EASTER 2009. The Celebration of the Passover of Our Lord Jesus Christ. All
services are in the Community Life Center unless otherwise denoted. Palm
Sunday ...
EASTER 2009 The Celebration of the Passover of Our Lord Jesus Christ
All services are in the Community Life Center unless otherwise denoted Palm Sunday, April 5th /Domingo de Ramon 5 de Abril Please bring your eggs for the Tree. Instruction flyer located in the foyer Tuesday, April 7th / Martes 7 de Abril 6:00 PM Passover Seder in the CLC Hall For information, 634-6625 Holy Thursday, April 9th /Jueves Santo 9 de Abril 8:00 PM Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Last Supper with the Washing of Feet Eucharistic procession from the CLC to the Chapel Good Friday, April 10th / Viernes Santo 10 de Abril 12:30 PM Bilingual Stations of the Cross 1:30 PM Bilingual Liturgy of Lord’s Passion Reading of the Passion Veneration of the Cross and Communion 8:00 PM Evening Prayer Service – Remember Me Today Holy Saturday, April 11th/Sabado Santo 11 de Abril 9:30 AM Morning Prayer/Walking the Labyrinth and Blessing of Easter Baskets 8:00 PM—The Great Vigil of Easter/La Noche del Sábado Santo: La Vigilia Pascual We will begin outside in the darkness. We will gather around the new fire and bless the Paschal Candle before processing inside. Service of Light Vigil of Readings The Sacraments of Christian Initiation Fellowship Easter Sunday, April 12th Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor 12 de Abril 6:30 AM Ecumenical Sunrise Service Methodist Church, 14671 Byron Hwy, Byron 8:30 AM Mass of the Resurrection 10:30 AM Family Mass 12:30 PM Misa de Español