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Dyah Ekashanti Octorina Dewi, Dwi H. Widyantoro, .... A.B. Suksmono, E. Bharata , A.A Lestari, A. Yarovoy, and. LP. Ligthart ... ous Wave) Radar is a novel radar.


School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Institut Teknologi Bandung Achmad Bakrie Building, 2nd floor Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung, 40132 - INDONESIA Phone +62-22-2502260 Fax +62-22-2534222 Email [email protected]



Dean Message

3 4 5 6 7

Dean Message The School in Brief Vision, Mision Organization Research Excellence 8 Cognitive Artificial Intelligent, Science and Engineering 10 Sizing Capacity Of Hybrid Generation Wind and PV with Indirect Method Using Remote Data Logger 11 Imaging and Image Processing for Early Detection and Health Monitoring 13 Direct Access for Multimedia Database 15 Signal Processing and Imaging 17 ICT Innovation for Smart Society Digital Mark Reader and Digital Scan Meter 19 Diagnosis of High Voltage Equipment using Multi-Parameters 20 Distributed Control of Multi Agent Autonomous Systems 22 24 Research Divisions 25 Biomedical Engineering 30 Power Engineering 38 Information Technology 47 Informatics 52 Software and Data Engineering 58 Telecommunication Engineering 69 Computer Engineering 75 Control and Computer Systems 81 Electronics 87 Research Centers 88 Micro Electronic Center 89 Mobile Inno Sphere Center 90 Java Competency Center 91 LanGrid Bandung Operation Center 92 Center for Telematics, Radio Telecommunications & Microwave 95 Media Innovation Center 96 Microsoft Innovation Center 98 BlackBerry Innovation Center ITB

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School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics is a higher educational institute oriented toward research:

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Cognitive Artificial Intelligent, Science and Engineering

Ahmad, Adang Suwandi. Docteur Ingenieur, Ir, DEA, IPU “Sometimes, things can't be just a question of what we want but of what is right” (Anna, in the KING and I)



Knowledge Exploitation Subsystem

· learning

decision making


Learning Reinforcement Subsystem

SLAM Subsystem for Mapping

reasoning sensing



Particle Filter Subsystem for Localization



· ·


| Partnership, Research & Development |




Imaging and Image Processing for Early Detection and Health Monitoring

Sizing Capacity Of Hybrid Generation Wind and PV with Indirect Method Using Remote Data Logger

Biomedical Engineering Research Division

Haroen, Yanuarsyah

Mengko, Tati L. E. Rajab

Docteur Ingenieur –INPT –ENSEEIHT

Doctor Inginieur - INPG - ENSERG Genoble France MANAGERIAL CAREER 1995-1998 Head of Electrical Engineering Department 1998-2000 Head of Inter University Research Center on Microelectronics 2000-2002 Graduate School Ass Director 2002-2004 Dean of Faculty of Industrial Technology 2007Head of Center for Health Technology and Sport Science 2007Head of Biomedical Research Division

MANAGERIAL CAREER 2006-2008 Member of Board trustee of ITB 2008-2010

Chairman Academic Senate of ITB

ACADEMIC CARIER 1998 Associate Professor 2001 Professor

ACADEMIC CARIER 2001 Associate Professor 2005 Professor

RESEARCH KEYWORDS · Power Electronics and Drive System · Power Quality · Transportation Electronic Systems

RESEARCH KEYWORDS Image Processing and Recognition Medical Imaging E-health BOOKS / PAPERS Coronary Angiogram Stabilization for QuBE Values Calculation Using SIFT Method, ICICI-BME 2011, Bandung, November 2011, 978-1-4577-1166-4/11 ©2011 IEEE Vessel Enhancement Algorithm in Digital Retinal Fundus Microaneurysms Filter for Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Classification, ICICI-BME 2011, Bandung, November 2011, 978-1-4577-1166-4/11©2011 IEEE Nedya Utami, Hasballah Zakaria, and Tati L. R. Mengko, "Segmentation and Centerline Extraction of Coronary Arteries Using Region Growing and Multistencils Fast Marching Methods", WiSE-Health 2012, Bandung, December 6 - 7, 2012 Ida Wahidah, Andriyan Bayu Suksmono, Hendrawan, Tati Latifah R. Mengko, "Compressive Sampling for Digital Video Signal Compression Involving Dynamic Sparsity", The 7th International Conference on Telematics System, Services, and Applications (TSSA), 30-31 October 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4673-4548-4 Giffary Kautsar Pratama, Hasanuddin, Dwiza Riana, Dyah Ekashanti Octorina Dewi, Dwi H. Widyantoro, Tati Latifah R. Mengko, "Pap smear Nuclei Texture Analysis", WiSE-Health 2012, Bandung, December 6 - 7, 2012

BOOKS Dynamic of Electrical Machines (Indonesian), ITB Publisher 2010 Power Electronics (Indonesian) ITB Publisher 2011 PAPERS Riyadi, S., M. Fadel, Haroen, Yanuarsyah, S. Sugihartono, S. Sudirham, ”Functioning a Shunt APF as a Power or Current Compensator”, European Journal of Electrical Engineering Vol. 12- No 1/2009 Haroen, Yanuarsyah., ”Prototype Development of a Low Cost Data Logger for PV Based LED Street Lighting System”, International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2011, art no.6021693 Haroen, Yanuarsyah., ”Electric motor control and Battery Management System of Cikal Cakrawala ITB electric vehicle”, International Conference on Power Engineering and Renewable Energy 2012, art. no. 6287228

E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

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Imaging and Image Processing for Early Detection and Health Monitoring

Direct Access for Multimedia Database Multimedia database represents data of image, audio, and video which are tending to large in size. This bulk of data, for an example, use in large database biometric. We focus our research on identification and direct access computing methodologies and technologies which are developed to extend human ability, memory, and information processing speed. Automatic fingerprint identification systems are a fine example of computer systems that imitate and extend

Sitohang, Benhard

human capabilities: during the last five decades, they

Doctor of Engineering

evolved from simple software assisting human examiners to

“Although state-of-the-art many multimedia object matching algorithms are reasonably fast and quite accurate, identifying them over a large database still poses challenging problems in term of both accuracy and efficiency”

complex systems where multiple algorithms run on special hardware through distributed architectures. Although state-of-the-art many multimedia object matching algorithms are reasonably fast and quite

ACADEMIC CARIER 2001 Associate Professor 2009 Professor RESEARCH KEYWORDS Database Systems Multimedia Databases

accurate, identifying them over a large database still poses challenging problems in terms of both accuracy and efficiency. To reduce the total number of one-to-one comparisons, multimedia object identification systems typically use pre-filtering techniques. These techniques can be grouped into two main categories: 1) exclusive

BOOKS / PAPERS Heryanto, H. , Akbar, S. , Sitohang, B., "Sistem Pengenalan penutur dengan algoritma

classification and 2) multimedia data indexing (or continuous classification). Exclusive classification

MFCC dan Vector Quantization", Prosiding

techniques split the database into a fixed number of classes.

Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi (SNITI) IX,

During the identification phase, the searched multimedia

Universitas Tarumanegara Jakarta, Indonesia, November 2012

object is compared only to database of multimedia objects

Indrawan, G., Sitohang, B., Akbar, S.,

belonging to the same class. The main drawback of

"Review of Sequential Access Method for Fingerprint

exclusive classification techniques is that the number of

Identification", TELKOMNIKA June 2012, Vol. 10 No. 2 ISSN: 2302-9293 Indrawan, G., Sitohang, B., Akbar, S., "Efficient

classes is usually small and that frequently multimedia data are unevenly distributed among them: when a single

Sequential Access Method of Fingerprint Identification",

multimedia object has to be searched in a large database,

International Conference on Soft Computing Intelligent

exclusive classification is often not able to sufficiently

Systems and Information Technology (ICSIIT), 2012 E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

narrow down the search. This led researches to investigate multimedia object retrieval systems that are not based on exclusive classes, but they represent each multimedia object in a robust and stable manner so that, in the search phase, it is possible to select the most similar candidates according to such a representation.

