sheets with amine-terminated ionic liquidw. Huafeng Yang, Changsheng Shan, Fenghua Li, Dongxue Han, Qixian Zhang and Li Niu*. Received (in Cambridge ...
Covalent functionalization of polydisperse chemically-converted graphene sheets with amine-terminated ionic liquidw Huafeng Yang, Changsheng Shan, Fenghua Li, Dongxue Han, Qixian Zhang and Li Niu* Received (in Cambridge, UK) 12th March 2009, Accepted 11th May 2009 First published as an Advance Article on the web 5th June 2009 DOI: 10.1039/b905085j A facile method to obtain polydisperse chemically-converted graphene sheets that are covalently functionalized with ionic liquid was reported—the resulting graphene sheets, without any assistance from polymeric or surfactant stabilizers, can be stably dispersed in water, DMF, and DMSO. Graphene-based materials, which were first created in 2004,1 are of great interest because of their excellent mechanical and electrical properties.1–4 As with carbon nanotubes, a key challenge in the synthesis and processing of bulk-quantity graphene sheets is the prevention of aggregation. To date, individual graphene or chemically-modified graphene sheets have been prepared by several techniques including the Scotch tape method,1 non-covalent and covalent functionalization of reduced graphene oxide (GO),5–9 and chemical reduction of suspensions of graphene oxide.10–12 However, the lack of an efficient approach to produce polydisperse and long-term stable graphene sheets in different solvents has been a major obstacle to their exploitation in most of the proposed applications. Ionic liquids (ILs) seem well positioned to address this challenge. Due to their wide solubility, and by introducing a surface charge, modification with ILs should enable the preparation of long-term stable and polydisperse chemicallyconverted graphene sheets (p-CCG) that can be dispersed in various matrices. To date, investigations into the covalent attachment of an ionic material to graphene surface have been not carried out. In this communication, we report a convenient method to obtain polydisperse chemically-converted graphene (p-CCG) sheets that are functionalized with 1-(3-aminopropyl)3-methylimidazolium bromide (IL-NH2). GO has been suggested to contain plentiful and reactive epoxy groups.13,14 Therefore, a nucleophilic ring-opening reaction between the epoxy groups of GO and the amine groups of an amine-terminated ionic liquid, when catalysed by potassium hydroxide (KOH), should easily occur. Thus, the cations of the amine-terminated ionic liquid (IL-NH2) would be introduced to the graphene sheets, contributing to a stabilization of graphene dispersions via electrostatic repulsion. In addition, the resulting introduction of charge and the widely soluble ionic liquid units to the graphene plane should result in a well dispersible graphene-based material. State Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, and Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130022, P. R. China. E-mail:; Fax: +86 431 85262800; Tel: +86 431 85262425 w Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details of synthetic procedure; FTIR spectra and TGA curves of graphite, GO, and p-CCG; XPS spectra, and AFM image of GO; 1H NMR of IL-NH2. See DOI: 10.1039/b905085j/
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The preparation of chemically-converted graphene sheets functionalized by IL-NH2 is illustrated in Scheme 1. Details of the synthesis can be found in the ESI.w It was found that the resulting composites could be well dispersed into water, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) at various concentrations, forming long-term stable and homogeneous dispersions after ultrasonic treatment, respectively (see Fig. 1A–C). By way of comparison, unfunctionalized chemically-converted graphene (u-CCG) sheets were also prepared and a poor dispersibility of u-CCG was clearly observed, as shown in Fig. 1. In short, the attachment of IL-NH2 to the graphene plane improved the dispersibility of graphene in a wide range of solvents and it is believed that p-CCG sheets were successfully obtained in this work. Moreover, polydispersibility in water and several organic solvents will make graphene sheets an ideal candidate for various applications. Fig. 2 is a typical AFM image of a p-CCG dispersion in water (0.25 mg mL1) after deposition on a freshly cleaved mica surface through drop-casting. The AFM analysis reveals that the average interlayer spacing for exfoliated p-CCG sheets obtained in this work was ca. 1.49 nm. When compared with well exfoliated GO sheets, with a spacing of ca. 0.96 nm (Fig. S1w), the distance between p-CCG sheets is greater, as would be expected. This is due to both the presence of the ionic liquid chains grafted onto both sheet sides, as well as the electrostatic repulsion between the p-CCG sheets. Moreover, it is unavoidable that some solvent molecules are still trapped between the p-CCG sheets after drying (at ambient conditions for 24 h) and these molecules will have also contributed to the measured interlayer spacing. Similarly, an X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis (shown in Fig. S2w) was carried out in order to investigate and compare the exfoliation of GO and p-CCG. The (002) diffraction peak of graphite (Fig. S2aw) appears at
Scheme 1 Illustration of the preparation of p-CCG.
