Course Syllabus - Webster University

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Course Syllabus


ITM 5000/ME - Information Technology Management


Summer 2013


Catalog Description

Name: Phone: Email:

Sullivan, Kevin (901)240-1186 [email protected]

This overview course presents a managerial and technical perspective that considers the application and management of information and communications technology in business and other types of organizations. The course includes an overview of all the core courses in the ITM curriculum. This course is a prerequisite for all other courses in the program.

Prerequisites None.

Course Level Learning Outcomes After completing this introductory course, students will: - know and explain basic technical terminology, concepts, principles, and practices as they relate to the use of information and information and communication technologies in support of organizational strategic goals. -

will know and explain basic organizational management, project management, contract management, security management, and financial management concepts, principles, practices, and techniques as they relate to managing people, information, and information and communications technologies in support of organizational strategic goals.


Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 9th Edition Stephen Haag, UNIV OF DENVER Maeve Cummings, PITTSBURG STATE UNIVERSTY Softcover, 608 pages ©2013, ISBN-13 9780073376851 MHID 007337685X

You can call MBS Direct at 800-325-3252 and give your school name, site or program, and course number or access the Virtual Bookstore at

Grading Scale

94-100 A 90-93 A87-89 B+ 84-86 B 80-83 B70-79 C 0-69 F Class participation/attendance - 15% Project (oral presentation) - 15% Individual research paper - 20% Mid-term - 25% Final exams - 25% -

Individual Research Paper: Ten page research paper on the Information Technology capabilities in a business of your choice (must be approved by the instructor). Identify benefits/liabilities of the IT infrastructure (include CRM, SCM, ERP, Integrated Collaboration System, and other IT capabilities. Conduct a SWOT analysis on the business. Compare and contrast the business IT capabilities with other businesses in the same industry. The paper must be in APA format.


Oral Presentation: Prepare a 5 to 10 slide presentation on the Individual Research Project. Each student will be allotted 10 minutes in Week Eight to present his/her project to the class. .

Course Requirements The GRADUATE catalog provides these guidelines and grading options for graduate business degrees. Grades in the program are A, A-, B+, B, B-, C, F, I, ZF, and W. Grades reflect the following standards.


A / A-

Superior Graduate work

B+ / B / B-

Satisfactory Graduate work


Work that is barely adequate as graduate-level performance


Work that is unsatisfactory


Incomplete work


An "i" that is not completed within one year of the end of the course is automatically converted to a "ZF". A "ZF" is treated the same as an F or NC for all cases involving GPA, academic warning, probation and dismissal.


Withdrawn from the course


Short lectures


Facilitated discussion of assigned readings


Short, moderately complex cases and exercises


Term (research) paper


Group Project


Midterm and final exams

Policy Statements: University Polices University policies are provided in the current course catalog and course schedules. They are also available on the university website. This class is governed by the university’s published policies. The following policies are of particular interest: Academic Honesty The university is committed to high standards of academic honesty. Students will be held responsible for violations of these standards. Please refer to the university's academic honesty policies for a definition of academic dishonesty and potential disciplinary actions associated with it. Drops and Withdrawals Please be aware that, should you choose to drop or withdraw from this course, the date on which you notify the university of your decision will determine the amount of tuition refund you receive. Please refer to the university policies on drops and withdrawals (published elsewhere) to find out what the deadlines are for dropping a course with a full refund and for withdrawing from a course with a partial refund. Special Services If you have registered as a student with a documented disability and are entitled to classroom or testing accommodations, please inform the instructor at the beginning of the course of the accommodations you will require in this class so that these can be provided. Disturbances Since every student is entitled to full participation in class without interruption, all students are expected to be in class and prepared to begin on time. All pagers, wireless phones, or other electronic devices must be turned off, or switched to vibrate, when you enter the classroom. Disruption of class, whether by latecomers, noisy devices, or inconsiderate behavior is not acceptable. Students are expected to treat the instructor and other students with dignity and respect, especially in cases where a diversity of opinion arises. Students who engage in disruptive behavior are subject to disciplinary action, including removal from the course. Student Assignments Retained From time to time, student assignments or projects will be retained by The Department for the purpose of academic assessment. In every case, should the assignment or project be shared outside the academic Department, the student's

name and all identifying information about that student will be redacted from the assignment or project. Contact Hours for this Course It is essential that all classes meet for the full instructional time as scheduled. A class cannot be shortened in length. If a class session is cancelled for any reason, it must be rescheduled. APA Guides All Webster Memphis students are required to use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition for term paper formatting and citations. This can be purchased at It is MANDATORY that all Webster Memphis students submit their term papers to the turnitin website before submitting to instructor for final grade. See

Attendance at all class sessions is expected. Course Policies

Students are expected to read all assigned readings prior to class, participate in classroom discussions when appropriate, and be considerate of fellow classmates and the instructor. Late assignments will be accepted if prior arrangements have been made with the instructor, but will be given reduced points based upon the number of class sessions it is late.

Introductions Syllabus Review Term Paper and Presentation Requirements Week 1: Mid-Term and Final Exam Requirements Chapter 1 The Information Age in Which You Live: Changing the Face of Business XLM A Computer Hardware and Software Chapter 2 Major Business Initiatives: Gaining Competitive Advantage with IT Week 2: XLM B The World Wide Web and the Internet Chapter 3 Databases and Data Warehouses: Supporting the Analytics Driven Organization

XLM C Designing Databases and Entity-Relationship Diagramming Week 3:

Chapter 4 Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence: Brainpower for Your Business XLM D Decision Analysis with Spreadsheet Software (Office 2010 Version)

Week 4:

Chapter 5 Electronic Commerce: Strategies for the New Economy XLM E Network Basics

Week 5:

Mid-Term Exam

Chapter 6 Systems Development: Phases, Tools, and Techniques XLM F (on CD) Building a Web Page with HTML Week 6: Chapter 7 Cloud Computing, Metrics, and Business Continuity Planning: Building and Sustaining the Dynamic Enterprise XLM G (on CD)Object-Oriented Technologies

Week 7:

Chapter 8 Protecting People and Information: Threats and Safeguards XLM H Computer Crime and Digital Forensics

Chapter 9 Emerging Trends and Technologies: Business, People, and Technology Tomorrow Oral Presentations Week 8:

Final Projects Research Paper

Final exam Week 9: Oral Presentations Continue

Additional Info

Approved by:

Attendance: Attendance is important to obtain the benefit from the course. Contact me before any extended absence (two or more classes). Failure to attend all classes will likely have an adverse impact on the students final grade since classroom participation is a requirement to successfully complete the course. I must approve absence from an examination in advance.

Deborah Camp Jan. 20, 2013