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Signal Processing and Imaging

Direct Access for Multimedia Database

Local histogram features for state-of-the-art of

accurate methods.

designed hashing system:

Most of these approaches are based on two

We have proposed a method for supporting

main steps: first, an initial candidate list (ICL) is

direct access, especially for biometrics image

produced, where each candidate consists of a

data (fingerprint and can be used for face)

database object identifier and a similarity score

identification, through the use of very early

(or distance measure); second, a reduced

information (so relative “clean” from additional

candidate list (RCL) is derived from the ICL, by

noise and/or removed data) in the form of local

applying a reduction criterion. Although the

histogram features combined with its related

various approaches proposed in the literature

anchor (minutiae) features. These features

use very different features and strategies, to the

determine state-of-the-art of designed hashing

best of our knowledge, only two reduction

system, hypothetically could give relative good

criteria have been explored: fixed threshold

indexing performance through its Error Rate to

(only multimedia object with indexing score

Penetration Rate parameter.

higher than a fixed threshold are selected) and top ranking (a fixed number of candidates with

In general, given a query multimedia object, an

the highest scores is retained).

indexing approach produces a list of candidates; only such candidates are then

In some studies, more complex criteria to

compared to the query object, using an

produce the candidate list have been proposed,

automated matching algorithm to produce the

but only with the aim of combining multiple

identification result (or a shorter candidate list

pre-selection techniques. The guiding idea of

to be finally examined by a human expert).

this correspondence is that, given a query

Since usually multimedia object matching

object, the ICL scores may contain more useful

algorithms are computationally expensive, the

information, than what is exploited by a simple

candidate list provided by the indexer should be

fixed threshold or top ranking criterion. This

as short as possible but should contain, with

allows shorter candidate list to be obtained,

high probability, all object similar to the query.

without significantly increasing the error rate

To this purpose, in the last years, researches in

(i.e., the probability of discarding the mate

the field studied and experimented several

multimedia object).

indexing techniques, leading to increasingly

“There are two emerging methods that will change the foundation of Engineering Science, namely, Complex-Valued Signal Processing and Compressive Sensing.”

Suksmono, Andriyan Bayu Doctor of Philosophy

foundation of Engineering Science, namely, Complex-Valued Signal Processing and Compressive Sensing. The first area

ACADEMIC CARIER 2005 Associate Professor 2009 Professor RESEARCH KEYWORDS Signal Processing Imaging AWARD Asahi Foundation Research Award, 2011,2012 Excellence in Research Journal Award, IGI, 2011. Top Accessed Articles in IEEE Hitachi Fellowship Award, 2009 IEEE Senior Member, 2007 Outstanding Faculty Award, Rep. Indonesia, 2007 Outstanding Faculty Award, ITB, 2007 APNNA Best Paper Award, 2004 BOOKS / PAPERS A.B. Suksmono and A. Hirose, "Adaptive noise reduction of InSAR image based on Complex-MRF model and its application to phase unwrapping problem", IEEE Trans. Geosc. and Rem. Sensing, Vol. 40, No.3, March 2002, pp. 699-709. A.B. Suksmono and A. Hirose, "Interferometric SAR image restoration using Monte-Carlo Metropolis method", IEEE Trans. on Signal Proc., Vol. 50, No.2, Feb. 2002, pp. 290-298. A.B. Suksmono and A. Hirose, "Intelligent beamforming using a complex- valued neural network,” International Journal of Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems, 10 (2004), IOS Press. A.B. Suksmono, “Signal Representation and The Non-Linear Property of Phase Images,” IEEE Geosc. and Rem. Sensing Letters, Vol.4., No.4, October 2007. A.B. Suksmono, E. Bharata, A.A Lestari, A. Yarovoy, and LP. Ligthart, “Compressive Stepped-Frequency Continuous Wave Ground Penetrating Radar,” IEEE Geosc. Rem. Sensing Letters, Vol.7, No.4, Oct. 2010, pp.665-669. E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

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These are two emerging methods that will change the


deals with how to naturally process a signal consisting of amplitude and phase, or real- and imaginary- parts, while the second one concern on how to build a faster devices by replacing conventional sampling, with a new paradigm.

Complex-Valued Signal Processing Particular electronic devices, such as radar, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), and all kind of devices employing I/Q demodulators, output signals that have both amplitude and phase. Processing the amplitude and phase separately will be unnatural and processing them as a unified complex-valued signal will be more suitable. We have explored and develop some processing algorithms for complex-valued signals; among others are CVNN (Complex-Valued Neural Network), Complex-Valued InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) image processing, Phase Unwrapping, Phase-Domain and Complex-Valued Snakes, etc.

ICT Innovation for Smart Society

Signal Processing and Imaging

Applied Compressive Sensing

based on a few number of samples. We have

The advance in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) makes it possible to connect, monitor and control

Compressive Sensing (CS) is an emerging

develop various applications of the CS, among

sampling/sensing technique with various kinds

others are: CS Radar Method and Device, CS-

various human resources (People to People), objects (Things,

of applications. Underlying the CS theory is the

VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry)

Machines to Machines/M2M), between humans and objects

uncertainty principle (UP), in which, a function

M et h o d , C S M et h o d fo r f B m s ig n a l

(People to Machines) and related with other natural

or signal cannot be simultaneously sparse in

interpolation, and a few CS applications in

components. These developments allow an improvement

time and frequency. Generalization of UP to a

darkmatter mapping.

process more effective, easier, inexpensive, and efficient.

discrete domain implies that an N-length signal having K-degree of sparsity can be exactly

Supangkat, Suhono Harso

reconstructed from its O(log(N)) sub-samples.

Doctor of Engineering

The CS principles can employed to develop

“Think Ecosystem act convergence”

Moreover the application of ICT has been touching on the concept of smart village, smart city, smart community, smart transportation, smart education, smart health, etc., in order to improve the quality of life in rural, urban and

better method or build a faster device, thanks to its capability of reconstruction of a signal

ACADEMIC CARIER 2001 Associate Professor 2009 Professor

The CS-SFCW ( Compressive Sensing Step -Frequency Continu ous Wave ) Radar is a novel radar system that capable to work faster than conventional SFCW radar, thanks to the emerging CS paradigm. The radar take s only a few random samples, logarithmically much fewer O(log(N)) than required by classical sampling theorem, yet capable to achieve a comparable performance to the full samples reconstruction.

RESEARCH KEYWORDS · Cloud Computing and Machines to Machines · Smart City · IT Governance and Architecture

community in general. There are some problems in the city: Ÿ The complexity of urban transport and congestion

problems Ÿ Health care Ÿ Waste management, especially in big cities Ÿ Urban environment such as air quality, water supply

and quality, etc. Ÿ Disaster caused due to spatial urban poor, such as

BOOKS / PAPERS · Supangkat, Suhono Harso.,”Environmental and Disaster Sensing Using Cloud Computing Infrastructure", International Conference on Cloud Computing and Social Networking, 26-27 April 2012 · Supangkat, Suhono Harso.,”Mobile Cloud Design of Reminder System for Tuberculosis Treatment in Indonesia", International Conference on Cloud Computing and Social Networking, 26-27 April 2012 · Supangkat, Suhono Harso.,”Designing Indonesia's ITS Architecture with Cloud Computing Infrastructure”, ITS World Congress Austria 2012 · Supangkat, Suhono Harso.,”National IT Governance Guidance”, National ICT Board, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, 2007 E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

floods, landslides, Ÿ Management education that has not been evenly Ÿ Energy supply (electricity, fuel)

Our innovation is to build a system with the help of ICT to resolve urban problems such as: transportation, congestion, health, education, environment (waste, water, air quality) and disaster: Ÿ Sensing the environment Ÿ Interconnected and integrated system Ÿ Ease of access and use anywhere and anytime Ÿ Can be published and shared through social media Ÿ Resources sharing Ÿ Embedding information using augmented reality

Elements required in the development of smart city: Ÿ Sensing the environmentInterconnected and integrated

system Ÿ Ease of access and use anywhere and anytime Ÿ Can be published and shared through social media Ÿ Resources sharing Ÿ Embedding information using augmented reality

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Digital Mark Reader and Digital Scan Meter

ICT Innovation for Smart Society

Smart city technology consists of:

ICT governance is an importance factor in the

Recognition system is one of the important technologies to perform automatic data acquisition.


M2M (machine to machine)

development of smart city e.g., in the


Cloud Computing

coordination between sector in the same area and the physical and social sensor.


Smart Sensor: social and physical sensor


Social Media


GIS (Geographical Information System)

Research in the recognition system requires a deepening of studies in the field of artificial intelligence, image interpretation, graphics and visualization.

