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7th Annual Summer Camp
For Middle School Students Eight unique summer camp programs taught by our industry expert instructors offered during the week of July 10-14, 2017, 8am-noon at Concord High School. Enrollment is open to age appropriate students entering the 6th, 7th or 8th grade on a first come, first serve basis. Tui�on, due upon registra�on, is $80 with need-based financial aid available. Each program has a maximum enrollment of 12-15 campers.
“Auto Mechanic ” - Li� your skills
Campers will learn basic techniques, including use of tools, related to auto repair in a controlled, safe environment. Campers will do oil changes, and take apart a used engine to learn basic concepts including combus�on.
“Baking Bites” – Sweet �mes in the bakeshop
Campers will have the opportunity to see what it is like to be a pastry chef in a restaurant by crea�ng, baking and presen�ng various types of delicious desserts.
"Build a Tree House" - Elevate your experience
Campers, as a team, will build a "simulated" tree house in our shop. Campers will learn the basics of hand tools usage while crea�vely designing, collabora�ng upon and construc�ng their one-of-a-kind project.
“Beauty Boot Camp” - You look marvelous
Campers will learn basic cosmetology skills in our hands-on, modern salon. They will learn about make-up, skin care, shampooing, blow-drying, thermal styling, braiding, up-dos, manicuring and nail art.
“Summer Sizzlers” – Kicking it up a notch
Campers will have the opportunity to see what it is like to be a chef in a restaurant by crea�ng and sampling various types of tasty dishes!
“Graphic Design Central” - Catch people’s a�en�on
Campers will learn the basics of quality graphic design. Hands-on computer digital art ac�vi�es include designing a professional logo using Adobe Photoshop CC.
“I Can Program Camp ” - Gamers unite - tenta�ve offering will be confirmed in May The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer originally designed specifically for teaching programming in schools, but now has an infinite amount of applica�ons. We will explore basic programming concepts within the context of developing simple games campers can make themselves.
"Caring For Kids" - Become the babysi�er every parent wants to hire! Campers will learn the basics of how to keep children healthy, safe and coopera�ve. You will learn how to plan fun and exci�ng games and ac�vi�es for children of all ages. Campers will earn a babysi�ng cer�ficate.
Scholarships are available for any camper.
For more informa�on and required forms, go to or call the CRTC at 603-225-0800.