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Does Your Vote Count?: Critical Pedagogy and Democracy (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education)
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ISBN-10: 1433108135
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ISBN-13: 978-1433108136
Paperback – December 1, 2010 by Paul R. Carr
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The public debate on democracy is often constrained within an alienating and disenfranchising narrative of opinion polls, campaign platforms, personalities and formal structures that generate legislation, all of which surreptitiously seems to trickle Readdown more to the classroom. Paul R. Carr asserts that democracy must be cultivated in a
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vigorous, conscientious, meaningful and critical way in and through education in order for it to have
Series: Counterpoints: Studies in thesalience Postmodern Theory of Education (Book 378) in society, Paperback: 333 pages especially within a neoliberal conjuncture that promotes limited Publisher: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers (December 1, 2010) space for epistemological Language: English interrogation of how we understand and are engaged in ISBN-10: 1433108135 maintaining and/or transforming ISBN-13: 978-1433108136 Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 8.6 inches our societies. Building on the critical pedagogical work of Paulo Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping and policies) Freire, Joe rates L. Kincheloe, and Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item others, this book develops a framework for understanding how a Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #3,513,779 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
thicker democratic education
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begive conceptualized implemented in schools. The Would you like to update productcan info, feedbackand on images, or tell us about a book lower aims to move the focus price? . on democracy away from voting, and place it more properly on
Editorial Reviews Review
the importance of social justice and political literacy as a way of understanding what democracy is and, importantly,
make it more relevant forofallthe of society. The book «Paul R. Carr has produced a richhow andtoimpressive examination multiplicity of relationships among notions of democratic formation, critical pedagogy, human rights, concludes anti-racism, and feminist, anti-colonial, political and cultural studies. Drawing from a deep well of intriguing that another democracy and eclectic sources…, he moves with clarity and élan between the broad and the narrow, the general and the specific to capture the power of is possible, as well as being desirable, and that education is the theory without sacrificing the nitty-gritty of concrete practice. A balance of possibilities rather than false dualisms will be found here. ‘Does intersection to my own work and teaching.» (Tom Wilson, Chapman University) Your Vote Count? ’has become anfundamental essential contribution «In ‘Does Your Vote Count?’ PaulinR.which Carr itextends critical analysis and contextualization of Democracy while carefully trying not to fall in must bethe developed. the trap of offering new final understandings and solutions for what democracy and democratic processes should be. I read Carr’s book as an invitation to approach democracy....... (re-written with a small d) through critical pedagogical perspectives, opening democracy’s meaning to multiple understandings, and diverse should all try to join in this dialogue which Carr, joining other great critical "Paulhuman R. Carrexperiences. has producedWe a rich and impressive examination of voices of the past (Freire, Kincheloe), considers to be one guided by humility.» (Zvi Bekerman, Hebrew University) the multiplicity of relationships «In this compendium of writings, Paul R. Carr…calls for a rethinking of bourgeois democratic politics. What are the contours surrounding this among notions of democratic formation, critical pedagogy, conception of democracy and what are its limitations? What alternative conceptions of democracy ought to be brought to fruition if we are to overcome the onslaught of the ‘neo-liberal’, neo-fascist and White-Anthropocentric policies we have been witnessing, and under which the human rights, anti-racism, majority world and eco-system have been suffering? What effective responses can a socially engaging critical pedagogy afford us in this and feminist, anti-colonial, political and cultural studies. Drawing regard? This book covers a lot of ground and should inspire all those who dream of and work for a better world.» (Peter Mayo, University of from a deep well of intriguing Malta) «This book should be of great interest to teachers, scholars and researchers interested in critical pedagogy. The book opens up the whole and eclectic sources..., he moves with clarity and élan between question of criticality, and of what kinds of criticality are acceptable in educational settings. It directly speaks to examining issues in education the broad and the from a plurality of academic viewpoints and perspectives including the broader policy issues, i.e., minority studies, democracy, and issues of educational equality and equity. Without a doubt, it and will the have both atoscholarly andpower intellectual impact on the field. Paulo Freire’s approach to narrow, the general specific capture the of critical pedagogy is well served here, as is the legacy of the late Joe L. Kincheloe, whose many contributions and influence are evident theory without sacrificing the throughout this book.» (Sheila Macrine, New Jersey City University) nitty-gritty concrete practice. balancestate of possibilities ratherwhich, he argues, can no longer be understood «Paul R. Carr has written an innovative andoftimely book on theAcurrent of democracy, within mainstream, hegemonic, electoral-based thinking. than false dualisms will beHis meshing of democracy with critical pedagogy is a welcome addition to the literature and the field. He meticulously documents how neo-liberal democracy has wrought many anti-democratic measures, events and found here. Does Your Vote Count? has become an essential inequities. More importantly, Carr demonstrates how education, from a critical pedagogical vantage point, can bring hope to those who have contributionelectoral to my own work that refuse to respond to the needs of the people.…This book breaks fresh been discarded by Westernized democratic systems ground in arguing that educatorsand (and citizens) can fashion a new, more resilient and more meaningful democracy. This book moves the teaching." debate away from how and who gets elected to the essence of power and engagement within society. Democracy is more than elections, and, --Tom Wilson, Chapman University as Carr points out, it should involve a transformative ethos
From the Inside Flap "In Does Your Vote Count? Paul R. Carr extends the critical analysis and contextualization of Democracy while carefully trying not to fall in the trap of offering new final understandings and solutions for what democracy and democratic processes should be. I read Carr's book as an invitation to approach democracy (re-written with a small d) through critical pedagogical perspectives, opening democracy's meaning to multiple understandings, and diverse human experiences. We should all try to join in this dialogue which Carr, joining other great critical voices of the past (Freire, Kincheloe), considers to be one guided by humility." --Zvi Bekerman, Hebrew University ....... "In this compendium of writings, Paul R. Carr...calls for a rethinking of bourgeois democratic politics. What are the contours surrounding this conception of democracy and what are its limitations? What alternative conceptions of democracy ought to be brought to fruition if we are to overcome the onslaught of the 'neo-liberal,' neo-fascist and White-Anthropocentric policies we have been witnessing, and under which the majority world and eco-system have been suffering?