In cooperation with Blackberry we conduct a research on mobile computing for smart society

Some research has been done and become a commercial

with focus in several areas, that is, smart energy, smart transportation, smart

Suwardi, Iping S.

educations, smart environments,etc.

Doctor Engineering

software products : - Digital Mark Reader (DMR) - Digital Scan Meter (DSM)

City A

DMR is software employed for evaluating examination



results automatically using computer scanning. DMR ACADEMIC CARIER



Associate Professor



iswidely used in Indonesian education institution. DSM is software employed for reading and reporting the

RESEARCH KEYWORDS · Computer Vision · Computer Graphics · Animation · Recognition Systems · Inteligent Systems

Cloud ITS Centers Archived Data Management

Commercial Vehicle Administration

Fleet and Freight Management

Traffic Management

Information Service Provider

Traffic Management

Toll Administration

Emergency Management

Maintenance and Construction Management

BOOKS / PAPERS · Suwardi, Iping., "Blood Parasite Identification using Feature Based Recognition", 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung. July, 17-19, 2011 ISSN : 2155-6822 ; ISBN: 978-1-4577-0753-7

Emission Management

· Suwardi, Iping.,"Facial Expression Control of 3-Dimensional Face Model Using Facial Feature Extraction", 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung. July, 17-19, 2011

City B Vehicles


ISSN : 2155-6822 ; ISBN: 978-1-4577-0753-7

City C Vehicles

· Suwardi, Iping.,"Simulation System of Color Blind


Glasses by Image Processing", 2011 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics,


Bandung. July, 17-19, 2011 ISSN : 2155-6822 ;


ISBN: 978-1-4577-0753-7

E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

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electric power consumption. The software convert the image photo contains numbers into the digital format for billing requirement. DSM is widely in used in the National Electrical Company in West Java, Indonesia.

Diagnosis of High Voltage Equipment using Multi-Parameters

Diagnosis of High Voltage Equipment using Multi-Parameters

Condition monitoring and diagnosis (CMD) of

MANAGERIAL CAREER 2001-2005 Secretary of EE Department 2006-2010 Vice Dean of SEEI ITB 2011- now Dean of SEEI ITB ACADEMIC CARIER 2002 Associate Professor 2010 Professor AWARDS 1994,1995 1994 2002 2009 2006,2012

IEEJ Japan Excellent paper Awards IEEE Best paper Award (Australia) IEEJ-KIEE ACED-HVE Excellent paper award (Seoul Korea) 1st place (Champion) National Excellent Academic Staff (MoE Minister) EEE Appreciation Awards (IEEE DEI President)

RESEARCH KEYWORDS · Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of HV Equipment · High Voltage Insulation Technologies · High Voltage Engineering BOOKS · Suwarno, Diagnosis of HV Equipment, ITB Publisher, ISBN 978-979-1344-84-5, 2010 · Suwarno, Electrical Engineering Materials, Megatama Publisher, ISBN 979-99701-1-3 2006 (Indonesian) PAPERS (selected) Wang, S.-Q., Zhang, G.-J., Suwarno, Tanaka, Y.,Takada, T., Effects of paper-aged state on space charge characteristics in oil-impregnated paper insulation, IEEE Transactions on Diel. and Electr. Insulation Vol.19, No. 6, pp. 1871-1878, 2012 Suwarno, Report on IEEE 2012 int. conf. on condition monitoring and diagnosis (CMD 2012), IEEE Electrical Insulation magazine, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2013, pp. 57-59 Suwarno, Santosh, Effects of electric arcing on PD characteristics in liquid HV insulation, Asia-Pacific IEEE Power & Energy Eng. Conf., Shanghai, 2012 Suwarno, Santosh, Effects of electric arc on discharge inception, combustible gases and chemical structure of transformer oils, Int. Conf., ICPERE 2012 H. Natendra, Suwarno; N. Haryanto, T. Takahashi, T. Okamoto, Degree of polymerization estimation of insulating papers in power transformers based on load and temperature data, 2012 IEEE CMD, pp. 637 - 642 P.Anggoro, Sriyono, U. Khayam, Suwarno, M. Hikita, PD pattern of various defects measured by UHF external sensor on 66 kV GIS mode, 2012 IEEE CMD, pp. 954-957

be carried out by the aggregate parameters

the key equipments are important to keep them

determined trough

at good operating condition. Condition

methods. For outdoor insulator as an example,

weighed contribution

monitoring and diagnosis of the equipments

the diagnosis parameters are: leakage current

are the key of CBM (Condition Based

waveform, surface temperature, corona

Maintenance). Many diagnostic measurements

intensity, hydrophobicity and so on. For a power

can be done simultaneously at a certain

transformer, the multi parameters are:

equipment. They release multi parameters

dissolved gases (DGA), several oil parameters


relate to the condition of the equipments. The

such as breakdown strength, acidity, tan delta,

Doctor of Engineering, Nagoya University Japan

assessment of the equipment condition can be

water content, color, interfacial tension, and

done by utilizing the multi parameters obtained

furan, frequency response analysis (FRA) and

from a series of measurements on line or off

partial discharges (PD).

High voltage transmission system has been selected to transmit a huge electric energy worldwide. High voltage

line. The assessment of the equipment

equipments such as transformer, insulator, generator,

conditions can

GIS/switchgear and power cable play important roles in an

CMD of HV Transformer using Multi Parameters

electric power system. It is important to keep the HV equipments in good condition and reliable to support the integrity of the power system. During operation the equipments are exposed to various stresses as


factors which are widely called as TEAM (Thermal, Electrical, Ambient and Mechanical). Therefore, multi factors aging process take place in the equipments which can be expressed as A(T,E,A,M,t). However, in certain circumstance, there are dominant aging factors which strongly affect the aging of the equipment. Due to the aging factors the performances of the key equipments may be reduced. At particular conditions the failures of the equipments may take place and may cause the system failure. The contributions of equipment failures to the system are shown in table 1. Table 1 Key equipment and their contributions to system failure

E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

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Distributed Control of Multi Agent Autonomous Systems

Distributed Control of Multi Agent Autonomous Systems

Distributed Consensus of Humanoid Robot Swarm

Active Noise Control using Combined

Multi-robot systems are said to have reached a consensus

FIR/Functional Link Neural Networks

situation if they agreed on the value of a variable of interest. Information consensus guarantees that robots sharing

Trilaksono, Bambang R. Doctor of Engineering “Intelligence could surprisingly emerge from collective behavior of multi agent autonomous systems with local decision and communication” ACADEMIC CARIER 2001 Associate Professor 2009 Professor 2010 Research fellow at University of New South Wales RESEARCH KEYWORDS · Robust Control · Intelligent Control & Intelligent Systems · Multi Agent Autonomous Systems · Networked Embedded Control Systems · Robotics BOOKS Budiyono, Bambang Riyanto, E. Joelianto (Eds.), Intelligent Unmanned Systems : Theory and Applications, Springer, 2009 PAPERS · W. Ridwan and B. Riyanto, Dissipative Analysis of Continuous-time Systems with Two Time-varying Delays, Int. Journal of Research Reviews in Applied Sciences, Vol. 11, Issue 2, 2012 · Ali Sadiyoko, Oetomo, Harry Septanto, B.Riyanto Trilaksono, Kusprasapta Mutijarsa, Arief Syaichu-Rohman. Experimental Study of Consensus Algorithm On a Group of Humanoid Robots. International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS), 2012 · Judhi Santoso, O. Slamet Santoso and B. Riyanto Trilaksono. Dynamic Robot Path Planning with Cellular Automata, International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS), 2012

Active control methods are developed to

information over a network topology have a consistent view

attenuate unwanted acoustic noise using

of information that is critical to coordination task to be

combined FIR and Functional Link Neural

performed by multiple robots. Distributed control

Networks. The methods are proposed to handle

algorithm based on consensus are developed in this work

nonlinearity inherently arising in many active

for a swarm of humanoid robots.

noise control applications. The proposed structure and algorithm are implemented using

Robot Path Planning Using Cellular Automata In this work a new approach for mobile robot path planning with cellular automata is proposed. The idea is based on maximum clearence technique that preserves the distance of the robot toobstacles as far as possible. An existing approach is implemented using voronoi diagram thatgenerates the candidate paths that are safe from collision with the obstacles. In fact, maximum clearence method can be solved analitically using the deformation retraction, but this approach is applicable for the continuous environment only and it requires a lot offunction computation. Hence, we solve this problem using a particular rule of cellular automata to perform the process of computation that can be performed efficiently. Our approach is suitable for path planning in a grid-based environment. The proposed method is being extended for path planning of multi robots.

digital signal processor to cancel unwanted noise in a duct.