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Fig. 1 Photographs of CCG dispersions in (A) water, (B) DMF, and (C) DMSO. In each photograph, the left, middle and right cuvettes contain, 0.5 mg mL1 u-CCG, 0.5 mg mL1 p-CCG, and 0.25 mg mL1 p-CCG, respectively.
Fig. 3 (a) Survey XPS data for p-CCG, and (b) higher resolution data of the C1s of p-CCG.
Fig. 2 AFM image (left) of a p-CCG dispersion in water (0.25 mg mL1) on freshly cleaved mica surface through drop-casting, and height profiles (right) along the lines shown in AFM image.
ca. 26.61, and the interlayer spacing is ca. 0.34 nm.15–17 The characteristic diffraction peak (001) of GO15 was observed in Fig. S2b,w and corresponds to a GO interlayer spacing of B0.75 nm, as expected for well exfoliated sheets. However, it is worthwhile to note that, no obvious peaks attributed to graphite or GO could be found for p-CCG (Fig. S2cw), indicating that exfoliation of the layered p-CCG was obtained successfully in this work.18 In conclusion, well exfoliated GO and p-CCG sheets were successfully obtained in this work. To further illustrate the covalent functionalization, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed on GO (Fig. S3w) and p-CCG samples (Fig. 3). The survey XPS analysis of p-CCG (Fig. 3a) on a Si wafer shows an absence of any detectable amounts of K19 (the strongest XPS band is K2p, usually found between 290 and 297 eV) and any detectable amounts of Br (the strongest XPS band is Br3d, usually found between 65 and 85 eV), indicating that the catalyst has been removed efficiently and that Br anions may have been exchanged by hydroxyl anions. As shown in Fig. 3a (inset), the N1s band appears at 401.7 eV, with a lower binding-energy shoulder at 399.8 eV,20 confirming the presence of IL-NH2 units in p-CCG, in accordance with the FTIR results (Fig. S4w). The FTIR spectra also indicate that the CH3(N) stretching, CH2(N) stretching, and ring in-plane asymmetric stretching arising from the imidazolium ring were clearly observed at ca. 1164 cm1, indicating the successful attachment of amine-terminated IL-NH2 to GO nanosheets. The C1s XPS spectrum of GO (Fig. S3w) clearly indicates a considerable degree of oxidation, with four different components corresponding to carbon atoms in different functional groups: C in graphite, in C–OH, in C–O This journal is
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(epoxy/ether) groups, and the carbonyl C. Although the C1s XPS spectrum of p-CCG (Fig. 3b) also exhibits the same oxygen functional groups, a greatly decreased amount of C in epoxy/ether groups was clearly observed. There is also an additional component at 285.93 eV, which accompanies the dramatic decrease in epoxy groups, and the new component can be assigned to the combination of the C bound to nitrogen which newly appears after reaction21,22 and the C–N groups from the imidazolium ring of the ionic liquid. These results taken together indicate that the covalent reaction between amino moieties of IL-NH2 and the epoxy groups on GO sheets occurred successfully. The successful functionalization of GO sheets with IL-NH2 was also reflected in thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) curves (see Fig. S5w). It was found that the weight loss at around 200 1C for the p-CCG composites was much lower than that of the GO composites, indicating a decreased amount of oxygenated functional groups. Finally, TEM imaging of the p-CCG sheets was performed, and Fig. 4 shows some multi-p-CCG flakes.
Fig. 4 TEM image of p-CCG sheets.
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In summary, polydisperse graphene nanosheets were synthesized and stabilized by amine-terminated ionic liquids via covalent functionalization. The results from AFM, XPS, FTIR, XRD, TGA, and TEM clearly indicate that the IL-NH2 units were coupled to the surface of the graphene nanosheets successfully, and that exfoliation of the layered graphene was successful. Additionally, the p-CCG nanosheets, without any assistance from polymeric or surfactant stabilizers, could be dispersed well in water, DMF, and DMSO, due to an enhanced solubility and electrostatic inter-sheet repulsion provided by the ionic liquid units. The dispersions of p-CCG were stable for more than three months. The material synthesized in the work could be used for a wide range of applications. For example, p-CCG could be of great value for electrochemical applications of graphene-based materials, where it can be utilized to prepare chemically-modified electrodes. Moreover, p-CCG is potentially an interesting starting material for the preparation of composites such as metallic nanoparticle–p-CCG composites which may have an application in various fields. The authors are most grateful to the NSFC, China (No. 20673109 and 20827004) for their financial support.
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