What effective responses can a socially engaging critical pedagogy afford us in this regard? This book covers a lot of ground and should inspire all those who dream of and work for a better world." --Peter Mayo, University of Malta ....... "This book should be of great interest to teachers, scholars and researchers interested in critical pedagogy. The book opens up the whole question of criticality, and of what kinds of criticality are acceptable in educational settings. It directly speaks to examining issues in education from a plurality of academic viewpoints and perspectives including the broader policy issues, i.e., minority studies, democracy, and issues of educational equality and equity. Without a doubt, it will have both a scholarly and intellectual impact on the field. Paulo Freire's approach to critical pedagogy is well served here, as is the legacy of the late Joe L. Kincheloe, whose many contributions and influence are evident throughout this book." --Sheila Macrine, New Jersey City University ....... "Paul R. Carr has written an innovative and timely book on the current state of democracy, which, he argues, can no longer be understood within mainstream, hegemonic, electoral-based thinking. His meshing of democracy with critical pedagogy is a welcome addition to the literature and the field. He meticulously documents how neo-liberal democracy has wrought many anti-democratic measures, events and inequities. More importantly, Carr demonstrates how education, from a critical pedagogical vantage point, can bring hope to those who have been discarded by Westernized democratic electoral systems that refuse to respond to the needs of the people.... This book breaks fresh ground in arguing that educators (and citizens) can fashion a new, more resilient and more meaningful democracy. This book moves the debate away from how and who gets elected to the essence of power and engagement within society. Democracy is more than elections, and, as Carr points out, it should involve a transformative ethos built around a critical pedagogical educational experience." --Peter McLaren, UCLA ....... "For readers familiar with critical pedagogy, Paul R. Carr's book brings together and extends some of [its] core commitments: the eradication of oppression in school and society, making visible and ultimately resisting the effects of militaristic, hegemonic, racist, sexist, colonialist and other oppressive ideologies, and working with students to develop the skills to engage in meaningful and informed examinations about hegemonic practices throughout the world, and participate in robust democratic dialogues about challenging these practices. For readers who are not familiar with critical pedagogy, ...the book contributes a very detailed discussion of democratic (or perhaps democracy) literacy in all aspects of school structures. The book explores a range of examples, questions and case studies that underscore the complexity of democracy discourses as they emerge in a variety of settings. ...Carr' and passion for these issues is evident....Throughout the text, Carr does not lose sight of the blind spots and gray areas that make engagement with democracy a messy art. All of this results in a thoughtfully written book that would make a welcome addition to the critical educator's library." --Özlem Sensoy, Simon Fraser University ....... "A clear and insightful work that revisits the nature and implications [of] robust democracy in and for education, while offering persuasive justifications for the Freirean tradition of critical education through the use of lived experiences and research. Paul R. Carr provides a refreshing critical discussion of 'econ-ocracy' and the mythology it has created." --John Portelli, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto ....... "In this book, Paul R. Carr does an outstanding job capturing how teachers, researchers, scholars and informed citizens can utilize critical pedagogy to get us beyond the mainstream version of democracy in North America--election politics, polling and parties--that is responsible for perpetuating social inequalities in schools and in the wider society, to engendering a social reality consisting of critically engaged citizenship, diversity, freedom, hope and justice. Not only does this book highlight the social, economic and political forces behind...entrenched educational and political structures that perpetuate conformity, oppression and intolerance, but it provides readers with pedagogical ideas, original research, and concepts to reflect upon how critical pedagogy can become the cornerstone to creating a reflexive praxis and building an egalitarian society." --Brad Porfilio, Lewis University ....... "Paul R. Carr's rigorous examination of democracy and critical pedagogy offers timely suggestions for the role education might play in ushering in a less oppressive, less exploitative, less Euro-centric, less barbaric, post-capitalist, post-imperialist world. In a context where one's individual vote arguably has limited political impact on disrupting the basic structures of capitalist power, Carr's emphasis on direct democratic action beyond the voting booth is a necessary reminder of the responsibility of educators to nurture the critical agency and commitment to social justice within their students. Does Your Vote Count? should be engaged with by educators and students everywhere." --Curry Stephenson Malott, D'Youville College See all Editorial Reviews
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