Mobile robot swarm

Distributed Connectivity Control of Mobile Robotic Networks This work studies distributed control of mobile robotic network connectivity with connectivity restoration capabilty. Proximity graph is constructed based on received signal strength. Formation Control of Mutiple Spacecrafts This work concerns with the design of distributed control

E-MAIL ADDRESS / Lab. URL [email protected]

system to enable multiple spacecrafts flying in formation while avoiding unwinding phenomena. The method is being extended to handle actuator saturation.

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Consensus of humanoid robots

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering is a multidisciplinary field, involving various engineering, scientific and technological methods to solve problems in medicine and biology for the improvement of the community health-care.

Research Divisions

This is a growing field that continues to significantly contribute on health-care. Biomedical systems provide supports the medical professionals in conducting the medical procedures, which include: collecting of data/information, analysis, diagnosis, and therapy.

The Biomedical Engineering Research Group offers solution to the various problems in biomedical engineering area through research and development, joint project, consultation and community development, with the ultimate goal of advancement of society health-care.

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Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering



E-Health and Telemedicine E-Health Smart Card Sharable and Longitudinal Electronic Medical Records Community Health Center Management Information System Simple e-prescription system Mobile Telemedicine System with Multi Communication Links Disease surveillance & Outbreak management PACS System Modul (Picture Archiving Communication System)

Biomedical Instrumentation & Assistive Technology

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen - The Netherlands University of Tokyo - Japan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia - Malaysia UNSW - Australia Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November - BME Universitas Indonesia - BME Universitas Gadjah Mada - BME Pusat Kajian Otak UI PT. Tesena Inovindo RS Mata Cicendo Bandung PT. Jasa Medika DKK Bandung Yayasan Suryakanti Bandung RS Harapan Kita Anak Bunda RS Harapan Kita Jantung NSN ( Nokia Siemen Network )

Brain Computer Interface 4-leads EMG 3-leads and 12-leads Personal EKG Continuous Passive Motion Audiovisual Electronic Stethoscopes Pure Tone Audiometers Brainstem-Evoked Response Audiometers (with Click stimulus and Chirp stimulus)

Imaging and Medical Image Processing 3D and Microscope Holography 3D Image Reconstruction Detection of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis Diagnosis System of Early Diabetic Retinopathy Phase Unwrapping Gait Analysis Blood flow simulation TB and cervical cancer analysis

Poligonalization on Angiogram

Trabecular microarchitecture analysis using micro CT for Osteoporosis study

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Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Tati Latifah R. Mengko

Widyawardana Adiprawita



Email: [email protected] [email protected] Homepage: Field of Expertise: Image Processing and Recognition, medical imaging, e-health

Email: [email protected] Homepage: Field of Expertise: Autonomous Mobile Robot

Hamonangan Situmorang

Sarwono Sutikno


Associate Professor

Email: [email protected] Homepage: Field of Expertise: Internet Traffic Engineering, Internet Security, Software Engineering, Data Communication, Network Planning, En-to-End IP QoS System, Telecommunication Software and Algorithm

Email: [email protected] Homepage: Field of Expertise: Cryptography Core Implementation, Embedded Secure System, Information Security Management System

Richard Karel Mengko

Hasballah Zakaria

Associate Professor


Email : [email protected] [email protected] Homepage: Field of Expertise: Medical Instrumentation, Electronic & IT System

Email: [email protected] Homepage: Field of Expertise: Biomechanic, Imaging & Image Proscessing

Kastam Astami Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] [email protected] Homepage: Field of Expertise: Microelectronics, Biomedical Transducers & Instrumentation, Biomedical System Design and Projects

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Power Engineering

Power Engineering


Generation System: Distributed Generation and System, Bioenergy, Power Electronics on Distributed Generation Systems Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicle

Power System: Computation, Security, Power Quality, Transmission and Distribution Automation & Monitoring System

The Electric Power Engineering Research Division mainly focused their effort on the field of Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Power Electronics, Power Quality, Power Economic, FACTS, Renewable Energy, Electric Traction, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Electrical Engineering Materials, High Voltage Insulation Technologies, High Voltage Apparatuses, Lightning Detection and Protection, Po we r Sy s t e m A n a l y s i s, S C A DA , as well as Electrical Measurements.

Power Delivery: DSM, Wide Area Protection, Reactive Power Management, FACTS, Power Economic, Electrical Power Business, Electrical Pricing, Undersea Cable Technology

Protection System:

This Research Division has a long history on conducting research and development, product development, consultation and community development in those mentioned area in order to guide and transform community in the field of power engineering inspired by Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi through high-quality invention and quick-response to global and local challenges.

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Material and Technology, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Lightning Protection Technology

Power Apparatus: Instrumentation and Measurement, Field Analysis on Power System Apparatus, Maintainance of High Voltage Apparatus


Power Engineering

Power Engineering

Partners Members and Field of Expertise Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France Supelec, France ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France Indelec, Aperi, France TU Delft, The Netherlands PT. PLN Persero PT. Krakatau Steel PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Total E&P Indonesia Unocal Indonesia Company PT. PLN PJB

Yanuarsyah Haroen Professor Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Power Electronics, Electrical Machine, Electrical Transportation System

Ngapuli I. Sinisuka Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Material & Insulation Technology, High-Voltage Apparatus Maintenance, Electrical Forensic Engineering

Suwarno Professor Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Material & Insulation Technology, High-Voltage Engineering, Electromagnetic Compability, High-Voltage Apparatus Diagnostics

Reynaldo Zoro Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Lightning Protection and Detection System, HighVoltage Technology, Atmospheric Electric

| Partnership, Research & Development | 32


Power Engineering

Power Engineering

Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Gibson Hilman Sianipar

Bambang Anggoro

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Power System Computation, Power System Restructuring, Transient Electromagnetics

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Electromagnetic Fields, Bio-Electromagnetics, Grounding System

Djoko Darwanto

Syarif Hidayat

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: High-Voltage Engineering, EMC-based Lightning Protection System, Electromagnetic Compatibility

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: High-Voltage Engineering, Lightning Protection System, Electrical Measurement

Mukmin Widyanto A.


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Energy Management System/SCADA, Electrical Power System, Hydropower Technology

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Power System Dynamic and Control Power Sytem Stability

Pekik A. Dahono

Yusra Sabri

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Power Electronics, Power Quality, Industrial Power System

| Partnership, Research & Development | 34

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Electric Power Distribution Systems, Power Generation and Transmission, Electric Power Economics Analysis, Energy Economic


Power Engineering

Power Engineering

Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Muhammad Nurdin

Agus Purwadi

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Electrical Power System, Electrical Power Distribution, Electrical Machines

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Electrical Energy Conversion, Power Electronics, Industrial Power Electronics dan Power Generation

Nanang Hariyanto

Umar Khayam

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Power System Realibility, Power System Control & Stability, Power System Planning

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: High-Voltage Engineering, Material & Insulation Technology

Redy Mardiana

Deny Hamdani Lecturer

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Electromagnetic Compatibility, Renewable Energy, Power System Computation

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Grounding System, Electromagnetic Compatibility

Tri Desmana Rachmildha Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Power Electronics, Power Quality, Active Power Filter

| Partnership, Research & Development | 36


Information Technology

Information Technology

Research Information Technology for Farmers Cloud Computing, Digital Learning

Information Technology Risk Analysis Method Based on Scenario-Threat Dependency in Differentiated Assets

T h e I n f o r m a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y Research Group focuses their interests in the field of IT. The group concentrates its activities on generation, processing, delivery, and distribution of information. The objectives are to develop and to hold scientific authority and expertise in IT, to develop careers of its faculties, to develop curricula and learning process in the area of IT, to conduct research and public community services, and to create and develop scientific and professional networks with a coordination from the school (SEEI)

