Creating Multi - Jessica Larrew

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Page 1 ... questions is “how do I create a multi pack listing on Amazon?” This is something that I have always taugh
Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Overview As someone who talks about selling on Amazon, there are some questions that I get asked very frequently. One of the most asked questions is “how do I create a multi pack listing on Amazon?” This is something that I have always taught in my Inner Circle and in my Amazon Boot Camp. But, I know that this is something that you guys really want to know how to do, and how to do it correctly. So, today I want to take some time and share with you the step by step on how to create multi pack listings. I hope that this helps you move forward in your Amazon business and make more money! If you ever have questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I can’t always answer quickly, but I will do my best to get back to you 

~Jessica Larrew

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Why Multi-Packs Are Beneficial! Creating multi-pack listings is something that I stand behind for many reasons. One of the main reasons is because I often sell low dollar items, and if I can put them together into sets, I will make more money! That is honestly what it comes down to. If you have read my book Liquidation Gold ( or watched my webinar about Selling Health & Beauty Aids (, you will have heard me talk about it quite a few times. When you are selling an item for $10 that you bought for $1, you can easily make $5. But, if you take that same item and put it into a 3 or 4 pack, you can now sell it for $25 to $35 (the point where everyone gets free super saver shipping). The buyer will get a better deal because they don’t have to pay shipping, and you can charge a few less dollars combined than you do with the singles. When you sell small items, your overall fee percentage is higher because some of the Amazon fees are set, they stay the same whether you sell something for $5 or $50. Let me give you a real example so that you can see the actual numbers and what it means.

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

This Loreal Shampoo is sold by Amazon for a single at $5.97.

If you found this item for $1.00, according to you would make a profit of $1.60. Not too exciting right? Well, let’s see what happens to the same item when it is sold in a multi-pack of 2. Here is the 2 pack listing for $13.98.

Using the same cost of $1 per bottle, using you would now make a profit of $6.49 total. Simply packing these items up in a set of two, you will now raise your profit up to $3.24 Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

per bottle. More than 2x the profit per bottle. I do realize that the selling price for the 2 pack is higher for the customer than if they were to just buy 2 of the singles. But let me tell you why you can do this. The single is what is called an add on item. This means that the buyer can ONLY purchase this item if they spend more than $35 total from Amazon fulfilled sellers. Not all buyers will want to figure out what else to buy in order to get those, so they will spend the extra dollar to be able to just order it and move on. If I was to purchase this item to resell, I would even consider selling this item as a 4 pack. Even if this 4 pack was sold at $25 you would make a profit of $13.86 for the set. So, $3.45/bottle, which is STILL more per bottle than the other two listings, even though the cost for the buyer is actually less per bottle than the singles purchased alone. For anyone who sells small items like I do, you know how much nicer it is to make more money per transaction. It takes 8 $1.60 profit sells to make $12.80! Or, you could sell (1) 4 pack of the same item and make $13.86. Tell me which one you would rather do?

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Categories For Multi-Packs There are 2 categories on Amazon where you are able to create multi pack listings. They are Health & Beauty and Grocery. Think about it, these are the categories where people often purchase multiples of the items anyways! So it is perfect for those of us who sell in those categories.

Misconceptions of Multi-Packs There are a lot of misconceptions about creating multi-packs on Amazon. I think most of them just come from a lack of knowledge on how they work. One of the biggest misconceptions is what a multi pack is exactly. People often use the word “bundle” to talk about a multi pack. But, that actually means something different to us Amazon sellers. A bundle is made up of different products, and a multi pack is made up of the same product. Another thing that gets said about multi packs is that you have to purchase a new UPC in order to make the listing. For the two categories mentioned above, you are allowed to use the items actual UPC code to create the listing and as long as the quantity has not been used in a previous listing, you can use it. Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

How To Create The Listing Now that we have covered the why this is a good idea, let’s go over how to actually put the listing together on Amazon. To keep with the example above, I will create a listing for the 4 pack of that shampoo. Step 1: Add a Product

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Step 2: Click create a new product

Step 3: Find the category for the listing you want to create. Type in the type of item you have and then click find category. This will bring up a list of options to choose from. Choose the one that fits the best.

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Step 4: The “vital info”. Product name, brand name, package quantity, item count (not always on this page) and UPC code. The Product name is supposed to be just the title of the item, not a bunch of keywords. Try to be precise and let the buyer know exactly what they are getting without going overboard. The package quantity is what has to have the number in your multi pack in order to be able to use the UPC code again. This is where most confusion happens. A lot of times people leave this part blank and then get an error message at the end saying that Amazon has found a similar listing, and that is because it is thinking it is the same quantity as the other listing. The number of items box is what gives the listing the # on the picture. I like to put it into the title as well as this box. This is also found on the last page of “more details” sometimes instead of the first page of “vital info”, so make sure to look for it in both places. My video to create listings shows it on the last page.

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Step 5: I chose to skip the offer section and move on. Usually I fill it in so the item shows up as an active item when it is ready.

Step 6: Add an image. Make sure to follow Amazon’s rules. You need to have a full WHITE background. Done with a computer, not just a white piece of paper behind the item. Try a program like to remove the background from pictures that you take yourself.

Step 7: Fill in the Key Product Features as much as you can. These are what show up as bullet points in the listing. This also helps with your search results. Fill in the description if there is any more information. Write in full sentences for the description. Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Step 8: Fill in the Search Terms. This is what is the most vital for your listing. Your search terms are how buyers find your product. You can have as many words as you want in your title, but if your search terms are blank, you will not show up in listings. Fill out as many search terms as you can in the space provided. Think like a buyer, not a seller. What would you type into the search bar if you were looking for your item? Put those words here. Platinum keywords are not for us “normal” sellers 

Step 9: In the more details tab, I leave a lot of it blank. The most important fields are the shipping weights (this is how the weight Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

based fee is figured out), and the package dimensions (this is how Amazon knows if an item is oversized or not)

Step 10: Save and Finish!

Step 11: Your item is listed! It will take a while for your item to show up on Amazon pages and for the picture to appear. I always give it 24 hours before worrying about it. The item will show up in your inactive listings when it is ready to go.

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &

Here is the finished listing for the shampoo:

I have also created a step by step video tutorial to show you how to create these multi pack listings for those of you who like to see things live. If you need to know more about how to package the multi packs and what supplies to use, you can see my post at

Creating Multi-Pack Listings For Amazon By: Jessica Larrew &