Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie. 3. The highest mountain is. Mount Olympos (2918m) where the 12 ancient Gods.
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie Session I : Vegetation, bioclimatic zones, forest service and forest management in Greece Dr George Mouflis Research Associate
Dr Michael Karteris, Professor Dr Dimitrios Karamanolis, Assist. Professor Dr Ioannis Gitas, Lecturer
Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing Faculty of Forestry and Natural Environment
Greece lies at the southernmost part of the Balkan peninsula. Longitude: 19º 30’ – 29º 45’ E Latitude: 34º45’ – 41º 45’ N Area: 132,000 km2 Population: 10,500,000
Greece has the longest coastline in the Mediterranean (about 16,000 km) and the largest number of islands (about 3,500).
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
The highest mountain is Mount Olympos (2918m) where the 12 ancient Gods of classical times were supposed to live. There are 41 mountains with altitude >2000m.
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
Climate • The climate is Mediterranean. • Yearly Precipitation ranges from 381 to 1630mm • Rainfall is higher in mountains and west Greece
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
Climate • Mean temperature of the coldest month in winter ranges from -11 to 10 degrees Centigrade
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
Climate • Mean temperature of the warmest month in summer ranges from 15.4 to 34.8 degrees Centigrade
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
Climatic amplitude of species characterising vegetation zones in Greece on the Emberger bioclimatic diagram
Source: Mavromatis, 1980 Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
Training Networking and capacity building for sustainable forestry in Povolgie
Vegetation zones in Greece (1) • The vegetation zones starting from the warmest, driest and lowland are: 0. Azonal riparian vegetation (Salix sp., Platanus sp., Populus sp., Fraxinus sp.) 1. Eu-Mediterranean: Quercetalia ilicis (Oleo-ceratonion