The Information Technology Research group offers the solution in the area of Digital Signal Processing, HumanM achine I nter face, Stochastic Sy s t e m s, I n fo r m a t i o n T h e o r y, Intelligent Systems, IT Governance, Networking Technology, Optical Communication Technology, Next Generation Media, Robotic Instrumentation.

| Partnership, Research & Development | 38

Digital Signal Processing Human-Machine Interface Stochastic Systems Information Theory Intelligent Systems IT Governance Networking Technology Optical Communication Technology Next Generation Media Robotic Instrumentation


Information Technology

Information Technology


Virtual class – digital learning Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Indonesia Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda, dan Olah Raga Provinsi Papua Wahana Visi Indonesia ADP Sumba Timur-Nusa Tenggara Timur Wahana Visi Indonesia ADP Keerom-Papua State Ministry of Research and Technology PT PLN (Persero) Penyaluran dan Pusat Pengatur Beban Jawa Bali (P3BJB) Nokia Mobile (Asia Pasific) KOICA Indosat

| Partnership, Research & Development | 40


Information Technology

Information Technology


Products Test Bed: Connecting ITB to Community

| Partnership, Research & Development | 42


Agrobusiness Information System (arch, HP, web display)

Information Technology

Information Technology

Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Suhono Harso Supangkat

Armein Z. R. Langi


Associate Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Multimedia Communication, Cyberspace Engineering

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Digital Signal Processing, Multimedia Compression, Multimedia Communication System, DSP System Engineering

Bambang Pharmasetiawan

Yusep Rosmansyah

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Ocean Engineering, Information System, Control and Artificial Intelligent

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Mobile Application and Technology


Arry Akhmad Arman

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Information Network, Information System

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Speech Processing, Multimedia, Networking

Jaka Sembiring

Budiman Dabarsyah

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Signal Processing, Stochastic System

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Optical Fiber Communication, Fiber Bragg Grating

| Partnership, Research & Development | 44



Information Technology

The vision of this research division is to produce significant scientific contribution on informatics areas of research for life and community

Members and Field of Expertise Albarda Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Information System Technology

These vision is achieved through

Yoanes Bandung Lecturer

Teaching: Up to date with state of the art, problem solving oriented, international standard, providing open access courses materials

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Digital Signal Processing, Multimedia Communication System

Research: Global standard, solving real problems, innovative & Creative, multidiscipline

Kusprasapta Mutijarsa

Partnership: Productive, sustainable, value added for public, international collaboration in research and teaching

Lecturer Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Robotics, Intelligent Autonomous System, Autonomous Vehichle, Information System and Technology

Research: Informatics Areas of Research are Computing Science and Engineering, Information System, Image Processing and Computer Vision, Distributed System and Computer Ntworks

I Gusti Bagus Baskara Nugraha Lecturer

Products: Web ApplicationFramework based on Java Enterprise PT Astra Honda Motor Research Program Management System LPPM ITB

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Multimedia communications

| Partnership, Research & Development | 46





Members and Field of Expertise Iping Supriana Suwardi

Reviewer BAN PT PHKI Penelitian DIKTI Penelitian & Pengembangan Pertanian Penelitian DRPM-UI

Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Computer Vision, Computer Graphics & Animation, Recognition Systems, Intelligent Systems

Contest Judge International Conference of Yound Scientist Indonesian Young Scientist Competition Dirjen Mandikdasmen-Kemdiknas

Conference & Workshops

Rinaldi Munir

KNSI ( Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi ) KNIF ( Konferensi Nasional Informatika )

Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Cryptography and Security, Image Processing, Numerical Method, Discrete Mathematics

ICT Education Quality Improvement Ketua APTIKOM Jabar

Training ICT Based Science Education for ASEAN High School Teacher E-Learning for Corporate E-Marketing untuk Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Pelatnas Tim Olimpiade Komputer Indonesia Pelatihan PHKI STMIK Putera Bata

Mary Handoko Wijoyo Associate Professor

Consulting & Product Implementation Bareskrim POLRI, Research Program Management Seismic Detector Installation Indonesian Tourism Portal Web Application Framework PT AHM

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Project Management, Information System, Decision Support system

Teaching Cooperation Teknik Telekomunikasi IT Telkom, Sekolah Tinggi Sandi Negara (Undergraduate Thesis) UDINUS Semarang Gunadarma Jakarta

| Partnership, Research & Development | 48

Afwarman Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Networked System, Distributed Systems, Operating Systems, Computer System Architectures (multi-computers & Multi-processors Systems)




Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise Peb Ruswono Aryan

Dwi Hendratmo Associate Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, E-Learning

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Computer Vision, Visualization & Animation, Image & Geometry Processing, Geospatial & Social Web Computing

Kridanto Surendro Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Information System, Strategic IT Planning, IT Governance, IT Risk & Management

Munawar Ahmad Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field Of Expertise: Distributed System, Computer Networks, Corporate IT, Computer Security

Ayu Purwarianti Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Natural language processing, Speech Processing, Intelligent Tutoring System, Knowledge Management System

| Partnership, Research & Development |



Software and Data Engineering

Software and Data Engineering Language Repository Research

Research Air Traffic Controller Network Time Protocol Server

Maintain the time consistency with in a computer system

Mining Main Content from Web Pages

Radar Interface

Convert and Validate radar outputs into ethernet packets

Health-related Information Extraction

Indonesian Traditional Language Repository using Semantic Net. (LangIT) What is LangIT? • Modeling NL concepts using semantic network • Providing users with a multiple traditional languages repository containing: – Vocabularies, Dictionary – Semantical & Lexical Attributes – Concepts/Words Relation, etc. • Multiple languages: Bahasa Indonesia, Sundanese & Javanese

Language Repository Research

Bale Endah Multiple Handicapped System Research

International Partnership Vienna University of Technology (TUWIEN), Austria; LIRMM-UM2, Mountpellier, France; TRENTO University, Italy; HAN University, Netherlands.

| Partnership, Research & Development |



Software and Data Engineering

Software and Data Engineering

Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Benhard Sitohang

Gusti Ayu Putri Saptawati


Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Database Systems

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Database

Hira Laksmiwati Soemitro

Christine Suryadi

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Database

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Software Engineering

M. Sukrisno Mardianto

Adi Mulyanto

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Software Engineering

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Database

MM. Inggriani

Riza Satria Perdana

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Programming

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: System and Network Programming

| Partnership, Research & Development |



Software and Data Engineering

Software and Data Engineering

Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Yani Widyani

Fazat Nur Azizah

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Software Engineering

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Database (Data Modelling)

Saiful Akbar

Muhammad Zuhri Catur Candra

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Multimedia Database And Retrieval, Information Extraction And Visualization

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Database (Data Modelling)

Tricya Esterina Widagdo Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Database

Bayu Hendrajaya Lecturer Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Software Development And Modelling, Software Measurement (metrics), Software Testing, Software Visualization, Software Quality, Object Oriented Modelling, Component Based Modelling

| Partnership, Research & Development |




Telecommunication Engineering Telecommunication Engineering Research Group concentrates its interest in the field of : 1. Telematics and Services, 2. Telecommunication Networks and Security, 3. Wireless and Mobile Communication System, 4. Broadcasting, Radar and Observation Technology, 5. Telecommunication Policy and Economics. Telcom expertise requires a blend of knowledge from the areas of electrical engineering, computer science, and economics/policy.


wireless communications, mobile IP, wireless multimedia, DWDM networks, QoS assurance protocol, network design and optimization, telecommunications sof t ware, performance of systems, adhoc and PCS wireless networks, network security and high speed protocols, broadcasting, radar, observation technology. The activities of Telcom is threefold: education, research, and community services related to telecommunication for the prosperity of the nation.

