OSHA's New Crane Regulations, Signal Person and Rigging Training ...
necessary to be a “qualified rigger” and a “qualified signal person” which are
both now ...
Utility & Transportation Contractors Association
P.O. Box 728, Allenwood, NJ, 08720 732-292-4300 · Fax: 732-292-4310 · www.utcanj.org
UTCA Construction Safety Seminar OSHA’s New Crane Regulations, Signal Person and Rigging Training Saturday, February 15, 2014 7:30am - Registration & Continental Breakfast 7:45am - 3:00pm - Seminar Program & Lunch This seminar will help you meet the new requirements pertaining to the new OSHA Crane and Derrick Standard 1926.1400, which became effective November 8, 2010. You will receive the information and training now necessary to be a “qualified rigger” and a “qualified signal person” which are both now mandatory in the new standard. Crane Safety & New OSHA Regulations • Requirements for Operator • Requirements for Operators, Signalpersons & Riggers • Ground Conditions, Power Line Safety, Assembly/Disassembly, Inspections, Fall Protection, Operator Qualifications, Operational Aids and more. According to the new Standard, a “qualified rigger” is a person who, “by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, successfully demonstrated the ability to solve/resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.” This seminar will help you obtain the “knowledge/training component” of this requirement. The new OSHA standard requires Signal Persons to be “qualified” either by having an in-house qualified evaluator assess the individual, or by use of a third party qualified evaluator. This course will meet the standard of a “third party evaluator” for the signalperson qualification requirements; however it is important for individual employers to assess the knowledge, experience, abilities and qualifications of all employees prior to allowing them to perform any specific task. All program attendees will receive: • Copies of Presentation Materials • 29CFR1926 Subpart CC- The OSHA Cranes and Derricks Standards Handbook • Mobile Hand Signal Laminated reference guide • Rigging Safety Laminated reference guide • Rigger Capacity Laminated reference guide • A Course Completion Card The registration fee for this all day seminar is $200.00 per person. The seminar will include a continental breakfast and lunch. Please contact Dan Neville at the UTCA office should you have any questions relative to this seminar program. This program will be held at the UTCA Conference Center in Farmingdale, New Jersey. Directions to UTCA can be obtained on the association website at www.utcanj.org.
Registration Form Enclosed is our check in the amount of $_________to cover registration costs of $200.00 per person. If you need additional copies of this form, please photocopy. OSHA’s New Crane Regulations, Signal Person and Rigging Training UTCA Conference Center, Farmingdale, NJ Saturday, February 15, 2014 7:30am - Registration & Continental Breakfast 7:45am - 3:00pm - Seminar Program & Lunch Please Type or Print Clearly
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