Quizzes. The number, frequency and type of quizzes and exams are left to the discretion of the instructor. B. Grading: Above 90 =A

80-89.9 =B 70-79.9 =C 60-69.9 =D Below 60 =F LABORATORY Lab exercises are required for each unit. Homework and papers may be assigned, corrected and graded as the instructor decides. IV Disability Statement (American with/Disabilities Act [ADA]) EPCC offers a variety of services to persons with documented sensory, mental, physical, or temporary disabling conditions to promote success in classes. If you have a disability and believe you may need services, you are encouraged to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities to discuss your needs with a counselor. All discussions and documentation are kept confidential. Offices located: VV Room C-112 (8312426); TM Room 1400 (831-5808); RG Room B-201 (831-4198); NWC Room M-54 (831-8815); and MDP Room A-125 (831-7024). V. 6 Drop Rule Students who began attending Texas public institutions of higher education for the first time during the fall 2007 semester or later are subject to a 6-Drop limit for all undergraduate classes. Developmental, ESL, Dual Credit and Early College High School classes are exempt from this rule. All students should consult with their instructor before dropping a class. Academic assistance is available. Students are encouraged to see Counseling Services if dropping because exemptions may apply. Refer to the EPCC catalog and website for additional information.