Establishment of Structured Cabling System Laboratory with PT. Tyco Electronics Seashore Radar Development with Telkoma LIPI and RCS Establishment of Huawei Training Center with PT Huawei Development of Research Center & Joint Research Seminar/Workshop with TU Delft The Netherland Satelite Human Resources Development for LAPAN Research on satellite Ka Band, tutorial, seminar with JAXA (Japan Explorer Satellite) Research on sattelitte (Ku-Band) teleconference Jpn-Ind-Thai with NiCT, ARIB (Post-Partner)

Sub fields of Telcom, includes fault tolerant computing, digital signal processing, digital communications, modulation and coding, electromagnetic-wave propagation, fiber and integrated optics, lasers,

| Partnership, Research & Development |










Radio Telecommunication & Microwave Laboratory • Tunable Microwave Radar Absorber Using Textured Surface Technology • Planar Microstrip Reflectary Antenna for Direct Broadcast Satellite Application • Content distribution throuh DVB-H and 3G Hybrid Network

• Compressive Digital Holography Imaging • Highspeed Ground Penetrating Radar for Ministry of Defense • The development of algorithm and high speed processing for SFCW radar signal reconstruction • Design and Implementation of Self oscillating Mixer prototype with Dielectric Resonator as a part of Low Noise Block in Satellite TV receiver • Design and implementation of Fixed Broadband Wireless Access WiMAX Repeater Frequency Division Duplex at 3,3 GHz • Design of Radar Absorber Test-bed and it’s Data Processing with Hybrid De-embedding • Location-based Service implementation: ITB guide • Microstrip antenna for transportation system wireless communication • Intelligent Video for Surveillance • Joint research of FemtoCell Network • Mobile Portal • Packet wavelet transformation-based multicarrier communication system • Multi-system antenna for mobile Broadband Communication System • Moving object tracking system for ground station roket/UAV • Field trial of High Attitude Platform Station (HAPS) • Design of body scanning tools based on ultrawideband system for airport security system against the terrorism • Fractal geometry-based multiband antenna for rural television receiver • Design of Planar Reflector Antenna based on Textured Surface Technology for S-band Satellite Television Receiver Application Mobile Application for Disaster Management Cross Layer Design for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

| Partnership, Research & Development |



• Wideband BTS antena at 1,7-2,3 GHz for 3G/UMTS/LTE/mWIMAX (INAICTA 2010) • MobilePortal, an On-Vehicle Information System (Telematics Category Winner (LCEN 2010) • Microwave Radar Absorber (Ikatan Alumni ITB Research award, 2009) • Planar Reflector for Satelitte TV Receiver (ITB International Research award, 2010) • Self-oscillating Mixer with Dielectric Resonator • Radar Absorber testbed





Products Members and Field of Expertise Andriyan Bayu Suksmono Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Image and Radar Signal Processing

Sugihartono Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Digital Communication System, Coding Theory, Radio Communication

Suhartono Tjondronegoro Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Statistic Signal Processing, Information Theory, Source Coding, Wireless Communication

Nana Rachmana Syambas Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Telecommunication Protocol Engineering, Planning of Telecommunication Networks,Turbo Coding & CDMA

| Partnership, Research & Development |






Members and Field of Expertise


Members and Field of Expertise

Adit Kurniawan


Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Communication System Spread Spectrum/CDMA, Power Control & Antena Arrays / Beam Forming, Radio & Microwave Commucation

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Queuing Theory, Data Communication, Multimedia Communication, Telecommunication Network, Network Management

M. Ridwan Effendy

Tutun Juhana

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Mobile Communication, Microwave System

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Wireless Ad-Hoc Network (including VANET,MANET), Mobile Applications, Network Security

Sigit Haryadi

Effrina Yanti Hamid

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Teletraffic Engineering, Telecommunication Regulation & Policy, Telecommunication Network & Quality

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Digital Signal Processing


Joko Suryana

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: 4G Communication System, UWB Communication System, UWB Sensors

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Wireless Telecommunication

| Partnership, Research & Development |






Members and Field of Expertise


Members and Field of Expertise

Ian Joseph Matheus Edward

Hardi Nusantara

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Optical Fiber Communication, Telecommunication Management, Capacity Planning, Fault Management

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Fiber Optic Communication, Digital Switching, Data Communication

Eueung Mulyana

Aldo Agusdian

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: IP & Optical Networks, Telecommunication Network Planning, IP Routing & Traffic Engineering, Optical Submarine Cable Systems

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Queuing Theory, Data Communication, Multimedia Communication, Telecommunication Network, Network Management

Achmad Munir

Mohamad Anis Rosidi Lecturer

Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: RCS, Absorber Material, Guided Wave, Antenna Propagation, Metamaterials/artificial Material and their Microwave Applications

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Computer Network, Digital Systems, Embedded Systems

Harry Santoso




Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Computer Network Performance

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Electromagnetics Field

| Partnership, Research & Development |





Computer Engineering

Members and Field of Expertise

Computer Engineering Research Group (CERG), plays an active role in SEEI – ITB mission to become a leading R&D-based higher education institution. A research institution working in engineering field, CERG grows in R&D oriented environment toward both frontier i.e. scientific endeavour to enhance scientific understanding & develop theory; as well as advanced product development in the area of education & entertainment, health & medical, industry & manufacture and military & law enforcement application. Hence, CERG focused its education activities in Graduate Program (Master & Doctoral Program) while still supports

Muhammad Sigit Arifianto Lecturer Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Digital Computer System, Random Process

SEEI in undergraduate program of Electrical Engineering & Informatics.

The basic research activity in CERG is derived from identification of the state of the art science and technology needed to develop advanced application for our industrial partner.

| Partnership, Research & Development |



Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering

Research Product and Development

Research • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Coding, Cryptography and Information Protection Communications and Wireless Networks Compilers & Operating Systems Computational Science & Engineering Computer Networks, Mobile Computing & Distributed Systems Computer Systems: Architecture, Parallel Processing, and Dependability Computer Vision & Robotics Integrated Circuits, VLSI Design, Testing & CAD Signal, Image & Speech Processing Artificial Intelligence Computer Graphics & GPU Programming System Modeling & Simulation Immersive Virtual Environment in the context of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality • Control System

Future iEdutainment. Dialogues between digital media technology and education to create an ultimate & affordable experience that blends boundaries of work, learning and entertainment in all human activities. Future Kindergarten Project. BeatMe! Project. iDigital Museum. Virtual Pet. Layang Laga. 4Hero Project. Future Learning Project.

Everywhere Robots & Cyber-Organism. Robot & Cyberorganism in the near future are like car in 20-th centuries. It will exist in all context imaginable. Robot could be our agent in hazardous environment or replacing us in doing repeatable & exhaustive tasks like in the 20-th centuries. But the most exciting part of future advanced robot application is in interactive assisting, helping, accompanying and blending as an integral part of human environment. Robosoccer Project. Ironman Project. Personal Digital Assistant. Social Robot. Service Robot Project. Simulator for Operator of Mechanize System.

Future Medical System. The abundance of available health related data and afordability of body-related data gathering in real time make it possible to create a next generation of medical system for diagnostics, assistive, treatment and rehabilitation. Intelligent Health Care System. Brain Computer Interface. Orthodontic Brace 3D Project.

Collaboration Ministry of National Education, Republik of Indonesia Ministry of Research & Technology, Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Defense, Republic of Indonesia Various partners from International & National Education, Military, Health, Industrial Partners

| Partnership, Research & Development |

Intelligent Transportation System. The existing technology make it possible to create a smart transportation with huge features, intuitive interaction & responsive to the surrounding. Intelligent Driving System. Biometrics in the Cars. Train Protection System. The Future Train System. Electric Vehicle Project.



Computer Engineering

Computer Engineering

Research Product and Development Members and Field of Expertise Kuspriyanto

Intelligent Tourism System. Travelling will become massive and complex. Digital Media Technology could utilize historical personal data in social cloud context as well as effective interaction and visualization to optimize the total operation cost of the system while maximize the user experience.

Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Computer System, Computer Architecture, Robotics, Real Time Systems and Control

Future Office. The ultimate working place of the near future with keyword of comfort, productive & engaging. Meeting Room of The Future. Waiting Room of The Future. Project Collaboration!. Future Work Desk Project. iBuilding Management System.

Aciek Ida Wuryandari Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Linear Control System, Modeling and Simulation, Algorithms and Programming

Homeland Security. Security is one of three essential components of the triangle of the destructive innovation driving forces beside Health & Entertainment. The Future Soldier. iBattlefield Management System. Global Theater War Simulator. Imaging for Security.

Eniman Yunus Samsuddin Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Computer Vision, Image Based Control, VLSI Design

Yoga Priyana Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Control and System, Petri Nets, Discrete Event System, Computer Control, Computer Systems, Hybrid System

| Partnership, Research & Development |



Computer Engineering

Control and Computer System

Members and Field of Expertise Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Image Based Control, Mobile Robot, Embedded Systems

Control is just our everyday activity in natural or man-made environment towards efficiency and effectiveness, which are key quality factors in this increasingly competitive world. The product quality of industrial, for example, is highly dependent on the designed control systems and highly educated wo r k fo rce i n a u to m at i c co nt ro l, intelligent systems & computer systems to increase or maintain the quality are on demand.

Emir Mauludi Husni Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Pervasive Computing

The control and computer systems research group aims to develop its resources to achieve the academic excellence of ITB and to realize its role as the national agent of change.

Yudi Satria Gondokaryono Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Human Computer Interaction, Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Budi Rahardjo Lecturer Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Asynchronous VLSI Design, Security

| Partnership, Research & Development |



These gols are achieved through building prosperous, intellectually and emotionally mature academic society, creating brilliants and excellence thinkers, educators, researchers, with excellence in leadership and entrepreneurship and also creating engineers who have value added workforce.

Control and Computer System

Control and Computer System

Control & Computer System Research Roadmap 2011







Process Simulator (Fluids, Mechanical)

Patent Embedded Controller for Chemical Process/ Mechanical Plant



Embedded Controller using DSP/Microcontroller DSP/

Networked -Embedded Controller using DSP/ Microcontroller Embedded Controller using FPGA Robot Swarming

Humanoid Robot (1st Gen.)


Control of Hybrid Energy System Active Noise Control Networked Embedded Control Design UAV for Visual Tracking

Humanoid Robot Design


Robust Control, Non -Linear Control, Hybrid Control Intelligent Control and System for Robotics Networked Control Systems

Cooperative control of Multi- agent System


| Partnership, Research & Development | 76


Control System Methodology Modeling and Identification Robust Control Adaptive Control Nonlinear Control and Chaos Stochastic Control and Estimation Multivariable System Distributed Paramater System Process Optimization and Scheduling Anti Windup System Model Predictive Control Sliding Mode Control Embedded Control System Field Level Controller and Corporate Information Wireless Sensor Network and Network Control Vision-Based Robot Control/Visual Servoing Collaborative Robot Aerial Unmaned Vehicle Bipedal Robot Humanoid Flying Robot Hybrid and Switching Control Discrete Event Control Intelligent System Genetic Algorithm Artificial Intelligence and Expert System Fuzzy Logic Neural Network

Control and Computer System

Control and Computer System

Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Carmadi Machbub

Hilwadi Hindersah


Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Stochastic Control, Image Based Control, Mobile Robot, Distributed Parameter System, Optimization

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Robotic, Adaptive Control, Embedded Control, Computer Controlled System, Control Instrumentation, Control Application

Bambang Riyanto

Pranoto Hidaya Rusmin


Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Robust Control, Intelligent Control & Intelligent Systems, Discrete Event Systems, Control Applications, Telerobotics, Embedded Control Systems, Robotics

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Control Implementation, Computer Controlled Systems, Embedded Systems

Iyas Munawar

Arief Syaichu Rohman

Associate Professor

Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Digital Control, Multivariable Control, Control System Instrumentation, Mechatronics, Control of Electrical Machine, Hybrid System

Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Adaptive Control, Nonlinear Control, Multivariable Control, Process Control

Dimitri Mahayana

Agung Harsoyo

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] [email protected] Field of Expertise: Nonlinear Control, Signal and System, Futurolog Study

Email: [email protected] Field of Interest: Electromagnetic / Optical Theory, Signal Processing, Telecommunication - Control Network, Information Architecture

| Partnership, Research & Development |



Control and Computer System


Members and Field of Expertise

The Electronics Research Group addresses the design, conception and implementation of state of the art electronics system. The focus is on Digital IC, Analog IC, IC processing, RF IC, Devices Technology and Embedded System.

Devi Putra Lecturer Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Mon Linear Control, Robust Control, Control System Application, Stochastic Control

The research area covers the eletronics system architecture design, System on Chip (SoC), Algorithm optimization for hardware implementation, VLSI Design, Hardware -Software Co-Design and Device Design and Implementation. The research are targeted for various state the art applications such as Baseband Chip for Advance Wireless Communication, Smart Card, Security Engine, Wireless Sensor Network and Silicon Nano Wire.

Collaboration RISTEK , DEPKOMINFO, D epar temen Perindustrian, Tokyo Institute of Technology, University of Twente, Netherlands, Japan Advance Institute of Science and Technology, Xilinx, ALTERA, Synopsys, NNTTF, OpenSPARC, Sun Microsystems, MIMOS, Malaysia, Xirka, Versatile Silicon Technologies Nara Advanced Institute of Science & Technology Komoh Institute of Technology, Korea Yonsei University, Korea Tsukuba University Menko Perekonomian Fujitsu Semiconductor.

| Partnership, Research & Development |





Research Members and Field of Expertise

• Security Engine LTE Baseband Processor Design • Digital TV System on Chip Design • Media Access Control layer development for Broadband Wireless Access • MIMO STC 2x2 Design for Mobile WiMax IEEE 802.16e/LTE • Security of PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) application • AD/DA Converter Design • Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier Design

Adang Suwandi Ahmad Professor

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Intelligent Electronics Instrumentation

Trio Adiono Associate Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Wireless Communication DSP FPGA Smart Card

Products • WIMAX Product : Chipset, Base Station and Access Point • Smart Card Chipset • LTE Emulator

Basuki Rachmatul Alam Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Microwave Device & IC, Microelectronics Technology, Electronics

Irman Idris Assistant Professor Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Semiconductor Device & IC Fabrication, Environmental Sensor Microsystem, Semiconductor Process Equipment & Method

| Partnership, Research & Development |





Members and Field of Expertise

Members and Field of Expertise

Arif Sasongko

Waskita Adijarto

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Embedded System on Chip, Elyptic Curve Cryptography

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Inteligent System, Microprocessor

Yusuf Kurniawan

Achmad Fuad Mas'ud

Assistant Professor


Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Security system and Cryptography

Email: [email protected] [email protected] homepage: Field of Expertise: Mixed-Signal IC Design, Electronics

Adi Indryanto

Mervin Tannguar Hutabarat



Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Artificial Neural, Multimedia

Email: [email protected] Field of Interest: Microwave Device & IC, Microelectronics Technology, Electronics

Amy Hamidah Salman

Farkhad Ihsan Hariadi


Lecturer Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Solid State Sensors, MEMS, Microelectronic Manufacturing

Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Analog IC, Digital TV

| Partnership, Research & Development |




Members and Field of Expertise Elvayandri Muchtar Lecturer Email: [email protected] Field of Expertise: Computing, Intelligent Systems, Bioinformatics

Research Centers

| Partnership, Research & Development |



Research Centers

Research Centers

Micro Electronics Center

Mobile Inno Sphere Center

Director: Dr. Trio Adiono

Director: Dr. Yusep Rusmansyah

Mobile Inno Sphere Center is a center of excellence for mobile application, service, and information security teaching, research and development. It is currently supported by Nokia, and is a continuation of former Mobile Broadband Technology Centre (MBTC) which was supported by Bakrie Telecom.

Vision "Microelectronics (ME) Center-ITB becomes a center of excellence that drives microelectronics technology development for the basis of Indonesia electronics industry development."

Activities The research in Micro Electronic (ME) Center is focusing on Electronics/Embedded Sytstem, Digital and Analog IC Design, Product Design for Manufacturing and Semiconductor Devices Design and Processing such as sensor, transistor etc. Currently the target application covers 4G Wireless Broadband (WiMax, 3GPP LTE), Digital TV, Wireless Sensor Network, Open Source, Energy Meter, Soft switch etc. The wireless research includes the design of Digital Baseband System on Chip (SoC), Analog to Digital/Digital to Analog Converter, RF, Power Amplifier (PA) and Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), as well as Medium Access Control (MAC) layer design. The system development utilizes several advanced industrial CAD Tools and implementation technology such as Applied Specific Integrated Circuits (IC), Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), GPU, Multicore DSP, Microcontroller and etc. ME also have responsibility to develop electronics techno industrial cluster in Indonesia.

As of year 2011, there are over 30 mobile applications successfully published in Nokia/Ovi Store, Android Market, Apple AppStore, and BlackBerry AppWorld and receive good acceptance by worldwide users. There are over 19 teams of students funded in terms of scholarship totaling to over USD 80,000 by some sponsors. International collaborations, travels, and showcases are experienced by contributing students. The center adopts teachingresearching-developing-publishingand-marketing practices to students, therefore they grasp not only fundamental concept but also master a specialised programming skill and real-world business experiences.

Mission "Through joining industry, research, and university collaboration, ME Center will develop advance microelectronics sciences, te c h n o l o g y, s ys te m s, a n d applications to lower local industry entry barrier to develop a high technology based end product"

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The center conducts teaching, research and development on various aspects of mobile and web technology, not limited to Nokiabranded platforms, but also other platforms such as Android, BlackBerry, Apple, Bada, BREW, and other platforms.


Research Centers

Java Competency Center

LanGrid Bandung Operation Center

Director: Dr. Agung Harsoyo

Director: Dr. Ayu Purwarianti

2. JBRC (Java Business Resources Center) has some goals, as follows : Develops Java product, Nature IT Companies, Java Adoption, and goes to market.

With the rapid development of ICT in the business world, there is an increasing demand for professionals who have better understanding and skills in the Java Technology. As an effort to fullfil this growing need, in the year of 2005 Sun Microsystems Indonesia and Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) established a Java Training center in ITB called Java Competency Center (JCC). Provided with Sun International standard c u r r i c u l u m a n d S u n ce r t i f i e d instructor, JCC ITB assists everyone who wants to gain fundamental knowledge and develop one’s skills in Java technology to enhance a professionalism for better career development.

The idea of LanGrid Bandung Operation Center is to provide free services of natural language processing softwares and conduct researches in and text mining of Indonesian language and regional languages of Indonesia. The main goal is to be a center of NLP in Indonesian and regional languages. LanGrid Bandung Operation Center is also connected to the Language Grid center, located at Kyoto, Japan (

From the beginning (2005) until now, JCC ITB has graduated many students and has develop Java at ITB, such as wireless/mobile applications, Enterprise applications, Java for mobile agent, Java for Intelligent system, and Java application specific.

This center is now still in preparation phase where the membership is open to anyone who wants to participate in the research of natural language processing and text mining of Indonesian language and regional language of Indonesian. Meanwhile, the members are lecturer staffs of School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics who have research interests in Indonesian language (and regional languages); and students whose final projects and research thesis are in natural language processing and text mining of Indonesian language.

JCC ITB has two programs for achieving its goals : 1. JEC (Java Education Center) has some goals, as follow : develops Java skill/competency, promotes nature talent, and adopts Java to current IT curricula.

The research projects include developing basic natural language processing tools for Indonesian and regional language such as morphologically analyzer, POS tagger, parser (rule based parser, statistical based parser, dependency parser), Named Entity Tagger, spelling checker; developing lexical and

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semantic dictionary of Indonesian and regional languages; developing corpus of Indonesian and regional languages to support Indonesian text mining such as Indonesian Question Answering, I n f o r m a t i o n R e t r i e v a l , Te x t Summarization, machine translation; and developing text mining application of Indonesian and regional languages such as information extraction application, question answering application, sentiment analysis application,etc.

Research Centers

Research Centers

Center For Telematics, Radio Telecommunications & Microwave Director : Dr. Suhartono Tjondronegoro 2. Wireless Communications Technology This center facilitates the member of t h e Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n Engineering Scientific and Reseacrh Group and SEEI staffs to conduct their research activities and community services. It consists of four sub-centers: Telematics, Wireless C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Te c h n o l o g y, Huawai IP Training, and Radar & Microwave Technology.

1. Telematics This sub-center undertakes both pure and applied research in the general field of telecommunications networking covering networking technology, services, protocols, security, management, Regulatory and Policy. Research themes include Communication protocols, Network planning, Traffic Modelling and Optimisation; Optical Communications, Network Quality of Services; Mobile Networking and Applications; Context and Location Based Information Systems; Network Security and Forensics; Ubiquitous and Ambient Technology; Networked

This sub-center focuses its activity on the development of human resources in Wireless Communications Technology, especially providing opportunity for the students in telecommuncation egineering study program in getting scholarship for Master Programme and student exchange from European University, for example through Erasmus Mundus programme. The center also undertakes applied research in the cellular communications, 3G, 4G beyond, broadband satellite, HAPs communications systems, Radiowave propagation, Milimeter wave (60GHz) for Gigabit transmission, MIMO Long term evolution antennas, Cognitive radio, communications signal processing, Digital communications based on SDR (Software-Defined Radio), Adaptive Modulations, Source and channel coding. It has cooperation with European and Asian Universities such as CTIF University of Aalborg, Denmark, University of Rome Tor Ve rg at a , I R C T R D e l f t U n i ve r s i t y o f Te c h n o l o g y, Th e N e t h e r l a n d s, a n d To k yo U n i ve r s i t y, J a p a n .

Multimedia Applications, Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) and Telecommunications TechnoEconomic Analysis. Most of these work is funded through research grants such as ITB grants, RISTEK and supported by industry especially in mobile service applications development. In addition, members of the group are actively involved in a range of regulatory and public engagement programmes which aim to raise the awareness of these subjects.

3. Huawei IP Training The IP Training Center (IP-TC) is a cooperation between SEEIITB and PT. Huawei Tech. Investment to support developments of skilled human resources in telecommunications and IT sectors. The training center is focused on IP technology, on which all modern communication platforms and infrastructures are based. The IP-TC will be used both for educational and professional purposes. ITB students will benefit since they will be trained in the IP-TC to become familiar with IP networking technology as a complement of the existing curriculum. The training program will also be offered to the public, in particular to thosewho want to be certified as an associate

/ a professional of Huawei IP networking technology. The main facility of the IP-TC is as follows: an exclusive lab space, 20 (Twenty) Quidway AR29-Series Routers, 15 (Fifteen) Quidway S3300-Series Switches, 10 (Ten) Quidway S5300-Series Switches, 10 (Ten) Eudemon 2 0 0 E - S e r i e s F i r e w a l l s , 2 0 ( Tw e n t y ) c l i e n t computers/laptops.

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Research Centers

Research Centers

Center For Telematics , Radio Telecommunications & Microwave

Media Innovation Centre Director: Dr. Baskara Nugraha

4. Radar and Microwave Technology This sub-center focuses its activity on the development of Microwaves Device including antennas, microwave passive and active devices, and radar systems including radar signal processing and radar devices. Supported by the ITB Grants, the ITBAlumnae Association grant, the Asahi Glass grant and the RISTEK Insentif grant, recently this subcenterhas developed numerous

SOM for LNB application

microwave devices such as multiband antennas for wireles communication, waveguide converter, UWB antennas and filter, and some radar prototype such as a compressive-sensing subsurface radar for through-wall and ground-penetrating applications.

Prototype of ground-penetrating radar

The most recent activity is to develop planar reflector using textured surfaces, metamaterial-based dualband antenna, SOM (Self Oscillating Mixer) for LNB (Low Noise Block), ultra-thin tunable microwave radar absorber based on AMC (Artificial Magnetic Conductor), and frequencyhoping radar based on SDR (Software-Defined Radio).

Objectives and Program Principles Provide support for ITB to become a centre of excellence for study and industry cooperation in the field of tablet and cloud computing. Promote innovation and research in the field of Tablet and Tablet based cloud applications in the fields of B2B, B2C, Enterprise mobilization and campus services including but not limited to: Near Field Communications, Au g m e n t e d R e a l i t y, M o b i l e Commerce, E-books and e-learning, Workforce mobility.

Some results of the research activities has been published in various national and international journals, including the IEEE Transactions and letters.

Support the education and training of aspiring Indonesian students in the field of tablet and cloud computing.

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Promote the development of a w i re l e s s c a m p u s e co s ys te m including but not limited to delivery of academic courses, provision of university and student services, and on campus commercial service.

Research Centers

Research Centers

Microsoft Innovation Center

Microsoft Innovation Center

Naturally, the contribution of support from MIC-ITB’s subsidiaries such as academic community of ITB and surrounding campuses, several related institution such as LPIK (Institution of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development), Microsoft, Microsoft Indonesia, as well as third parties are essential to the success of MIC-ITB’s Program. At the moment, MIC-ITB has a close collaboration with Master Program in Electrical Engineering ITB, Bachelor Program in Informatics ITB, Bachelor Program in Electrical Engineering ITB, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design, LPIK, NavcoreNextology etc.

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Research Centers

Research Centers

Director: Prof.Dr.Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat


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Research Centers

Research Centers

BlackBerry Innovation Center ITB

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